Grape Vitie et Hampton Court Planted 111 1768 'Y' is reporteti fromn London tht gryper at 7s a pountimmeonsale ,at the lHamipton Couirt Palace uvnery. This sïimple aninouncnenet luth lms fanry prite for a destg- mntdfruit of the vire ta capable 'Of expan-sion.ý The vine ltself îk the )1(1,st and inggstl Britaini, hnviaig been set eut as i slipe ia1768, n late remigi of ÇGeorge 1111 alÉlinugh the palace, the largest of ail royal rasidences, had net been used as -suctii %ce the deatbof illiam I11, in 1702 Then iiitq 3,000chani- brawere divided i nto iforty-f ire SfLats for ar-istocratie penuslonIers, eJ the Con ~D.Samruel Johlson, the fan'on,> lexicographer, applled for one in 177G, and ,was rejecte~d as a, ten- ant. Eightytwe years Iter Mich- ael Faraday, the chen!tst sd p,ýhyeeiisÉ, was moüre -ucsiiand fedthere ou,ïtil Iis death n La 167. Tenucleus of The vast bulild- Inaand their separating c-ourts ant11i gardiens was,, once thle lr cf thÉle Knighto o!idSt. Jhfo wliom CadialWoiseyaciet it iii 1515. Prm hm HnryVII for sopnie o10bis successive wivets tok t over. Ilu the reigueQueen Anne it was the scesof the epi- tub ppemtuate lavere by Alex- ander Pope in "I'he Rape oi the, Lok." It was "Capabilty" Brewn, who br u1ht tMe slip of he me iurn Valentieneeaar ifordjlu Bs ex andtinlu lesthan hall a century hàati a0,girth of wnt uce.To. day its girth l rt-igh lce and iLIs lengt-h i 114 eet, Maniy Womnen Needed Ir, Canadian ilndustrial Pool T'il e Goermeu' mapowý,er mobilization machlinle ï bi geared "!to £1 anoitly vquta ocf 50,000 mnliaiwoillen for the ajrmjetiforues and ssential ,Jindus- ty. With eome 00,00worikecs ow emiployeti la war uwork,muiin andi upyotcasestimate they wllneed a-oa f1000,00 by about -0.000 a nmonthi androf tis ,,ycar. feor thee e- * Army quotas uier teb rat Deebr1, are runiningabu 20,O000 a nth anot i tere i, ne indication of ka ily imeat New woltes for war ind'stry' will lhave if)be (obtnined fron' other industrie or frcm thIe ol e m~~igpool orf new worCersI- wc ii. Mrs. Rex Eaton, atssistant difetoir o!'Natiolial Sahlctive 5r 25,OUu a inionth. Snime oft tese lnaaY go jftfio less esseuitial empil>oymen-t, lelllaeling n'en whio havetaui- retiý Ie war plants or jolined the fOrCêN. Mines 'We hvedcstroyeti arounti the conasts of Britain more mag.netic, acýOustic and I oored mines thar woufld have been sufficieut to de- stroy the whole of the -British mercantile mrn.-r A. V. AlxadeFirst Lord of the Brîtish Adn'iralty. War St. Dulnstani's In-Lstituition for the BlnStijl caring for the ex- service m'en blinded in the last war, 1s now trniing blinded ser- vice women as wel as n'en for work that %vil! make the-m inde- pendent egnigby learning te renad Braile and to use a typewriter they are put o'n teoýther work f;hat enables the teachers soon tet spot whiether the pupil is mnel-hani,- cally mindeti. If se, he is 'inviteti to take up munition woryç getting at St. usa' a certain amnouit ofl preliminary trainin1g Lon the type of !machine lie 15 Iikely tc, use, The men ,e reelighited ite b. aete take their shntre again iîu, warl wOrk, ari virtuaily ail of those lu the facteri-s àare g-etting thec standard rate of wage. Several of the nien tomefri thie Libyan camlpaigln, Others are naval men whio served ite East, ant-1 Sorne of these h ave showii suich efficiency that thie Adirlty ,is retaintlng thleirseic. Abou 10,00 thilen are le s p- proved achoois l Biin , u statisties show that flue l.ered are the worst behlaveeL --- RFASONS FOR CHANGE Donlald Gordon)l haýs boe i own pce ceillng o beef rastt tf soet gffod rea-,sonr for the chhn-ïîge came l the maniUre? ~sp Hoeonce saiti "there, vas, cit Ma the world for whic li ati e eespect than iLs oipiois of yes- terdaly?' An14 a wa ocepryei "'Give nsthis day onr lyopn 101ns, andi forgive usfo uropn lons o!f yesteprday."> -OtaaJerunl -e- ATTENTION, WIVEG! A4dvertising a rinntage slel Alabaujna: "GotOd cance te uùget riti or lt Lt Thi' maap puat very lu1 ~exti Y.West vigina a roecrnuîag offlcer signeti on a cbap by the iaame of Jack Qneen i ug. FIlhe eunt In l the air freat 'Zks out to be.aceh ý-wi hard baud te beat. --Brant'ord Bpsr Isn't it Strangetue . Jsn' t ilsirange that princes and kings, Aind clowns that caper in satz*duysl rings, Anid common peopie like ýyou and me Are builders for Ernt? Can any one of uas look to the hea-vens, think of Eternîty, and flot, in hîs soul, feel and k-now that nothing matters flQW but Victory? Buy Victory Bon,,ds. THE HOIJSE OF #EAGORAMI Il