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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jan 1943, p. 1

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ORONO. 'ONT., THUUSDAY, JAN. l4th, tra1 Agricultural Society Meeting, ,Jan.-. 20, ec f e -Iety's Exp enses To Nearly $2,9000 at The anacmaf864 neebazaar etc .4........ ar Speciai donations for satil- Donations froni indrvidua-ls he O eo d unit............ 4 43.2 P esi ized et' on ted tc Mr-. ding ýkof t cou-tr rIrt Sof carried on ........... iPrisoers of war Moes.. ii nTo National Campaigni.. Lit- Cash 'tdonation............. andi Yarn, bcreght frunm Cari. the Rat' Crioss ....... ........... ork Yarn bought 1lal......... rejmit Materials- for Br. Civilian it- sewing, from Can. Ied th Cro 9ss ...... ......... ..... byMaeiasfor- wo'rk rooni andi seing, boilight la- te calfly ......... -..... .. .. thait Fuel and other work reonm t in xpnss - . iaSodirh boxes' eut'sui- .......drie ... ...... . . ... ...... ...... r, ra-1 fifty ani eý'j to x. Wat- 50.00i 700.00 200.00 1283 271.,-0 M84.12 95.20 17.60 46.54 Totl ecept............2,284.54. Toa upne..... ..... 1,9.3.29 Blneon band,.......... $ 341.25 The election cf efflcera reýultvd a o'n< Brndi Pasýt Pve-ident, Rev. S. Lit<looj 6,~ turtle- Plresidenut C. B. Tyrreil. man's ln 1-lt Vie -U udnt Ms. Wmi. 5 sleeveless Amtog ~~'o~ 2iid Vice-Presiýdenit, Mrs. F. WV. 'y vests,'10 Tmbyn as o Scretà Y, MrS. J. J. mellor. J. Mai'ur, Teasur r cc . LMnrray. T 'et v Con'ven'or of work room Commi-it- ayear, as tee, Mrse. .Me'cer. 12, exedu- Cnvenor ole women's -%ar -work ire, jep-orts cmmittee, Mrs. H. Deam. tihe Provin- iPacdking~ comniittee, -o. Porter n by Rev. Itnd Ms. IMmTray. i and -Mrs Liais'çm officer Mos. Porter. Irved a din- WFinance comminittee, 0. W!ý. Roi-ph, the Uniited Ms.W. Arxntrng,'H . lak U"It Clb W. J. Riddell, Ms.Mur-ray. 'ehc- het- Purcha'slrng eommittee, Mos. Dean 12 ComfcYrt su Ml s.MereC eut' sent Refr-eszhmen't ecommlittee, Mrs. J. C. ("aS held in Tanblyn. Bazaar leid Auditors, R. C. Rsecnhand ,,and better J. J. Mellor. Dthirty-two ed Forces. The appoiýnment 0ýf W. F. 'Ward, Ort 1 RentaIs 'Offcer wvith offices in Osh- awa bs ben aninounced by irt *...$ 8119F. pne region-al Rentai Office'r. Fuelwood for nd and Durham Felwn are thef pricas for Nerf- fit'haled tiDurham ý-1Coupti s :' Hart'iiýf mapia, ylilow bim ,be-ch, 'kalbd r ,4-f oot iength,' $3a cord; 2-iniclh, 1 certi, $14.50; C -Crd,$75;1cot,$;6-ch C cod 15.0 .i Corti $0;1 corti,$565; 12-ire-b,1 coti,$16,50: Ha mixet' - bard nma pie, - ebwbircb Sccboak, acf t maîpi. aliial, whïita bir-ch-, 4-fot eng-th. $12 a eora; 24-indlii, 1 cord $13; 1 /m corýid, $6.7,5, 1/4 cord, $3.50; 16-il I er,$14;'2-3 cr,$9.65, 1-1 co-rd, $5l2-iri, 1 corti, $15; 1/-, cord, $ý775, 1/4 cocti $I4. Mixatd cei Osft nmaple, vwite 3,ireh, popiar, p'ine,,, pirce,hemck 4foot ie-gth $11 acri 4icS SocraI, $12 / cord, $6.2,5, 1scoir, - 1-inbn, 1 Iord, 32-31 en' $9, -3 ôd, 4 512-inc-h, 1 'cort $14A, ½cord. $7.25, 1/4 corti $3.75. "C'HIJRCHILLS": A FORMIDABLE LINE-UP 0F IIEAýýVY TANKS 'one of the pic oes rleased, in Septemiber, 1942 '.of' tihie Biitish "Cihurchdili" he Minmtry tank. Sestrgly arnoured is theo '~Cjuchi"that it cai 'Sle nsed! as a pili-ibox, but lpses a speed that la s Lia'rjale ixpondguns have this -addition Vo Btaistnks a formidable fire power. Thlie Bomber Press In Britain The Canadian Goverrimerit has, taker over thle fineancing of ail thej warserice with e exce'ption of thie Red Cross which theinternia-1 tional ecrivantion stipulates must Sei en-irlyfceof go)veriman-iet eoi'-rol. This step has rievd the eouiitry from 1a multiplicity of cmpgn fer funds, Sut it has also takeni a-vavîy some cof the parsonia1 contac-t -which the public pra'viously hat' with th-eservices. Tbey are, bocwevec, a vcry - iiipoot-i euýt part of the s old ienls Ilife whari away Trom home, anti tùhay folrmLed an iterestinîg part et' the Canadian Editeris' ivsigtoswhile ini Eng- lamai. Eaeh oee -cfthem i- makes a aaspecial effort Vo -nijislter to tha needs cf the Ma11on 'active service wéhen travel- ling or on lee've. They provMide many servies to e mes wh' are visiting Lon doîýn, anmi we wer-e sh'own elver semal cf thae places where those services -ire providet'. The first crie we visitat' was a Caaiian Ltiiou Hostel, which is l- cate-d in a building o'r-igiuialiy con- structat' for, a girls' club but which - hat' nover ibeen usecl beforýe Seing takeUn 0over by the Canadiean Leglen. This hostal, oua o(-f m'any oper-ated by the Canadian Legion, la able Vo accomm'olte 1,500 mn, sud f aiii- tVies are prideti' forý theni Vo wa sii aiii ire0n their clotheýs wiULe there' without cast. 'Bat' andi breakfast ,ots tbresiligs ndthi s ima Fýbyeut the vea p it the imany otsop)era,,tcd by the rariocus ser- viceýs.- We- nextcaet at a Sa,ýlvatioi ftnyhtel wh1ichlalcaeiin a f'ormier hotel, ai wi hbas -3ý5S b eti1s. Aun1g ýýtha r mesontbe oag- is-tt,-rathis botl ere Corl. M. E Cor1r, N(-vIr Liakeerd, Ont1. L. B. MolHi, Pom'b-oka, nd HI.Sorig, cpe'ned ini Sptemiberi, so e wa ere in- oaI -e. The Mlaple Leaf Clab, opera'tad Sy the Canadian lied Cross was ariother Sotlvisited] sud he-e soimai namnes ont the reigister indlutied Samn. Sau- agaSwaninigau aiPlis, Que., ai CpI. A. 1). Taylor, of Hunitniriedn, Que. The Union Jaick CLlb is imuuîke the otier clubs wa visited li- thait it ilaa praetservicemes club having 'haen IfiraSt openedp in 19C07, and Qperi- aitedcoritiîuously avec sirca, anti it la, for ail service n cii f the entira Emipire. Ib la the larg-eat one that wae sww and bas be-e-n visited by cover nahuadred thousanti Canadien s-l- <lers sin'ca the outbr-eak of the,,war. It bas many recreaiti-n rocomsa nt found in the ctbier classd nmeels e-naI servet' thera 'at ail heurs cf the -day and iniglit. One foaturie cf It'ii club is a huge mn'Ieorial coverin-g the waillof a long hiall on ivihicli is inscribeti the naine cf ereriy crie wh o has erer been s-warded the- Vitoria Cross. There are niauy obhcr nmemorials, oeaof wiich Sears the intriguing wordis "In gratitude for a Serap of comi-fort." The Union J'ack was erecteai by public su'bscripbion as a National Memiorial to ýa*l'or(s, soi-dier-s and mrjarines who have diet' in the ser- vice of their ceunitry. Its ObjeCt was te poovide 'a csSbue includirg becd roc-ma, fer tîhe use and Sanefit ,,f thosa seinig on the active list beow comîniiiis.ieýnad rank, EaIch editor. was givenl a cepy of th-e club caladaqr. a bock cf 112 pa-ges ;listing Îkuport antntsof biistoiy, a guide Vo tbbclcia(f places ,f inoeî, it f ehurLChes, h-os- p tal, heatres, etc,,uand m other- usewful infIormationIný ldiga 1map )f the Lndn Undegrun Ril irsiys, the whole f-orming- a -val1uable pýocket bock cf informautioni. Watafori, nt. notar lubviaiteti'vas th(, Be- Tho S-1alaion iAýrmy or S-ill A\inu, -ver CILlb which la Probably visit(oI as it 4s freunty callat bas a very bniore C'iled ia ns than aly ohr -I vb-. u! in oiman e id t gie c -m let at w benxvW e xva lhare. snyapcil eaon uxcept t' nbay Net far from the Be-aver club is, 1always seemeti Vo Se thera irli-n the Canadiedjn Offilcera Club, whicb rae- neoddt.evs a greýat deai cf hclp from-1 Th artrCýlb wa-s thal ,)zestai Ms. Vinc-cnt MeILssey, 4tha wife cf paaaib",'haY.îWCA. wbich ira Canada's -Hîgih Conmmîsaionr, anti vicitoti antitha i~Cq la àb irba we funti bar buay erving soup four-y a raieiiihotai. -Wathora ýehen i weviaiteti the club. ilote SI ,e-,hnw n thogh atain ira melnt PloiE. L.Mob-yof Os W.j..Mearmtat Cý AAT. (aw,-hwb'ias expec'ýting te go tu tISe Murri, botercfDi-, McUA1- Near EaqSt soon eftecuire ware thoera. trie cf iMoreal. ri I. mantiAlu.nam11es inoticatc ilonthe regrister in- Goresirbo o-in Wth big, ai- clutib Catt.R. -W. G. Il gheS, of egae the c'lub for the ,Y.MI C.A1. FiftN.OanSourd, P O0 'W. B. Fac, , of fin cetsma ha hage er ofant Sift Curraînt Lieut. C. G. Goff of 1wwe1b coika, P 0 M. F. \Ward, of breakfast. K enville, N .S , a ti Capt. Larry Axu- i ý l ano tar formte oi , h ih dray of i nip eg. ladulný now eprtth(-by ta Kt(Inightscf Etelnt mals Let low prie-es ara Columb u, s he nexTU.ost,,t,,Sieervedti nail thase places, andti te oirttiani ar 'aieV. heMcDicorbtels cao have- very ice rcaomis. tors tlhrogh the-bilding. One cf The mne-n 'on bavue c-an flo'in tham]-I teaccommodation eqvai if net superiou the featirvescf this estai is te toriest cf the- (la t a girects'av fine footi cantean. Tt in tue fortb caVa iln ontion eperateti bythp-mng in'et. The way that thme [K. of' C. and' a fifh iras gorg 'te Sa (Contimmed froni page four) Chamber 0f Commerce Shows Fairly Good Report For Yq Intcrest At Meetinig Seems To Indlicate Gwod Year Ahead Thie annruel meeting cf the Oinoe Chamber eoif Coaiairce wes' held on Mord<yey nintg, Janu'any il, witb an atnac of fourteen. The min-ý -ites of the 'lat nnual imeeting were read and adepte'd. Mo.1H A. Clarkl, preosidellt for- laIyear, gave a oeview of the work, for the past year. The Orooe hamn- brof Coniere wa the cause of ha'tving- the lSkinner Hlunt Cltbl visit Orone, whiidh 1(ft îmoney in the town ont' also enriched the Or-ono Brandi of the Ried Cross by everi $70 Vo lbelp carry on their- war woric. They also endeavoured Vo nmekecoma( arraniiige- ments Vo 'have the band -play out in the sumier months, one evening a w eck. This feil througîh owimlg te financial rea'sons. The- C. of C. nîso ,endaa'voured,( to hiave a dehydr!ati-on plant cperate in Or-ono but the(- a port rceveci bac-k was unifavorable. This Society lias asebeen working on the case of having a tioctor- in Oonoý for the tcwnhi; , as 1theý armnet' forces are c aillng41the, cloctons they cari, which isla iaving sema rura emuniies withowlt medical'p ro t ect1ionr. Tha M etÏa1li c ArtPodut is, now Setlei in Cl'ro $.7,iaaving- a balancee on hant' $173S.31 'M 410.VW.Rcph .brught up sutbject of coon goowing inthis dý tict (net 'booin corui). The ý Lawrn'ceStac-h Coipanly at PC -Creit wait Canadian crnforit mmnfactfure or Bue Ilive Ccir! Corin syrup. 'Lestd year tli's cel paryprchse over oine and a h, nîillion busheuls of cc grown C'(tca For the firs t tue ini o' fifty yeais this emaryha-s lab nbla Vo nmaka their syrup f) rc Canadian i irowvi coin. The sced tiaoy waa sinsýtructed V owrt to t St. lLawitnceStchCmpy intfr'maionon the sub.ject. The f o'lowing ofiers wee-ledt fer the ensuing 'year : Prasident, R. E. Lo-gan. Vic-iresdatR. A. Fretr Sacretary 'C. T. M1ilIar. Tr easucjer, 0. W. Rolph. Dienor, '. J. RiddelliH. ClrC. S. Mebcareun, R. R. WiL' dvii, 'WV. E. 'rsrnC. H. Fr-oý andl(, J. C. Tamlblyn. Aud'itor-s N. Porter atid Rev. ý.S. LittIewoýod . und turning ont work, ith tHeber of C imece I h lavc pro pecs l'ocking favonrnaile for lu- 'usy year fo he betteren t creaset' bwsiness, 'while acter-the war eoiumunity and' thet memb ths business slihould forge ahead tuoni ont bý the melnhA] amd ensply eiht or ten mari. The -brin.g out liEI'w iduas to 'work poullTry market as 'also held this- yeçar, tiogl the fowvl was ,ec,ïce Large Quantity of Go with Pdenty of b'uyers on0h1ndand goodmpoies, a golden epportuuity Shipped uy Local Bý ~or thefarier 'Vohave imade soioe extr'a moniey. A dance was alýo hold At the animual mneetinig ini Deecileie. Orono Bwrnehof the Ried Ci Mo.'Cl& ws o th opnio tht iety, Mos. H1. Dean gave Jhe W Carkwasoftheopiio tht C cfo'dIs shippud Vo the arrangemients should Se made anext warehcus,,e for 1942, as Tlo fail to have some peson make ý Twi pelgt air se-ainan'ý personal contact wit-h buyers sant' tcins turtle neck sý prodlucer. in an endeavu3r Vo croate2302 pair of scks, 115pal-r in a lange nmaret 'and if this was ace;o CaPs and aiha.native ci succeful,thonsmoine of the large scres1,pirgoes 0a buyers woulcl Se present. To have 1s\eate-'rS. 20 tuotle reek tucl' the large buyers present, tons of 1héeta 78 gauze handterci fowl are needed t& Se brought in. bsia owl,2< banda Tisý markiet isfr the farmerab-e mt-n' cn,29bb o fit andMatby should patronize It for Several articles for babies, their own g'ood If Mhe manket bas Blankets, 10 cUmipNLa laye to Se dropped orin~g Vo lack of in-. cuutortbasu'fosuilr, 24 tercst, then the farmers 9Ill have , f clihun or giols,1A2art to saIli o an individusl byer at the cohn o e'.2 at'a price ha quotes. qilt';a ad : rma's ict The treasurer's report Showved woýol Ianktsonated b1y T total re'ceipts of $195.0', (expensels Ohurah W. A. OtRtawa Conifereance Am Fi I-n 1-y th adcthe eavrmiet' fo' e anti running short ià soea ural nri aýrc-as, reto e h ubo cf n uppre- a This la te ha lau-nhet ' at a cocnfe- w' ho cpicaeof heaath authioriite opening civi et Ottawa on Jaruary 20. 1 At thbc invtationCf tbeCanadin an mieeiaiprocuirenmn t i ssg -fcf meno at piaresantativis et' ail tha viii meat for tire tays. tir The -surveýy i7, intaide- to sh1)o'w cl: irb'at mdcadetl ursing anti snc ihsial caab 'aeta casea nt Or- tle'wo s i àcaù 0Oc-tob 2lnich - e~ater - Thtîe Oran-ge Dec. 1,- biar iti boýxesp boyls ov eceipts -n 1941 Balanx tu i .Ve< IV v ions Ail eult 1g

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