~1T11David Adaii Orono vveeKîy Times -olddwt stable's car stabished January, 1937. head and SThursdlay morning at the Times Office RaphC 01-on> OnarioEditor anrd Orono Ontrjo ope Guide ates on request Subseription, $1.25 Thurasdayn wherc e li ptions tur the United States, $2.00O ment iinder cg Will Receive Our Prompt Attention wviii ssumý R. A. Forrester, Publisher Ui(i ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ _--S. R. V.i ýStiI4 tr o rr. ndM,,s. Richard Branton. lias beena SI, NV~ Sh e leaves te mounn her lose, manaeer -s'on and one siste'r. Hecr husb,,,an-d pre Pauli G. Si Shtwif eeeserd lier in Jianuary, 1940. In- kae ofa - - - terment was in B&wmianville celine- A a.ieu oOi** vu o,,vernsiln uLuia n llNovenaier 2, will also super-vs,, sepht Jones, 73, îwas- taken to the- con anýy's offices at Por't Hope 'ur,, hespital on iMon4ay last af- Briliton and Cothorne. his bicycle camne in collision -with* ** tdrjven by Provihnial ConstbleI Officiai word! has ibeen received bý The Safesi Way to nvest Your Money VUCT ORY BONDS REPAf-Y e,,z v now .you buy Victory Bonds vou are iaying r yourself the best of ail investments, for of each one is your country's solemn Ise that every dollar you învest in Victory [s wiil be repaid to you in fuîl, plus a ate of interest. You cari borrow against and they are readily saleable when you the cash. And that solemin promise of ment in fuit is backed by ail the vast rces of the Dominion of Canada. -the war is over, you wili want to buy ýe things we must deny ourselves now. L, your Victory Bonds will give you the ýyto buy al these - and your purchases )rovide new employment for our boys they corne hom'e again, s your share of the savings job? Weii, verage Canadian wouid have to lend to da to m-eet Canada's need $1 iii every $5 .omie ieft after taxes and compulsory savings have beenk collected. But the average may flot fit your case. Your own circumstan- ces are distinctly your own. You mnay be able to do better both out of your current income and out of your accumulated savings in the bank-or you may flot be able to reach the average. Your share of voluntary savings is every dollar you cati possibly spare. HOW TO BUY Give your or-der ta the Victory Loan salesman who catis on you. Or place if in the hands ef any brancb of any bçjnk, or give if to any trust cempony. Or send if f0 your local Vicfory Loan Headquarters. Or you cari authorize yeur employer fo start a regular payroll savt. ings plan for you. Bonds mnay be bought in denomninafions of $50, $100, $500, $ 1,000 and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loanf Headquarfers will be glad te give you I every assistance in making eut your / erder form. - FOR SA\LE S~pis, aldvnsStairks, Russerts aInd Belflorwer. APplers. FrOmi 50c. a buchieT te $ý5.00 aarrel.-14yo)U'ng Pige>, 6 week1s ol'd; aIso i head cf' 2-year--okl catti . -Apply' te A. Hl. K-eaiie, 0rono. --p Notice to Creditorsi IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM JOHN MceROBERTS, late of Pontypool, in the Counity of Dur- ham, Retired FrmIer, deceased: Ail persons ha'ving claimis ag-ainst the Estate of the said Wîilliami John MýJ'iRo,1l)iect, wlo died on or about the 4th day of Septen-iber, 1941, are hereby notified te send te the under- sigierd Aiinistrator or his Soliitor on or beffore the 28th day of Novemi- ber, 1942, their naines an4 d ddiesses amd full par'ticulars of their cdaims arnd the nature of the securities (if any) helrd by them duly verified by statutory declaiation. Imi-mediately aifter the said 2Sth day of Novetîibe-r, 1942; the assets of the salid deceased will lie distributed amýnong the parties entitled thereto, having regard oulry te the claimis cf whidlt the Administrator or the un- d'ersdrgned Solicitor~ shall then- have notice. Dated ut Orono this 28th day of October, 1942. WILLIAM HENRY HOOPER, Pentypool, Ontarlo. Administrator of the Estate of William John ý.cRoberts, deceased. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, ont. Solicitor for the Administr-ator Flighit Lieut. F'rauk Delmnar Moore of Co0bourg, -who bs 24 years cf age, is thre youngest R.C.AjP. squadron Adjutant ia Great Britain, accordin.g te word receiverd. ZHe enlisted in MM~, and trained at Trenton and CaniP Borden un.til his oareer as an air crew mem-ber lwars ended by a ser- ious crasih. He rwent ýoverseas later and teok over tlie pest cf Adjutant la an R.C.A.F. bomber squadron led by Wing Commander, Din Ferris, -of Eidmonton. On Friday of last rweek bot greaséP was the causa cf a fi re that broke 'eut in Stover's luneh reolin, Cobourg. The wood trbnming back cf the steve raught ire ,when the blezing grease ran dowrx the side. A eall was sent te the Cùoourg- fire depart- nient, îut befo've they arriverd Pro- vineial 'Constable Gordon Broughiton cf Port Hope oe carws parked] in front of the police office, teck a tire ex.,tiniguishe(, frein the car aiid ~'NTHNGMATTERS NOW BUT VICTORYI" National War Finance Commitfee __ 05 i jýlýi mi lat we_ Orono - - Ontarijo AUCTIONEERS TEID JACKSON Auctioneer and Vahiator Olonducts Auction Sales of ail gizez ,ind at reasonable rates, Commnunicate with hirn at P.rt Perry, On tario, or see hie <lerk, k. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. fF. F. Morris & SonI Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE BO'tl5lnViIIe -- OrOnU Phones: Bowmanville, Day- 480 Niglit, 7â4 and 573 orene0, 27-1 The OIdest, Largest and Most Complete Furnture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham 0ur Sevic-THIE BEST Our God-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS &SO IBOWMANVILLE - ORONO NOTI'ING MATTERS NOW BUT BUY THE NEW 1 -