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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Oct 1942, p. 6

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e le hm Theres anlitte gadgetwhich hu ing j-tbeah npenfected ta Iîkely wlll make nazIminutsfylng to ausierfor thboyýs iiW)opifotAlia bobea.I's nr-ica indi-cator.ý t intiïraielokn, I an weihs about Hieva lolda anS, looksa lke a handiful o! tephone- lly , coScIInIcting two em i biacis bo)xeýs, adm1 a ýntI a patcdiac. se t zdeeS these hga 1,Mt talla WhenICe atemta tc tat !ormi on the plane. lis - 2. t talls how thiiste icela T. t cenu swîtch, on eaeicr lu shor ti meana the bomber ot pliot hsone l,as ting to worryý t sonevery ipl.Boàc- tnlally the young sclent1i, ls w Min ventc- dthe1(-,gadget, Dr. Wald Kleeput the oplcte e science et eetolsto wo.rk te mate-A. lu~s tha filrt imeani e a been alatomeasure i-,t e rae at whIichi!ceformaosn-,a plane. Until norw, lte pcon-plot bas hd pdo aleeer l&n, youve seau hflmin t u Jg h eome h ack mb theceb,-lu and -0, reGwv bis3 1iasI1light ea al1ong lte leadinag adga o! te ing He waslooting for ice nStrylng te dete'rmî1ne fbow 7thcic t ws The nudic.etor slarta with a smnial dise set imb .any suirface o lte ,planewic1answacin.This dise la imIt111eS to ada nt e. plte a's n ede swng o rigitl, anti as It( swings i ul~e ma bw at Ib ce l ot sie thewig niometer. fildoesn't toticit lie îke, t slmly register "e"beiso theIcechagea ta, cai e the electrical "ielS runý s, if Own Qpti-ý1,al,,s optijcal pglaýssuretyeeafo snob c ý)1 -instruente n rg,aes ThlS lssaan thetpsf ay1evý e-atnad u modem a. he year bcag SynydneriaSI iold not hea doue beause go banes don i rec nSGm man fime. No a Lere Ansmn otia-l hglass wirc experts p ur- roaca "e ual2 and in someresct BBrds Warnstb France: To B Preare The B ame heFec vasovreoa for every Franch- man ,l a repared for opra liCoDn h allai or foce, wryksrailcte s nnd epal yards aetnS th Lftfmi constul z-i oes, a'd,,jj epy- 'a'heiss [o-ffemilles lIm, te Ibr aciegvsy au mor1e hingy sPin. t burus slowlay, t4lya4 Tha elandlord 0of offices Ian- aedby a firm Iof Scots ayr whe ese \'asabu to expire w,ýrot2 to satw ert heyware' ;Ming to continue lu occuipation.ýý Theirrplywas: 1)DeaýIr Si, VWe a "re, Yours No-'t appreciating titis effoýrt in economy of words--nd paper- ie wrtAe agnnAt demand whether or not it wapairesntention te romain. Tie answer was: "Dear Sir, WeromaiYor The lnlr snot tyi- agaîn. the armny wrote back home ffront camp: "J3essie, I sure do0 like this arly hf e. It't se nica to lie abed evjery mri&untilfietrt" "0On tho day, on whc11y wed- ing ý,occurred- MYOIpardon the correction b)ut affaira- sncbnls mi-aes e- captio)ns, dinjners and thingaý of thtqort 'take plce. 1nY cali- emities occur.' You see the dis- "Yes, secAs I was aaying, Inedy onwhc my w,,eddIiug occurred- Teacher (ouin edeer at the zoo)>: "ony h is thet?"e Joýlirïny- "I dont ko. Tea"cher: ,What dOe- yo ntother Ca11 your fathel? Johnny: "Dcn't t4l,155 that's a lmuse W "Are you positive I the de- fen-Idant was drunk a naked the "No Soh, rowled the offi.. "Wvhy are yon so certain?" Wll"replîad lte oficr,"I saw bina put n pennyhin the paîrel bo-,x on Fon-'rthi Street, thon look,. up et the dock on the churcb and about: "Gowd, 1'%e bat 14 pounds." Candid-ate: "HoDw idyoU like my speech on thse agri.- cultural problem?"~ Farmer: "î- wasn't bad, but a day's raies wouiadrdoz heap more go. The )m-usktnj i1strocÉorwa givÎî, -,a (quad ol ai~iatheir ý.rt a sn on the rifle , 4"Yonr rifle is yiur hast pal", Ïlie told themnl. ac t it s yeu- w.ould your miofiler, your sister or your ,swaetheart. . ,. '1t i ove wvith an oul rag aeverymoig. "I hdu~tboontalLisg le tlhe fellow fe'r mûre than fiie miDtswhen ho callIej me a oWhat causec the deLay?*" NzsDeseýrt On JûUrneýy Te 'rn LodnSaid it hâad ruceived cn firmation of desertions- byGr monficarnd mnfront ctras ports crossng Po Andt the Enat- arn Front, It said these desertions have beconte so frelqeRtthat the Uer- man anthoritis havp eaumobliod toognize a special control sys- tant. D reswh dicad h eir ntiitry equ"Ipu ct and busyovl ian c oth3es armsa id to menh Ger niany y aplyngte Germai- 1,lbor o ffices rcriinvorkers for 1gb or in 'the Rih mseia Sal7nryE'iae' lVnlelr Cokue. hSom Me Dant16 Bcyanda' ar0sSe.Taats « Il *~ PLEAS MENION TRISPAPE Womnen whio sufer paina ef Irregular ý eriOd.s witli ciai nervtasness - o itly f uctoni _ unlcoSes-l tinA fi -EPnij wh diton) Je,ý ý2ý 0 laIsnmd esecistejforwm t e lp ýýLnltI p resistence a-galpst- such O~qlgsympLtomaiý., T01ovw lael tllr5tlpn, l~ae lu clna. Royal Mint Strikes MilionCoins Daily for mlore mne inBrtain the RoyalMint I vrybrlsk theseý Ove 1,00,00new colins are engstruck aver-y day, inceluinl>g eeycoin in thrýecurr.(Iey ecp ne oftemsppla -te ThliemniÀng o!penieswas, banie.d oveýrtwyas gteeo n1omize in 1,the u-e of copp7er etl anti t he bas tree pcinnyple J4s Ëe0ingtoake up fr the'L] k B00OKS ON AiL SUBJECTS The silver tlirea penny I>1ec(0, âlthcmugh seltlom segn la tili be> Ing struk, altbough tl4e inajritye go to smlud whMene heehIs9 big demanid for, them, BdeforMte ban thee were about 2,000 lmililinpn ies in ritain, an average 0£ 40 Per person. are RQJRI~to meet tOday's Wory ad epense Praparîn Govenment ReturnE can b eliminated hy using a 1 RAMSA SYSTEMI Designd to fnt your needa, aud yur purs-Fronl$6=15to 7. RAMSAY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 200 ByStPa> ioto-Dpt 1 - ~-.-'~ CLASSIFIED ADYED TISEP4ENTS ACCORDIONS WANTED lBest priespid for piano accordnions, telve to hun- dr ýed nd(]tweoit ybas THE T. EATON C0. LTD. AGENTS hWANTED WANTED NOW! LOCAL AGENTS in country and town - spare inte, W\'e operate asihnde aýcre nîursery -- stock the bejt ilu fruit E, n d orlnmental trcees, shrubs, r oses.%Wit. elhiam Nurserýny Co., Torontco. readtng. Send hicrht2ate amt dimie. "Delmarr", LBox 29, Cres. cent. JI.C. UIDCARS WVITH 1 GOOD TIEES. See uIs first. Mount LPleasant frIo- tor~s Lhiitecd. Jsed Car Lot at 20~4U YongO Street; Head office, 1122 Mout El Pemaet Rond, Tc- rot.Ta aphione ily,.L>181, -you Bry fhicks for deIliver3, thsfaîil shoud aodrdnw ltatchting rlegnlarly. lIa-va you 1,ur"Faîl Service EtulletiIi? Bray Hather, 130John St, NMamn- UILI]NG LOT Mualtka, ood rainge; ater and1ig~tspnssa hy, ..Mys PI oc1hridga.> HA VR ()UA N '.I'H iN E dyling ioiicieil-n? \Wri te rto us ~ns~r ou clasion. epoertk ment I-t. ParE T-'s Dye, sorks E.Lîmtd 71 ng tt. T- rlid 10n S ott UramSeartos, inr1ew so rhUt l4eltte lsagnt anS JrmeOeprtrPat:rhilt' 018-22 I.P. lacktone.20-2511, Deu, 20B, . ' ars-lt 0-2 it.P Parhaks;Putirle; nd Wat- Stve;rau il, 11E IlL Mil, Gind-ùs ers Farn amierMilel ste S pe 102 11ssoi Tratûr one 1 ontel LT Clwoidea Maur Mixr:T uriFFuipa FIy ak and Inindr:LserDee1n giUfan M rhllin, in arc T ù asy-gMcilies;'ain ~l.20 ar galon. l A. iste, FAR5ISCHANE A VOf Ti ; guLArante salinS few days i ý)f tnce'ight. R,*enton bealt, 624 Mt. Pleasat dRd ., St. Marys, OMaint.t. Sail'I JALn "YRM OR SýALEl 250ARENICELY ,SlTVACE!D, oeof the hast acrms inGul:ph twsiin lpink Jçof cniin lnty wterý , exCell entÈ gra vel Tis iifarm bs ever heenret. Woid rmake ieldair'yfam J. McAninc, uelph, Ot ..4 ilsfrom ornt-iO cres,2 110u-ýSt al t ls 'il.Sa P bi Trustee.,sgode all. oono reti"lest ragarding cases Rber*t- son's Hardressing Aca-demny,1M ady. u osDrug Store', 33 FIPFTEE-ýN MEN FORÎ TANNERI!!7ýY labour, one Third Ces irýaan end w ut h Class firampen. Apply Employüment & Selecýtivo SrieOffice, 13 ixth Street, NEWVEST TRiN-1111 l BEAUlTIULu emqsdpictureg; zassortad suh $1,00; edium, 1,25;jlrge, $.9 Postaid A ealglft. (Deelersý vvriteý).Ac Art Service, Toront.L, UUGS. NEW UUUOS tADE FRO 015. JomninRulýg Weaving Com.Y ny, !)(il(U.eanSt W.Toono Write pforui kl~ 1890 14 ingW ro-oo Boelof nomainon re- P~NT ~TUADE fMARKnvS EGEI»,T'ON IL. ASEý, RGSEN loten tteCain, Rritis IEstablîahied over fort-y yeers. 8 adother si iesswt ltcbproptl, halssîhin qmick- ly. lks edcnCoBx24 Det.1,Saatoas. n p1' , i Fn, M(I. DON'T TRUDGE TI4ROUGH The HUet, Rjaj', or Hi'l HèAvEZ YO. SAP-S Ainy -,orf axosue ilm afeu davtopac anSpninpted. for, only 2e Supr 1 eu lît ud fsisývc IMPERIAL PHOTOSEVC TRýY CT! EEESFEE sho uld t io' a-nued' AMnosDuESoe 35Egn 0O[t!aa otad$.0 ÎSSUE .44-242 ,v Y S 0 -m, fW. - Co OL s wp. ý e-e 'f', sme op, ý ne

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