Vol.6. No,4,5, cUN~ON .F u l)D Y J ~v~-2 usrpin $12 -rYa Oro o oultr',y Maisrkt --u9 y eçéem^ ber22d»~ Donald W itie and Crissieîts-*~~:* Ail Churches And Home Jordain Win Silver Medals - sÇritasTee az o at~~Ie W'CTmU Cots .B rirm med With Loights >Five](CiIs a~nd Three Boys R a4Wel c ra Wl eT m edp oieTrse'M e Vie For HooQrs-A1 M. t.-ýP_ Spring to Proteet the ing DiiWelDonald Wh ite, "MY Rolti, Did W~11%Vires IUM muo~ohe1r e t ini Alter the CQoakng ans ce lced ei_____es-e go aron sen on Mod yeveo Donad Wh, oucif andlie u eejuag M ~s Betha ainTheOl ooi e Cn u tToi mutes cfth las, reLgu MCris' JrA c duho,<) ancrnMfN Mr.a, -m' an 3e n t e'i mtngo n -m m wore-ù rend and nýpî -o4. Grsi aiuaî-t ~ -slandMrs, JeW&l Bedai nAjailxe Ma v g oese 8r.Atr Te foilowiumg biH'u w-e e d-s th thon julentiredt aiioth oi te plck the i t s were lead anid poe ad silver iidals a-ta oLh -ýGr ýVýC e-t tJhle bsiys and gisl nnou. A 1 e-e floi jsw r ere paid Wm. RuT e-iau, oàP f lire hll$5 3 Puiblic SpeaiÈg~ colLs nul~ tinle tea n t e d siu Park StieetJ -iF- duîîaî*r n al W-hit sn Owaiî i1CU-îis$8,0 Leý,sriesa U- day ~ ~ wielie 2h f) we, amuE em be da eonlhg,-ov ~zo 1,ie a, mnens Pe 0- Hep ro-Elee CoiE Gn- lice Trnstee-. . .. aliglit wi1hi ji t~î~~; td il h e si er me-daT n n L a...m........... ............. ........ 0 I83 Hf. C-la k, servieos as -police - girls and -tree liys DuuÀ w tebc.whl h thr otsat 4(4d-5. ~ - ~J or , ear,ýS salary - - T stce ..... 5.0û, - teok for. Tis s - jeot '"iry Re to, were pr es(eited wiU'h -. bock. The - and postage. ...~ o 1000-j MeIo--~c - aFnu ccrtainly - d.served th 1lie niellai preW taIo wpr m1alde by MrS- DEATH TO DI VE BOMBRRS --N il Porter, colk010 's and - omi J. MH re mrys awre -iifrhsfiecaty Norilnan iiead Sallers on board a Bru ah destroyer on non'veyeaeort duti aie s re o -trs - e~ od....... calary .. . ..,..,......, awade h fc-bi fne- tc ieO W.C.T.U. this year afer- nbondgaminîuo, ee fho..........4br ........u....tf-.se-c ofic ...... Psag adluid ai10..00 .13- - (rlissie Jor-dan tcok for -alir - -bjec- rz o tebs--p r he W aS -Th ognse a 200 pon or iue st aif t w lelo pieal-slh oil-s.giRl lm me 0! A.ic 6MWePst1, saa- a s 'e-uata i -50 ý'Which wilfl iyou- iýve"pz frtetetPsaelwic a Ts us eea20 mmees Y11 > - -ql uT te2 Wut aar ont-l 11ev. S& LtiUewacd nordeu a-a chair- """ by VItetoi- W-amer. Mrns, H. Peth (f atacking a icra an-d bav beefi used witli gra efec agi $533.-23 Nel Porter,- r-ont forn use of monu fur nes ev'enîng~ andt opened lteu Walsh P-roseKd hlm with a book. «ci-ian dive bomlibors -- The s6ocary aras incst-ructed tu omlce . . 60 entutinint t.-i~it- mm nîù -jg- Mres. Walsh saidç hs was tihie flis F-----ha-on e-Obaw o pesa on the fcdlcwing information IL Mecqe-, care cf Vcw,ýn -cloclk? 10.00ý ing, -with Mu, R.-XH. Bco'wn et lte year~ -blis poster conitest mes - eeafefortogiac o I- h sesie0 eseru rt i pa followeut iy prayon. Bc oreii.sdtckti peruiyc Man and Womirn FOn as te the restrictions on the use f -24 oallig- upi âe emoptatts Rov. th-anilzdng Mi5ýs Banet for initroduc- li-e -porýpoýeýd chauge oif s steni. 0wrb1a cf- h hrae fM Cary ton, rearîgwllo Littewood- told t1bat the - -raf- ing it in the scIte-l. powe beeuv oflitp -the -ertg aofgdfalis aneyli........ o âe as gi-rigar nd lî -go 'ng stroig- Bevrleyi 'Payne wvais -p esented the prmet siysien, te ioorary Chi-slas Traces - Oh is mnias tr, tanGeorg Butons - eeiu- 2 itTiiat thesa. e ueings irore veryv witl a-book, net iaving received ue e bd[sc amn u> o e pr(edat eiarged Vieat a comue cali- .'Og Issu cahah be -e20dincn hlpl]u> to thee lidre i n prepa-. alen elie iras a nieda-Iliat. Beveleyv Vo,, fcountd in a dtiteli four miles west net f ei safe hi b-is jo-h -as long as it mection mith e urdhes on h isSues- ing lieim ifoer -tls future Nie. Ho prevously won NIe siiler anid gold uf Ouoburg et diaybroac -on Wd -is on the tendur stenil. "Why ,o Ee-tor on Gbrinities onIy, and ..y Atooglinetinf hlr- oth e 0 ll h eiper--oa in pi-vion-s oe e da yurdî lat-n-i s eieè ahuld a mlati doing a gicod jobi noAe-tg nPedno tea- was o rir1o httetl -ia tt (a ic4 aqadLin Muse buildings. c neeted vith - - ance Union s hould kep twging tho The fllHowing programmle wasý that a double irder bas been- pu- (eà se tire" be a-siet "'We kmown Engine was ord-epnod n any sutpplies gove mos linan ecteano- sto wp given: Roitation <by Beverley Patine prtd The mian -wais identlife le jet to caunge fw a doEar"' Le ciilam re, si ug su ce once.Ism -e ub ruj th B-fow of liquoi hbto bI e "a r O"; v-ceai duet, àls-s aS Wallnce iCuningilý-ii, Cl'en mi dde'd - e'rnimg Vo tho po-iodic sulb- ald' ieli ri ee i - su edt thie presen Vio 4 tA re BiIi-gs andt Muriel Ton- Avenue-, Tonato. - ison -cf eci_' nimaiT rouLite for nom-tl 1Ybtnto I u lodwe u -~~~ ~~ ts S qia t te0'stpo Depuy -Cemnssioner -11eh-rt, S. -~--t * ---- ~ ~ iou - -t CI'-n Tunln Pic ,,at nlo-gtni -ou .ir IIii-ka orap >tilhîio namaiad --u or -uiiy Decili th e ecuien- aniani Cand an CII and CHonr liay Ditn 3cf VItear doin ba- ty- -caI tu -o 9gvn at. Ge the M( -' ,o an-dl - Best; acIo, -Mrs, nj eatd-t nobtaesîpei-sé the cubintha thbi, c 'ai ouioe4.1I ciglndpt osïul. r osd- 0. W. lul-; vocu1 soi-o by Mr. -Cr'ccle muer o Til ww cu u met -o nmucl Gass nmt e-as in bu-e unreI woed ce- cd li SA by say'ing ruthters -lbt e rer-re, w ih Mis- Taiy wth a raor, tbe calibre oif eéh theacancr ti as e w e - an shail ha o n 4dced e ha aho capses ~vis~giu thattoxcat i iquor hl1 - een .in e t t-e piano, foliowed -by a S11T not bce kncwun e-ntIl an autops "d lite nee-e- -aa seial-.-ie-- e. fi, -1 1 T.a hte e-l fr 0,0 -eae-, bt h ymui. lOurs. R. Hf. Brcowýn presed lahl.Bd oekildiii u-knomiedgod, how(ïeor, th ey have auas uUne et-bel 0'Cn te Te-n-p-e for 1000 yer but vay at Vite piano for tho ev-enli-g. lIts throughe te het police s-aid meuc difilcultiers si oend ig titoi Tbe ini tÉr o'f th t-),u ftvr I-eTnpraieUin-a e- ti cee a-Ityva nb -leee re iqj ,Uor-cao, lu ~OAor Vo ge thVeFo -Su modem, bei awl md 20-l'eans eid1 Lunch wes thon -servod Vo te iheiy houeve yod. -vr $I slaiee Ge-ubss ieli i ceirih mabne<-dhot-e hgetigss - ~ se c -ad e - ua e -te d s' I ug a d a ro l-lv- Oéng aîu and the irani&n iad ae n nhyd th-eon h vo beau few cem a i t -on ouatl st t e s r pt D u u s ol e- Po, eoni~ te ci- lap- n audience d-a (eed betwean tTe-ee and fouir hous. torDrerGutyn-a I~Vn, and alas teu prteet lthe wlr-ra ýcou arged a- t es tnl uteai,ý turne out suling the Suneday Cunningbamislbedy was fcound ho- ivrmesn h huh 9 e a- U dissed and it was duedd te The coaI ef Goive nisment artis- lte pe-opTe te hlti frcm drinkig. schoèe rouni tW capeiy. -- sde tiee alp deer of his limousine 'udo thiýs tr-ilnïmnng; as eaiy as pois- ieg Vo 5e-piPr the Tùii ut i (toi-y - - Xe stre-gly a-4çèied-'-veyofle who m -------end te body of Mite wran, s-aid te IN ae üomlpTetoRy saiaf try Lcan meas onlq i cuitou- h f-- bheeed andl we ited fer tom. enrance 1 aaot3 er fca abou Mr. Ric'.hardl said thaýt Postmeister -beo'---'--cnterarydli-sabiue 1. T. W JacksonIala ebu 0yasofLgwsaoti eýt H.e Rai orer adlar bics e H . vot te have a defe-etiaý-t fee ilg, ne-r ivaia, 20 foot seul-h. H.ec laime -ve sqvpsteechc Vo Vhe te silt down ,o-n thte joli, but te- forge Veern f 4 eas Coimissiener Ha bot S. nail carriens dfficulties, but i-ogl Qny 50 Mile Continuous I~ntea ioa-T War Tiia Advevtsuig aha ihgteiter effort iiaon e rnofS!YasMla'd Lougheodand! Iiiseti i-~ the changeover fr-oui Vha tendu- leTpAloe B u Cenfi-Lne-, spona-e-e-ed by the ~Asso. devortotad hepopetoa- am ouhedad ostbe e m1ileage, aiystell cf pyimeatl aiso Trpeloe y u ation clf Caan Amlg steiv fra Voé tea-htrom dàn.k V 'It At the miail couvilanabanquet of Wght, finigerprint expert te te e largo prablein. Hoý pointed o-ut rAdvcv-s 11fois or-ubtyg -it .ont dn sthong cEdrin t ohe mbeih andl Diiemiiie- Goun- scelle. cir te h(, nany dmsenne l routes. A Podoral or-don limmting trans- --nd adverlising. iMe. Litlwoo -ho m-a-ie o Vtuis -le-I at nhe Baltimore Hotel, Provincial Constable Adile "Il thte carrions ean show ithe gov- por-telion by bus Vo 50 miles e-ne way f-oliowi-g c-estats: Coro od-,Nieme oibour'g coroner aind in- egaor J'ei Turner, sulject, -Wltat -e Mr-. T. W. Jackson, of Newcas le, froni To-rao u e e---o 10te scene oratio tycnbsth e-o ý0mlsrtniotit lfec Af on-ct revife'wn Vinte uresu loibolinit Salut." w1leen te bodies ere f-unut et day- i1fiad me moui le îgld Vo, cony-ly, but Ou mMandi, Nevoibor 161itheiaeîntrfalr u-(lt fgte rasý the oldest n-ieiher pi-osent. Hoe breac. se far his hes noit been oitown -sat- The ne-gueTtïors pr-orMe tal ne sitowing the amue-t of cas-h qsli- Mildred lichar'ds, "The Sigu is e veter-n cf 54 yeqms as e mail- ______-feVr iy"s-d Mi-. RcadWh-o ef- pocrýsql mitie-out wmritten general or sme lland Vne nme-- of polus- Be-ar-id." neian, sucoediieg bhis fltnes- -who aise alpoo~ fn euto do ev-ything lu his poeri aze>cific appi-oval of Transit Contrai- ers, Mm. mRimiter s-aid -TI-Vie- K-ay Gas'nshby, "A Drai-na-." -was a ne-a-lite-an for many years. The Mai ,arriers ivant Iay for Vie teries li G. S, Grap y, llTowed te acapplyý. tomry Loan and te ue in Februairy Joyce SuVte-a, "TIiose Gov-atout rotepan cour-iorn cvers the Ne.wca-tite 11. R>S A fuT idesoiptien of nite proiposeut or' souI acy ticýket for trua-napo-rValion laI-ive prcven tY us tSA w aire big Grps"te Unene- route, and e-as al-ways gaivai OnI a blilage D paqii-,itnllýbt'iileage cf rm ea-by bus oi- cevy auy passenîer lu beys now-, mwit'lb aiehitt nesponzibulitusa Crissle Jordan, "W4eiib Wili You good imail service 1 bi-s ipromiptuness Lion wa;s gîvon by Mr. 01v-or, of, -,e contlu-ou-s jcuirney -cf greeter I't fece, a-nd iréth a 'g-ct ia-tcie- Have." e-e-i~~ud ce t.H-e de s nie drive hisý iSpeaking at The Dui-a-otI-Peber, vice-¶presid'ent of thle DO- dit nce in 50 Ind'es eue way e, [futulr o,- do-fenr TuIfn a- we, 1,nr eaimen, "Aun Atblete'smete but eau if il i nees;I-y. nile-indCeilr'bnu t eth li minion Association. Ha sa-d tlia- 100 imiles roem. jfe Ly suaclbýed ai1m e-ta Bit ------________________________________ TTle otl or-rg ou Mvou- te c-ler v-i-o askig a ba-sic raie -Mr. -Gray -sa-i Vi re-erea doelTies. Au Ocober we dId l agaîn. - d~~~~~~t a y e o c l s t w e Nio v e-neb e r ,f 4 a i e p r y a - - l s f - n - - p l i s tx r r cl d n m n s x i u h - s f - s o w w I - Ye-e- e-p re n ce- i Sios fr rua-eebstrvlÎSn M Ad,ý loiisfoi w hl