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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jan 1943, p. 7

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By RTER RE RX FROST F la-kaes 0,' lnecttage The roar- )wns out týhe atch andVh 7- i naf4e n, yr eli1i 9ing G- as, iuge~r )n ianuu, Jaspar -em up beId is unsutspactinig victise., Threà s apqick flashof stel.> an unearthly shriak whicb sets the cbives runing up and down your spïine , , and ail is stiR aca-pt for tuhboig cf tha Wind.Sudda- ly ,."0 if yenlike that sort cf a stoy, a ran ina Vingla, your station shoudld h CFRB, Toronto, and yu tina 10 teù 10,30 Sunday nligît, 'Thea Herrniit's C(ave.," You'a e doubt eardtba SeMIC, before. These storias are back 1on the air once again, axcîting, raevrin Cl'lfanda wo bavane heard thse wordswitb thairý Enis1 i intona-tion. Thie now faseilar identifcation cF broad. ca j riginating binGreat Britain - wasfistherdat 9.30 as.Lon. don time, Decaehber 19Vh, 1932, andcane fis a sseall sttuio in the beart cf the Britsh ecapita, a at lie stdoadinec ive peopaisteed, That audienc c osse f fiva ea . -. t secretariel's, a studio panyt news-reder and dhe well known Thsws h ree e ote pek of the first f the salies cf in- B.BC. whib%%"I>s;to e h eard i dayilVe ad hich arid h voîca cf Rlis LateMast, in Dec. 5tb,19. T .etrn'sms sien wer dirctedat th'at timea Vo t~ mehersOfVe Bitish, Com'ionealt, wre picked up byj sttin ailevrhe old hre Thý,e trimendo us oexp1)aion er, t fiogbtgfronts inrbmb sdir of the united Nations face the enemy has necesitated aun avei increasing Scope of B.B.C. tras- mission sevice abroad. Thus is radio playing itA iportant part in co-orinating the %>ap of those Who Mnch along the Road to Last October arked dtheb- inigof a ew er ýa in the Can- adian e ýducational systest. Fl loin he lead gî"eivan y th et workýs of thec United StaItes, the tion thre ionth!s ago-,, began a co-pertiv seiesof sehool pro- grammes whibfond educational the r. Wits the completion of nhe aperirentl operidthe plai is baiing cnsdeaby xpandIed inï- ihe New Ya. E-"vry Friday morning At ten o'cQckover tJe Coast to coast nawork, schooi childrenwill ha ntertauinedad insruted bythe "Heýroes of Canad"a"users You mgbt eau il anLsüwy stdhistory.1 an nd rnay-aàbyCorgirl in Canad AVowbom tla exV-ook remained uNntinw nehulous fig- tpast anrigas lvnvital peopla,'current da7 radio voicas te interret thircourage and ac- seris,the laStFidny of every- rnnh ilbe dvte o"Cana- dian hrirrss' deling ina- tional eets0r2 ihspca acivem eni fmuanas thay af- fetheCndi w y o ia Then again Canancide r to paticiate i twoof th Col SUNDIA Y s cHOO 0L L E S SON for or the the aay A' LESSON IM JESUS WINNING SOULS John 4.1-42 PRINTED TEXT Jn4:27-42 GOLDEN TEXT. - 'He tha% reapeýthý rýceîveth wages, ana gathercEth fruit ente life eternaL John 4:36. Memory Verse: let us love oe anmtar1 iJohn 4:7. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Timre-)ecern iber, AD, 27. place-Jacob's wall, near Sy- char, in cenitral Palestine. 'And upon ts came bis dis- cilsund tbey marv-ell1ed thaDt hie was sýpeakhîng witb a womnan; yet ne inan said, What seekest MhA? or, Wbyspeakest tbou itlh be?" Te epeso,'No sman saidL,' ess V mpythat rne sean ventu'-red te ueston or Lord's, reason fL aiking ,viththe vwo- sean. Therte is a lesson foruas in this. Whn wvCannot uder- stand the reasen of our Lord's deaiings witb seuls, Mt us hold our p aceadtry Vo bleathat there arýe reasons wbicb wý-e shail know o'ne day. A goed sevant la a great bouse .-mus't de bis owýn duty and vsk ne questions. The Wonian'sTentimy "So tbe wmnleft 'ber tr pýot, andwent aayinto the city, and sailhli-'o the p)eople. -Cornýe, sea a mean,?wbo told me ail things that evar I1 did: can this h then Chit"Iti's amota univarsal expriecein evary age, and amenga very tpeu of peepl, mat as soon as they bave found the Savieur Cvhamrust go nd tel others bou i. Thu1s, Our Lr' comminanid te go into ail(VhL'lore of th.-, oiySp)irit in tbe rga drawn Vo Christ y Ris tacing; some ýtby"'s, scriicil dat sieaby the hopewlicihlia oh- fer-s; ohesin otherwys. Thi> won reena hit eas cf Ilis nwlegeof aIl that sh had aver dons. Eanestuess and Humility "They wenut eut of the city,- andv were com ýi iinýg Vo, bise"XVe are asoished at the m dat affect cf th wommans words, wor. Rlerhnstenhiai, that she feithVe atter s50m .perbtnae Ahumble hersaîf !y LIfe;andlaV-yCe dsie wic !1many, cfï thleseit foCrth c- ing cf'tegetDlvrr na astness -ýnndbuiit aeth wo gorearequi inlaan eavanît; and cften werewe la epc 1, God b as peae h a o the acpto c Rstrtbb creating in a Fsu a bunger and tbirst u Ver is igh _ nteou01ýýSns. Think' -.bý1V thýeee ot usfes ,t Chrit'sTeaching But hu said un0ethese, I bavai meatteA aat that ye know net. Thie dscplsthraor aid ome te another, Ha--!,th1amy sean broughlt hkn aught te CA? Jesus saith unrto toms, My unet s tedoathe wiu! cf hbi Jat sent me, and te accompishiÉswork." la chose Wordb wea"vaa raelatio nie the true eui o f wbat ïHaeha this wosea-n. Ha badbe on tha, wfll c Gedandacmpih iag bis Moek. a addenît witb be s ebiag brface 1Vo face with thie reality cf lber pUýastind leadig ber forward hadgiven te bier the waerOf lfra. This wa the oil f Ged; this was is wovrk. Hvingsaid th0is, 'Haela- dicated Voris disciples thýat thie aise Waser worký. "'White unta Harve-si" aSay n ye, tere ae yet foui vet ehl Is ay ,unto yez, n, Lfupyouireys andc look oni tefietids, -tht they narewhite a aredy 1u o, arve.," These. words sugget vctoyre îrde- cuoplesment. The ploughîng andi preparinig alover, the s awnad tise long vigildoe and a't last the filds ready for the reaper Twý,o notes ïmerge ia thein, those of opportunity andôepniiiy Field-s whvite to(a, s cnttt a a and a1 challenge. Ils there any greater calamiy in agricul- tue than barvest ungatbered? bl ther nyMgreater tragedly in the redeptiv puroseand process- of God thn harvest ungaem?rd 4" joy "f Jharvesters "1E thatir eap )e th1 receiveth ag es , andCIgatberetIh fruit untc life eternjal; tat'litat Fsowetbý and he that raetbmay rjlee togethr. 'To receie wages' describ!es hejoy wvitbwhchtheseý h2arvesterýs are to be fillHed when ahengahl seuls adintroduc- in;g thm ntethekndmo heaven. Sower and ReaIpersý "For haeremi s thsayiing true, Une soweth and another reapeth ï sent yu Voreap that wbeIureon, ye have not labored: othes have laboreil, and ye aýtre enItered a.nto thei.r labor." Christ is the zsower; His aotisare t-he reaers As compared with is lbor, teir migbt be esteenas none at ail. BeiefcfSamaritans; the Sanaritans beliaved on hlmA because of the wor of the wo- sea, bo esifid,11c to l e ail Jhings thaavrIid"Js thso-ne wnnLad, brougbt IÈail this about. Sha had brougbt It AMvýERICAN iNýDIAN HORIZONTAL 21 Ean os lt 25 t ur "I 28 Hma eomgd t 16 Cree; . hp. 5t 19 abla. of aon army 241i3 s 25 Griaved ut, POP--If Ma-w Ever Kniew! Aniswer St reD unPzz 16 lHa wUs u7 op OPL UEPleder. ISADOR#, WEEP SEC20Fauos 2',2Nort In- meic gr-ub,) ~IANE ENTK EM27Ecs r3ild __1ar34 Grin 7~~~~~~ 1u-oJVETCL3 Lnrob i~~~~~~~ Mae eltie.Hepa 4 Vrityo 1 Wat. Chmat. mteA i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i Exorine. 5 rusosi.4 Apdde i Teant ! th (ubr.> 48 o scrch crewn 6 Drby. 50 Geli- s A îute -o orUBrlelk i.52,bla ,By J. MILLAR WATT MASAN ETERNAL -1 V tnusiasm frr ies iy nar simpi tieiesand activity in wit- nessin'g, She set a mîarked re- iîgious muovemrent"O.fot, adled, mnany souls out of darknass into light, and out of deaath pno ife. Request of Samaritaz "So when the Sarnaritans came unto hir, hey besought hlm LVo ab)ide -with thae: andihe abOder thlere two da." Ta r jealdig thi passage, we cannot b'ut bh a e- m-iinded of 'a similatr icdnt long before thi, whenJhnai Simon ake teLord, Where dwellest Thou?" with the rasui that "Vey abode with him that day." Our dasire to abde Viti- Chirist is only the echoý of ilis dea- sir V hve us abd itb Him Saviour ,f the World !àdlnaym or e blieved bu- cas o is wrAnd Vbahy sali to e bewomn, oWwe elive flo bcaseof fthy sehn:for we hlave hadforiureveaad know that tliis is indad the savi- Our of the Uworld.hItla a great upt) la- a Cbristian nhome týo believe iin Ch-cýris s the Son of God, and tha Saviour of thewrlbe-cause. of bfaitb -in 'Aetestirnemny of b!is father amdnd otheýr, fina-tll cone o kno Chrjistinavr peronl wynei t becausre of wblat ,Soeeone ýelsa a si, u basahe lhas heard teLord sp)eak e ut ef Ris ow ord,ad knows wbereof ha helievas bya personalexpariance, Potto's wllfreeze at M0de greasFabrnhei, bu if torad at rit- arly age I 't milege po 'le deceas a crss S ince Ja hersepower the police hava been clause board a» on the ~te cars, ax- Lewest Aceaýge InI "The hada thscoun l'

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