OROO, NT.194. Su )f Co, ting, Jan.i -ich Red Cross Annual Meeting Jan. 7th, Held During Marchý lound Net Guilty of False Information Mis. Thelima,, Ardlelle of Trenton ppearedl in ýCobourg police court n Tuesday of lEast week cou a charge f iving faise informaition to the o 1îc e iîonnetinwitih the murider f Mrs. Agnes ,Fardella ýand Wal- ee Cuiinghiam, wlose shot-riddled dies were found out on the high- aiy t e.f ew niles west Ocf Ccbourxcg-,In ovember 2i '-5. The charge was dlated 'oývcmber .30 but was lant amiend- qto readi Novenbfer 29 anj 30. She leaded not guilty uind the miagis - ate àisiissed the charg-e. M.Ardaefle d(id not take the ansl her own defence. liarry eymiain coAaducted the case for the rown and 'Pre( 'C. Richardsçu ap- ared for, the ddeiedant. PERCY J. PHILIP Eorn in S&ot'land, educatÈed ini Eng- iaInd and a iPariSýiant by poesoa adoption, until his arrivai as Ottawa correspjondent of the New Yr Tinmes two years ago; assatcomi- piler of Mhe Oxford Dictiona'ry, re- resentative of impori--tt Bris cewspapers during the Flirst Great War and at the Peae Caeec that followed, Percy James Philip eacaped by a tick of the ckI from- death ITylbombs in Great War IL Fle is a frequent speaker in the CBC Week-end Rviwbeard Sudy at, 8.3 pn EJJT, vithi Dr.,ae L. Stewart and atso Thomson t'aking the!i 'tulin every third week. By ai l rprscoigot of Russi5ýa it~old eemtilat the Germait aimy h' hd a vey bcid sebck cf- tenl w1nd0'hWva s(tbacýk like this afencts the Aermanîs as &hY harie ben sed to vitory up until the pns't wy.a ard My onnybrook Fair while C. T. aIbo )beicg, a ïs. Audi- R. Coo)pei- UJ. S. HTOWITZERS PREPA Picture shws: Mn Of a M ;in the WeVýstej-n Desert rcnmovinig 11,11)ze. These avetuapons u,,cw produced lin the U.,SjA., are b artillery dJueIs w'hich are a featui The Bomber]1 Wihile i Enzgland the CGanadian edt~swere shiown in great deta,,i ail the vario'us aci ote f thie Cana- dIian Armiy in Einian-,id. There w~no) effort to shoýw ail of ojrpia Tlnere was an oamaourers, ShOP, nkicg rep)aira 'ia ajust- rî,ants te ail kindls cf g*uns, an-ptca ,,hop ntaIirg repairs tio 1fIeli glass,.s. miicroscoipes ard csimîir instr u- men'te a ielsssh p pairing uid makng ireessreceîivinýg sets ansi trasmttesan(d a ire sstrumeýnt 4sop whi'ch coulsi even make parts and repUis te a 'watch. l'ire main s1hotp at this unit is in char.ge cf Cnpt. M.. H-. Hastings, wh'O cminhs f Stanste-ad, QuLie., a nd wh'o reote hat leie rceives the tntedJourna-l regulairy and en- icys err ord cof it. 11e bas beeni otheir mon at tn unit is F. Beasley, of Gnelphi, Ont.. woI-w'as a munr11, up for the Ku "sPrize f oisIio otg ut Biley a fe'w ;cars ago. T'hep work (cf 11maIinrt enn 1ce 0cf equipment is a very pipor.tant part ctIearmy '-as we a ized m(ore su moe s theL tourli resss.WhIile, Cueý swmarypico wer inteifn- tnecc o-pair w'ki crido)r hivrtunIit mas Ise oly (ola do- The soil, erco a cs-fu'1yws -ijc'timien f 1e1 lse1aionbtw ýImy ard ir force. Tt was sh;IomuV1 1m te deiion is mdle as o we therairor --ond-un atinis to aalled inte action As part ci>f tis demoncistration,1t bateris rreset up l idn g n -der. Canioclfinansi a paroi c f M'es- t-rs er.e 'aioeut frýoan ana air field1. lt was their job to locate, tlice batteries and phbotogr;!aph theam. These, tre-men-clous'iy fas-t andi pow- erful places gavý,e the edlitor-s Lareýa thr-il il's thiey criiamci divesI ovel I the fieli, swoping doIwn at tm sas close tha-it itsemi as if tbey wre goin'g to tait'offour bats. 1R ddrot takce thein lonig te spot th-e hde lh-ttcuies au wiffh a z a y fio uris I tîie in France and '11Y affecti' tihe ,rt warfare. Brîtaîn thouh an4y lo'veiy Idi we fnaî arrive-d at thel Agricultural Representativ Discuss 1943 Cropi Live Stô-ck Pri Voters Vote [o Rein- state School Principal The Port Hope elections are over for another year. The people cf that town 'have spoken' and what a change they made. There was-a re- cord vote polled ansi the citizens workling for reinstatement od Georg-e L. 'Brackenhbury to the principais'hip of Port Hope Hiigh schoolA saw their eýntire sdate electedi to couneîl and pu~blic sehool board with tihe citizenis' c'onimittee caridca'tea filling every seat. Last thg ie public achool biq resignation. Elght other teach- ers reslgned in protest; st'wientsý' parades and other proteats ýfollcwedl. Seven new teaýcher-s and a new princiipal toolk over ln September. Council miakes one appointaient a year to The high suhool board. So doües the public sochýool 'board. A im of the citizens' gmou),p was to have thýes;e appinte-es el'ected frein the and Machin( Maximum1 -otir headquar- rinks of those fvrn lays. br' reinstatement. Th e ~ Iof a major-itrv on the aive-ii smd aecoomioclabon for a party swh '" " of mnhier soUrS WIhich -with drivers, phocto.. landi ceinities courncil -wiii aso a nme e a,.ýie- graphers and oMlcers nmire a pro-Brackenfiury satan as their- a 'vxma 'aotsxteen. 'Many hotels are cl-os- pointee to the board. Mlr. Wats- ed, iman'y taiken over by the govern- The successful eandîdates at ïMon- Br'aných 'disruns ment and týhose .whi-ch have roos a das eletcion, were: pirepcred shw, are short ce food, or Uf they have For maaor: Chariles Ellîwood Ste- p-odIuctsý andi food. are short c>f ceora. Hoawever, a quiet hoel in' a seasde phesason, whc defeated iast year's uas iropediv resoi, wa's ile to look after the AMayor Shciainan iffo.rd,1,9 to 19q4,3. IM1r.( party anmIsi s arrangemients had been 519. farm mlachýine maide tse- in advance. Sncb re- Fur reeve: J. Len -Moncief (ini ed the neesi sorts today are almost -deserted Isat year's counceil Icut on the c!iti- chmnry4rin! PIeasure 'tavel is mort definiteiy zens' siate last year) 'with 1,131 las Mr. Oder. lMa discouag d nsI mStseas'i-de Iplaces against 449 for Hugh Bird, 1942 Pansa Laour are under severe restrictions as te councuirans 184 for- Johin Box. partiosnt wvas v iite)raÇ. For ieputy-reeve . Eugene P.lthis year to Emah day we stared out e-rl' and Sasiders defeate Fred Belyea, 1912 ceeration fri aravlles mcay milesi eur pr-ivate bus~~~~~~ te-rlueuisad 'stnghscoscilior, 1,012 te 619. and ail 'oth rredat thse iotel very fate,' usuai- Gman1 : WuiinAustin, 1000; ifh ee FI lu ly trvligfor i'many miles ii ~HyBri, th,-5;Wiuýllm Jex, baryes-t for -bnku.The way n advac-ce 1,014;ClifordM A lroy, 1,030; Dn- ______ rider and 'Our 'bus cdrier could drive aid IMoGllis, 1.030. H1alveyMicel ait good spcecd th'rou.gb the darkness 1,101. Lst 'year's councEios : Wmi. Twepd, 176. was always a tiriig exparience te Tironason, 807; WVilb-ur 'N. MVocre, wý,ere n,the, i prywbco had always been urSd588; Percy R. Mlartin,519; MWili a seae'n the on dAiing ith powefl headlgrt.H.Buly,4.Aib'er-t Maconad, fwsanwc To add teo -enr wonderimen-t there.,nwin the 'fiLd,451. J(n'dts nuýeer was a singl ectonsîgu or SiolBad:Wlim Adron il c e3;. cam pe, and how the(y founil thear cywitho't 'pauise ut itretoo 3;Bwr ug,43 onWestn.2 a a mystei-y.- hnlig s'tor'y of Dep a ' Tha exploi -t. ( ý' i 1é fseialintereù'azt. We weregeed by-G-cra J, . H oat e thie Dep expeditionanid rso oIe il hu bi paise -cf the1n-in -ai ofi- The men tien brok reake andilwe h- ad a nios-,t in formoiai :talk wi tb1 tlein, sitthag On tIsa ground it milgrouips of the mnen, whcý gro-)U) es hasle accor d icag ', th eir home distrctslu this waay, I talli- eA with P. Mercierof SeiroeC, Pigeon, Who ras formerly oll the shermke Polie PrcGermainý Suncenatof ;St. Johsas, B. Venis- cf 6)7th Stt. 'Shiswiniga--n Feusl, P. -Simcnealu-cf Sherbrook'e, J L. Fon- taiae cf ýSt. Pie, aid Ciauce Roche- Isa oa,-f St. Ceaile. Canadians In War l,ave bon,ïght 10,0o00009 War S-ý Stns-ps worth $7OO000s-bacc 19410. If stmnvng ont en ,l to tbey wouidl ee 1,701 miles bet, Ottawa and Sa"skçatoo)n, -Nut War Finiance Committue st a chaig ORONO, ONT.