Office ýption', $1.25 $2.00 t Attention M ove es in East Libya, and ýill not take place. The ethirg ta rejoice over nsive wit is sure ta e ard ta sit back- and watcýh the àiewe imarshalled aur imaniTpower ve coujsi meet the ene-my on an aple bas sto>od up wcli under the red, thoug-h nom that the United ici qiVas tak'en a great weight [i-htened tb'eir irearts. Rammeili, ut a)f Egypt with disastrous r- y sanaskied, while out af an esti- that aver 100,000 bas either been along witbi thoucands of mîotor, veýr 1,000 guns, eithrer dectroyesi sasig defeat, the United de adnein FenbMorocca, anisia, and.frarn there they will ) ast Liby a whiereRoml ao Surrendeir or try ta leaveth bu eb1 ta b)1ing h icarrny up ta give battie ta Our Allies. Lay arise out of biis lrescaIle ýrth Africa is ilrhe hat?1d5of thie ,hase froc which ta open Up anr- t of Fran:e, but or sither Italy, m -oul be the backýî, door ta Geri- ssfully would ma the downfall le ta drive a wedgýe right thieaugia tha1-t supIieýs t'the Gerian ar - ere niltbe Vwo ar ,tfiVer something ta ospread hic men s-0 leeffectiveress. Ar-y- d Nations are goingl and District News omLirg town caiýuncil har decided to ctp t ee dhatfa er i laVa toma have hbirtchiirgposte up tiheir lhorses tis iter, as expeted rnay farmiers will be hiores insteasi of Owiag ta the gas sfhortage af the roacis iirot l iekept port EHo1pe Guide reporýts that rFaulcault, Port ili op e, -was vsd mith brsaldag and terteri-ng, ht, the dmvellirg «f Gaptain orcqadrale, was found iguilty irtenceed ta aine momnthrs definiteý hree momifie irderfi-titeQat the [o Refarimatoyr. Faulcauit le a biave stolen miionies,whýich hasi aletd foi, thec Salvation Red Shield eanipai-n during rsredue to iliness af Captair Changes Hands Dear Policyheolder: ý 1 have dfisposed of my lueur- anice agencies te 'LMr. Ernest E. Patterson, of Newcastle, andi 1 w-ish to take this opportunity ta thank yeu for the pleasanît busi- ness relationcships that we have enjoyed. 31fr. Patterson wiIll gve you capable and consclentious service and will have ths facilities of the Scame compaiies that have pro- tected yon. t le a pleasure to bespeakç for Mr. Patterson the csame patronage thit you have been kind eueaugh tIve nme. Yours sineerely, 0fr. and iViris. Anldrew flandy and 'Hryvisited with Mr and i s. L. Milîco on StmldaY. Mfr. Frank Witty, Sudbury, visit- ed with Mr. and Mccj-. Clarec(e Buir- ley over Vthe week-end. A numbii-)er fýrom here ýattended th(_ dane in NIlewcistle iast Frýida'Y Q-,Ïght and repurted ia, 90d tinle, wekedwith- Mrs. Leiand Keate (hrformer teacher), of Toronto. Mrjs. B. Jones and famlily-and(Ml E. Burbey, Bowmai,,nville, visited witbl 0fr. and Mrs. Wes. Strirger on Sa"n- day. Mm-,. E. Ed-wards, of Toronto, and 5fr. rd ,;. J. J. W. Strirger liad teýa wîth Mr. an-id 3Ms, W s tring- e'r Saturday evenang'. Mr. Hlarriy Rutherford and daughl- ter Audrey, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. jE. Farlrow, Gadniiii, visited at j qfrs. B. Millison's on ýSuilda'y. -mr. andi 3Ivis. Clarelnce BurleY, Doreen ani IKenneth, and 24r. Frank Witty victed with M.ald M.Roy' Burley , Port Graniby, on Sunday. 'yB Mrs. Ransberry le iimp-oving aftsr hier serions iilness. ,iMr. Alex. rllenry has gons ta Tor- eonta for a f ew montlhs' Vacation. Mlrs, Argus Watýon spent Sunday evendng -at 5Mr. anid Ms.S. Berry's. MeI. CiareLnce Ailin mwas jrn the vil- 1lage on 0 nday visitinig Ihicnid i ie ad. Jim Pûomers, of the RC.A F., spent Sunjjday vîsiting bis old friensis in Kiirby. Mr. aniMrs. J. Thiorýpcon spent Satulrcly i n Peter'borro visitingo Me, r. Wes,. Wood andi Allan, Mill- bro)ok, spent Sunda(-,y with Mfr. anid Mis. J. Bigeiom0,. MHr. 'and. Mrs. Keith Beadley and GIen. spent Sunday -with Mfr. ani Bommaniiville, receintlY. Col ' fr . J . T e bb l e w a s o u t t o c h u c h a nl O r o n o L o c onre wLas g-lai ta ceehiIV. on Friday, 1 R1, cv. S. Littlerwood renideeu i a dy DeceinIl exelnermon on ýStindby ai orcýhetra wit everycriiýe, iij(yed it veryy much. the hall. Ac ceeds for). W Mr. andi Mrs. Raymmid Chapmanihv oy and Donald an-d 5Mr. William Ch,ýap-haeago ,man spent Sunday with Mr. Morilow- and Tearl. Leaniei's Onions fors spenqt at the homne «f Mr. anild lmrs. Will. Gochrarne oýn Thursday, Novea- ber th, when about fifteen of the amily gteeita celebrate with MIr. Wm. Virtue his 79th birthday. Aýfteer a very delicious g0Oose dinlner the rernainder of the evening mas sýpenbt in cards ai m usie. Kirh!y W.M.S. auid W.A. beld tçheiir mreetinjgs armWedreisda~y afterna,00 Novumber 4th. Ti-e presideat, Mrc. Allen, wasii the chair and opened timeeting wmiia Hyin 500. -Afterý the openiing exercices the bus'ineýs mas dreait 'with anit ac decidesi ta pack a bale for, the Saivation Armny. Vessfilriltile Bible mers e nasiby ieýs Marlon -\cele ,lurs. ). Chlapmrîn, tiý rfs Harris and Mrs. Femerwhile MefIs. W. Wanna'n Irend from the -study book. Tire 1meeting cioýsed with a hyim- and pra-,yer. The W. A. Pre-sident, -Mrsý. Fomýler', apansirtbhe meigwithll 1ymrn46 aftev whlich 1theu Lrd cprayer mas iepea[ted 1in uIson0. In the bsn preiit was ecI e ta sejjflwer ta the siIr, aieatabuy" a Visetoin Bord ilandipackah esfori-te boy, ovresfrom around Kiibhy. The nmeetinrg cIosesd i-ih a hynin and The grounid around 1Xir}bIy lu wbvite 1I7wi hsnow. Just ag ldttiê more arndý 1tire sieirgh bells miii be jirgiing. TWO YOUNG MEN ae, 1a -4 ae4em4«eà BEFORE the war, two young graduates in cheinistry faced the future with no assets but technical train- ing and unbounded faith i hemselves. They planned ta capitalize on their years in~ college by manuifacturing a certain chemical product. "But we'1l need soine mroney to get started," they said. "Let's put it up ta the bank." Their banker decided that their faith was well founded in character, ability, energy. "We'il finance you ta star: in a small way," he said. "Make a test on the local market first." Presently the product was being sold ýail over Canada and exported ta the United States and overseas. Now it fius a wartime demand. The enterprise employs a large number of people. This actual example illustrates how this country's Chartered Baniks help credit-worthy people to benefit themselves, their fellows and their country under the democratic system of free enterprise. Baniks, like any other business, exist because they provide ser- vice which a community needs and is willing f0 pay for at a rate which wilI yield a reasonable profit. Chartered Batik profits average Iess than one-haif of one per cent a year, on total assets. Few, if any, other businesses operate on us small a margin. FOR Six 6-week-'old Mr.Allen (Hall, Oiono. arroTs. c-43-'p. Apply ta ie 25 r 14, a-43-c. FOR SALE Fifty bushels of TâIb1e Turnips, f've busheis of 'Carrots. Açppliy to Geofrge Butters, Oruoo FOR SALE Spies, BaIdwiins, Stairks> Russets an'd Beiflower Apples. FI'om -150e- a bushel to $5.00 a bar'rel. 34 Yýounli Pige, G wceeks ü1d. Apply to A. H1. Keane, Orioino.c--. SILVER MEDAL CONTEST Plan to attend the Silver 31Medal Colnteet on Fda, Novembfer 20, in Park St. Unîtcd CurhSutndaLY SeýhooIl all. The2re are ten contest- anjjts nnjd other j-programi-e. Lunchi -wil fie served. ~iisin2e n 10e.b--c SEED WANTED Clacbuerfafs oii, etc. B edn olr, ail sa ampAletfor B i gs off er. STEWAWU'S FEED STORE HOMIE COOKINGe SALE Orono Wom-en~s Instittc,will hold a Hlome Gookiing Salie and1 Tea in the ibaseenit cfbthe town ball on Snturday, Nuvemiber 14, at 3 o'clock. B:ra.\ws wilI be heldi. The iregularý meeting of ýthe W. I. will aliso be hekl atIe saine tine. Quilting will, be done ait thils i-eeting-. TEN4DERS WANTED Tenders wil be re3ceived 'ýy the undersigned qp ta and including Saturclay, Novemiber 28, 194,2, for the purehiaee of one house, 18 feet by 40 feet, anid ons barn, 90 feret by 28 fret, at Lot 1, Concession 9, CIabrke To\wan!sip. Seperate tender required for eachi inen'tionied build- inig. Thre buldings havre t be re- inovsd frona the premises by June ls-tf, 1943. .The bighest or any tender r-ot necessarily accepted. J. J. MELLOR~, Clerk Township Clarke Ororno, Ont. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM JOHIN McROBTERTS, late of Pontypool, in the County of Dur- ham, Retired Farmer, deceased- Ail persans harvin:g diaim-sa against the Estate of tihe said Williamn John McRbersWho ýdied on or aibeait the 4th day of September, 1941, are hereby notified to send ta the Linder- signed Administratar or bis Solicitor on or before the 28th day of Novein- ber, 1942, their naines and addreýess anid full particula-rs of their daims amd the nature of the seccurities (if anry) held liy tbemi duly verified by statutory declatration. Immediately cfter thIle said 28thj day of Noventher, 1942, theaSsets «f the said deceased will lie distribute;d aanong the parties entitled thereta,ý ba-ving regard only to the daims of whidh tIhe Admnini strator or the un-1 dersignsd Soliitor shall tben havei IRiY HOOPER, oltypool, Ontaria. bar of the Estate iJohn MerRobets, A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PIIYSIfJJAN and SURGEON Office IHours : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 tW 8.00 p.m., PHIONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc.., VETERINARY SURGEON Office:- Main St. Orono Fhone 56 r 7, Orono, Oitt J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile ard Liability Orono -Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coiducta Auition Sales of al sise and at reasonable rates. Oommunicate with him st Pr-- Perry, Ontario, or aee his Oleek, L. E. Marton, at Orono, for date. F. F. Morris & sonf Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealersf AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmnanville, Day 480 Night, 754 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furnture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servce-THE BEST Our G;oods-THE NEWEST Our Price-THE LOWEST BOWMIANVILLE - ORONO E-- -- q %vooks Appiy at the QRONO TIES OFFICE Orono - - Ontario Arthur Heribert Denssm, a weil kn Lw iesident of ~waiiia ~passed away ionOtor 22, alier a two years' illness. ýHe was barra -in Bowmialiville on Jane 25, 1884. was a faitbful emplioyee for nu -years at tihe' Fouridry Ooinmýpany, and took, a great intere&srt in 'bowling .and ùorticuture. H-I, s survived by his 'wife, coe istei~rad ,trebrotihere4 Bowmanville,'Phone 577 .- 1 1