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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Nov 1942, p. 6

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on hoaring thie de- Imander Liug-Hmil )uIr liees~e-w 1takommais inthee was rne op cee îSt rms l rith 'Mmee meevots af tJe shie, nar the gigimcustii by gandma, and ddnot daim tce c at dAU. Tbe sun the pmknpit good adra ta he emanatd-a pions- Li tee buruing wood sumoatetae ta the nat iOtlierwjse ta trainý kce 1je d on ,c las long bho hoi Brjitial- ïLau ave,ý as foar i occupatiai 40,000 rnowi ;ta ofbemiha te anly kind! anty parlorsc have these ,gil vos to the ne1C ýjy if, anmd tflk nîmoat vd ion oc"d rm Iýl are tn ho pu nifd hoe wisc.e plm. The Brii ýged ta aFar [a a-nd thlat, lli mig foreedt eling tasaed jlai are large fanra instu 'nvle was but KiD KEEI cait ta be w -BRAN asic for tlii package atr xeflogg's in ýd by ging ystem Ken i wated Timi only ta be betns lie wsthec confessed origina,-tor- of the plan. Whien the bus-mstr ad( geKenvil then avncda new idathteery Lowýer boy (ox- ,ept Tii e aneti. Peter fobjeet- ed, ina borror: "Yoa a' do thant! The other boys wudbate lhim! I thik Tim took ail tMW lame On bimself tA Save the other boys But Peter was overruledby the reut of the!libmarynand that eve- ing theLc owr boys were called la ont by one for a caning, until Tim ws Ce olyone leftwitn la the corridor. lis name was not eaild and ficailyle horst into the "Yuforgo)t me." In lahilenc that et bis rn lar i e burst ont fuiousiy: "Yoa're just doing tia ta ho im ul I t'a no"t fi "Douaiis, geton't'!"ordered an pprboy. Horefsedta go au'd tbe frcilytbru-st hh acmk intlo TUm, rosentfuLlt a-t baving b(-een th1ýouoly One ta esce c aing,ý laPm(d Peter parÈtiy for the di- crjimuinati. Rut wen they went ta, Redf'ern fýor the hoiidays, Tim accetedPotr'sproosiIonbtat tby huid Prytend ta beon good Adapted by Lbes cell from the Me-tr'OGadyMe Pite StrigMkey Roonýey SYOPq S Thkm Dennis, American 1idgb sch-ool 'boy, and bis siter Jane are sent lor- by -t'idacwe<; mather wha blas imarriecl an Eng. lishmnan' , grCrtn a anl Csta'te 'n Ascot. His matoher imta give Etan i, te -which ail the!a maie Canlton,-s were sent, a sixý montha' trial. Hi5Sstep. brother,' Peter Carlton, an E t iar boypnromv;ise-s ït oout llfor 1hm. Tlm makes a friend af ln, shah Ban fWllnlaLwrFr boproýmis:;es alaak ont fo rlm, He plans ta, cash un on Ea' "agn"system b iy getig, wlxolesal'e pi"kce and po>cketing- the, differenca fr te benefiL of the Lower bolys, btthe schAeCgoes CH!APTER FOUR Justin and -Iltemmeso the Librr xetKni uo that evecvy Loweýr Farm boy Sbold be canled for her bmeta ak m eytbrougb the cbaChoi's fg COOKIS CLCK WTH TE ARMý,Y S ~ ~ ~ ~ r B BABR B.BROOKS With the conga ehaisers and the rhumba writhers, as men na. $ More serious minded youth, d in hir steps in the Armny, mYothers begin to wonder wbat the boys are eatîng. Thainks to the advances v ~ of nutrition, the Arydrs',evete atigto worry about. 'The soldierssare gettig ail the cýalories t1-ey nieed, and the entire 1e1- - woked ut to >sup'p,)ily the necessary crineralsvitamnis and ri bter, foo setas Packages from homre, hoee, ýWi always get a big han1d froin nd the boys Minn mp frno Armyook has eitherý the timie or the il,- (Ïce lination to cook tdidt for each one' fancy. So, mothers, stait, rk rolling nt the dough, and begin cutting the cookies. Those oid os- fashioned cookies arecthe est package-fea anyone ever thought iii upý to send to ae eman awa~y fro home, eu Baked hin thehme oven" hereis nothing mnore satisfyig fo nt a supder to sink hi tet inta than a rich, nut-flld cookie.Orp if ait's canidy that's wanted, Toffeu, Squar-es willJJ turni the trick, 8aoz. Toffe Sq/uacs Oe-opd ra eeIt toffee with crem in a double houer. Pour over oven-popped as cereal in a buttered bowl and ix VWl Pack in shallow buttered ns. pan1s and eut inta smallbars when cool, onl; Yieid: 64bars>28z ic pn) ad Favaunite Drap Coalde of L4 cup dried figs c/ Leaspoon soda lý up butter si wtaspoon sait 1 up sugar %' cups corn fiakes or 2 eggs làteaspoon male or vanilla e- î M otl fýurfiavourin As Caver fîgs with boiiinwter and lot stand 10 inutes; drain, 1- dy on towel, clip stemis, anodet into smualilpieces. Blend butter atand sugar îtboroughiy; ad ef-Lggs andbeat well. Add forsifted wt tasoda and sait.Mix in f gs,. crushed onflakes and flav\ourin.Drop r- by samali spoonfuls ontoungreased cý,ookie sheetad bake in moder- ately hot oven (00')10 to12 mnts ut Yieid: ,2lL dozecokoies ( iichs diametotr). Note; Cuokin %iprove in terxuue and fiavour by storing over, ta igt ýsh HnyWfr m 1/ cu buteror ubsitue i teýaspoon sodai ce ~ cup honey 'iteaspoon innamon In 4 eup bran 14teaspoon cloves t ' 2 eups flour ' teaspoonaspe ns Bolbutte nd honey 7tog ether ferfone. minute;cool. Crush bran slgti.Sitflu ith soda andspices; add to first ixture wth the bran mix thoroughiy. Chil. oli dougli on fiouredi board te about 1/14-ich thikness Cut with fioured Cookie cutter; bake on vuremaedbaking sheet lai oerae ven (350,F.) about teninutiil-es. Yîeid: 5 dozen caokis (2n/4iches in diame) [n Corni Flake Macaraans y 2 egg mites 2 cups corn flakes t 1 cup brown l o rnlaewa r '/z -.Cup) choppeod nut niea1ts ry easpoon vanilia extract i cup shreddod cocoanut neBeat egg whites unti stiff but net dry. Fold in sugar; add nfiavouing, coîn fiakes, nut mneats Mn cocoanut. Mix carefully.Drop; by spoonfuls o).well-gî,ensed bakçing sheet. B)ake in mdeat ven (350'F.) 15 fa 20 minutes, Remove immdiatLely frompanl, . r Maucoons stickplace van onldmptw'ei ndremlove lmac!aroons s usin spatuin or sharp kîf e. If macaroon become hardened to pan a't thiey may be returned to oven f-or a ýzfew linutes taO soften. e Yiid '! ozen mcros(2 inches l damtn) ýYes,te best partc ves mrorc e hanjust, try ALL-BRAN'S ocurrect the cause be te gis ta tnake the period pleasanm ed rtheipares. Thle truce ,sUffered a svr statii whlen T Iim founid Peter- djaflcing wt lose Sampson whom lhe bad pjersuaded mother ta invite J0 the dance shm gav for the bys. , H1edinoko that 1Flossie blad introduced ber-I self and gabed eteras ia ebi n" aie lher feel "po)si- tiveiy dcei. During thece one of th1e girls thanced Pecter for aioin bier te ride B>'onie icPrince, Mr, JCarlton' piz-wnnng horuseu, FIossie suggostc that she would like to i ide BanInie PrIin'ePeter said he'd have toansk bis fatheur, and hie wouldI probabiy say nro, as the horseas difficuit ta manage. Timn, disconsolate ,and eenfl wý,aS iookinig on aI thIe danice, whenl Ronn11e Knî (whoonue of the Carruthers boys, witbwhom lie was spen'ding the hodasbad broughnt ,a]ong) peetdhimself and asked for aniniitrdduiïol ta thiat "tno" dnig with "You'e ail theparty needodta ,makýe it a cnpeebs, si Tim. CafuDennis. Don't forgý,et, you'iAbeworing Or meagnuc ta- morr1OW. R Levr'P iliin ug ta forgîve and forget if yon'il] ntro- duce m. "Sonvry, I don't even knwier nan-e,'T eeplid Timu, and walked hehefinially got hlis dance,ý wvith Flossie, TFimqiky guided her from the baliroom lout ta) the frombhm about ber having tbe firmf dancewth iPeter she id siimply rshni e off mly feAt," 1That didn't make higi fel ny mnore friendl1y fowxardIs Peter, ans Tim took bier ta tire conservatory, and, there throughi the ground a wads tUnstables. Meossie saiu yd botter retura ta tohebuise, "Certain parts of Redferu seemieJ ta be reseved. "Not tale, they're notL" SShe praised bira for baving ne- quired aplomb anid saJvoir faire, alewed bhlm ta kias bar. Tbey continnied ta, stroli, enItered thle stables. Fossie bted by tMe stli bearing the name of its inmaý,te, Banniie prince. "He's a beautUifu creature," she, si,"but we'd bo-tter go. Pe'ter gave me tfa understand one dd~ even. look at Banniie Pricewt a m na(member- of thisfmiy You want ta see Banrie rne "I'd adore it, but, after aýil,ý you're nat Pete--" "J'il bring BaLnnie Princeeut Yoa eau see, hlm ibetter outsid,[," She admliired the borse, and lTimu ,assured bier sh-e could ride Bni Prinee-juist Inme the dy Is aigave a little shiver, for the eveniing aIrý was cool and ber gw flua. She took a chifon wrap from b ler arra au11d fbrew it aout ber sboulders. The breeze enb thhe spread cifïfoni and blewv one end n Lgaîust the horse's eeT t te-ok frgli , reaed, jerked the hatrsrpfrom Timi's 1bands andi(I dashod coffï, Tim wvas horror str vi c in. A groo usbuIed ont, agateying: '40h, m odos "Oh1, hell ho righit back!" said Flossie libty. "Probaibly, Mis, 1but h' o two baves un 'oJ'nTe groom mn ai fter Bannie Prince. Tim, hesitated a moment, andthon ful In the ligLht sinnifomte wýindows of1t1:baWloo Fii saw the fihtndhorse lump the -hedge by the trae hadi stumible, thn ali, bekn h gardon foncel'y thebede w," iba crash il,tha boubtRger Ca-rlton,> his wfeand sYom f ili, giest, tao the terrace. As Mr. Crlton ran ta cbose now iingstill on the gond ilm was kneeiig atPtUs CeUdpleing.1 "Ca I.. .tlk ta you a minute lt,'smyi-,,fanîtinceis deitdi" "I'm aare af ifTir. Ar'tyou going ta say anyý- f'hing a e? Baw ot oCr, -To wbatý end? Good night, MBis itJnfoun-d -Timl paek-ingL a fewcote later that niglit. To- ber plea.ding le replied that be COLd n ot live at Redferni anlymoe nor go back tA Eton. T ý'b-ouid neyer bae eft Ameirica lu ù 1he -st pac.Ail I'vo daie bocre is ta hLurt Mam1-î. I dou't fit -n bore ,ýand I dont atEton," She sa1id she'd ru)away wifl him-sh'd hono good at Red- fern witbonit fhun, Ho efnsd t let becr g. D' otpgoing ta drag yen away just becauso lai a izhe flop bore. You're jes a kMd. You boogwitb Mom.' o gt 1ber promiise nDfoftoîe1, but iieSibe nioher prparngfor,,hed, beard Jane ryinanndfonid lberpak iag, Rager Carlton slipped qit ly ont, Ble found Ton's roomi vacnt Geatly dstred ie walkedqckmy aout tje grounda Af ]ongtb, seeing thechapel doar open, be entered, Moonlighit sftreamniug luiirogh tained giasa wnasrev--ýele a slighit move- ment befween hlm and the altar. It wvas Tii, wbo bad taken -vefuigc tbJere iwbe lire bad overhear-d 1is sfep-fther aklug a short eut tbrougb sanie bashes. W'l ts yau, Tim. I1 did't expCetfa find you bore Pt this bour. Ever beenl in bocre befa're?" b. asked q&ie81, filing lis pipe. 'SA the famiy chapel. M toinfod ont ta Tim. la fhe di mooligtplaqupes ta varions ionmbers of bisfaîyoet -îs son Bobbie,wohadidt tLe age of five?"lHo wouîd have gcoîc ta Etan, of Course - and be'd have boen captaini of thýe Eleven' president of Pop and probýahl'y Keeper ofte Field!(." I donn't ilcaow baw yucau even bal a nme affer wl,-at 1di, aaid Tim., "htsoveCr andj doue wýýitb. 1 inen enver ta mention itagn" s oso 3waso ilv o ried Postum l yet? Wîtheaehsuccessiye cp flavïor seemes more deliejouis, It'S eâsily made, rqie.les, sugar, and is veryý, economiical. P S U ~And because Posum cna niteiher caffeine nor tanlnin it's a safe beverage for everyonie. oo Aoz. SZE M.lWES 80 CLIPS e Boz,. SIZ AKE5 100CI PS ,Tbt's. . . tht's pretty s'-welt Iwas 1runnminig away, whenyon found me hmee. "Tht desn't sonnlik i-e you,î You're a figbtor. Not a quiter." "ëIdp't now ow ta f*igl3t a, family -anld a co1ntry 1a0i a sehol - nd ometingterrible I've dne-al t the samenfiie.' "Yon've enly gOt elle apponenit, Tim - yorslf.Lthapon bave diffeet juies bore flan you do iui Amyerica, but we're the anme kind 0ýf polwt the san-ie reý- spect forý individuail fredînan the e ideails of decency. I f yo'l2aster yusef ong oog ta sce, we're on the anmeýI path, ta lea'ru aur mies, you'Illgef nlo'ng with u1.s, Tim. A'nd yn'ldo. "Yan tink caculd nînke a go of if?" "'n sure of h. M'e Seen you, figlit. Yon ean get sometbýIng god( from Etont, jast as peter, or anly of oui boys COUîd from Notre Dame, I'thflicanme filtlti diffeiCren mes, tbat'sai" ;if youthinksa - boy! If I eould get àn the Library, or get ta ho Catainofte lveOr Presidient of Pop -ndKee af the Fod! "Oe hinlg at a fiie, Ti. L' Il hoe a bit Amrcnfor a mom-ent. I want yon ta ga bnçk ta Eton and. . . do your auffy "P Copyight 142 by lowe's me, BriainTo eSeize- A Briialplan for roquisiton ing autom-obiles aIndI tires; w,,as dis- cloaed recentliy la an order for an immediate census of ail unnsed vehicies and tires. Comt-penlsation wil hoe paid iff'er Biccle, otorcycles -'aud voe- b)ides cryn oreflnnso-ven ~erons inludrgthe drive'r, are( not affecod Seme 1,000,00cars bave been,- laid u n aMriain since gasolne. rafioig vsusitud earlyhin the war. Here's the Answer toYour~ uestion Uf you cannot geu Crown Brnd Syrup from Nyour fcîvocurite grocer now and fihon, hetre is the reasoni. Because "Crwa Band ini addition ta Utsocher usecs is Leing veryerdy used to he:p supplement the sypp of surgcmr in Cz-n;dkrn Hme, the dema.nd ba!s increasedtrenos. r r,

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