Backcbone c f Food PoIicy laý Ration System V've renld anme varl odd SAes lately in pers about Our food sitatio .C.)rendsi oethat borse mnentvas now n dinncpr-pnrty de-icnlcy, 1lu another, that thejc average Londoa price fo-r chlerries \vas fîve dollars a pud Mn another that the la,,tesýt Englisb veegetable dish wvas a mound o_ fresh-clpped grass! The bnckbone of our wartie fod !paleic, of courise, our ra- tion ystm.Ncnrly ailesnta fond, - ment, ibutte, fats, tea, Jm, sugar, cheesebacon, eggs- are- rationed soý that you cnn't buy more thjan the officîil shbare., Th present weekly rationfor eaeb as one-and-twopcnece ortb of ment; ewo o unices each of teo, butter n 'nd cooking fat,; four ounces eacb of miargarine aýInd 1bacon, lhaîf a- pudof suIgar ndcheese,n qarvter of a rpound of jand esunlly one or two eggs a week. ChildJren h1ave u seia nto book and bave priocity la oranges and mik. Ini addition we have oui mpoints" Which enPAs US to by at any shop. _eary every other aiey of Substantialfodcn Med ment, fMsh nnd egetabies bsutdried fruýit, riceecerenîs -b-as n" valuaion in points; .'wo ponsfor a pouad1" of rice, 1 points for a large tin of sardines, and Sa on, We eacb Ihave 20 point a month to spend es e like. Certain foods are probibit'ed, snIcb ns crceamn, 1milk chocolate, whitc bread. And mnny foods once obtainable in great variety are axw standardized. There is ol 'n91r1n or butter, one iýnd of bedteNational Losf, a igh't brown Coaf 85 per cent. wbieat- 'fe ca and wV SI northwest Afni- la the skiof' Soviïetý Adlapted y ebesMitcheill r StarrinC Mickey Rooney SYNOPSIS: Timn Dennis, is entered at E-ton wben lie and bis si.ster join their racother wlio lias married an En-h. lishman, Roger Carlton. Tfim's eiderhafboer Peter Carlton, trier to lielp Tim whose American wayS do not fit in eatýily at Eton. Tryirg to Capitalize on the "fa-g" yteTimi gets into trouible. At holiday ime tliere's more trouble when the hlerblo orse, Bon- nie Prince, which 1he i,,slsbowing to Flosse Sanipson, -American girl he5 met un sihorruns away, breaks itsï leigs and basý to be Sliot. Tini is runni-ng away, too, wliený his -,iep-fatlier finids and persuadles im t returai to Eton-telîs Tii lie's afigliterand lie ~n*him to go back and "deo bis stuff7' CHAPTER FIVE Tim asreiedon bis rtr ta0 Eteil to)find Üthe wrby did mlot hlold thleir canIinijg Zagainist1 hl. They5vefogtealabu itInky assured him. -Tim de- ided they were good sports; he began to senthe meaning bhd the eýustoms th"Iat hdat first ap- peared oeuldsh tA hM. He to paM in their games Mis miother and sepfte camý,e to see Tim anid Peterpayg wihthe Jusýtinl bouse cricket ta gantthé Saunders' house-the finlals of the buse nmatchJes. Pind- ing h, liehd Ieft his good iuckl piece, is father's Notre Dame fooitball watch cbalrm, ila bis othler elothes, Timi sent Jane and inkcy to bi% rom for k. Through te open door of oni Kenvil's roomtheysaw lm )at tetele- phon, " Wil you meet m-ie at the Willow ClubLtonigIlt, Floýssie?' Wait a miue. envl left the phone and shut the door.Nether Iaky or Janue Itoughit y sin io The inicident. They hiurried back te theý field ndinky gaveý the luck piece to Tim. That inighit sfog.J ustin Hnse was ar,ýkQleedbut ete Cltnsat at bis desk,ç fully 'ited white imuffler about bis nek wiin.At iaSoulnd friom the orrior, e looked Up, then oýpened( bis door, and calledi in a low vic: Hello, wbo's u111p?" There wanoanser nd e w ent down te Diwy.Te fLont door stood sligbtly zajarI. 11e ,Cent Out- ISSUE 47--42 side- andiser .A guset of Wýind blwthe dtoor shut. P eter beard a ,ý moo ba eing st -rt d drau. bastily through the fog towards, the garage Before lie could reach it, a cr its hceadligbts off, shbot ont and headed for the roadway. Wlicn Peter tred tA get back, into the bouse, he found thn doot badloced as it was LbIÔw1 shýut. lie went to a indw fthe Li- raýry and with n stick be bad pick- ed up hoen prying it open. Tim Dennis was anwîkenedfroni th e dze iotawhich be bnd fallen ovL is books by Illegatn of a wîndow being cautiously opened. Prom bhis roem be saw a figure clm Ing thougb the Lirny ia- dow1O the ground w\as a wbýIite uffler, anc en d caàugbt of -nn bbs. àI ookd Iie the one Peter Calton w""as naccustmdto wear. Aftcr a timne, Fin decided ta la- vestigate, lie put on bis jacket and a Ca, climbcd ap ]L-rgli bis windw ad iartcd tu liudowaý the mrin pipe. 1Ha1f w3y (dowa ble mn )inito difficulties wbcî ýe theý pipe juttedj over a coping. In11)try- bing ta negotiate thyt spot, Ti iost bis grîp annd .fQD cl ta te ground, landing on his bands. groan escaped hIM,and he nurS a bruiscd vwrýist la th'; 1palm a f bis other hand. Mking bis wny tu the mnuffler, be snw Peter's Smo- gramnmed initiais on it. Ile stuffed. the muf fierbinto is pocket andi r-eturned t the Water, pipe, ýOnle nttempt tA imb proved be could not regain bis room th0at way- b)is sprained l.wriSt was tea pinr- fuI. He tried the Library min- dow and founld it locked. Nexi, he' tbrew pebbles at Inky's Win- dow.'O Tms oror, ýthe bouse- master's voice demanded wbowa down tieres Thm answered and was toldta go tA the front dOar. Let hi Ïby Justin bmelTimy efused aP l eXpianation rave thst hie "just went ont. I can't explain, si-n" "Ridicuions1 Youcena expiain, and youf wijll tomlorrow momning. Now go directy tA your room?" Buýtt wben iorniing camne there was somaetbing worse. uti' car bad beenta lken jfromntbeh garage and found wrccked along thie rond :Front Midenbexad ta, Eton, Tin,;was sumon rotaJus- tin' stu,[dy. To bis coninued re- fusai toa mae any explanatiioni for bngont of the hous(, Justin snid : 1hoghIdepiore -t, Den.- nir, yon,- force me ta drastic meas- rs.The fact thlat -you wmerc, off grýounds, and onit ifterburand that you stoCeMy car -that la ah1-ocking, bu.t ta abandléon ut ilaa ditch, a renant of jIts fo"rmler self, thapt is fablons" A agf awfoi shock crassed Timi's face At Is yvour a-ppetit-E jaded duning teetmesuu ie-do your meals seem dujl and naersig Temnpt your fam:inly's a ppetite wvith desser-ts that are declicieus and nurtosblanc nmanges and puddings that canbeiade easiad at ittle costý, w Canada Corp Sta-rch. The fine quality fCaaa ouStrh ie thez bes t possible resuits2- smooth texture- thatý nakes ce.rn stlarch dcisserùsdeitf. g'REu Snd fr te ece lnt ecle Bo1ie "5 ing l' A limousine -ýdrew up bsd the wreekage OF M.Jutn' ar, -nn Jane step»ped ont and lhnugbtily told the chufer espite bis pro- tests ut ieaving lier, ta drive lbnck ta Redfrcrnl.As sh4 buririeci ta te wrcek, Inky got tý bis feet with "I' awull gld Isnw you from the ron," sle raid cxcited- iy, "because I've got to sec Tho."' IHe's canifincd (lta bisrom Girls cani't go nt- "'Listeni. H's my birother andq7 hc's la trouble. Pu'vLgotta bI hifl, Inky. 1I kaow Tïmm di't dc it-."i "Sa o i. There's soimetbing Tim's notieln. "Tim Would have won thle rc today, 1I het," raid Janie. "Ue'd have made a joliy geoodý try. 1I-Say, bt'sihat?!" Sbc saw thie piece of paper ho lndiýcntcd. "'Just an a0d1 enu. c"It's odd thougb. Somne sort of a2 night club, 'Only beat l1iquors "You thinik it's ncica "Wlra-ther! You don't tink 1 Justin would go ta a disreput- able spotlikMe the Wiiio-wClb There'sý a date on the inoin-thei inïth. That's the rigbt date. Sný,y, Ibink we've rua onto soniethipg.'> "If Tl-m's shielding somreOne else, he'llneertell us, Inky." "Thien we've gat ta manke him.", "Y ou' Tinta 1tnk if I'm rot thee, I knlowbow tao handiebi, Sa it bappeneud tbav Jane, the latter iaaian tce big for betr, w:l chance ta sneak inito ' Inky knocked and wer Plg Jane ahcad of bini thens go nw,-y, butJ "Did yVou rcnily take, overý ta the Willow CI "f raid I didi, didýa't for the love of-"Y "I don,'t believe yau' WNlow Club -- an o1 whý,ere tb"Iey do't serv( "The WllwCli CLn't abiold re har," raid Jane, showing hi a peture of tht. menu. "It's new' and it' wbite and tcy serve foodt" "And you coWult have danced oune th of," said Iny,"beause it's a1iatsi00gbl Uoo, "TIiýnjIy, wVle ko yudidni't do t,"rad bs istr,"and lnow wo've go,"t proof. WVýili you goto 1fJutnand tellm nth"e "No, Na"\wil" you get, ont of here? Both f you." ,If you d(oni't," said Inky, "I'll have to t'el JustïIn yoUre poet igsomeone else, Janhe "Wai-dont d tha!" ried TC,. Straitegie war aterials are be.. ing flown out ,f aoc-dslt junîeln i Nrenindia toý GenealîsimoChiang Kise' forces at t1he rate ofrudeso tonýs rmonthly over hn- ~ ol Wibthe coasts <of- Chiii, ur- a ndIndo-Chlina in Jpns cenitralI and the barid-pressed Rus- sian unbleto contýinue delivery of supies over ibe old 4Ak rute, tbe air roue to the heart o Cnassouthlwest now i-*s tbe key support of ber armies, There camne a kniock at t'he dooir. Tin-,vwaïved Jane frantically towards hbscloset. Inky pushed ber inside and shut tMo door. (C'onýciuded Next Weeký) Cop)yright 1942 byboewi's me. Justin suddenly droped biu se- erity and pleaded w ýitb 1Timr: "Ont, witb it, Denniis;. Whatever it is, you Can trust me Wit it, surely. Tim stiIl refused to speak. "Youî silence iea es me no alternative. We sial have to cýaîl upon thce bead-master i hu onigx pulsioýn from Eton isso thni sblrink froml. Wo't-ou, try to to lp l)yovurelf, toalp us"oth Deainis?" Thexe was ni-,spon and Justin continued sadly: "You may gO andc packA osde or self conifaed ,jto your qatr n tii 1 cal you tomorrow to ne the headnaster," Wbien Peter , agba1stpesae imseif in Justinsstudy, begging,- for asuranethat it was not truc that Tir had stoIen and wreckedýý Jn1,stini's crthe latter rid(: "J'mn afJriifits no use, Carlton. Dennis doesn'7t wisbttak" "But bie didn't wreck vouî car,5" snCid Peter, flotatoehr it conictonfor the Ucaseagis Tim) was bak (lo e do yU ko se Justin. just can't believe it ofhm. CIf that's your only evidence, in alrid 'l nee~d more prooî, Dîd you sec or hearanhig "Wby, no . -.No. sir," rjeplled Peter àmiserably, tbinkibe W-as protecting Tim, "l'Il gLu ad ak, î,"ri Tim tIo-Mr. Justin, fîlled with esco1r1 for Petey's fear, lbe though, to c!onfess he vns tegiit., per- son, Wben aim ad i eft, 1Peterv pleaded: "surely tbere's sýowethin.g cIsc tA be donc? To sack hlm . . . If AiUlbe a terrble Clow to tie fa m-ily-andiii know1how much being here means to Tim riow -- even,, the running in the steeplechase tOm1orrow. Sir , ca't w- "I udrtnmy bî u tbere's nothing I can d. Vim was ready for bcd swhen Peter knoed, aying: "I want to t.alk to yuTimi." "You'ret tvery good uittak ing. Just leavemaion "Please don'ttak tatatiue "~No ? \What attitude sbould 1 tke ? aybe you'd lîke ta give me a lecture on) Eton traditionsý amd standards , .. WCllI dn' want to hlear it. JL1st !et nie a1one? P is Advance spued, Petur tursîd Sadcy away TRY THESE TEMPTING A CORN SYRUP MUFFINS - BRAN MAY! 3ct iweil i syrup a drink or two, i dancing on their Keeps You Regular, NATURALLY Iroof GOOD FOOD 1$ GOOD SDiSEL Never before has it b>Ieen mi-ore important for you to buy wisel-y and -atçÀeL. Today, good health is an essential duty. And good food le essential to good health. Inelude -KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN in your "muse" list, Remember, ALL-BRAN ie more than a deliýcious, P-ourîsh- ing cereal. It's also a grand . laxative food that provides a "better way," to avoid constipation caused by the Iack- 9f the proper amnounit of "bulk>" in the diet. But remetuber, ALL-BRAN 4oesn't work likeharsh cathartics. It takes tim-e. Eat ALL-BRAN in tasty breakfast muffins or as a cunchy cereal every day ...e drink plenty of wvater .,. ansuee if you don't agree that ALL-BRAN is a better way to a bri ghter day!ý Buy ALL-BRAN at yotir grocer's Ln cither of the two conveniently sized packages. Order it in the individual servlng package at restaurante. Made, by Kellogg's at Londoi, Canada.