as ~o tri t'a ke h m m a -ta the Gaspe eô9ple who that, 8 o; ot a peopie itors,, they thiat even nl cen readi, olile, w ea r ýr and coin- sýpread 0f jr anatariny led upon a Lbeir bit, '. Well, ,ir causEa thina, on die long, t- -that follows the St. evenl drive with) their f1111 on after (darkl, 'hi,, rnind yor, atter th"e )een releaýsed that eniery have been active ini 'St. LawrenLe! ouf lias been ordered on of the River, St. Lawr- ext"EnidiIig ilve miliii- Thiis as ïnt beent done for fa, it bias been dane because lighâts On ihorce enable ta navï,gatar to nake hi nayt tLe point lie cesires t-9 rt ch ad equallybeae ght on thie Shore silhouette ally vesse! --e ve n a ltti lhilng boat-Ibe- tn'een. the chrn-adi an eierny raid er, Sa ,oui se -tiis lias not beeni done, for ta. 1J tlias been oideredbe cause Qanadai, n'hetber n'E ,lîke It or naot, jequlit ie n'ar zone. It bas heen orerd ecause h3 ives have --- rounwoig tihe river do) not reaô tIl" newspaDpers.,ý do 1,loct listei n t ai -and did not understarid ]ow closo tewar lia6 corne to Canads,'eg choies. Tliey IYstn on' be- cause the atoiis uctyde- vised a pa for iaotîfyinig evGry villa2er.,very fariner, of the black- out order ,aind of the reasons for, it and 11ii-th nces-sity for ltg obseri.j The f*cegolng paragr'ap4i, b eve, grants no absolution tO tlhe motrists b Who droýýCV("alo2g the hiighway with t.laeOir beadligits on, "ebilietat, every turne the road rondfed a cape, point(ed ont like t1win scechigatsacrioss ~h blackiwtr of the guif. Thlese, were jusi caèle s-If ,ocriralila a dierepard fo.r the lives Of Cana- diïans aflo4t for Uthe protection ot CanaAa caa be called careless-~ mnotorists who tibhouglit more o. their own e afety and maore ~oftàte silly "nc iy', for speed thatý wojduliD no4permiit iieni, ta dIirn their iglts and arce t a paCE, calciaýtednt only ta assist, the wreffort by ralnitaininig the djarknes,ýs but als;o to assist ii j»' casrvn ires and gasoline. Aud Itle -lot oniy In the black out areas that suoli "careleas", maotorista -ar the.o oterwisebth pages that Canada le writing ln and1 That -hi Oui Canadian Army the biýStory of thIeseaFulwar yearS. On the Sunday preeeding Thanks- giving Day aïfd on Tl)inksgivlnýg Day itself, you saw for yourself streais 8of pîeealitornoliles thet oholied tue higliways sur- rounýdiiag the larger cte.Wbat you t0kougWt about , it i carnguess. Whiat -1tîMought about îit, 1no newo- paper oaa print. Aparently suicliselflshness le somiethiiag 01,,at only public opinion aledprivately can remedy. Thsco)l(un, th fotysecnd that bas appeared laitîhesce page-s, br1,ings to an end the ýse1JieS known as The lindivicluai Citlsen's Amy. It cornes to an end bacause thie in1dlvîdual! citizenl no longer n'ill h1av,ýe 1111e-to write a coluimu a wee. Ae a matter etftact, under Kin's eguatinsand cOrdere gvnngthe Canadian Amiy, lieý n'ill rot have permri;ssion to wrýite orpublication, becauilse this "01d e3weat'ý pute on the unitorin again with Canada on ie shoulers te ô, be a ouuger 1man, who lefit, to mnove on to one o! the fronts wonch 'e ail maesure ne awn- dian Army n'ill soon again vic- toriôuspy tke up the torch thrownl to it iby flin handea-, unarter of a entury ago. SUND A Y CHRISTIAN NURTURE IN THE FAMILY Deutercnomy 6:4-9, 20-25 2 Timiothy 3:14, 15 GOLDEN TEXT.'-T'rain up a, child in the way he, Ahould go. And even when hie is oi 'dLe will THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.-The particular passage acýssÎinedtaý us in Ueuteroaomy was written smwee about 1160 B.C. Pauil ,wrote hie mest jette" t Trnth abouýt A.D. 66. Placc.-Ail the cearly chapters of Djteoom ecord discourses by Moses on the plaine oï f Moab, on the eastern side of Jordan, The second-Epitieof Pu eTimothy wae w>ritten ýfrom HPom, ýTirno,>ýthy being probably at Ehss Fir3t Commnandmeat 4.,"'Hear, O Israel: Jeheicvah ouir God le one Jehovah,- Thee verses, 4 anid 5 are refoired ta by our Lord ns 'the fîret and great commnaudment.' 5,. "Andhshit loe eovahj thy God with AI thy hehrt and with all thy coul, and wvih aIl tby rn-ight." The demiand 'with ail thy h1eart' excuses alilhaîf-hieait- edness, ail dvision of the heart ilu ielove The heart le men- tioned firet as the seat of the emiotione generally andj of lo)ve in- paricuar;then followe' the coul1 as the centre of personality la man, 't0 depict thelve ),as Per- vading the entire self-conscions- nees; and îûto ths le added 'with ail the stre-ngth-,e -that le of bd and Scl. The Truth TaugLt 6 ndthese wordis, which I. eommndItee tille day, chah ha Li uLPon ýthy heaýrt; 7, and thou ehait tealithm dlienlyunto thy ebldre, rndshait talk of th,ýjein whe tousiteh la thy han17se, and~ when thon walkee by the waîy, and whn honil esti down, and -wvhen thon riseet up" I the Word v-f God le in our 1heart, then it w~ill bc the centre of oui life. a4it, will h e inevitable that we ah1 peak to 0oui childre0 fie- su(3t1îT of the, Word, the age of ichifldh le the tUne for insruc- tion a~nd for 1moldinýg ife. for a sign upojn t they cha ,l11,ie foir tween thinle eyesý shait write thiem uj TiaCtC of tiv Ihousce. maxudmn-ents the lawv, aI hand door-p even today. terinig a biona tachied to t or salute it. these artifiei the place of Word of Goi them ifind. it it to b(, su: ion' these îmcs Word of Gol -with thie arni ailowling the passages ta, ate the hieas '20. "Wher ini timie to mnean thet sttÉuteýs, )and Jehovah our you? 21. the thy son, We a ob, and upon al! fore Our eyes; 23.i as ont froni thenice bring us in, togb which lie sware un 24. And Jehovah, to do ail these c:i Jehovah aur God, always, that hie -ij alive, as at thie da shail be rigliteus we observe ta (I nuandri-ent before God, as ho hath c Why arethe lAws tures so hard ta leraelite, the- grea becauîse Lthe God V thern frcomn the born and, briagng then ensîmenmt, lad land flowlng with thus reveaiingIHir God of love, ofcor power. The God then fMin Hgypt-, commandnents onl good, that they mi da-ntly, Tinis fhey because obedience to lthece coin- manidinenits n'ouild always recuit la, the enriciment of thieir lives, and their own rnaterial and spiritualx welfare. 141, "But abide Thou in the things whîch thon. hast learned and hast been assured of, iknowing of nhoïm thau hast~ learnted thein; 15. and that- froni a babe to hast knrown the sacre4-Lwritings whîch arc- able tû a ae thee wie pto salvation th-rough bf aith which leq la Chist Test-s." This referenc to Timot'hy's early; training oi loe upIÀon a lonigenurneration of the terrible dharacteristics that will be manifeet lu nxankind gen- èrl!'y, at the end of the age. Pavidelaesthei, will not mark Tirnothtly's life because ha lias beau ilistructe"d co adèquately thbat by til tiuth hie wil be given vi.C- tory aver a -Il thepse eviltndces Inote words, the very r.oot>,if prt7operly niurtuired and cared for, could only produce, by the power of the lloly Spirit, a- life stroa,ýg in purity and itnw,7avering in Malta's Record Malta bias wiithstood 1,660 bovigattacks and destroyed 1,069 enemy aircraft up ta OCt. 19, Sir Archibaid Sinclair, Air Se-,cretaryv, told the Hfouase o f Gominions. 11e eaid 1,386 civilians lad been kiiled up ta Oct. 20 , ald6,704 bildings destroyed or dainaged. POP--Trou-Ie in the Rear End FROST Vithl gaeo1ine t own executive I of t more the veteran sarof stage and ecrceen- Many radi, fansb will therefore be gratificd to leara of the new series whichi wilI feature LAonel Barrymore as the Miayor of Springdale every Wednesday niglit Over the Columbia Rroad. ceting Systeniî and CFRB, Toron- ta, 130 to 10 The M4ayor of Springdcaie le a kindly, wise arnd unertndngcaracte, li v- ing in a town described as "not toýo large endaiot too rîl a mlan w\"hose ijntereste are dedi- cated ta the Jemiocratic way o11 life , . , . a mnan who initerpretýs mo1re than any o thler character oen the air the type of personality wha ýrepresents thJ rendlu- with youi( talk ta Y( palace, at Largest Cabbage The n'orld's larget cabbAge ie o11 exhibition ïat a provinial faie' ini Argentina. Th'le vegetable, grown inutDis province, weighs 34 poune, iasa diameter o! neariy 48 inches, and le 34 lades higis ilvery mian under 60 n'as la.ble for nmiitia ervice lu the repuga e William the coaquevr. gr POWERFUL LEADERJ HORIZONTAL leader. H1e is an extremnely or ridi an, 1I Green fde vatçs. 16 Rude persni 17 Mjusical -tnote, la To malign. 20 Bither., 21piural pronoun, 22 -Library -mrk 24 Northwest (aibn.. 26Tosainsh, 27 Pronoun. 25 Wasted tîime. 31 Dlance, 33Lwrpart o! dress, 35 Fortunate. 36 FIinmier 38 Rou)tineý speech. 39 Heron. 41 Toý absolve, Answver ta fle 4 m PIaEps T9 Church0 eD. F 1 o handie. 46 Lanough t.a 54 Grantedfàt 56 Metrie aaZSvurO. -58 IDiaiond. e60 Heis head, ofstheia I 7.3 17 26 evicus Pu-zzle 15 precept, L 0 13l8Dry. -î v E 9Cupid. pr r, = 21 He spaià SE~ ~Lbis -in I;NFE god or geme, 1 A l 3 i il 22 prOmise. D ý323 Curved klo I O Sý-PG 25 Hibti- 3T ' 1 - issold to-htai T 1 N TE foflower S. L-A NIE28 Distmrbanc- 30 To prospew,ý VERTZWAL 31 To -strlke. ~IPreposi tion, 32 By. TO sbb 34 Eight <abbïq4. wit ons 36 Feasted. with hrn 37 Kirgdom.' ZFor'm o:f "be." 4 Knock, 4 Measlrme,. i42 Fifth mnh 5 Valuable 441 Wlreless, 7 Crawling 50Paý-'y.' animaL. 51 Cougar, î Theme. 52 Salamandov, 9 Pound 5bb.15 Grasslanld, 10 Also. 55 Tc scatter. Il Antie. 57 Ream (abbi%)j 12 Year (abr,). 59 Bon,,, LILLe7- -F--H ~~zL By J. MILLAR WATT 1-10W MANM SIR? -~ JU.rTA SPOONF:LIL Pop MV WlFE! Y s w6l