H alps for tuecotnet )s15 bSwo.pr ai Ijdeiwes somne- i Éy 0f Austrasiian idc wairtime txi le it furilaa"Ibe0-1saýnui igel te baveis er * * * fcar anti bale of Austmalia's a-tic longest Balît as a rab- c stretalios for nabroken lins ores ef tic la- swinling waves sut Austratian WttXest Australie. lititic ïunatalwest itonf lmabIts îý. cre million s ef r3nLbbit isrlnbefore tc fonce but i bsprvne inn-breeding with tiel cneedscntntatn ca us oi s a nin of emuls anti agile an npie it dwnfersprt ,-M"1 eýr W r o i e ling týicmt jJu Isl ,.J. icen Wiihel i e iti the new. 1 bat counts is e. figit. 'nin te a geot atout heurt, la ntensiy te icI yeu yen fui tic part. My ad u u nto So be oIa natani 10o3k es g an ' ymor verse. LouisM bnabtten, ~w~r qz Zt4<si~we 299Z~ ~5a'za~nc ~wes~'ozz ~m blend o/fine ~ eSERIAL STORY DY RENE RYERON ART THE SOY hl e a' afurnhslid partîent fo a sec- etvacationof lier 0ownShC Sants see cfthe leisire and Iuuyt!hat Sbe m"iSses at ber7e, aIse wat temakze sure c e loe fr Tom --iDriscoil ý'-, bo s lis romýised to marry. Shý e bs RtoId Tom abe, ta;'geing eut ef tewar en a Lusinless tnip, One or' EnCd' neighbors in tbe apartment 1M hand5oe youngDr. lHenry Holl.. day. Enid ,tries ýte getacuied le mbaç-1-d wbn, n akirng a caH, s'e fincda thed o"syouing son in ihi- "bacheler" qUarters. CHAPTER Vil grew as she ato e altaySun. daiy 1 luna-1on. 11e'creame chceandtiyglebsct, aniicod dese t bat se bapr pareti So.,-) fuly lotthrtae laheroth Tryinig to frebrofo h attentio of n mannied inan tin was 'what h!er it-erplot mdadd up te. And thatwasprtyhep according to en sandrds Sh shook herseif. What she newde was somethinglado, something ta ab"Srber tireandnd tention, 1hen shje !juldn't be tpt inosilly a~mt oitnn s5trange mon. She sakeleedabau- silUk keiefo'ebr ed. h doubted if nie ouidge ay rt suplies on1Suaays--ies tic ýS taý- tioery andi book shops in the But gettiag ofnt'i'n tic e 7. air mesr f ber daaet selC- espect. Andi scwas lucy. At a drug stfore near t1he colstewsal te purchase an keth bokWnC Yequisites sescet ot oi: 'lie -nat turneti ino a comntunty park. Enitifonn acoforabe ea halfway up on one of tie grasps banks coftbsolo aniuig lirkniees as a-aP sebea the ravinebcobe.Seokd forcotiber tonquit. She glbncedbc oo i sketche stntse Jd maTebe forewshou lclsD eybooli. Ti wcme'n all bai. er z1inge -r a as sIte retracoihermostpa to h japarfmenf, Mnaybe shu migit evea yet Mke Somefiig of ber, ar.Ifonybehd'aley Britsh ailos5 ocity TheWoid'vOdatSio Wef7elgnkto ss turfled as tic ieavyenr do0or u-f febuilding canet e- binti ier, t e ianlie fanions harle- iIng tfa og antitcsce of a cijýLîtiShe uaop ltic siont Lig 1ip- t of stops fiat led to tCfplat floor coridor.1 Tic 1hallligits oudn't-bee farn-es nyt anti sc Ucoydalnr- ly., sec nte ak Giitimr by snt tinsîtsc fonti Y!qcacaýs -ofI ber own oowa. excfat dabesat the frig'hte.ned ebi1li.bbidopped lhem sketcbýiag al igif. oI ont lot tic md tIi og harit yn"Sie bent bier bndtC exm ne sbarsc cinbby leg. Tic- dogs teth ia"! gmnze{ l itantid 1on011p. srath as ;swelliag it Wbhea sicloeked up other apanînen doos alng tc ornl. dom had openeti anti people wý'e arwiginte ti .C.hall, aong tkem tic oer of liedog, anti Dmi' oia. Tic atelbowed bis way qniekiy te Enit idtitC "I dont tbn'k ie's but ach, Enîi tolti ii. "Tiog wsol piaying. Thc docý1to tieti to e taes th chiltifo Enid but îis clung tighly itiboti amaarouuti hem aeck. She COUStifeeu buisnsa! ican.t name ring iagainast bers. Tiche ctrlaaugbedL, " us yoti'l have to carry lmn. Bn-ing iîm v inemy apartmnit, antid. l bmavenlooliat bis lsg. En't st own in fie doCton'sý livig no ani icîJtufe chut. wbiEu bis fatier swabbet conne iodlas on the scratch anti ban.. tigeti l. The boy stqepeticring tA wrati wti pnide tic bnndag- ing of is îjary. The docIjtor snpdhîm mnr fashion onic bck ntistooti himi o)n fie loor "Te, nowý, Sny Fixetinp las geeti asif yon'd beelk te tic osptal Mo do'tCry about tiNgs like tint." Tic chut laugbed tiroagi bis tona. "If wus mostlýy figt'nfe de& Iot otint, uan to saîlqeat Enit. "My Momersta hlame cfor bis four of doges. he's tioatiy aLfmaiti "of hem ersoîf> ant i noth-ý ing is mrecotagonhana er' EnLid rlodded lsoberîy. Sic aýl n uoncosypretty pictameri agnînsdethe md veiet of te tiv- enotin ber bIne sînckis wV dhe mcd aehscnrf tetigypsy fashi, Ion ver temheadi, Suidnusisef"aed la Hiaak o1ia. Iconid thanle you foï rescnng SonyJr 1I coulti ak yente tayfori.uperwiti , L Wbii wnldyenraie? Enlidti fiushed. O- o' kaow-" "Tbnt is if you haven't È pre- vSOUS engagemient for tItis ove- antite eitnntîy,"P'ilsa2 Sic badthfe feelig Mta he'd steppeti Oàag SAo tC nitidî of a, dre-am. How ele ccuI',fr beiag 'in D. Hery olliday'a kithe sicngmont atibreati for sandwicheq s, tiag up a el 55 hostaniourtoiga i wonlC' Asilee tuaketin lie corner of the mne nwibh dat- tem.pted tealiSce ticcou!i ment. ia ic nb'slc mmet i- fore. "Youwnjstlw bu it,"> sheexînaci A flakorof uensiesecut acres Enid's onscousaess.After n5I i l hoc s a mnit at Woldn'tshloksiy akn his wýi1eled noA sd don restraint cbangcd hon mua- ofShe wipd fi arnse bad been caught lu n feion7. in t1ieuy iigrqnwt t rang,Endseutjmeiie wife:. Ho ily setinhtte ring tS ell, shid juef wm.kin Tien Aie hourd tie jaifor tal- ing teD.llAidv."r' som i tiings teyo glad:, droppeti in2 tbe baiL> 01'1ltaklcare of tiem," te "Ifngtai botit"Ent nidPW bok bide bisrpat!ïe.at lne doI etu? o ued\vf inrnat.at li MeUm-sliopme of hern re refY hoabouthomn ew skc ete Enid wus lsedti at bis pra. Tb otrancti ai ni s watc l.î"lofnet( toN bt . Ho'sc 1' day." md allen open, She costi sOwply. i-ere to,- atven- obvis xplnain f i f tat Dm r Heny Hllidy 1iiedi 2albceo prmn n a euaeydescribcs theojetie f alflied forces f igbting in Afr'ica, Creamed Lima 2 tale"spoonsbte 1 tablespons flour, 1 bouilon cube /2cupfl boiling wate1r it buter, add Jourstir antil smobten add m1il ad boillo ub1e and ooknt1irinïgcosaty uni hc.Addi m ndre-h1eat. Barbecuied Spare Ribs 1ý4 l.spall'e n,P for eah esrson to le serveci Scap lemnon juice Ulcup buteror othe sb]tein ielove garli C-/) dwarm iwater ionion, cbopped i taspoon ebili powder il na tblck itomato oaun or stewed tomatoes icrushed bay Mea 3ol spae rba ni agle brown Makie a saluce 01-oterin- apaile, ffadding onlion and1 gamne. Wen onion ta tender, 4&d eMon jaice to whick t(lui powder bas been added. ThebwiAd soup and water. Cra,'sh bay I ,-,adC*a simm1ner until ailingrtedients arev r throuhlycooked togethier.Sev the suebtover tbe spare nb, ipackae ornge rennet powder ipint milK, neo cand j cap puffed rice li tabespaoons brown sugar Malie reane-enstardsacrdn to directions 01n package-. ChilI.ý Wihea ready to ser'veapîki talsonpufed rice cAnda Mtte bron sgaron eachi desserti, Magic Ang9el Food Cake Sucjje da()-old whîte bri, % ,1 incihýý tbi-'ck. Tiýrm off cut.Cnit int utri 4' y x2 Icis pedsnp on1 ailaides witb weendcn densed inilk, covering weli. Then GOODEATING ANEWS To keen yorbec& foot forwamd il jdCay long, li)e Surel tan everyay la 19438witi a gooti b-reakfast. For seilpaluýte apa anti extra vhnani ;gn erve dIelici3Us Hot Ail-Bran Victor-y Maf fins for bekat tisse cltiwiafer nmmnnga. Tbey wiil icl keep yonn fariî'sdipoitonon lie snnny-sie up, tre, SAthfe maffis Op 0 tahespoos shotening i cap bran cerenI si cap cola-n ymp i cup) fleur 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder td bent ulilcrmy of moisture la talion mixture, stiImîing only li two-tirids fuil anti n w 05.ietr nfemikis usetiisedodwe i espo at attld tasooisda Things LaztLoge A !;ttle wihule ago thel3ado Ti'ade i:ssaed an eppeal to riýIh xvomen requstingthem tosen in iduns and practical ugsin for makýin*g clothes, shu'es anid housebM'old eupmn aý aslng as iposble. Amn-1g the ù1a-ny inteesin thiga ontibucidare jerse'ys a nd othhýr garments made of fleece gahrdfrom ýthe hedgýes; scnrf s fn tue comibings of Pkns diogs; and goe knittýd fo h cohaaof Shetilnd sbeup do"gs. Womenc no longer throw away kettles or saucepans that leak slightl, for it has been proved that thelac 1tter can ble 1m-ended wivh ordinary "p)opper-s" - theu fasteners whieh are normally used oDn wonien's dresses. One wýoiian sent in a pair of' ehild's slippers ruade f oui yod eloth ,of ani old Devon Yemtr un1iform1ý, and ano(th1er eontrîbu-oted ai pa ir with soles mad e frurm- nhreds of pled socikiAges.Chli- dren's toys - sncb 1an golli.wog,ý rabbits and eehns- now sou difficait to ibuy, are mnace from Oh! feit hbats and odd bits of ma- teniai. Thie ideas for m in do" ar7- endles. Besides lhaviig the aduded satisfaction of knowing that it i.- tne pautniti and most sensibl thng to do, Many wmoen huve dis- covered Iit, is stili possýible to îlook smarn1t in olid elothes. Hlause swnpping lASthelatent developmnrt in plans ta tackle war-tme housing poblMMSin Britain. Býig faiiies w ith ail bouses are changing thenitho-- --ama'i fai li ;e s who havn ,-e b ig lionn-,esý. In this nmanuer mn-ore thn 2J000 familis have mecanged houmssàiSheffieîd aone in the 'BLUE COAL' s IS TE cOAL YOU CAN DEPÉND ON Tl aedfo>r a ccai yen ca an deedon aeecay m rat la hee ims.And'bnecoal' l justtcar t. i aa Solideven-bura- igetrbsigstsato n comortbatredmces fuel cntasý Now !,-t- tube to ntat nJoy- lng thePuGbe thatigvauemoe coal deiertoday. ewlltl You ho'w easy it la to g-e-* greater1 emrtan-d save mo e, oo- thep'bue coalway. SPEAKERS DREAD LOS$ 0F VWICE Fight off hocrseneus wih use àoF .mod 'Hoarseness ~aseki~on nm. -er'tes a Montreal annouincer. "Nrow dread ït ne loniger because LI4 s have tauglit méhweasy itis to get relief." C'ari-y a hant iz ie box of LYMOErS tt fi-st sign of tbreat irritabi, tioklc or eeoug Ing, dissolve l-Ylh.IiS in the itbTi sothrg mdkainal oilswiti quldtly reVtiý yciur distress and brasm t. 's< Mos1 s"ries sMlLYMODS i,-,liand ' ysize 1!Oc nd 25c, baýss fueraelsenssd 1OCCi i,'ýaasp3Of con oLYMNýOIDS, 11,9 Peau &rt,CToron0tû, LSSUE No. 3-43 k ine ar