rwe-gîa.n Pa- t Raion Ogyrven rIsom i maus anoferir Le ïqoî,s'iluge, thepatiot. he 1 chpee osec h emn ol. B miium, the Germans iways haveofuough te eaî. -. thretenJfed ta Ile heNr iýOdrn binlyfole ti rgi-cet "-fuebrer" Qislîbng ,isndlokife thmeulhenmntrb cf tha cou.n- jeobsviothereothttebre cfuetra evd eîugod usad te in)1- duce these arit ein h reese thefstregt fhepry in Yornescrce, en TNocage th Tîak-gth Fothe "Hme rn. Brtiexpiertcg every tact mudrei (1 eearan for maniviweci' I cuý rf cruý the -temai ciailad up iin r"e, gainýsmili valdrVers, gi su a i tl fcclhafo rce0s tinI de plo)yaas f ail brocefc sheamaufctra cer. likd mn, fishl,gîces cac oma weres r On Miountain Top ecome o-j A rmy officrs andsentistest sommýner cliimhedNrtAmic' e nfecte higestpeek, 20,300,-fpoot Mt, e E Min-Wu Kinly in Aleke, te test Arîy celai Serv- viuter ciotlling alnd eupet levin, iIhat, the NationlGegrphE Seat Undcer 8ueeae ecently. gnrded as The aneuncemeut saîd savoni iJobs wt cf the 17nmemibers c h xei allonsAn tinsucceeded in rechig Ih oneî f te mutitheIhr therugh ti,130lunhisnithr i eat as breau 1 tnduetry accomplished. np of 'non The expedition, made up cf re- f atonl rsetaivs fth'-,Qoarterm1-las-i i-taniGe-1te Corps, t.he Armyý Air Force andff e fetil the Royal CanladIien Air, Force, ul are eln- estahlishied , toethipg camIp edt ia s buldin !18,00-oot lovelTho camp was cuppiiod hy parachute packages-0 aea cLeeýS dopped fomplanasoprtgeu cldear- of Firhbanklls, an(Jmrethan 100 Ire cd items ,cof equipment waeehostaU. te. foreat- Detils oecnidnil u tees vwu t- he Party reported nuoch cf the von main- eupetmd u "xeln [l haput MeelS te the nmbler cf over printug c2,00,000ara served aver Y aCl pisear- anteenls Fandcnrtgeabs- bdand mn osi reat Brilin its, cIlice ing fi ados mut and pioyed la civil ai- lors, raîl- rare, ced- n d ia To Stlanrd By "Old Cuty The Meaaja Ja heb, oA Niawenagperepresentative c f te IninCouncil cf Pinbces on11 te( War abint, olU Britorîs in a breadeetnet long ago Ihat "ni wili "ea yu en t pgh" M ie d a tour of Britein baUà cm hoithe ceunI-yis aen- tially te se aas hi paelime- "te hearh cf tIhe OlU ctCcunlr-y l 'BLUE COAL' IS THE COGAL OUCAN DEPEIND ON Ille ce for a ca e e mied njee ecaiyipotn ta theuse tinlies. And 'bluIe ceai' t mil ceithat flot onIy gizves yýou cou how tey time t eartenjy nthebeteatnvlumoe rEboheeyunert'bn cai'Deae edyRawiitl yen ow asyit ege rae' the tht &t ad Hav 1-or eard "Did ycu sy tefinkc a haro isensafet' wet o rink il?." "Frtw oilteril. "T hac- eput saoe îchkýine lu "Yen." bear. adIyoung iMrs. Hbo,"te consent? "Hae gave me the friglit es SIle i-, tiili odigwhat temeant. - An Aaicncedarî Eg of UIteSize cf hie conuy.'40o1 ce-n board a rin lu t1he SteoIc T -xsit dew , ha seid imp, sively "end 24 hoors laler ycO'l "Yes," said ocf ie Enis lis3teners, with feeling, "av o Yomr friand CNak prty slow?" I soid!y e.Itec nawv girl 15 Iles home f rou a JdanCe test night." LaI cc flrncualeimo th offc f e big bunss ýman hy diEnt cfprevrna "You oght tefvealflatai-ad, ïanr "Ë,ye, n, ovuIo, Iï haveai reey efuadteC- ee fiv-e insoi-. anca agenst tdey ?" "Ye , Jfkuows," replied he JLIdge: "The eeaeI twanty yeairt' panaiia servi- Prisonuer: -,But, mny lord,I Mo't livthtln! "Neyer moud, pst da the hast YOU can." "-Yonr )methiod-, of tato are hopeessiy eut cf dae, eid lte crop n(lviser te the olU fai mr "WhyzI'U ha e stocished if yngelz avn10 pounide cf apisroîý thatmtra" Ioneloved 7a girl wlnî "WVhaýt alastinig ipes6 T-enac nd a halr 1 million pepInl aiocg saliwcoseen llnt Pair wahr BIR-DS ANDWA warfae, wich s ocforiprt ance ta aulreadýing m1-ighit iugs,;l noîed by Rger- T. Pet- ore fithe NtonlAuduhon oityin thie correct iScace cf th-e udonMagazine, Tt le that oit set afoat by tSada hi ps brie daIth te obirds ocf ihe Oee)an - dockls, glle Sanldîcy others. Sevaral thotteands cf ducks have I. ee fond kilied hby oÀu off17thaeNvaSctiaI coaSt auene. Sciencüe Service, commi-.eing îon Mr PatersouI's re'port, seye,: "Nov- nîaily, cwimmI1ig birds' feaîhýers7, ifimed with the hirds' wnnatu-rel cikueep their bodies warmcI-,Iand dry, n mtter ihow coh1the weteî they swîm eand dive in But con- tact With nerai cil breakS thie cetual potecien. Coldwte receskeil.kieand lif thCey de not dia of chill i cd xacin pnemone i np tot set in, 111 acy caa, a3,adi oed birdh- coma unblete fly, anidhec unabla e eeakits fod. «Dii lek"on the weer d- ceive irds. o the hirde they haealthe aperncofetlh- dcwc ýIfor a c!I]Teyhveal% gt aUn onaa Lth trap. ia other1,-rin- stnedIckýs wldivaonteide,Îý (, thIimite' ef an;ml"cl sic"an ! oret(,ýe ue srfaca iii tfel iddiý-la Se lîsra usaful in kepiug walerfIroctS ceaof ruhbish and in tha was. ider docks ara veluabl for te lighit, warm dw used or mkingquiltad(ljackets victimeof si, SAF ES Caintfur t 5, pr p>uu4e. II us. or wrie fer once ,ec.l DciiiA, F Pj1TuYkOniLVMeTe, TORONO SAF cWORK 'HOW CAN 1.9 Q. fiùw euI e p pps 1Over a"psthonsillkaep longer. T'he gyerncen ha ashed ff whan Yen are ready te use th4 appl es Q. Ho sheud buterbhemeas fu, terbytslngqil a bit cf it. A pounfd ick ýof býutter je equal te two eue;eaM ailthe lubrietin the gg hater A,1 s2i ng gly 1r i -, tes a d çegi betel. ;l(1d l ,meeýt co)pper1 i eiimuet t ueposibý jiiy e)m- QHo eu mkeobrle end îied' upsýiidown.Wheni - ioedt dypn the rh r ilksyte ar. ipigdwuwt asfcith as hls QShou] fihhaaiwdt ACCOMMODAT0ION1)X %VNTFED' er1, wit taleaccmmdaio fedbnch of zoungcatti dur- ~~ror longe ,r 1for gr'd Gr 1ATE 0(V LCL AGEýNTS acrenureyy stck he be's t shub.roe. rte PeI lhaml Ursery Coj, Troto reinSeud birthdate nd dîme. u AUTOMOHUNES-IJ SEDOil 1'S'D[CARSWT OO ?RS 20 Ync btet cad Offll ie, t AV OU ANYTHINIJ N ýE DS for nfomaton.We re glad ito aaseryor oucetionis.De panrt ment11 . Parker' y o cARM(FORSuLei n J1)00 ACRE ARM -2'ILES VEST Fift Dolar. iCshI. Mis. T. FOT ALM ofenî s 1ivel, r dt~ly botti. Ottwa aent. lunm - fox11, arnia, Ont. 1AR",ESING.SHO LEARN RAIIIldRsSIGTER ertso nichod.lotoemotoTio reu1t 'VardNg casss.Robrt sNs arr'igAaey 3 chils Reedie - hy'rc good oelt ladii ap n 1s , 1752 Dan- forth Aenue, oronto IEDCA NATURE HELPmp XONS RRM BATH-fTUB EL=T MAINE Fý OR SAAE uith. lectie shet 'Ater ,' extra roer'aIdhaes mto A. 5 Ad laie Wcil ,nTornt o. MItZO. SL -AL TY iNE OE QUcT3 theiractul vale. easlc of el. Stifat in geratc DON'T TRUDGý.'E TH-'ROUGH>k The Ho, iut Hl H AV E YOCUR S NAÀpS ne oc xpsr il pefli gua ratefed. Station ýJ. 'oronto' O)PERA1TiONS ANDý I 8LE3I avo le. vbynot ej lu-fc t uir-. Noý obl igtion, Sia mps apprec" uiaIte(d. Nar ýtur e a ,Bo Radio Cus-25 ArcMAZINGFoFR0 1R.TJS. TRA'j(1ýININGf]lý 1ýj REGli~~Rratio corsesn reein gral eucdpieo $,0 i is th ate t radio ourse omo\el in e"very way.e Prpad FrHueStd ISSUE 46--'42 1.Wa oe it iiatawa we às u ltter?ý .Whna girl tngahri sut m din rircerg 0f vice t thax iwot en acked?! 6. Forwatprossithue table ?k. und ndctsbol egiec c»ctin a dictionlary, vadCt tkes but a minute toenesut&t.2. Ne; ehould arv a ecttnmiue bafoeathe specia tme, 4. Ycs,, if in aIur. Ne.f "Giv neithr ceunsuer Sait untit ce ara askaedfor il." .Oyfe b0a eues .rmio"luIlhe Par;1 oo ever four yas lo VIL-Ilý à A