vas of such de-. Ouid haitve a- e-videnle in aL United States (fltdes hy Steha o 'ed incae )f hl: abî,irtd'ay" were claim- grloundcs fori- is i'iiýctmeint Se'l retrtdPre(v;is as- tha t the gu-lvernmanieit at- ade "intemper(2ate, imyjro- il was sentenced to hang 1'3, :but execution will 'Appeite COU]'q decision. rwill ire heard somnetimie af- niber 30. iith your printing needs. MATTIE ROTENRERG broadeatstar whos'a voice is n Vo womnail1 over Canada slier por-traiýt bomw 'irewith. iRotenlberg, whio is so enlerga- Sactive ini women's affaira, is ical Ganuadian wife end mnotirer Dratises the ecomnon cerise --ho tes. C7apabie bhomre manager irer '<f fiva liveiy young,ears s -foisad tînie Vo 'be a leadeýr in ife- andI director oýf a progras- [r. J. ýC. Tan in Toironto, Mis. 1D. Caradsadden 'visited with ,\Ii. an!d IMrs. W. Paitterýso-n on Su-n- di y 1a st . Mrs. 'W. 'E. Davc-y attendIed th( funeral oft James Gr-ant at Wark-1 wort1ir on Fiday. Mr1s. FredAde'sn Port Hope, spýnt last weekI with Mr. andI Mrs. W. C. Crosley, (YlOrono. Cook Stive with 011 Burner in- stall<ed. $20.UOfor quic sale a', R',oliph'a arivre Oone. tM 1,S. R. A. Fore2ster and soin John spant Tu'esday lan Toronto visiting with the former",ýs pareants. Missýe.s Lois andI Lenora Wood, of Toronto, visited( with tbialr parents, Ur. and] is. Fred Wo'od, o'ver the tMr. ani MRs.R E. Loga-,n spent ie we-n in Toronto visiting \itlht1eir dauirter, lMrs. E. 'G. Ha,- amatI Mr. Hlay. M i sses Marg Ï-ari-e t Flintofi' andI Gwen 7Tenant, of Toronto Normali Sclaool, azpent the we-edat hi ýýespUCti-e hms Thle pu:pils, of Miss TiuPs om Orý'1ooPulic ehoeod l hatIa 1holiday thie oepr oftiswek oing t o hilnee of their btaher'. On Wediiesdahiyor lest weAk a don- bie quiting h be, was heuld at the hoime oS, Mrs. Ed. Dean wl'en wo quilte weîeqnlt, for the Red'Cos Mr.Viotor Hencock, lEleanor antIar Gary spent the week-end ,withMr an'd 'M's. Bab Hancock in Toronto. M'hile there thaýy toomk in the Santa- Cljaus parade heM on Satuarday. Oriono Orange L odge- No. 409, heMd their annaral eletion of officers at their reg-ular aonthily mi-eeting on Mo'nclay evenling Iast when ail laest yea's 'offloeris 'were ireturned to of- fice. Mr. andI Mrs. Ans on Gib'oy of tre' Sixth Limie ofClre Township, have miovied into town, oeeupying apart-- moneits iiin Mr. WaIte-,r Cobhledi'e's home. Mr. Gilr&oy SUit his far-m Vo Mr. N. Keniiedy, MVr. Frankln Tambilyn returned Thie Bowm-anvihll'e Bit Gnadian Leg-ionwishecs tire pecqple of Orono for, oaas spportt on Poppy Dý rade Herb. Murray, wh job a,,ncl reeived ln Oro of $38.00. Conmradile Wml. Watern r-ade W. C. H. Mitcht Lf-r'mNe wcas tl1e,$4.o -Mrs. W. 'C. Il. '-Mitche Thie Noveiber me uing of tbe 'Wo- w ls h"'ld t th& home f iVrs. H. i Crtis wýiÉjh quite a large aItten~dancoe- of m(eiesý. The p sdnilVUrs. H. Walsh, pre- sieand tlie devotionial -\as 'taken Jby AMus. 'iliwoo~ The meeting Mieedwth siniginîg the hymsii, "L.ord ,pea'k to inie 'that Iniay seli"thenl mr-S. Litteweooïd garve the ritr leaIding and II ommenýts, alîso reud a beautýiful poemi on woqis inicl ed in prayer. Týhe roi, wa-,ýs 'alIdand ansv-,seed by a n-lmber if the Jmemnilyers -iving r nneWS Of the iiqmor question. The preisidenit iread a letel. from the Sýu'p&l-iltendent o)f ni-cloicfrui t plroduets at Otw.Mrs. Raine-y re- poI'ted,ý for, tie f r'uit and 14)vfircm mittee. A latter <of thaniks mmd - pr-eiatioun frýoi- a shut-ia was, read, also a ca'rdfon one whio was sick'. Clip sfieets were rend iry the miem- ls. -A me of tire laýdies re- preithey lhad senit a letteur to al eocirboy oVareas(!I. (inl' ar- rorn a wvinter1, so'tiiere if mve huve 10e. Ile manii-y appy ~Shov. Theii, that aveow itn Hlall Chief-ý izae thrae-ye.ii- loir andI Rese va, ýown by Arehie eand ownecd ail Farna, Ring; Var Bill, firat 111, ow'ned joint- Stock Farmis, J. L. Fauikner, by A. J. Tam- 'ie ýMan--War Ehe t ainjily cf ta'e Sherin -is o Lexpress cnation foi thlý înan-I n n 1esSa, expre'ss iilnt 'f syl friands ant'lIwneghrs1 recenet sad hraeet Carol, fiirst prize thiree-ye serve Seanior and Rese Chap,-fion, oewnied by M. Oronco; tire winning Get îMai-O-Wai! Dîctator, s] ,id 70 r 1 1DT, 5.18 îpm. AtI>T, il broadcast of thre serra- in ýthe cdy. Wiile thi metdIleal test foýr The necepted, 'wiill report Apound $16 -was' rea ani a small t M4ac ýCarletonl. ha g $2.95 soc s, IL 28c ,IL 35C 27c lOc 35c .17C. They are iii ght hundred pot rcb)ding anti -al un, other medleri :a sui- idta ant V -Dlo noti fail' Vo tration, see V he rentas of war, Ir oing tlrough'il arle se co)rdia' Steeves, 1... $1,25 $1.39 50, $2.00, ..$2.25 5011, VMr E. Ta eent v sccddibn and iCarradians wiii 'geV a new five- cee at tire New Year-the sse ileisthen six usontis, Tt wil e~ ý19 rire date fýor Vire RedI Cross B~a Ororo liras býeen set for Saturd'ay, ýceniler 12tlh, Tire folloiwinig rce- nana were ehosen :Vo ool af'ter tire aenit blots : IParrcy-wrk-, Mrs. tasper Dean,; epron booth, Miss ira Mlýiii; bomne cndn Mrs. J. Cooper, andI faniit poduce, Mrs. H3. Stapies andI Mrsn. Milton Tansi- DRESSES Ladies' New just arrived, in Sheers and froin $5350 ta COATS Ladies", Misses' Children's Coats, Wool Cloths, TI and plain cWlors, $12.00 to... Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c. Porterhouse Steak lb. re and L. ie plan1 <va: T less Raisins, expect .......... ............... 13c. ........... ........ ....... 29C. irg Lettuce, Green of 'St New, m< ables onet repair8 to R. Knox,4 dl% a2rc Centre St. hion, 30l6 SUND il ar vf 'ive Fanlcy cakes -Celer Torointo, Doinion' that 'have beunnonatId for- the Ali-Candiii an Conteist ari four. entriý'es frooilDurham liCojuntyý. Thie AliaanCreti, i- fnlSitep in a system de(vise'd t"hjs aar Vo, take, the plae of tje mj Cnadian exhiitioneý, f ew of wîi are functioaing. Plusecularylyumssel are the C.N.E. ant1i tlire Royal i eei aithre former for manly yeaî- liaving the iarge'st Hoîstein exhibýi on tire oninn and the latter br ýing inig together tire winn'iers ait tho othar leadi-ig fnb s. T'his y1enricc 1Black ntiicW1ibe D 1ym7Shaebe hield t'hroughout Ointarliowihth wiý,nnrs 'comipeting et four Regi.-3nal (lhnmpib'nsiip 'Show.s heiki at Kem'p%- ville. Ros'e'neath, ilonantI Incer-