THE O10NW WEEKLY TIMES Established January, 1937. ýry Thursday morning at the Times Office * Orono, Ontario Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 iptions to the Ulnited States, $2.00 -ing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Wartirne Frcs and Tradie Board haýs 1rationed but- public, how do yulu find yellr butter alowance hl&d ecple will lise more butter th-arh thers, so a goCod thlc la easy. If there are four people in the fami- allowed two pepunds per -week for, tha1t housdhold. nd dividle it into four equal part, gil-ngoneP part the leome. That will bc their ýshare. ýIf th.ey rua ek is over thien that is their w fault and wil ut until the next coupons are illowed te be used. ,y only one wýotTd xun out of butter, ýbut if ail just pound until it le finiish",ed, prebably by the end of le house-hold -will be out. M1 they happen to eut the half, just keep on doing it the csame way. w* * ,* 'uying War Saving Certificates ýny in lunnan bings fromn relaxing in buying war Il Certificates. See f qus grow weary in de:ng There ie a danger that many patrîotiýc and con- wh have beet buyinig certificates both fer the iir country to finance the war and cof pretecting 1 seDurity afterý the war, mnay decrease their re- [nessa they are comtinuo11sly made aware cf the ýse purchases. se atteading the offensives of the United Nations for victry in t'Uc net too distant future. As vie- er, the thouglits of the peoüple are goiag to turan îtheir o-wn individual prospects in Canada after id when there must be a re-distrihutieii cf jobs. -en ýthe need for saving now will becem-e much langer nunibers of peoiple. -should give added weighit te appeals made' at ple te liold on te their 'War Srig Certrficates. 1a rnian threugh the redernption of War Savings ýpent now will be of ne help to that mani duing iay ýbe tem-pýorarily ile between jobs. To put it iymen and wo)nien who cash War ,Savintgs Certi- ateby loosei-ing- prope which at the moment stand their 'post--war security. 01n1Y cf plantinig, cll- ent the acul con- ock preiiced. Today, ining, rotating andi ýeds,fighting inseLt marketing and more able cheica!s, f:arrn ji the camne aeage ,ential te the succeSs- large ana carcely toucliAe1Mla inthe industpy te preduce plastics and other ance in war. Thousanis cf idvda aaie ne of the miain ingredfients of AlluloSe. Few people thinlk of proto- cd freni the fan. However, it ile made ly essenttiai part of the film is, gela tiri hides and hoof e cf live stock. are sim-okelese powdeýr and gl-yenrin - hc fam. Sm-nkeless poewder le bsed on ýe comes frein farnm-grown, preducte. Dy- her than a miliitaiy explosive, i3 aiding es, canais, haurbours utu speeding u xp ceai lyccrin la oeeof the iingredienits, and gly- table acf animal cils fromn the farmn. f amýiteday miiay lie a petential sonurce of vas earchI gets ite chance te experiment * * * * ada lihas turined jts eneorgles te 1s -inything, ilu pee Or war, atte standard te g-auge ýVinjg power of CaInadla sextpectedýj, Canadlians ithe Arniy, Navy, Air i mnateriale te Britain. ghly twice the total )inrcling the cost of r( the first twýo year's ,vhieh tlnie $2,221,889,- la puEpeses Canada-wil11 ýar which la equai Vo uearly exipecteci that with greatly ageS, there %vill be a defS- essary te raise thxe argest wan savings certilicates. iada's history taxation lias uiany forma e. f gocds and imposed. Inicomie taxes and lila the ceompulsery savinge ages, er ýcolected by imeas ng stand'ards cf Canadiane. 'düepeadents 'wth an incorle Mor!e than haîf the inceme $j0,000 ils taken by these ýen anf au inceeme cf $3,G00 an incarne cf $10M000 lu this cf -the taxi wil Se returned acf R. Rosb>orOugl auLdituo9re for Uhe year 1943. The f ollcwing bills wcre ordered paid : -Tax Collecter, refuind on John Powere taxes $3.50; W.W. Lord, relief charge hack, $9.60; Oron CeaI & Luinber Co., COal for tewn hall, $42.75; Orono Ceai & Luniber Ceo., supplies, $15,00; E. L. MeNach- tani, liespitalizatieli, $23.25; E. L. McNachtan irefunci Burton funeral ex'penses, S15.00; C. G. Armstrong, Suapplies, $12.83; J. J. Cornisih, sup- plies, $.;'M. J. Stapyles, S1heeip kiiled iy d&9s, $20.O0D; Clarence J. Allin- 1 trip as vahier, $2.50; Dr. W. IH. ýStankey, B.O.H., $3.00; Orono Weeikly Times, $6.50; Joseph J. IMellier, salary and stamps and ex- change, $64.45; Mrs. E. J. Randail, WR. vsE.,Da$32 .00;M. Mo.;rrisH.5 R. EsF, . 0; $5; Wood, care of hall, $37.70. Classified COMING EVENTS An Old-Tire Dance vwlli be heid ýn Newtonville Goixnnxmnity Hall on MIonday evening, January tsth Bairclaýy's Orolhestra. Adnrission, '5 CGents. a5-c Inaugural Meeting of The Bomber Press Clarke Township Council In Great Britain The ýClarke Te-wnship Council mne't (Centinued freux page ýone) init nagua meing On Jnuservices are appreciated le shown by ar l1, 1943. AUl themebeswe present. There being ne election the -way that these clubs and lies- the samne ceuncii as last year spee el ar c.eded all the tirme. ia turn and stated tiey wcre ha;ppy There was enecrtis which we to continue ini office and proecmis'ed heard and that is that Ganadians Vo (Io their beet in serving the ton are unable te bu< Candian cigar- shii in 943.ettes erer there. The N.A.A.F.. -AhertaPiinth 1943. ffie canteens which serve the camp s Afte taing thecatl cfeffcecarry only English cigarettes whicih Rev. S. Littleweed, Orono, read the do nolt seem toe-b poipular ýwith theC scripture and led in prayer. Cawadiansz. Thecmpat is that t - Several mnieor rmatters anising eut wieAircn slir a e cf the correspendence owere dealt Arnle anercan sttoIdin ster regi- with in a suitable nianner. Ameital anteen nte th exte o Ths e f ll ' in g re el t en er ne cart n a w eek, anadians can pa0 ssed:iil laoceJ only bu~y English cigarettes in the 1090 -a ; S ie Ap pea n t 'i Clae nc'Val- N .A .A .F .I. canteens. , uAlia a for w n1913eS.k V l- The Canadians however profit y J uator for J.9C. F A43. s ,the hbtter arrangement for ending i 109 -Cotinin C F.A-deasCanacilai- cigarettes crerseas at aj Colleter of Rates and Taxes up tommcii botter price than ýprevails in acn ldn Februar~y 2, 11943. other countries, and if the sale of '1092 - A,-,,ppintiig C. F. Awde as Canadian cigarette-,; La the canteens Sehool Attendance Offilcer for 1943. would stop ýthe sending cf cigarettes 1093l - Appointing the Reeve and att- 30 e n dla1 riete Deputy Reeve as menibers te repre- aouhed!00 prenpe Ior to kepthe sent the councilion the Orono Mýem statlus que.l r«e t te he oril PrkBoad.The lainger camps are given won- 1094 - Appoýintirag1 Reeve T. A. derful entertain-nient by the E.N S Reid a delegate te the Ontarie Ase-A.wihbigtrue fLna ciation cf Rural MunicipalitieS. sast hcmhere. As a 1095 -~ Instructingl the Clerk to order sevea copies cd the Municipal s aniple of these -shows we were World.aken te the ENSA theatre at AI- 1096 - Stating- that the Coun-cil diershot. Admissien, was limiited disatpproves cf any of the propesed te mern an nnsform, acf the show was changes i the Assessemeat Act until an *excptieiially high cascs and cie- suc chni'es avebee sblilitedver eview. Thousande attend these suclth e c h an e s h a ver ee n s u b m tte th e a tres ea ch w ee kç. te he ounilsforstu~'.Ah these serices do their part 1098 - Stating opposition teÜ car in keeping the Canadian troops in owners heing held i able for ~e>ýceIeut spirits. aiges when prOviding frce -rides te mrembers of our Armeci Forces. CARD 0F THANKS The follerwing hby-law.s were pass- Mr. Ephraim White, Orone, wse cd . teo thank his many friends fer kind- 1082 - Appeinting J. LySalLow nesses rshown ia Yff ering theniselves ery Assesselr for 1943. for hbloed donations andi aIse for 1083 -. Appointingý Cecil Rclbins-on cards, fruit and( flowers luring bis meiàbers cf Board of HIeulthi. recent ilîness in hcrspital. BOWMIAN VILLE "HOMIE TOWN" NIGUT Radio Station CFRB, Toronto Br-oadoe,,t and E-trtainnient Featuiiing Bowmanville Talent Boy ýLockley's Orchestra; Wood- house and Hawkins; Movies by Rex Frost. Bowmaaville Opera House THIURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1943 ýotal proceeds for fBovwmnan'ville- War Services Club. Admision 25,c. Show Starta ,at .10 pi. W. 1. SOCIAL EVENING Orono Women'e Institute Anmnal ,Social Evening will take the foriniof a 500 Iarty to fte hel~d in the Orange Hall on Friday, January 15th, at 8 Luanch will be served. Dra-w ,un two wool blankets. Adimrission 25 cents. When in -need cd ýwedlding statiOn- ery try the 1Ties Office. You will be stste wiflh the worknxanslthip. MUST REGISTER TOUR U TH BlIRTHD&Y!l t tbe liange') 0,erd lepC ~ i~ a"t yOst 0ffce. I rotessienal UDirectory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and S9URGEON oiffiee urs : 2.00 to 4.00 p.. 6.30 to 8.00 p.Im. PHIONE 47rl ORONO VETERINARY WTVilfred W'. Sherwîn B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Or'ouo Plicme 56 r 7,. Orono, OnIt J. C. GAMEY NSUR ANC E Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability The ani-uul meetin-g of the Orono Cemeterýy Company will be hld in the to-wn hall, Orono, on JMonday, Januayr 18th, 1943, at 2.30 p.m. A full attendance le requested. ANNUAL MEETING The Orono Telephonýe Coaxiqpany Limiited -will hold theifr annvtal nieet- ing in Oreno Town Hall on Saturday, January lî&th, 1943, eonimencing at 2.00l P.1'1. WANTED AT ONCE Wanm used clýothing for R>ussia-n1 Relief. Ple'ase leave sanie with Miss Day, Orono, and thxe Wýoi-an's As- sociation of Park ýSt. United Ghurch will gladly forwaid saine to the proper s.ource-. The need is uxrgent. TCmpet rare Stoeand s odpem. Furnera Srie and Durham Dur Service-THE BEST Our Geed-THENEESI Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO FF C flOWN meeýting lu thxe amoupt atienng, as coneLideration - o"A--. nepcrted to lin Deceii- aie no-nth have not -î ntil w are to haz- ther teW i AUCTIONEE"~ TED JACKSON Auctioneer and VaIuatorr Conducta Auctioin Sales of al sis% anid at reasonable rates. (Jomnixiate with hit» at peet Perry, Ontario, or Èee hia OIlerk, A. 1C4. Mooto;U at Orono, for date. F. F. Mnorris & Son Funeral Directors. -- I Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bownianville -- Orono Phiones: Bownianville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 I Orn,27-1 Ontario 1 rono M= ýýugges- s at, a