nvle atUrdiay ýeenîng. ?on illeW.. I. h lteir Oc- neeingatthe hiome 1Of Mrs. M rs. VW. Jns adMus. ]Imes wre nIamod a lterntate es o teTootcovni. stonof 5O wavoe fr ,vak. 1It w as also deIded t, 1o a pair of sodas for each box Sent to local bo)YS inseve *Gilmer and her- grnOup pj the following fpregram. Musi- mbler, lMre. Wilson; roîl eau, ero dlisli; currenit eveats, Ms caster. to,pic (home eýconomîics> * ow; usical nuniher, Mr.s. coratest, -'\rs. Pearce; Ap- e evd by the host s. The ,eeting- will be on iegular d(ay, fer 18S, at the hiome of Mrs. amis.dA this meetig a spe- iletin wllbe taken for tho" Fund(war worka). Rev. 'T niversiar: gv(retedl f-it R, mi0l prese? was co A party of your scribe wýhich vwas mnay, whenl luinch twod ere-d pail of tetwhen rpnthe'm. ord f ?ac.r vii1al-es inasi lon1 ~evdwas 'the endi of a pe dc ay. Thie two ope ars formerly owne](d by 'George Cocper, of Or-olio, A d he ate Williami Cooper, bas buen leased to M. ord-on an'd n- terperson 1(10do,,lot iiknow. The norer ied farm hlas been occu- pied by M.Cornish fra proo twety-rveyears 1and the Gog Cooper farm h las been oked o; sever lyers by Mrl. HarryBr hohas rented the Litie fari ees Of 'Orono, and the Ie of his u* ce-ssor weihavýe flot leariicd. T h, farm lnear Morr-ish lin Hope ýTo'wn- ship is owned llby the Uglow family. Their neighbors wh them success anci happiness in their niew homes. Word was received last week that Harold Longworth, BA, of thec R.... andi a former teaiher at the Bowmanville High Schaol, was killed in action on Saturdlay, OCýtob)e; 17thi. MVr. Lo'n's a h was Christmas Greeting Cards that are really Personal 3rder you4r Christmas Photo Greeting Cards NOW. They are nf'ade frem your owat favorite negative. Single Faccd Cards, dozen, 98,c. [rench Folsi Cards, per dozen ............... ... ........ ............... .... $ 1.5 0 Complete wiîth Envelopes to match COMINO NEXT WEEK tda's'Greatest Drug Sale THE Rl-EXALL ONE CENT SALE esdayi, Thursday, Friday and Satturday, Nov. 4, 5, 6, and 7 yourli ONE CE,ýNT SALE BILL in the mail this weeki-end ery ln arnad -Newcastle. 'St ore open every eveing during the sale. XMS REETING CARDS For men of the Armed Forces Overseas. Special cards- also for brother, f ather and husband, at ....... ........ .........l10c. to 25e. each BR SURE AND ATTEND THE - VICTORY LOAN CONCERT IN ORONO, TO-NIGHT Chas. Tyrrel Prescriptionis a Specialty Phone 68, Orono Agent for Jackman's Flowers I r than ever-but that neyer hurt longer hours and putting Our Bonds. Now we'll. be paid it. have m-oniey savé'dto buy niew might even put up a new barn kof ainy safer or better place to ibonds backed by our country. y better purpose than helping jurnip on, the ený,emy. Whew Lbing Germany, w a hn fýýthos,ýe bon'-bs on our own farm. now unt-Il peace comtes. WVe ,d Weà aei to spend iater. d to Cetn hat new traIctor aobleweresaving., for now,." iurslvesth-e best of all invest- )S-backed by AIl the resources ,iada:- they yield a fair rate of 7,against themn; and they are VICTOR Y .. Y BONDS 'n" ILadies' Polka Dotted Spun Rayon Blouses, long sleeves, assorted colors, sizes 14 to 20, each. $1.98 Shirtmaker Blouses, assorted shadles îand stripes, long10 sleeves, sizes 14 to 20, each ...... >... $1.98 Veiling, colors of bl'aek, navy or wine, yard . ý. . 15c. Ladies' Snuglgy Vests and Bloomiers, sizes mne- ditum or large, each........ ...... 25c. and 33c. Ladies' Fiannelette Nighitgownsq, long sieeves, f or,..... ... ......... ........ 89C. 'and 98C. Chiildr-ei's Flannelette Sleepers, nio feet, sizes 2 to 5, each . ............. ...... ... . . .ý.65e, Tooth Powders, all popular brands, no tube needed........... ... ........ 13c. to 43e. Colgate and William's Shave Cup) Soap . . . .-..Oc Will-1ýim's large size Shave Stick, in marbelite case...... .....410c. Refilîs for same .... 25e. Stop annýoy-ýing dr-afts with Feit Weatherstrip, easy to apply, 15 f eet for . . .. 10c. 24 ft . ..ý. 15c. P. & G. Soap. SPECIAL, 5 BARS....... ..... 23e Sheriff's Food Colours, bottle........ .......14le. Royal York Sprýead Cheese. SPECTAL, 1-2 lb. pkg. ý......................18e Crosse & Blackwell Tlomato Catsup, 14 oz. bot- tle f or,... ..... ............ .... ....... 18C. Krîaft Ready Dinner for four in seven minutes, macaroni and ,grated cheese, pkg ......._17c. Golden Glow Coffee, 1-2 lb. pkg. for 1 coupon and- ......... .......... .............. 23c. Sheffield Floor Wax Remover and Cleaner. Will not injuire any flcoor, surface, giant bottie ...... 25c. YO(-UR POP101ULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONO 5c. TO*ý $100 STORE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funieral Directors andi Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTES' Euuipped to take care of the modest reasonable charge as weil as th, most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residi 5 of bleed-I 'y SERVICE 1f uneral at the most he largest andi [once 52?, and 726 l3owmanville, Ont. GushgLansing, soin of 1 Mrs. Normanl Lansingý, 0 C n, arÙxvriigi-r Township, Sannounee4 -as nissin<g id- Dieppe raid, la no\w reportesi. -cer àf mwar iii Geirmany. He on ;Sopt. 16, 19A, wi th Ve d Regimi~t, Cobourg, andc n etgan n Setpt. 9, lý4Oi. 't i think