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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1942, p. 2

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sacred Shirine Hait- Duration cf War ggainst conitininiig the tours. Th1e 10,400 lindiariN osiemu 3wbo. reuue o ombay fiom-, Mecca " u prilng becomie, tieefo e h o f millions of £0]mts o- lowers wlio, through countlss generton,lbave imade -tie devo- tlonai jOouirney. When thIley saiied7, they faced unafraid the dangers 0f wvar. AÀnd thle indian GovcrnUl- ment, thougli eonifrouted witb a criticai ;hjippinlg suortage, arrng~ cdi weith private eeasillUes for- The minimum ship fare was $60, whicl înciuded food, Tie total 209 fthÂe pigimgees no warnied prospecl«tive rveea They 1a o journi-ey o Mecca And for tiose wbvo coulciafr the visirto3Medlïina,whe Moliamri mesl buried,the was a fther tnp f '.13ay2 býy (canue'1Liindt1urce hy 'motor. Every Mioslem iMake!-s Trip Every fih'ifoiiow-elr 'luh ro-pilet ma mlethe Hajj, or' pligriage, oce in is -ýlifetmmie, innatter wilere lie ve.The loreon wichmany speid their accuwmulated ïlit e savtn.Ps, l tiildertaken('1 for no0 eart1-LI y pro 0fî t or> pleasure The Bapnmay onty ho pcrformed ai n certam inmue of tIh ea antdbfr lie leaves thle plgrinmumst pay is debite, malte aj will and gnral put-is iaffaire In rder. May Hire Prexy The faitlifitl ar'e botpeitd ýd by thir danige. lad ta totalihuA on the pîrn is asmrdo£ Brus3hes Fromn oft Living Hoga ýan wluo pampered thei rodluce better porkcns uow ag the pice by îaving Vo d precerve Vlh(er old paint the National Geýographieï said Otober 11V1.ý i pi.y-,stiff hog bnitie he the besit bradses hv n mo~dfronAa"a bulletin said, addNg tAt Cas been un recen tyeWa,1 'ce of nearly ninet euthe ies bities na5ice 17. Coid wetlier grow long; bard its gives encl], s" mach p'JiZed ogs live too sot A YURnIut Eton. iAdapted b)y L.ebbeus Mlitchell fromý the MtoGIwylMYrPietuve Starring Mickey Rooney -tim Dennris, hih ahool football icýhampion. and his youing sister, J.ane, are sent for by their vvid- oweýd mother wvho bas marrÏied an' Englshmn, oger Crto.Timi Ns esntflhoPingý to go to Notre Dam-e as Pis father, a notedfot hall player, had done. e loes net mrake frîendis vith bis step- father or the latter'ssýonPpetr aïfe lv yearýs o!lder than rTC, N i8 entered -at Eton and thee eets týhe it Earl of Weldon ' ïinky a Lowcr Form boy who is to show lm airnd. At a ablout cf "oU from ain upper floor, Inmky sue for tbe 2stairway, Tïimra,>ba hïm tinking itfs a fie. CHlAPTER THRE Iay boefroun tim'raspan jolned ithe rush up tlestirTin foilowed. Tlue boys were bnied op lu front fnadoor l wicb stood a youtl wiVh a snrering ein'l i- RoýnaJlKnv, nelegant y oung bully. Iu hie lande were 0 acg bat apar flïdirtY boots aild otherl conempuouiyas ïInky joined tSe ue."Bee, ake ee downtown. Get the Lat irnd he suit preýs- e, a ew spikes l He oos Tim broke 1 f "ey,5 wlat lkiind of a racket youwokigbrother?"' Ronnie iooked aVTinandlties eyes ilit 'u1. f"Oh, te Aerian Thea Vo Iuky: -"Well wliat are you aitiug J,,for? Go on!,i ý" lnk11,y slarted off, but Tim ca iVohl coit a ninute. "I'n gi ilte tonibmet: Wlat i o a? 'y ou hý ead mive aitig more, yo, iokheity n,,wr o u "'Wiien a memiber of theLirr telil, owrFoi-ls bo(y ito do soie ting, Wts done. Ycju wud' "Li6cen funn pnt! Wler con rmpe'opie don't ike beîng "Iogt o have you beaten f(or youilr Imudece , .I'm etn you go Vths t 'o, utrmmbr FINE CUT operuted by Put Burton, twicee win~of the North Ar!ieun- and Cunadiani Caîf Ropinig Championships at the Calgary Stamopede, the Biurton Rancin rf Southern Aberta wvas estab- lished in 1890o by F. A, Burtoni. BRAND OF IHE BURTON RANCH 2-4 2 any ore of your up ,and l'il sack your face."> "You men-like this?" asked Tîn and strucli Ronnie's face Amid gaspa of amnazement froin the Lower boys, Ronnie, cqually astonisbied, stepjped bacli, doubltng upq bis li1s. lBe setVie liother boyýs uway and opeced his door wrde(, You, geV in thre "WVith lipleasur. 1e!",sid T in, "After you, aid boy!"ý The soiunds tiuat , leered ïfron Ronie Ken-uivil',s 1room11irougILut the L erForm bouys bct olist1en; the sudraheietrCarltoni lu bhs room, The boys in tle cr- ridor dimked ut Lus a0pperance. Peiter trwopen Ro-niie',; (dooY, Vo llnd the buiiy on the ficor, ihr stride hlm, Aud raied, commnund- Thje m vre aiiin vjient isrdr Peter seizd TimbY the collr and yanked !lihm Vo ]bisfeet, "Whaý.s thue big edea-I?" denand.i cd Pefer angrl9liliy. -"Go Voy0our rol'Il atendVoyou laer." "IngoÏing Vo have hmbeatena, éit now!" said Ronnie, gettng-, n p. "Ya.You and who elce?"-de, mnanded Tim, Peter stepped butwveen the bpys. -1 told you Vo go Vo Your room, Denns.", "There seem! eVobe an a-w3ui ltof bosïsinlg g"oing on arvoUdJ bor-eý," uid Timn. "Okay, l'nitlubrouigk wý,ih l i m n àLw. nd Tim -stalk- ed. froilthe roon. "innoV going o 1eV hilm geV aýýway wilitlu Vs 1 shotedRonniie, "Yes, Yeu zare, Kenvil -- thie Oh es Vo be keV off just be- cuehe's youlrbote" "IRe'l be tLreated likie aniy other new boy It'S a iine situat,ýion whena meberoi the Librairy iglits wîth a Low-ýer Byadgt licked . .-ý Tin eu--as still angry wlcInn Peter enerd is roomi and ashed kindiy satc the iglit was about. pI was kuockhug Vie dayiîglts out of hlm. wbeu you stucli yoîmr noCse !la." "I wae onlly rying o heip you," Pete expaind, tkenaback u t Tim's hostiiiy. "3I was doing alrgltwithout your heip." I'afadyoudnVudrsad D)ennis. Keuvil le ani Upper boy andI a neraber of the Liirar." Be explaied:"The Libray àleh goveruing body of nth omue. t' up o us Vo0 keep order.", "Doee that include minag erralnd boys 01o f las?", "Yuant every -other Lowen boy vii l e-açseigneO, Vo an Upper boy for wlion you are Vo feteli and carry. And anlesyola do1 vhbat lie teilleyou Vo") '5fail Oie cock-eyed customes!" e-xclaiîmed Tinr. "A t thouglut slavery Ihad leen n Pbolislied over "I dame say iV dloes e strange Vo you, but there le a reason fior ,L. IV pute every onie oui the camie level-dakes, enrîs aud comnon- "Iman Anericu itize.Nbd liA odevelme off" "P'm noV, so sure . til be a gnd eal impler for you o geV leveiied off Vlan Vo level off the whloe echoo1LeVomsuit yonI." "Oh, ycab? Well, geV this: i dHi't îwaut o corne Vo hs joint, lu ie flrst plae. 1Ilnade aî promi- ie toG do a tretdlJi ai Id'n stick. iang -Vo 11. But 1 dldni't promise Vo ake aniy guf fronr' you or aulyiody else."' "Alrighit, Deis, If tli'e flue( way you foeel. Peter left hlm. J inDouaiis found inself aýs- igted Voe fag for Roaiuie Kenivil audwasï for raieinig a face wluen Inky told hlm he was assigned Vo Kevltoo. Be thlongit iV would e "ratIer jMl" for theu Vo be togeter. "I geV i," aid Tim. "Ken ivii's tic kinid ofa, ratwh'd ick on itile guys . , . Okaiy, kid. D>onýt w Fr. i'] witl iu "eyDenniis, I doi't wntyou Vo do hs fo me." "'Skip iV t . Say, jut i Iat: are w~ suppoed Vo1dofor' 'Tdy ipbj>ronru erad The aggig sy tenutEtnave TÀInI nri1dla-On Amlericitn 1ide& whieci, witlh 1nky', onureuehoi put across wt the bowr bys. Trhe MieaS La, that1s- oy SIO-uld t1oail thec artices of the Upper, boYswhc were to be cl]eaned, rePaired, etc, ulOwntown, thus get tlng voessie raes, andpoktn the differen'ce-a so)rt oCiecrî Relief ndEmergeuicy Fund foir the Lower boys. The -bofys weeU take talras toing the Ittff downl- town. Tin) voluti'eeed to staut tire bal rolirrg Elverythling went ail] riglit tl, mreturnig Io the sciool ioa ed down) with Purcbases, articles of clotbinig Ufrointheleun ,etc, Ile saw F'lossee Sampsoni, the obj0ct of luis shipboard "romnancýe" while Crosaln;ig Vo ngad She was with a pary of eight;eers. ee er iiig the gooclbye kisas lhe hall ac- corded hlmii just before docking 'q SouhaptnTim irau eN-ei1Y uP t0 Inhegrcup -Le oma ocu e guide -,ýexlain1ing the tfaggingý system I t Btï .' Alost ari- laVe %wiitu joy, Tim nie Fose "H .-, Tn," iesaid emîlbar- asited, and %Laen rondluat lmilitn Amieric-an iulwoat fbis elbow,ý afad aul't take Uoffmyba. Fl1os Sie, c îdhis arml 0 f bnies, sidTi',s Eton otue Eton! hy i' teribiy liard Vo get into iM! "Yen, lt's plnty oughi,"repled Timl, arayfeeling mcibte aboujt going Vo Eton. "tscn idedvery diffi cuit." "Do youl, jnow peoffIeye I mean, have you frienis 1here? I mean Egihfiends . . . a lord? Or duke?" ler face 1lushed with "Ob, sures Une 0f mybeet frends Is a ear l e naine is WnyC F0Iossîe lirpped lier arn ibs. "It's so lovely, meeting you , Tim." The gfide s v oic e broke10 "No, ladies and genitlemen-, if yu wiifiowuew 'bave a o ak u Windsor qastle." ThE im dFosi tartedai-slow1y lu te wae ofthesightseurs. "olF1ossie, for th01Ffirst time Eton d lo'o10k Scba&" i AS Viley approaC lied 0the Castie, Fio ie red "Tina, you are not going ïinto WiVnd1sor Casie cry ix'g thoseý bundiePsi" S Vecile" lie hstae."Iges niaybeyou're rglt. le Looked about axiu l, nV aniu ,t miss hs chance M fbeing ith Flossie, lii the gonuof thegar- dens lue saw aPonanwlil a dry. "1'1il be wtlhyu uamnt, lie said,7 and oartedl Vo the foun- tain. Inwoits dry basn lie poncd bue packages, sooped up somce dry leanves anicve e tem.Then lie ran bacli VowFlosi cy-ig ng gily. "They',l lbe okythere. Goi los- Sie, you'7re nmore beautifL flua evmr!" Sue Sm-iledcý oyiy ut lm."illy Tluey were just strtngVoturu- a corrier el the EasV Terra.,ce of the asile wh1enj tbey pnssed a gardner 1kueceýiing on ýthegou. lie gave then ato-gee slt and Tin, jovialliy rtre t l Tbey had tke a few ,sýte:ps we trhm beard a sound of Spiasluing water otSA tpped linlu is tracma, an expressin o1 borror on hie face. VWater wsioigit thbe dry futi where lie ld left hie packages! (Continued Next Week) Copriht1942 hby Lowe'e ,* 8,000,000 Tons of Sh,ýpping In 1942 H. GrihSnuiith, ýPresîdenvt oA the National Couincil of Aeia Shiphuildes,, declared that ï,8,000,-. 000 tons oýf inerchanit shippïing would be cmpetdby th~endal this ye'ar. "The iudautry, he added, "is Stalin's City To Tstiritsyn on tie Volga lu 1Î918 wcat Joseph Stalin, stibomu war commissar, Leain'stoul %n.uai, says Vlie New YorIk Times. T'he lrevolut'on would ucolluiuse if thue year's grain from acai faiied to reacli Moscow aiid Petro- grad. Tsaritsyn )vas the bottle- neck, besct by the flou CoLszenck in revoit, by tIc Whlitc Rujssians, by the Genans in Vhe Tkraiule, and weakeued by Vhe muddlinig of Trotsky's Bolchevik AmTy forces on file ceeue, Stulin toolicare '«I was turued into a seile f;or cleaingi- out flue Augeun stab-, les of the WnrDprtet"B pushej tle Red Aiýrmy c ad ers arountd, fired the iTisuborjdin- ates, "I aun d rivinlg anmi 1bullyinrg aýIl wJbcirequire iV." Wliuen ITiotsky.ý -w irc, "Lt thle artiyaon, Stilia earmark'IcdVitegr, MT bc ignocd." liebaied t0c the cv coll. 1ectioa, saved flicî cityv, Six yalaterTsityle came Stauingrnd abe, ubmrie lIthqe talanuay ar cuutrc a a, smai "pocet"sumain mondelled aMer the type the jasi- nesecd i't Pennililarbor, The craft, according to the Ge- four nmen and lias two torped TAEa tip --ty Calu- mnet Doutble -A et ing Baking 1Powder. Callîuet is the hukiug powder thaî's SOISe to modyrs needs because ios douUe.' ing bùvwl, tilhn hceovezu -elîimiat>es m-tch of fu Yrie-k of cake fuilre. In thutway theipeouSave On gostly igeins Twvo PerfeCty Blne evnn in FIRST IN THE MIXING BOWL When liquid is added to dry cake ig-,re- diernîs, Calumlet gives off thlusands of tîiny bubliles which surge îhrough thel' batter making it lilt andflfy THEN IN THE OVEN mmWen youir Cake goca ii de oVenl, ct only do the exiing bnbbles expand to maeit rise, but a second Jcaveming other types do notprvd-ke place. Thousunde of nw.bbLe rc'eî ýby the actiýon of lieut on Clm>,This secod aciongive udi'to ass-uruacte of prewvn risi agnd is thie reaýsoni hyCalumet-inade Cakes have fthlit de'ica.te ]ightnessxWhhexperts eal l et-um. ECONOAMCAL TO UISE Caimeî olhe-Anîiang Baking Powder goes farthier th-m mmy oulier typ)es of 1;akýiug 1powýder. Mot alme rciesralf or only i1eap Cr o Calumet l» eacb cp f ifour. 'ila, alonîg w hl - coci sud! auner rela akes Calumet a thrifty L Akia pn owdr »me. C OrcIr Chm~ ho you grcer oda L132 aj,îct erjJeu rce 0e Delightful dessert5 can be made at little cost witlu pure high quality Canada Corn's so easy to prepare a variety oýf delicious puddings that m the whole £anily eau for rmre- caramel, butterscotch or chocolate lancaarge, strawberry or lemnot snow. Canada Corn Starcly, witlu its even g-rain, givesý each dessert the smootÉh creamny texture so much à to be desired. F'E!Sentd foýr tË b een e cipe okit"5 Deset". 'WrJite1 , c 1o Lôgo nebox-top or complote labe (rm un) 1C&Irx'ad a stiar1çh producti ' '. ', ddres'! e Uept."R.2, (canadî1 ta fta rch-HomeSeurv ie, 4 ei inatp tret, s1 or 1t 3 t. OUT LP L132

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