e Rusetan timee ~IQ jeter, it o realizo an yOUr home- n do nothing. n tht United sucli a thing id neyer sur- e Nazi rul~. :ed, lie muet the flgbt for plu, to the tL Ipart of thi Arne, jit cowardly, ur SBut wýe 8victirnto ýel out ato, lay; nd la OLD Ti ýmOi nedahd vr h stormni ndecl -t dawtin, ,s exhialitedi. But there noe reCst. A Gr lived out o' the myn maine iiûgon bullets Ilaotthem. Three TreNew Types ch ermlans have itoie three new types of bombs. One weigiis fve pounds with an incen- dinry sectioiithat inites con land- ing, and a larger chrgethat goe OFf seen minuts later A second aiso combines incendiary and ex- plosive mlaterial, so thatir on im- pact ixty amail meai cntaiers ïl11e(l wdt13 th.erm-fite and Ïsix larger' liept ontainling pe-gte Tne thid isa psp"hoouil bomb htch igites epon1taeoilsly anld wliichla ter explo4ee to3scat- bravy eaycd - action explosive at tacli on a firle so that it cani gain headway. e quesionod Pr -.a orer Iluiberman sonmc to îly amrngl (Churchill Wins By100 Per Cent bady Moitgomi-ery, '78-y'ear-oid mother of iGene,-ral sit -11ernar Muontgomery, Commander of the rapidly advancing British 8 th Army ini LibN, telegraphed him birthfday greetings and said: " i temptcdl to address it Tiil, Sir ~rad who xas 55 on Novembiier 17,ý toid Prime Minlisterý Churchill before he was appoiinted Vo theconmmand: "I don't sm-oke, I don1't driink, and I vrn 100 per et fDtU Mvilitary Ciîrce say M r. ChurchRiireplicd: '41 smkI rnand I amn 200 per cent fit." Mr, Churchul wu!I be 68 Noov. 30. Leavîii cause (c threat toý keep thli turning 1o "IWAR T frontýs are ! c peopl stili ti, show"vto be4v why not0'? 1-1, , C Lonýdoneir- thec;, best hor ii-st. B1uey~ and Curley of thle Anzacs gp ~~ 54OW.. ~~~ao P4. TM4M.jj eoüveredj anm elei terg witt -,%-refugûE mtany, 10 related how manul, aged rislk as the of the exp Býoy scou peif(brmed a ilden, age liade droi.p tained pel spelit sevc ïiek to Ih 62uw wark. time ie 2malo apedCatr hfal Erin Rmme et! 7atr nar T- ion o h inig Richard mon th ol Troor, air were ,,tru ation of V mission.1 the Boy * V&IM