Irsduay aT.terrl&an1. go and several 1 , the ôveS ea s t way inimedateiy. held on Ctaber onatiorusfor th% tessful and net- eve ermfS-t bag 2dy been shippett shipsment of knit- ring, lirted in last eve-al individoi-al kindly danattsd hese an(d the Vie- iast week gave of $20.62 to tis hrsusbazaar ffle ir. ard XM. R. J. IHaurcociA have mioved to Tor 'o(.- Mrs. Rabert Rainey visited with friends in ithýville reoenitay. Mr-. and Mlrs. JameLs Eaiglesani were in Peteiibaoi m Sa-turday Last. rýMr. and Mrs. ,Tock Ed'waids, Os- a wwa, were callers in Oreo on Sat- urdary. M.D. -Noble bas gome ta sq)veid the !winiter with lier daughtel., MI-s. Leta MlraPeteilpoo. Mr- Arthur Beamisb, L)f Ajax, la sp adngoweekç's -el-ane oli- day iii oadaround Orono. Miss Eii Barwenr, of Bowmianvilue spent the weeýk-end witih ber parents, Mv. ad ýMt>s,. ffletar Boweti. ML. afl , im Patci-son. Tn- the yer ot-o, visite(t iihi,~ units cornle tag-ethier ta 1man01y as'V'passifilean hiude with aone anro(ther. a] reoeCntly senit ini tw- . 9 suhooül seetion one Fu rnace Wc should be on Ordier Nom R. Centre The treastýurer-, Mts. Muriay, gai e the fal-iring report: onl anbnd, Oct. 1i ...........$.4 Doain......., ......... .... .10.0 4 donltians for aailar',s h 40 Victae-y Loan concert .........20.0-6l Evessfor irnterial for lagia....................- .......... 23,.275 Balaince on hand ....................... 46.80 ONE DEER, ONE FOX Msr.Madison R al, WM. Wat- son, Gardéon WatSaý)n-,Wmi. anl, Henniy Corniarh and Fran-k Ardroni, returned home on Thursda>y of last week froen a deer hunthirg expedi- fn at -Minden. Tlhe ha'g of thiese hsrnters rsas one deer aindione fox. MiAdison Hall waa t4hl lcy mrs moan, seccuring tihe oulry deer, -whi Gardon Watson fholie fax. -A deer tas no chance whatever when it conee iýn rang'e of Mdinstrainoti an-d Mos. John, An exeeutivp emeting id Clarke( Union 1lome andi School Club , was hieJdit tthe saehool an Frý- day nh lat. Dr. amd Mes.ý bora, spent thle atrsparents, Ridde-ll. J. ~H. Lle, etr 'Miss Moar ion Rcay wbo mýis luaving next we SonM Creek, B.ýC., spet Su Mr. andi Mrs. H. J. Saouch. -Mrs, R. H en1ts, rMr, an There is rn wsithout peai con be pr-o( Laura Alln nuts from a hter luek. C i.rto the Tin- plaints whieh arournrd eight, eone pounidc ruts grow1 toes, ancl af4 taý lie u * ex l) om li the 'om pea- 1WAR The old-f has, came il a'f tileCa Plum PuddF 1)ein", made che,,s aver --; rLa ste, anrd paltlýr Mc.~. Sctt and 'Mr. Heýbeir the Ai Sauch atdtenrded fthe FolilForum chef hlld at the homie of lMrs. F. S. Phiilk hauseî llps, Providence, on Mondaiy. for ma f 0rrml, M rs. J. R. Cooper spent a f 1ec, îw f 0 dlayi in Toronto attendingi the Ceni- haîf 1 trall Aren Waanen'h s iistit-ute serve C'onventioni held in the Raýyai Yorkl tiOils lictel, Toronto. 1/ Don't fong1et tao attend thi dance to be hel'd in the tow 01Ono on Frilliy, Noveil An osi-imeorchestra will rder, P. C. 5963, case in 7ing changed by one uly 2, 1942, pursuant 5963 as stated, the Oyttawa, Canada Novemiber 4, 1942 [ELL ýa War Liabour BoaxrI ARMSTRONG y IT PAYS TO PAY CA Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 fln sourcw-e. tV.oney b' ;foctory. Tyrrell's '0n1; and MeUow's ýwrastle. l 3/lrs. J. R. Caý IKay we',,re in ;Cc Icnveninwg attendiný Camp thse 1 uc lOc 29c 3c 25c 25c irge tins 25c 1lOC lb. 25c 25c 33e 25e dg IL 27c 24c enmad vissiti H.-E. A. Gl ith a pa ira, ta sper, ng. at Woo horn. We - - nd Miss Me- DRESSES In Crepe and Sheers, sizes 18 1-2 to 44. Special price .... $6.50 Children's Coats antd Snuw Suits Front 2 to 14 -yeàrs, in ail colors, f rom $6.95 to ....... $13.50 SWEATERS Ladies,. Misses and onmmei-rce, Oroin, I in town over the fh rîends. tai n Tuedoy aofte nîao in a nbow appeareti in the si<y t, making- a perfect seprn ecolrs of aine were very inge, yellow, biue a nt i[ch nriade a ýgeorgeouLs si.-hi vica. Fred cGaos lrougi S office on aWnday af this- mber of -aphrybranchle loaed 'wîth young hberrie ibeen enijoysii 1rasphernî-es sinice the season omn ½serat-baiour 'ta> Dirai we Ofi $~160,000 5,65-0, mmiga Messrs. J. J. M, -igh, C. B. Tyriell inses ýC. Tanilyn Vear. Bro. E. H. B awnia.isvilie, ois h 'ideliby Loilmge, Fai ay evening iast. -Orono eý nil e camni ai onWedniesaay as leaimed tsat re- jec- Kath] 650. Geofifre ùIhe iai )0r ave ir an triev Ri b Misses, in Crepe an Wool, sîzes 12 to 16, from .. $3.95 to $4.9 Silk, full f as] at ..ý... $1.0 O Lisle, full fn-SJ for . .. . >$1.00 Ladies, WooI Cotton-, -. 49c, Fresh Sauisage 2 lb. 35e Porterhouise Steak lb. 40ce Fresh Ham lb. New, ables o large 2 for r( ini ýffi iý