c ttr 0U tieiea which i i bjeheldt -f "pure se- ' i wonaribs 50)11 breaas UnUlUousu e4tong W, strocircf&Shoer,. and meos and eaa bars mare h dangerous Tire 51vere bing sut te their notr anti dbloeds tireni.Rugged C ai adarise frolm ,iwthe r, t palms wave. 'Aost of tresceies are long tIreC, oastal bolit, aniu heday soil iluat beoentitieyrae coffee. A Plateau Coulntry Llia s la gpaeucutyr llng sine 1,500 Letabove tIre es rown dandey wis fmoesManI vîsietiby ieavy rainfails. ree grow te a beiyitoef 00 footanti are splendlid eapo ftii spocie, heur becaus (;L.tri eqaoilpùlosll n sd the abond- ait rainfali. Treeare cto fr05, snykitis 0fpairna, about 22 differenit mis o0fi teesmant esrus preducig ruirbe and ptees witc yelLI large, edilble auts. 2,earls, swe(-, West cetpies or1dinary glass fol Acre aer LESSON 47 MIOTIVES THAT STRENGTH-EN FAM'lILY LIFF E]:odus 42-1-4; 20.12; JohuA 24 9:41-51; Ephesianis 5:22-33; 6 1-4 Coossans3:18-21 PRINTED TEXT Exodus 2:1.4; Joshua 24:14,15 Ep1hesian4 5:28-31; 6:1-4 G.OLDEN TEXT.-Love Neyer7 Faileth. i Corinthians 13:8. TfHE LESSON IN ITS SETINGï,i Te. Moses was bora, pos- sibly, abo-)ut 1 1-1.C., though of thia date we aIront sure,Th Ton Cmadmnswere given,?,ý iftis ate is ~rot a19 B"..Joshua deliveýred irislast d - dress ln 1427 B.C. TireLast part of tlirebonir of, ProverbIs 1may hv beenl written about 101L5 13.C Tr incident taken from our lord'E- 11fru, wiren He vws wee ycsrs of age, l tebcplacd naut AsD, 7 or . The Apostle Pau! wrote his Epstst tire Eloin u Colosalans about A.D. 65. Plare.-lVlo-cS -vwas ;bora a i land o,)f Gosh1en, afnd was plaýe, wirn a baby, among bulrussiM somte onie ofthef esof tr Nie elta UTie Ten Cmad ml-ents w'ele deliver1ed at M.Sni Josirua delivereti iis ast tdrs at Shecieni. Tire icidenttke from our- Lord's ife ocre i Jruslem.Tire book of Prove.rbe was prob)ably, "or tire 'mest par, writteainla ie city of Jerusalem. Epiresus was a great Greek city .11tire Romnan provinýce of Asia;ý Colosse was located ila ire icsamez Siecirem w,,as a ity locatod la iTwîn brother ot Remlua. 7 file was legendary -L ! Romre. parts. 41Femnale fol, 4To bw 43 Vehicle. 45 flair 47 Wouni spir7ahly.v 49 Gamnefli (Pl.). 51 Der2by. mati52 YOU at 53 Sooner han.,,,l a 4Preoosition. ~; 55 Afraie oi. 5Inte. 59 Tire boh woe tirow 7a1tie - u'i)A wolf saveti a-ad -- VERTICAL 2Speechl. 3Tooti, 4 Conuc i 5Guideti 6 idofauo 83 vase. 10 To ýbtilcate-. Il Early part of night. 12 Scarlet. 15 Faiily, 21 play oxi 32Clay hirouse, 35 Cnacteri s tic, 36 Exýclaab n 39 To'Olove. ,13 Aniimal. 4 Poomas. 416 Lesa goo,Dc 417 Light, taikJ. 48 Pitcher, 4Il9 S t ylo.( 50 ovule. 57, Noth ir m-ý, iJca- (bbr.). -~ I - ~ 7 ~ 9 10 iii I I j' 1sas al have ýrenl- a nian ~ir posi- entire 'e that, seld. ire cirsldthe -1- Andi n., ere 0in orntuat evory 'nasee cita nurxi tCe ire Hbrew pe!)ople shoireljie put)tedeatir. Wio tirere -was bora t llua baby bo, nownluter in iritery as tire great propiret Moses, thes parenis irat faihtir ia God Sd somo great purpose for tir cili. After tire ciild hati beon put saFelyla tire arr, the sister was se to watch, ne witi, ay tirougit of harm tirat igit corne, bt simply te sce 'wirut woulti ie ti2netehlm' Tire miother returnet i;it ber Iliuse figirting bacIk er inaturul anixiety by fatirla'Cedtirat 'COIi InOt failbirr Hlousehold worship of Goa 4."Now tierreoor foar Je- 1o110 atiServe mm lu n nCerity iidin trirjc; anti put away the g vdbwicir your .fathorssevt boyond tire River, sud la Egypt; and serve ye Jeirevair. 15. Ai ifit s-ceem evil unte ou ftto ser-ve Jrovair, ciroose you ins da y whmye ilsev;wireter tire trtwere beyond tire River, or? empj-luis !rer rnY boù lae on tie phrase und My irouse?" 0f course, ne mýan can comapel tr aduitsof iris flouse,1eid rue worShip anyý oiee Gotqibut a iather Can. see te it, wiile iis chirilren are under iis moftHait tbey do aet teind Sunday Scirool, tirat teyare present laintire house of tire Lord on tire Lord's Daytirat tiey oN'l irear tire Word of GoCi veati, simd pyesoffereti, every da-y, ru. tire family table, The J,.ove cf Hushanda% 98. 4'lEvuten,0Ougitlirushais te lova tirir own wive- a iri -)""a bodies. Hie trat levýetir iri ewwl-vfe loveth himrself: 29. for ne man ever hatedhiisowa fleir but no'ùrisetir und cirorsheuti it evea as Christ aise tire cirurcir; 30, beeause we are nembers of iris b-,ody. 31, For, tis cause shah a niain leavehis pfurr»Ci moirer, andi sha loae-ve te iris if; ad 'tire two shah room one fleIr" Tire Aposte Paul iif-ts tia wiroie ubject up te tire ighest coaceivable plane wireu ire cmpares tie love cf iruband for tire wif i thtie love cf tire Lord jesus Christ for tire Cirurcir Tis mutuial loyaýlty andi love isz to ire perfecty huma"; but as, if i-, is as it sirould ire for'Chris- is t is te bie inspiroti by what is perfectly divine. Parente and Chuidren 1, "Chiltrea, obey your par- entslahire Los: or tins la rogm. 2. H-onor tiry fatlier, and mot0irer (which r-a teirefirst commitantimont ,witir promaise), 3, that it mnay ire we" itIirt'ireu, andti iou mlaye'st live logen tire earth. 4. Anti, ye fatirers, provoke net your cl- dren teu rath: but aurture tirom la thre cIiaSteýning anti admnonition of tire Lord." Obotience la tire law, of chiildliooti. It la, ln great, pýartire ciild's religion, te ire practised 'latir Lord,' Tire rever- ene Zanti love (, fulI of a sweet mystory, wiidjr-b tho Christianii cirild feois towards ifs Saviour. anti irveiny King, utiti ew sacretineas ýte eaimrs o fatheur ajnt imother. Jsus Christ, tireý Head over aIl thngs, is tire orderer ef tire ife ef boys andi girls, His love Wan i lmigbt guard tire Mtte one itrthenc- dance of iis parentsTire wonder- fui love of parents te tiroir off- -tgrinlgandi tire af atrrt ws,ïtir which Iriey are investeti, corn frroire source of miaan luiflaGoi. US. Hands Passport To Vichy's Envoy ï1i Washington tirie Vichly Frenir aubasssdior'spaaprt were baud.- cd te bmm jat',ktirus mpakiag ferm-ai oanticoploe tOire break, larelations wit Iltire Uite-d State Secretary Cordeilll discloseti t1iat ail Vichyý Frenchr s1iin laUnited States Ports lmdL ientakeun into p)retectiveculs- Dustless Dusters Dven sc tc-ntaeartic- lesi as dusters canir e imlproveti. Wasi tirem la tire ertiinary way in ricirý ,ygrease-d'issolving suds but t',e i mt nasewater atit(--e teaspoon of 1raw iaseeti oH oi two tablespoons of kerosene. Thon iraug te dry. Dusters wîll thoen bave -a fine, oily finish wiricir picks up tire dust anti iolts it iu- staiof fiicking,, it casually hither anti yen. ICOROIT0 STTIONMS (ARB 860,"W 70 WUAF .B.C.lIed (6f0k =4Z, h.B.C. Bue 7701, WOR (M.B.S.> 7u~k CFOi Owen BdU 1400 CK Rlaiiton 117,0k CECO (CWathai 60% CFRC ingaton 1490k Canada Breaks Vichy Relations tiens between tire Canadian anti lÇn a astteet as eekç whiici referreti te tre Lavai Ad- amiistatlais "A Gerirnan puppet governament," Tire Frencirmiite- hias been la tawa siace early in P1940 i-i lforrmedi by tire pr'i,-lefin- inal ontofl" cf-reFrenclirGev- tieUnitetiNtitsForces in3 Netir Ariaw w s" erety 1la ttftirre no longer exis iii France a legal or coastiutinal geverament lnanay sense repre- sentative Of tire Frenci pe-opie, but on a Germa uptgv crament "bas cedAierecenize tire present goveramieut at-, Vicmy as being tirhe jure Goveramenti rcf France aniti dipIOIratic rela- tionIs thVichly-areacedgl terminatei. RADIO REPU Programmes maty cornle a po grammes may go, but A..,S ' endy go on for mer Freem"n Gosden and Chlarles Cor-reli, te giv ltem thleir pro-per nanleas, haesut pased thre -000 malerk, coilpleting thereby one of tire longeost series ef )rproïgrammnes oný record àn rdio broadcasting, Naturaly iey have their trublesý thinkissg -up new scenles and iîewm sitaios. H c w e V e r they'v adopteý(d a phoilosoffhical attitde- în regard to the difficulties tieyý enontrla tire writing cf tireir epsds.. . "We've don7e 400 scripts" Uthey Say "aand W' ecan mýanage o01 e more" . , , .whicir is a1notirer reminder tit t Mlyl chIartacte-,s themselves, but thcy tin nd wietheir own iscripts. These C.1B.S. favLrte, heare erdover CFRB'l', Tor-ontLo,-n da'y tirroiugi rdy 7 to 7.15, p.,seem g ýood for :a b-nýg time, te corne. Disrali, Pime inistei of. Great Britain declared in tir'e ueo Comnat Westmlinster . "Tir heathof thre people larell tiefounldatioli upon w-ýhich i l herhappineas ýaa a ail t-reit powes as a stat depe" yes good helýaitiris always àa natina asst.ins wartinme it la avital weapon. The old adage thata Soidier marche on bis stomacir la equa-lly truie in thesedy o oa tar te tire industrial wok cid' tiwar-timehoemer e 1-, cause there are thousand e people ail over Canlada withl1ess tinle for marketing and plannuig menus, and because -improper sl ectien of foods mayilead te re- due ational efficincy, IrP Caaia roa-dcastin-g Corpora- tieni isfousg attention 0j in Jwimporant queÀstion ýiof nutrWitilu a new broadcast fSature, entitieci "Tire Hidden Eniemy. 1Dr.Eliza beth Chant Rlobertoon, noed Can- adian utortyon nutrition 1 adrvisor te tirh res of"CorCC bradasst-,e beheard ee2ry SHOR Il en GS~ ~ng1and . GSC ~lnd .n PA ua L 0î IIO Bil 2s 0m lGHA shnctd a, sivm WC ÉPa. 6.-?m wRU-,L oot .n 14y Nazis Circulate Cardboard Money mlieter, squareý, are bemin ned a c-urrency by thie German Flost Fish Fileting,, Factory l rn 1heim. on one ieIcrne 4,10 o)ere" f(the value 18 about tw cents), and on ,tthe other side ti., nina 0of a ierailnn hlýavýy a. tilrbattery is nmarked, Th' Norweg-ian peo'ple are being ade to use thlese cardboard pj-ics like tir odinlycoin currenicy. ti8 repogr Oedl'btint tins lew coinae i belng used because mll is î bc- ýomig8are LISTEN TO "COIUNTRY NEWS" fiems of Intereet From ontaroQ Weekly Newrpapers E-ACH SUNDAY AT 2 P.M. CFRB-860on your dial By J. MILL.AR WATT POP-proof BT~iI s ROMAN RULER OURRAIOLO OURKAD OnteLOG OKOIt Wterloo1490 CK X Windsort800k W i11gh.I 1)920k (flVîX Pe fCr ber0 14k WEA Roireter118 0k WLW Cninai710k, WGY Shene' tct, y810k' WBIChi-ca-go 7 80 WBH& Býsffilo 930k" WKBW Bffalo 1 '0k RTER REX FROST Wedaesay eve it 10.15,Tire programmelés are n)t presented Sa thre old-fashioned dry manner Au vhich tire subject of nutition basý îbeen Sureude, bt mae fered as cheeful lite skeches. nt witQuthumur ...illustrating, the necessity of blaice iet in a capig e step up tir enrg of Ca-nadianssrvnginînsty in offUices anid home,s wela oa tire armed forces. Th esee A fw ees-go W e rep!ýOrtd a chage in ture tme of theppur "Trreýasurle Trail" broadcastwiic is currentîy ieard over CFRB, Te- rente, and an Onitaie networ(lki eàvery ednsda 8.30 p.mn.Nw wve have te report acanelatt pers>onnlel of ithe bodat a Prlwel knwndrarnlatic ats and radio programme prOdUCer, tienl, 15now a imember o -i 1er i cme ihAISvae a fer-mer associOte of tire Tele- gram'sTalkNg Reporer. Tie ow popular RxBt iras "attled irisway t oua appecitin btirasa band lae and a conert pîaniist. W ra lmany vcommllenta these dcays re- gavingtheseries 9of progr'ammes Currenitly being peetdb e nings, 15 te S poum.ver To(ronlto and a-t networkj. Here 15à a program1-me wihwlpeit those ýwhio enjoy 'better class ui re rdt1irrougbibr tire edium ef the ivOry ke-yboard. Anew series ofdicson.f Air R[,aid Peate ~srs currently being ieadove--ER every riday ighit at10ocok spnsre y tire Ontarso er mJteof the Civilian efns corps. province-wide mmlber of tire CD.C. will find tirese alk entrtinngandiisrcie