and dlqWnm Latest Sei the Gemai statoel thi -Actuallyrn,t peised qver ers impose( tis te wOe tins theG Ap wîth de, Expe. CeImfortiî1 that the G tisiattack. twe years k Germans cmi cng fortifia ]aughnbls te ;ttekms as( th-eir nlet mi Now they ai surane aga Diîsquietirý Apite the vw tien of the1 rsl>pinmshed. nsîgeven m!-ore ceucera are -reporta that snis mie Bits subjeets have disnp- penred freni their homies receutiy. Tice, isfear tint bley havelsa takenA tecontinental Europe for ferel labor. The Gerimmmaeouthe ,ids Mome et them ei ilAns sentfo adinitrative jobs - geneýrnll , we i- od toe ctm correc-tiy te- wnrd Britiai sb5cthowvev. They j hld littlebutcntulifer the Russin,FoIesý, Norwegians, Dutei, Belgims aud tlier nceug teimiprtel lbres T'ic fool ration is amnl eavy jnbrers are alwlsxpounuda et --read weekly (w"een 411'2pouls),, ;amI four ouncesaoet butter. Othur ku-own rations are (weeki1y):. Sugar, 2 eo.; potatees, à lb *; er- isatz ý,cffce, 3 ex.; cocon, '2 ex.; f .at, 2 os. Otficially, thislaaders cana uy six ounees et met saci ekbat usunIly tieres is ne Jora anis. 'l i ~oesiii whicI tiers aro ne Gar- flanis bIlleted, TIers are pentif i eWctoks of coll, but isianders ex- peet te seclttsetfit. The Ger- ma army utf occupation will lie conforabl, wat la lsft ging te, miecivlias. Se thie Canuselasdr r ,nthse vergeofet bat seema likeý a. witer more difficult than the 1]as t. They hveonly oe.s enjoy- ment, e3as ray of hope, b)ut Ui laa eearLeete oas--tjic sîg',i t .AF R.Ç.A.F. and Americani air ter,.ce4 bombers speedismg almeast dniiy acesthe chaumne] te strike at tise ýNazi chainsbidigEnrepe. No Change Likely In Coffee Ration Timesis samalilklhMood et any aitertionIs in Canadiant tea anul -ottes rations during tise lite-timie rt tise curreut ra-tion book. It WnIs same iu Ottawva last week in r-eply te reports fiat Canada wouid sali in lias wth -ýthe Inw Unitedl Sttscottes rationr. Th-e Ainerican quota oetoe 'Poul every tîve -weeks is an 'odd figure wMh i wll nt lividle even- J Y inte peula, imentýis or wecks, For Canada te attemipt te conife:m1- weid mnu revnmpîuig lier entire nisystsmi. Tieclchaneis urtier icompilicatL by tlic tact tinat our teu andl cefteeare ratoned on tic nmecoupon. SwVýee Us'ng Wced To Run AINo'12S Wts an woed pile and net a fliiag ýýtGtiomtnta Swedish Mtorist nosteesMornowd nysluSwedenac- cr i;-t a Swediah otticial now în diMonreai. Wood bas replace I gasolîine as automobile fuel. Cars havý e issu ouvertsd te mrn ou a fomof gsinteal et gasoline, amVd ueariy svery machine un Sweî,(isII cities blas tus evice. Cars will mn, about two heurs wTiÎÈoutý a refill. Tien, accorlîmg te the 0Swedisis vistetise Y 0or- ~% at v~'lIpull1 up at n Spot wiere aý Mtofet wod is bugged up,ý For about 10 cents he will buy >i bag 4cf ,0ajd ump if int bils litlie gas Thes selgs'ir atoÎ 1e ( ha anid later captured by advancing Alidfiec anl a-ir field il-, ji!Dab,Et, whieh unil ' THE WiAR -VEIEK - - Commeintar-y on Cuirrentl b.nbers putotetom ssn by Ailied air attacks yp)t, Land rooahvelined up tbe fuselages at ý-S age ws ilejs behlind thle British limles. Ev ente All'ied Plzan For Victory Seeni Ili Offenýlsi*ve Action La AfriCa Aixis teres l tie weste-rnls e"t, gttertwelve (isnyndulibs et censeleaz attach b a uetInni anulair fnesnow are il-,tuil retrent. Thein disnrereP-d coilmuIýa are beiug releu)tIe;shly attacleel by -our Ialdterces ald by, the R.,.F n and migwi. Tllnitel ainfoczcntinluel te pour into Frencl North Atnica aftter70 transports lia unoae 140,000 geultroo)p, Maiý nesun Rangera at varjois pin aieag a 1 00-mile leugtlî et'ticMoroc- etnaval lanliug uulertaking et the wnr. New a' at -,itar i tis e lon)g mentIs et uncentainty anul Iub wve knlow whwat tise Ailel aster plan ton vctory ilA tble. With Amlenican troop's iaing ahleng tlisenortli tnulnrtwstm ceasta etofre hAfrica, the i l caa3t-we are g !0 t iysiege 1te lte'a fertre-sa etEur'ope trem ail ailes unId rwluthOse sige liues wliere they are ost rmt freux th Ise eney'z ciale The wliole picinnre tîts 'togetIher neow-ithse reastna for i, on- Bernuard L. Monitnomnery's awetu ntnek en Geerni Fleil Marsala Erwin, Remm-'Lel a tatis timeP,the renson for Gis great supynulre airbs- e-S lu fthe Midl na, the 'so fer fluet and shippiig concentra. iens ut tise western uIndet thie Medtenanentlie reatson ferourt dipl)oi]iatic dllyiligawth Vichly, thse reason ton tce receat bembings etNol hn Italian ,porta, even tile reason fer Gis heivy Aeîa troop concenitratfins lu rain tala, amI theiseienon for he mt elle cdeveiopmaent et n gaeat hain et aýir bases acro's Cetrai Atica. Turnling Point In War We beileve that hlitery wilSay tint on Nev, 7 the blow wasrc tint markul the turuing peint ii) tuis wnr aund the ofipin tlte great offensive aginat tc Axi FoesTits îla net tee h-igla vainatlin te laeou the oea tiens wi-san Aeia xei tieaay rmyIýII, suppertfel by Bii naval unI air fr fs iaslanie ln Norti Afrca, Hazan-lous ans these eperatieus May tic, unI 10- ever ýlonganud lard the endtlint lies sewe hknew now titwe are ne longer merey litigtice on- tic letansive, usLaffnsv action on ai major sca!ïe, under- takzen îlu a zoie ofetperaieus ta lies ecose te the main, masses et the Genmnnu nu l itaiuArie.It la theop ofmgetlieScu rn n tînt face ot tuc Ennropean C-'at tictwiere tue eaemy la aow te lje leatpreparel t leeo himeif, StrategieFactors 1t is ean ut once tîlnt zthe Am- enictua adiugs lu Atnia, suthti anme tUme as Genemal MOnmuery peeyChange tIc strategie pic- turee OÈtte wan. lu the stpuggîe for EgyPt qsud Libya, tIle itatis ;ait Germaýns have eperted frein'lu- comparably shenter supp'ý iy unes th)an the BIriil. Slips rimGrn Btunte Suez, crunvgto the wioieadethte continnt et Atri- ca, have hall te travel tise immiense" dlistance et 13,000 miiles. By a sim- Dar roue tne distance frm Nec Yorik te Suez is 14,200 miles. If the American terces now suc- -eel luinetabhsiiung firm -1beach- lisaLIs uat severni chesensttei pjoýints ud Jifthe Bitiali are sue'- CessfuI in Captung or annuhmilat- i-giing emeis remnining forces lu Nortji Atrica, this whioiesiuto willi e taseru.The avenaige sujpplY-line 'distance trem ngan teP die Neorth Atnficun coat by seai Wii lie reduncedL t 2,o000 or 2,500 ile's.This mnus thiat slips fe Euglund eau bnng suppli lume fift te inone-seveidAthe iepeseut, lime. lu weulid be lnmst thcequr aIent et ultllpling fivefoltise inîbno mr-a lp avail- able ýfr UpplyIf Itweullh maan a tremenidmun ecouomiy lu ships and limean incalculable Icmeseil t-ise a-bllty ef the Anicun inul B-ritisis) forces te liUtwlat tbey liaI gained. Direct air commnuica(,- tIojn fruein Eglaul wd ould lie pos- s)il. Ai- and land routes ceuý1I hle estubusisellineetly acr-os A re from east te west. The Britshanul Ainsenla erl fica a eî be frmly ilukel. The Amnia lanfings iu Algier-s ut last makeit pwosilete e" é sther thre reality or i thefirent oet nid und supljj7ies by Vichy France trom that dirc- tion te Germian or ltalianfocs TEly imakile it psibete eut off former avenues ef escape ton sucl fores. Above nul, they expose the "unler aile" et Europete invasin. Rîsks Involved We imuIsti'reckýon witliEthe tc thiat if tise Amieriean Iunidinigs pre- sent enocrrmouls epportuuities,' they ise luvelvec mmsuae ik. They eau bning litliert immobUliz- pcd F'reuci land aru nvalteces lute, thev wur agaIinst lis. AitheuýgIa Hitier lins teizel ths excuise te eeuipy the rest et Fraince, thc Ger- mau-s anu l Ituia1is wil sthihave, if thiey areale t eexploi thGem, alerter limes e ommunriiiication teto LAyn, Tunisia nud Agenintanl tiseBrtalinulod s es cr forc-ez lu Atri Int be coniStanIt- Iy reinorc l nlspi.TLce 1xs wil wmtee znan alir power it bas orcan ýmIgethinto Gis Mulîtrranan, ill ntnckourcon- voya, Moral Factors Frem iI!z lamonstrien et i our pewern an our purpose tlie con- clt:!iecC peciples ot Euirope, iimpat- lent for the day wlieutley eaul tu1nu witil fury Con the Nazi beastý, wii daw tresh strength tiami] cour1- ae, our Russian allies, tgii' suerly' s dfor ithe Imoat part4 at,hlrouigl i, ,il,,Iymets wIl se latli e actItreaches hu~m Neth Atria to Soutier Europe the shape ef the Second Front wiicishey have unid, n tiý establisal. The f ew stillI hesi- tarit amdIll tietialnations in orti own hemiispiere wili fiel tresli e oiene tbtisestreuigt1l et our cemmitment eudstrey the nmiii- tay ower etHiiers er'mnny. HitlrS Germany itasît canuot tefail etesi tie impact et this nlewa, Pro f et41"that, uni ]a sug- gestion ot the ettect whidi it mnay have on ic , morale o fe iseGeman peoie, 18 te le euuourin ilthe tact MtntHitlerld net dure te lut a single dypa'sa witlieut broadicast. lng bis asýsuranices tbat 'the mlan- iug et an Amelria exeliiear.y terce on a Second Front can i e dismnissel as unimportant, ButÈ it is, above ail, lun France, more even tsan lu Germauy or lu Russia or in tie SMaler nations et Europe, htnttCe news et our l.asdiiig lu Afr-idaill iaye,,pro- toun reprcu~siom. Wlatths wIIL le, !lu hedays thiat lie- head, neo mancan say for cerýtain. t 15 pon ýssi ble- that thle enEgadle Lavai am'ii 1l betudfdlec Petain 1maY suc- ceel dfor a thime luconfilsilogrecl opinon amd in deliverimg somme et the tnentlet ftlie Fonc people Inte thse service ot thelr merta enemy. ]ut;etftlils we feel certain: Mitînt nny ,aucli uccuess for, the lie- tryerse Franice wiii tbc of shlort urtoif it ïo, achieveid at al, aItiat abeve the lin of btI laNorth Afica the French. peeple will heurand nnswer tli. summnas et, de Gauflle, tlie reai leader etî Fr nceluthis heuret ciais. On Skie of Frane *Tirougi two long yea f t itter. Misýery alimen1ie ldangerie Frelncis people have irejeecl every adrance andl very dIsmamI that Hitier bas mals tor their "celali omtien," Tînt they hope pasàion- aly fer Utlr' estru'ction w ýe m-ay ho suore. 'That we sliail tlglit unitil we have achieved )lis dsre Ètithy imay be certain. Iii the very act cet lainlimg Ameicanj boys on Freneli ;soi1 nu Nerthern Atnca, we SnY te tl-- ise relpeople: We are luntIo war on the ile of France, thit aie =Qay lve agnin. Tit is iMte Meaning oet victoito uis, andi uetliinlg S,1otetfthus will1 'lox No More Baqanas The Ui dFruit cmay hauîiliig (65 lper cent, et the world deulfer bauýnna-s, tiiioinceel iwil now ncurge CentraI American farmiers teow rublier, mialliia iemp, qtiinc, u paim ýýoil, anul othier crp formcirîy raised in tic Far, Enat. -WORLD' NEEDS THE EreP[RF- "Soins think 1,-th-e tm is appr0- pria te teI- write -t'he ob))it;Jary e f1 th CBritish Emipire uas it has been con1stituted.Lette o ogl that this Epieis 1the gets it iyartocrethe wei i lnfnitly ottr t ya b ecaris ee its eitn& -Ottan Jorn al TREATED L1ïKE AN ENEMV llysfood àand rýeso)urce-s re being sent te eran TficItal-. lin peoýple \will hýegin te onder whiethier OI' M ill pfut them ut this war- for, origainst, Gray Certaýinly ,,tliey doo'tget any het- ter tratCmnttan tliat Grn gives her nmis --Chathaxlu News GIL ARNEDI Girls, if ouimarry a mni in khakibette makeup your min unles hIe'swilgyuantd. vorcehi. ha'awrig i the Greatt Falis Tiunïnd it -might bL e heed evcreas weilIas -Lethbridge ileraild LOiNG, LONG AGG log goý , whsn st4oresadetid "leaders,-" ïand oi u 3inight h ave read smehnglke this: Two peound(s ef sugar aandi.peound oe' g-offee wih eery purchanse Get g niewtie STRANGEST CÂSUALTY The stran-gest wavr îcasuality te baboonTmy elo)vsd by tos anI"cs of, hol1àidreil, -%ent jt a decimne fo-r lack cf bnns A MARRED BIBLE the o t be, put on sale blu Gcrimany will conI-taun a picture e Adoif Hitlr.'Nff seid. - 'ntSte. 'Marie ta SIZING UP MAN No miers ,man la "sas goas h thinlçslie -iýs bef oreîniarrciage uer se. bail as bhctiksh is atter- --Brandon SUn -o-o Slay 28 U.ý S. Marines." Th.t wm't 1ýwas Japaràa- tien- --Win-dsor Star SOLDIERS KNOW BEANS Don't ever t-ýry te teil a Caria- dian soJdier that hie doesn't knew bean, -IitchnerRecord lear-Old, SeinaanServee Ir; Merchant Mvarinle Oas darLk l nghlÉ in Janluary et this ya heootrhcbifs- gineer etofan Am1eri(anfeihr stepped oufhis spip ut MurMansk irlct 11 euis a inilstreet Lte î ie opercieus ,,e te wi tnle ssn a per- formance ot Bons Geudonot. Lt was new te, îlm b-ut lie en1joye(l theý w,,ar1i1It h e igtthe mmmcani the crowd. Ho he ad net seerj the Sun in tWO nmontlis.Ibis MigMi mo e l)ythin-g eut ettlie way save thut'tli,, engine(erl' ad jupt passed his 75th birhatat tbe Canadiami Navy and the Canaidimý Meyrclt Service had turned hlm. dowo asubeiog 'Much lmo od" nu tuit lie tpulspent tepve us six mnis -on a fpsagrom -New teMmunstwhiclxis a ln voyage in winter. lu few Inys age tuntame en- ginerGeogeSaitilix, boru lu thile 011Ayslmretown e Sltf as stepped Off' is etrain luLedo nnd sý,hnoln hadawith ison George lauir Smilý, anager oet the Canadonan auleetComnmerce lu bondon. WetTe Sea At i17 lie amre litissïinus on the, grondtlotev'ery Scot loves a ,bouuy figixterand lie las a vat r-espect ton tisae valeeusmn eto tne nortfi w-,ho hfnItie tesiug ilu býe'teeu deJ?; glit0 o' Ic icy searslu te ArcticOcean. George Sih, Sli as boeenai most hAfaItaentury 'foliewbnte sea.' At 1A lieweut down the Férl th fClyde o hem i s tmn - te Rie de Jameir. In the inter- vngyeai S lie saw aimeat eer port ivere te slips sailag under the "e utr go, exeepqt Aus- tr!alia whinjÎýý. oli sehJow liýýe Mlssed(j Abouit 12 yeanrs go, lie deciled teý retire.But lan1939 wheDmwar cae,l1P5tlie cail et the sea camrre aise. l-ie ppilfor. a 1bertjla ntlie CanlnNavty. B-FoUs aavy al merdat seritiurnellmdowýn, His birtlx certificats wazsagnt àhm. Net te lý3ie bai e li ppied to ahntn te tn(se American 'Marinle CmisoTley (sent a ppeciI ffier ýte Mentre-al tetalke cWlta Iis douy mon of tje sen, They hlrAd h.ll, Tiat wqs btw yeurs u-,go amilie lias beau nat sec, again emer aines. Dog Waits For B>eloved Master Mouiftie, thp show that acceni- panied ise Cluk of Kn on his PeaCeti11e jourusys, tooek a1p his qujarters iný the garrge husu the Dukeç-'s -empity car foi' twé cinys after the plane accident fatal te his master. Hsremaunel trere fer 10 da1ys, refnsiug te leave even fet'r food, 1Everyj timle the garagýe door ojrcned lie looked op enpectannty hoping his bleved nmter would return. a M - I REG'LAR FLESWosWo N 1<1. a VICE PRrSIDE By GENE BYRNlPlPES t bREý f E ~OZ. MEZIMAKES 50 CLIPS .3 02OZ.S7Z7MKi OQCLP P'3,2 ýp .12