By De Witt Mackenzie la Crista cec Vaî ale zn l if, a whice Ch ïday ibktiby 'a mriossun.- cet Um wearlag Hritish batt drese, which is mweAti fextremey hechia. ULndjernoatli this loati hav awoal jre,' niI.ol g av ngooti dî,eal r-,igtuo ora ovecoat. ToiîtIshhail bt reze in mu bed on the grontidespite wolnpajamas mn idrin etsant a ~iuoatpil'etion top. inIn tedoert, ocoanu fsai sutctc away toeblazing horizons. On t 0fAtIlwast eut l ariset% Yet here are timeps wle t deetis matatratieluth srigteair is balmy ,,ant ilthls normally atwrgon produces grstvaety 0f Avely fowers. Disies and Butterups- Tiis15witebut etetailo miteinie 0f my ow hilu Ver-ï mout. pnantiiset it ove aot i rubibeti my eye wi l aze-. ment wlen Il encorulreti a gray- coatei kanaroo boutsixine tl. Ho lad !big hinilegs for, jupig ndabuii iti fon a Ias is ti asln, hil bush t theC uti, ant, ile ht blantisome pi fbtefycr.L was a laugaroo rt. Actuahy, hi tiis wartear H4sorIeONacnsete 0f ducers C UperL 2 ?Docto (bî.)OSSE9 21 Edîrble fung2. NE _ C 4Moeai g NovEu ") anqts. D e jLAI'ïs 35Ymn. ENoAsue E 37inst.e o 25 W C a béon. 51 igbl ce, 27~~~~~C Dr.-1a u' ie 29 ct ofsitiu. depessons aie uit of ternie IaIJu ex- iZ ~euds ougllyfroiii tlie tratv gas. Tere are funrther rel e -ntmpersetwititduesrtclearIt Trili. T ite coun1try sý-,3t "10Uîfniîgi El Aglila Iy uremieert, hiiter l th c desrtexteatis froni oember t!0Apriý, tithere freeug, antih its partcnary COli ontop of the gretesar- monts hich ise nbuptly o f the tesr floor. Theseý,, tallelauI(s iure mg nylute ic gt iug, be- causeey aPfforý,) .-Iti n ara tfenses S-ummer la 1Hot Summer jl&aiicledry, biotses. Th,ý e tepeýratures sartamo b lm0 egmecs or Mme Falmneit n tloetclushdet, witl sou t- peaue nlhiýglier.i h1 ave seen the si teperature ou th ie 5mii Petniua east Af the Suez Canal ki aou 15-ani lib' ot. Begunig tte itiileof Marcbl the hioc, outlest wiutknown cas ovr ,erioti of 5-0 tay.This 'F men, r't is ýike as ro TIn e Kitamsein fr'te netl i 5 se irnlitýhIM ý" ",fr Thhros ral spiekin, c'ampiiitnaat mc.A The trek fbomiCauro to El Ag- 71[77¶ ODN-s VTS PCA R ost. 4 DO eT$ DAR5 3Onel fr 5Alueds 1 i 47fsinle, 94 Boue dIcON 3Stable sinstakss sedi POP -ulîn a Fast orge! ges iroiri a forceti of hirtis, o signala Pigeou~ bombers ft whidli j arounti is forceti a carnet îay prove the base. ying la Direc. brunette tenlers aDI cuti U 111t i y J751 ,ti wailitig nS #I wulecdite nau,, ThIs vhialquesutiof o trasport îIs linkhetiinsteparably wiîtb the braetlaràishJp i a slc)dJier, bf lie Ailiei or Axýis, anil that 15 t3i~e sca'citýy of water in ý alnd wliere imen Sweýat ant aquire tirs Camip tegeeay are based' oit omue ater point. These are frequent but Many of them dry np in tM sumlmer IWhere there iC good we,it gmeeralyC1not abundant. Armiy Carnes Tanks; Eac'i uithas slnewae tnswhicli travel wIlle ad- tranue. Itedeeyveil ar- rew atraluie s anunnapp soldier lia,,a, ani- pycatleen on W i p. in "tie 1present di- (rive, thýE B ish have cliaseti the enemy Sa mesttatsomeof the Alliti oop hiave lad toe aeterwtrbt ties do t[' ort,,e0tnysfora pïurploseýs. htman bu quar't 0 iatr ou ulbesr 0fyar tee-smdidliltu wete.The afir lias a brýcing tang atI)for das o deni tlier'5 On the wh l, tb dse-rt is shipýs. BiihaiAe antop ail daYM antitey are vaisto lied munthere S noIiglting. ilit and drop bombb. h is darck btoe 1;plmu titse days antichs men puhat lie os r lubeti by"8'cockorS". Tlere' nothng to do butsleep when on anl'tilveligi3ts [tlat CatsAINecas sity UMefun hiKeping Rabs anci Niue Under Contrai The comon ousecat is a migty useful mmberof socicy Uf treatet ightantid eptin t the lnmberng indStîy is now ai ,its hego nme f wl-e catsn ar condrAv ncessary to byp t=p quanites 0 Iand ke fori tS aresanibv"hlarae ces., Mc, ieisfnt h Ccawnc. nras eot i eis ilook lnpon tlhe aaasnm a part, 0f tie lrecrowsneesar to kee tiejob mnigsotiy NOL pamporeti but well fetianti bseinlu he br Shni lanties, thie ca'tS -grow see atiftant iýî have hikcot 0cur aginst thr-'e sevee watle 0f tesenortLer andi catlcig boueisantigame, for they are 100o weilfet i. Ag0oti lumbrma wil noer bandon lis cats len the jb i's fnsei e ing tli e ahunt antiemen&wild catb, a nmmae to game anti birs. ISTEN TO Weekly Nwppr EACH SUNDAY AT 2 PAfM. CFRBl-860 on youir diaI [ TFIIS CURIOUS WO LD E I6TKIS $OLD~. ~r rHE F08 ~ON EARTH L~ STRUCK Bs' LRGHT~ING QN AN AV~RA0~ 0F i~Y~F>~ 77A4~$~ gi,~,ev so.Lv~ 'I By J. MILLAR WA1 71 >TPA I jEZIZ~!~ZZ1 "T'he MrktBaslket"! Udo this intriguing title àixew anti valuable Serie-s of broadCaýSts 3gets under way lin the NwYear, Cvery Thurstiay evening 0.1 t 10.30 that fam-iliar andi Cheery whos chse-te-bues-waypr- grýlames yo nhear eCvery Monday thronigh Fia 10.,30 to 10.45, aâ= Will bMig tg lisener throughout the province, a Guida aye on clurrent foed values an., shortaes. HOW ta eepthe busy wa ork-ing fam elhwl feti nnd adequately clothet - how ta maklý,e gùotisgo frhranti laSt lon-gez - .IowVanti whea taý use su3ic ts- these are the goot(i thînrgs -Mrs, Aitlkeu's wel iucientalythe rogrmmeis ta beaneening featule -becuse i ,oC, u , ,, s rs Atkthie- the money, it's the comenfelk who s',peuid ithuis the hueot budget isdof .iijte(,I ly amutal affdar". , The first broadit lui thsn series wili l eue sevngadCookinig use of0'."those muï,cli isusedfoodiies zit bntte antishortning. Tle' MarketBaktoul like ta") o aboýut, MsAitken la dconating hem Atimeanti services amd Radio, StationCFRB As douigthe tiue ... making the seris a war- time gift andi service to Ontarin into ail ber wrkwe sggstyou mýa'ke a ipoint )f dipping inta The 1.5to 10.30 pn.ovor CFR, "Roling the countryside ila sech fnew voi-cos - newv tai-. ont" . .. th0à 1sthe phraseïmany of yon ill have hearti over the Pl'B aiwae Thurstiay erti- nýinga to 9.30S urngthe On- tarlo C a-a-van broadcasts. Jdc ivli ere calleipon ta deCido the winuer of the thýree otis tion 0of Gve-nLanuvbr's to lit 111e airwves Bbc iasbeen stuflYjng singingfor smeemayears and inece commncemnt f the war ba glatideneti the eyes anti ors 0ol solders in variaus camps tlirough- sogs.FBuit G linbs asotakeýn naktbrandli ban,ýk for Lthe dr- t ncindso lelin 1ot uthe- mranpower sbottage probiem lie- Gooti Luck anti a happy, Sacrea's- fuirado cree. nc-'Identally, the- Qut- o Camvangus roîlin arountitiitl vne an n i-. Gat antiHd ahl r ied on lhe issurycdule. Reently tue CEC newrmeý, new aOF tce laning oiAmerica crps in Corth Afriça witbuin ; matter of seconds aftr hestatte- ment(.ad hnraet i lu Wash-i ington. The CBC ais" hati an- dans go, TheCBC istomfg PoestOtwa, wi'i aIe on of tunig lu freigu rodcast weretunti l toDakar Radio in Wester Afia antiapparenti"y wan tu oti t aîakarRadio la to he nitti ations.An alert edilor-put theves [an àas aflash ove eu 'uCB3C ntoa ew lnf a bur ooet'heauone mntscame from auy oer saure lu Nortb Amnca. Glooti work! is barder, w iiIa~, tlirice -t- S -~TAR DAN CE'ýR