'Ma'e feiweat undï o fýleur luý;1:c- thea brC'lenu id in additiot a rueodbmedkin ,çý anda Ltcrop etmtd G615,1ul000,00 ")bushelJ, tire bra Tire Uite i naden i areet weeke eure notherrivr eofc in Austmlia 'Un 1U42thea bordgrainuple araeatacked hib inLaver et thej Unied atinswile Nai e- ope pdcei this year 15pecn leýse rnt rin(lra ud ry'e) ti3L]ian erago, an-)5pecn leSc t1an the1erge oet ic tour years 13- ,acecrdng fteia stat- ri utC a Ëtd t,,tha itish 1Mla- iStry tEeere Wrac"i The usralancr-eple enîat ed t 14,00,00husel e wicbý pre1bly not more tIa60,000,000 bueei 1wîl e Liudat 1home, r added te thre accunmulted ci-eps ~wlici l eived wte haquiteseuc "Ahig'h yield peVr elaAuis- tralia,3 ns.l Calnada aaid tire Unit. sd Stus ap"e tlavemmoe An offset ti rededton in wheat Primýe Minister Curc iiia lave ad no emear lhackliUg tIcGema wam. prisoners, says thle NeLw 'York Tme, Ie CwaHS once a Captive imsecît.lu Pa-. tonsin tiihe BeemWam and ha lias told àhti was lika. tri- state." Yeowed your liteansd yenr braniJ te youir acmiy, Youn did wiat le inde you, aud tieti tec eu it pstiently. Ycou wýemeC ont et comissiorr; missing avants and chace.Tic days ware long, thaheurs cmcpt, life was cudiess borcdoms Even lu a crowd of yoamr kind tiarLe was neI compun-- lenis1ip. To hac feuccd r la ad watdhed whs tic Most lateful part ---se laitaful, lu tact, tint Mm. Cht.rcbull clînbcd thc fence and1 geýt msway, tiarcbymaighrsf famnios, As Hlomne Scayl Inater lite iha worke2d tenrdc bo0oke, sud-classes, etartaî.n- mient toe mcanlanglish pris,, ml-uch as, tiIteruatiolial YM 4C.A. is digtoday ilua-pi oner ýcamps j lu11ma1y lne Not i-Eny'Ain FMaucs iddle, United Sae Attomne--Gcne a nnnccd tiat, efcieOct. 19, 600,000O Ital-- taananecould ne onger ha ciss-- ad as cncmiy ahane, h baus,li Said, "fin mmthat' tinemaoic c- Onratien w%%l tey have se wall e'Mnc(d wil hagranited te. "Tirs doese net mean that d an- geMeu or diloyal perses are ne logrsubject teappaiesio o inteumet,"the Attomney-Ganem- ai saiti, "We still i iLtake 1ne chances. t doas mean that the te enmy alieus ne loner applyý te tlian ,zlhn T .,,MU h Firstreeaeed picturae t sen- dimencsons tcte Mosquitoare: satonl aarde Hvlnd"o-Span il 51,2"; Langth (o' 0v eman1) quto tat ; n tcuesrigit409'î; eiît( v ertical now ib i W M aâ ropweller top) 15c3"; boti tic un-- uow itbitsbriliat daligt drcariae ad tail vwheel units anld niglittimc raýids ove- neyar eIutbl. Ltst ic d11el t e,ýr itemo Bu!t)y ticDe Hib-? vllad iree-boladed hde land plntlu bti Eglad ud ate type propeller Offensive Canada, Pt is porcd Witb tM rameuts may cossiet of feur ElNS loyce englues and is ot 20 min canton and four .303 ma- simple aroodea constructon. The chine guns. LESSON 46 TINGM S THA,,T PMAR FML LIFE. enis4.1-12; 27:1--45;Det- onecmy 24:1-5; PMal'achi 2.13-16; L-uke, 12:13-15; Reman;àrs 7-2, 3; ICorinthinio7:10-163 PINlTED TEXT Gnss27:30-4ý5; PMatthew 5:31, 32;-Luke 1:31 G:OLDEfN TEXý'T.-Bea:r yeen authr'IurdeaS, aad sGo fi th a fChrisýt. Galatiauns 0 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTIN4G Tim.-ats ra ctiei n-- im-ýportant luinthis lson ud,ý tiemef"ome, ae .c!assify ftheseva- eus sgs ouily in gnea elmoniologJýi cshemi. Ticiet is ocateti aItthtve yhgiaa e3 t hnmnisoy Tic avent we -onIsidaer lu ic Elite et Jacoi mc-- curre(itiiut1820 PB..Tichaw et Mozesswce givren sm years intermlachi aas writte about 4100 B.C. Ah tlic psae 11-01m1tic Gospels mater te) theý thc-empcriod etf oui Lomd'sý5 pubic inistry, aile1ti'twopas- sae rmPaul,'s epistîceelin tus lasee, ace arttailu A.D. 5' Placc.---Wc do at uow wicn ansdA'bel wceeiving wc tIce latterws slafii. Tictail et -Jac-ob livd, om ic meeot pa,i lusî im aesieoaah prophcsicd lu Judal. Ailof et uttemancas taken tram tic, Gos- pals lutulel-ssea wana gîveain7 Pabicein. Tic Epista e the wama s waritten f'rornCont te oei irs i Fimt Epistie!c te tic Cmitlasans ariËter troî Ephsustoe cGreel; city otCof nl %iy lbrote cam itsguallsd bathCtnka way thy bleug." op hy dtic oaig vice etdf cepie Tarelejuet euej ay0e avoiing ucia danger ilu aur ewn leare tit neyer, !0ne amter aat \,i ae etop to daciv ay mcmi- hem et tiheusAiyold, sud tien, as tic yefars coma r uti go, coný- fdneis fou,,nd tc;e h eua 00aiti aeeanother le always asai-ad, sud neotoatter howv de- lite, anltisoci l'its -,Say ha, ilu tie ci? oe carl cýn trus tltic çther, suId ree:t lu tic con'lfidenlce sud Jthie ofegit t tic enltirefail eve sah puit ,awaýy bis alfa, !et h1lm gýiv e r a'L-itig etdi-vorce-- ment:32. ut Isay autro yen, tint evryeu tntpultteti oway Ilis wif, avig or tfic caue etfor-- nicaien, niakeihem ,ian aut arase: sud,-hDsoeavrshah mamm.ýry hem aiea s ul u wa e mitiadulteryý." 0Oui ,Lord taugit ttlunthe puymoaettiSc Cetric ta"O sexes aý"cre md for -ascI otlier se fiat ht t rocký, themt ions 1onwhicl hone sba 1i n hma bthec AdThe Automonebile The urret ý,,ie otth ]A)n mobile and decdide tt it SAadn future iu wamta e Thie honni took a tstspini trom New ok eWahugo l gasolina - cbupgstam - pewerad Walker Mobile.Twoor tMe eCli effices stuck with Ce expeddii mua., They arrivad in tliecatl Cap. JhnM. CroJr., quar-- termasterlc, put it tijis 'vay: -As a prburniy menus et carry-- ing tr'oops and bggge 10 o e cesda he atmoieutalsuit able,luer (do Ibeieeit c e eva1, be pretc so as te urlake it cap ablee ofsappiig a reliabla ai i efficient imeaïps etOran r Ctdne trops oper-atjiug iutirelieId ra$d Threnyears later Francee% "txcbarm-y" turnied hack the Germiaus t tg arne, aad39, yeare later 1itier's mtoizd 1m Çeplit au"d ceuquered France, Deceptlpn .Teuswhose wolk dmd net include oe aneam eoaren 30.)"Ad it Cam[e te pasýs, as etin fpreperty. Thbe mn sn ybsGmadn ie "onIIas Isaae had made nend 0af rspdatayuensafotan a unt Ell1's rcïetoteinvesti- blessing Jacob. and Jacob was ver. ing whnt he deired, invaing date ar r shâ uvriv c te 1scaice guenut from the presIence Christ's tie and tryNg te h pose nteMsaIxil. of Isaac his father, tat Esau his upon is brother an exrnos saw, m ines lfe scMplAte breame in from iMs huntiug. authority. Jesus knowug tat by many admires.Phlp Maury 31L A nd lie also made suvory fo<d, coveuness cas ab the root of is anxýiîus te leave lis wleto 1and b;rot.gitit ento bisftler the brother's unreasonabl request, miary Jess, Barry Collin, super- and ha saud UtOohi fathe, Le totaks the opportunity of warnrIug fintedeut of the plantaàtion, hï my father arise, and eat of his the whole multitude against tis eq a axious te marlier par- son' s venison. that thy seul imay peaetadsubtie sin. tialy bcueofrvneand par- bless me. 32. And Isaac bis fte This trouble in the family of «alY hecaue of ambition. Johnny 1said nto hlm, Who artthoun? And wo mren, whose naines are net Gordon, attached te the uearby,, lesiIarn thIy son, thy first- 1given la-d alreadp breught about arm-y campj lias been tyigfo hem, Esau. 31.And Isaoc treni- a 1)ri f bitterniess lu-.th iart erst pruaeJess te rnarry bled Very exrceediingly, and said, of eue, who tblighitlhe had been i m who thec is lie that hnth taken unjustly deaitSwI, se that aui liHeeà Emilie Alng's latest veuison, and breught it me, and ready there is a disrupting force book Will be fouud romance and 1 have eaten of ail before theu lu this home, bcueof the huma- -. inrigu, blllulywve by auý comest and have blessed hlm? ing desie in tnhe leat of eue ef author whe wrîes vividly and en.- yeMad heYsailbe blessed. 3l thsbohesfor property, for te-Ctaillinl,y oC As, i tg peole. Wheu saiu heard thewords of bis wealtlfvisible thîags wich Ranw at Duïsk ..b-y Emilie father, Blesie. aven ime also, lu part, at least, at this tirne wem-e Lo-ring . McCIe2iIand and Stew- Or myfte. .And liesait, ln the hands of another memr atLmtd...Pie$. IPolP-You Sh OUk See IHerl'op! VOLI ~OVL UT-1 I WON3T LINTIL I LtkE~ GR day, "Asid fremwam,"Thaýt is t tteof a news breadIcast cret ;y being hhamd Mlouday throagh- Friay. 10 ace. CFRBToronte tien et he nwIsperacy the Wquit uet vthe Ms oua tiýýt i sugest, aj dereinn w0 aýr, and isc hulît fre inesitems et spe Armnn ct n d rural l speite ,cbs tetomninclubacuv- tics~t andseon And wïthie w CUre peanget daytuyiciprogrammste Colurn- flintofate lsner«swt tw"ide outîcti I Cana te il i style ~>ygl hwae~ saitMe sphereof fineuic t, alreadcy establishied a splenjdid m- paaio.Lver's of bettercas music wili enebakt h ar aesSir metMaMla' anýs, hihisLt e hhealrd tiiîs vwi,-. ter! e t a peciafl C.BCç. nto Tuelsdaýy evenlinge I;)'clock. h orrortas leader CEllappear uas a regalar member of the newly tommd Canadien tro whch ru- eladas Kahleen Parlow and Zaraýý Nelsneva. d",'llve es -g"eS, Mait Kuuy u iulg t'haîr cighiti eaononCBC nationa etok . 84 $ua ev Uig. tis itrsigt é bîritli te the demnain etth Sar and Stripe(s. ButMrtKay blas elected te remnainla Canad and play for tlu ntralmn ot Cana-dians. Lt is now twalv ,ils fistbd for saes STRPE RFOR ýM iER 71 J. MILLAR WATT ~I-t~Ot4LY ~IED I4ER LAST WEEY~ I t ~1 IL tia