OLPS ~i uck e SERI A GR ý0N MART ralllied '1 "l wis netel anylk îo te live eyes oni mon ofI 2 round ~eand rind, eto rid own te Jf le hise ", a ma ýn'as age. j manl te ~een six sme jere for ice. wes ai- Land the Letty ýter. For %nkcg of this wenr nwrd Letts ques- c"ther lil xar l ilr'Society ds Mf Sailes"Mill ed th)is com"fng anid NEW YEAR this, THME O SOCIE!PTY INTW ILORS' SOCIETY rta Avenue, 49--'42 Enid reaclred over and took tlie pinik dresý,s out, of Letty's bands and sipped it. over Ann's curly" head. "Sît still, you wiggle-worm,"1; she admenished, "until 1 get thisJ utteed."S'he bent "and kissed the back of the moist fat little neck. Letaerefiecte4,menwil but She haidni't been mnuch help lit1 soling her problem. Anà it was a pr-oblemu that na&d to be an , swrdsoon. She and Tomn had, been going together for two years niow, and! he was getting imnpa-. tient, e wanted to be married rightaayH1e hdntany meney Saved Ll Up,,but that didn't bOther him- atail. He'd said that thley could borrow onyala bu'y their furniiture aind then pay îit ak month bymonth. lie expeed he, te go onI working for a while, unitit they got started. B3ut, Enrid theught, what if som'ething happened and Jhe eouldn't go on wý.orkinig.1 What if s3he had a baby right away as Leýtty lid had? Tom- was a sales.. moin for a smail manufacuturing. Plant. 1He was't mkn ay more mroney thian Pil Ielswas as a mreuhanic in the samre- shop Try as she wud Enid coudn't soe ayfuture ahead1 ,for herself and Tom except oeue like tty' a'nd Pl', Wl-abta was as good as shu cud dO. S'he waýýsn't re-aiiy pretty. fhe skin was cream-y and herfîe straighit hair was a honey blond shdcontrasting nceywihher brewn eyes, But hr face ,acked animration, it was too quiet. And she was sliy- Sh-e'd1 neyer- had any boyfredecp Tom. She'd met Lmr at Letty's house. In fact it was Ltty wod nieee heir first meeting and steered te jute thuerfirst Odates. And no-w it was Lett-y whio was Urging ber Letty was ;st-ili talking. Yur '24, Enid, Youi'll soon- be an mlaid. If you're gep-i1g te mrr-y and bave children yeu oughit te have themn before you're .30, It's easier on you wlien yen're yourg." Eilaghd her surprisinigly appealing litecluckle. "Wait- Letty, Fi'mnet even married te the b,'(-Yýet, and yeu bave mne with a fml. "Tomi's a good boy," Letty per.. Enid supposed Letty matby that that lie didn't, drink, or smoke te xeo orgabe and thaot he'd probably nieyer run after- other wonmeif He was goodiook- ing, tee, husky, with a fresb clear ,kinai fuli of s-pirit and a liking toriun Maybe she was a romantic Eitle fool, bout sbe fhad al1ways dreanied of a mian wba would be very genti and kind A non wbose- eyes wulud show liis g4o aýin when lie looked a t her. Amea amiler aind in as tuat ofthte city's- leacflnrg sur- gn.S'he sýtifle'd a sigil. Li f e Muist lie fun forI people iýke ht with money, Position, an assured ilcelutbe world, anld excit'ing wojrk te dco. "We'd better ge't busySis, She laidte paper doêwn an4d bustied te bler feet as Letty, fi- ish ed eatig. "Tht is if yen WaInt any lhelp witb t'icedsis Why -i s Tom eoiing'a'fteý' yn"Letty aaked hopefully. "No, 1'M waliking over "to my art elass at tne ,nnïversitLy fromi hiere. 1He'llpick rme upter Lettýy wýent Ltesefroný,t door ,with ibe rvwh en Ishe le-ft. "PIe thougbt Enid lok n speciaily in aber ecrisp ta'ilored linen suit. $he'd ikccte bhave one lke it. But clothes w-oeren't the moSt important thinga in th e wor-dU fIer thouiglts camei back te Enid's problem y athier than bher own. as r"11, watched bler sstrOnt ofsglt "SiSe'd better umarry Tom ri ,s- col whie sbe car gct hl,"sh thuh.Aly kitnd ef a miarria-ge was rýbetterthno.neinarriage for at wevman, ýThe trouble was,Let efcted sh.rewdliy, Enid had rea te any bigi-_fa'Lutn' ooks.Her îdeas were toee high fer a poor girl. Christmas Cheer On Way To Fleet Hqere's a special cmuiu ( teolie delivered iwith apprepLriate fanfare) for Canadian nýaval fi cers anid ratngs who patrol Can- ada's eastern seaboard: "The Gliristmlas plum ipudding, cake a.-nd, aýil tbetrmis, are onthi way." -A trainload of Gliristmas cheer (the solid k.inio) wenPt ont froasi Montreal last Nweek aboard the Canadianl Nationial Ra-ihwayýý Mari., tjime lxpress, carryîng 1,850 pounds of eCliristras cake anii( 29 c1artonls of plumn puddings, be'- djecked with Yuletide decoration. TbeChita fare was ors'dered by the muniitionis departmieit and consigned te thie navaluppiy ofice, "sme ier" F as tera waterS. 2 teaspoons cinnamnon rnhH vntLr 1 1/ teasphoHnvencloves i teapoonsalt i. cup brandy or wine Senise of Hu-moGr Seed tDe rAisns aNd eh"o. Despite H1tWr andLavaithe Clean and wvash c-urranits. Cbo)p Fre-tcil haven't lest ohi es f the peel and ered appls.Cern. 011110r, no te he tries icIt bine, The sugar, spices and Salt lng around Paris concena me witb the suet, f-ruit and peel, iirencmau wlieo ppied te tMe Pour over brandy or wine andl Germnan atoiisfor emi- o put in Steril jars. Store in, cýool to becoiie a Germnanctzn h place, Nazis ask'eu<I is reensi, adh MOCK MINCEMEAT replied: "Well, you have taken aIl 1iU cups seeded raisins tne fond Mcand ie aMdcetng eut 4 rnediurn simd tart apples ou France-I might as weli go te Gratd rind of i orange GermIanyý and enjey some etofe Juice of 1 orange thiags." M2 cup of fruýit juiee, or chir "f yenj becemne a Gra, h %Cup sug-ar (lessen 'r. fruit Naizis warned, "yu'I! be sent te juice sweet) the Russian front, anil" thereyo %teaspoon eloveswIl reaal be kllledl," l~teaspoon rmace "lCllft"said thea FrenàCh 3 îw.bl'espoons finely er.,ushed man. 'That WIll make oee lsaý crcero-runbs Gra, FiveTime's More TUNGSTEN - from- the sameomeount of ore A CCORDING te tests made and resuis re, tporte-d 6 i.De tetOf KMines *md Rsources t twa , thenew mill equipm-enf end freatmnt processes plamned fo b. used upon re- zuinption cf eperations, are expect-ed fo resulitn an eoétual rcovery of TUNGSTEN five to six fimes ,?-eetor, from the samree *mou'it of ore, tan- thai proviusly obtained et Internvatol mI1NE s 1 M1T E D Ïo eougenceedproductýî'ionhe Govern- mnent hùas three +fimes .dvanced TUNGPSTEN pricoe fo tMe present level cf $2,650.00 per toru (WÀ03,). Af ready the iNTERNATIONAL mîne has positive end probable ore reserves-on <lumps and fte the fiýfth levelony-st foedtecont-ain TUNGSTEN to a vaïuec- f more t'han Six Hundred Thousand Dollars. 16-.Poge Brochure FREE un ftequmest, FUUly liustrateti andi Carry- Mng amazing details of preduction pres- pects nielargeti Opeatins scale. Wvrite 0o. Phone for Yoïnr Copy TOday. CENTURY SECURITIES CO. 1.00 Adelalde St. W., Toronto Pho-ne AD. 85 s~r I