ORONO WBEKLI oC COllect Cou-terDurhain and Nurthumi- KIRBY If Seling IButter Qounties Hbld n.12-~E~ey ame onvention at ýoour1or t pvtr .1.Kani ticie hs1fm1 li ltuo dind tobcd w t'h1Lum !,-go. ourd as*a mannacture The Nothumbolafld and Durharntewe-edwt ecprns ~ii Isemîhaize byth Apie rowrs Asocitin hld u~rY..U.waswihdrwn hi istrâtin, whihvhas11- chir nulcneninlloiugwelwngt h ace.tKaes ~s.Sns.,is vTiiting hie aunlt, Mrs. 1. E. The conveniio LIendonsed a peso- 1l omn hoehemut egstr sx-uatasket of coo iapplesý, 11ib i mte, MrS. Johin jd. 11- dleS t1his l byttwi h I i oh camefar adc-es totheon the basis of eneý-hiif thie bskthomipson. in hîs district, biog atu ra. The osutonWýill UMs. A. l11.Ken is istg bo ,,ar3 d hfor Ild tdoto the cneninof ;îiends iiOrono, saingwith M'iss hie is apod oe f bu- b tut e dnc efoee Jn. In tis monthin o .It ws Wu arle glad .te heur that ontr ie Who 0selis buttýei intdota temeigth 'p eihoM.A. Morrow, is keepinig fn.'mcitiv dhr-'ie gi-oovrs coul'd dsoeof their 01rm, [eithor dietoMainos ad ter de-ssert apples i odhalh stnes rt soeif thIee wasltt such asotg of Sevei peo)ple laiithie comnitiy tle pi'ope nunter of aesuf eýrinlg f'rom lsevere cods. We rigthiee sales, at thle s.ýar isl u fr them a speody recovery.ý a pupr prsn elT Paul Fishor,, Burlitigton roer hol h oletii' hseci'ticîZLdi the ,warýtIime pluces anil TheEast reup Of Kîrby Wý.A hocaso o must~ cade Ioi onho groundi that i r hdd a utig on Tuedslay i.ast at ton ~ ~ ~ îA 1n1s01ut h a nthdgod*dieo Iar.m te home of Mrs. Wm. Wannan,. Twco ut nretiun. prdiCemates.Thre Was a U si-iilts wIee om feefr shipmlel nis fe uttr *arue th, blit tat by May24 ,,U this year, eversoas. "C,' coupoS lbte a-th cnnd oos :ud o iea- Mr Noman rdsi hsbeeu lready in] use 'of e te,eucfCndanthUitdtae.assngI.O Capnisa a~gr.Couon No iThe feo dmistato bd ilne newli exie.iftecn-tlo tave oferai frmrs n neecr purnp -whic-h nakoe otM eteecuosh-thtatrewes oia be taken l's o ene cf thle lmost LUp to the xpiingdat, th 9om cnne gods ad tat ecuu- ate in the vonmnity. uls nw o estoyd.idtedveefaliestocks ho used ili- Thie Kiîihy ladies will held a Pro- estoad. Th-e advice wa.s givenýf soli- resie uchire aadc Chinoese GhC1Ik- on nn etilr nyc l ii age and nciw there was La -ove orýs in Ith elcoýl bouse on Monday, oosNs.3ad4ae~n iionthie part of the board everiijng /Ifanuary 1st1t. Pr o2e ede1w IC hiF poulnd of houtter to st up a three-wetk 1 abstinence"' .om thueevloing'l enteritainment an. 4 te Jin. 1',. Thiese pro rm cne ed et to ho used to hIy imatorial for Red couiIpoits wbich are n ow rng Crossý work. Corne and enjoy your- hutto",r coupon bas a dle- Farmerus werc wryof the subsi- eladbeplogw thtie w du-nivhicbI it isvaIi us lest they ho itaken off at anywrkc hecmusiy t be, uised befere or after tîmeu, su1h -as wvas the case with nilk, Mr. Fishier Deciared. -Miik predui- A most enjoyabie eveing waE ns collece l by aiarme os had 1bougblt imore eows and pent at the hlomnIe o f Mr. A. Hl orms u undin te, wpnt muey on equipmeat, only to ýKeanie on- Tuesday cfT last weel tieni board iii his dis- fsiumie h îk usd-wa hnanmber 'cf the friensis anl oasiç cojIi'cýted fol, the lat- remorved, hoe claimesi. As iii Engý- nih ocf Serg-t. Bob). Keane preo Decemfir -ii r -ail o i, lanilthe farmiers sheuld bho given sented bhlm witih a sldier's coempani P(d net h tur ed inutil sornetinîg deiite on thextce ion box h. efoüre leavmg for- Neu Jana'r, ht atertht prî cfsubidis.Birunswidk. The eveniug was pleas. e turne i n at the ound cf Mr. Fisher7 said that apple goOsntyseti ae n acn h. ','J(l hasiwilliingiy, given up the fruit -dicn I mkî dairy butter fu-r Lutcebusiness ýwbcin tho governiment Bb ettw n"usa vnn onun hou hoisiiss permliit- permîitted nlO m etic canis. I t mt. -____ _____ hnteý, Couponus to pur- not know thon that there w-oukih ____ rflrein othrs unloas thse ashr"aeif sugar or cisc the g-rew- BEATON-PURDY cite od hliniscf is crs Mweuld have beonweIl-advi.,ecl to en m-l-oilnt al dudri akea argain toward 1ge-ttinlg Christmas eveoreonis, vhii nIS uvii«Ihis, 8 oz, per sugar for cooking aI'pples. v aai red an-d whiite rosio we&. IBtter Co)upon _______________ raeod St. C Orgo' S Anglica u1t1o ure te bord - Chu o, eàsl, on WedInesda, who aein 'any deulut beardI, ither in 4person or liy vwritinig. Decenduier 30, for the weddinigo if t h ertlion hudT'yw eciepop nwr oMiss Dolly Jane Purdly, dauglie b 'ithtis lcalraton h~ir nqPnie. rs. Mildred Purdiy "Elmtihurst,"o Ný,eweastle, and Chairles Robet Boa-9 The W\Yorld's News Seen Through H1E CHRPISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AnI trntonlDaify Newspapei Trthfu-ConstrtctveUflbî-sdFre f rom Senasational- n - Edutorialb Are Time1y and Instructive, and ts Daily atures, TogeJher with the WeeklyMaai. Section, Make e- -- - - - M onito---an--d------e- ----e--f--r----e-H-m-- keMntra da eFa-------------------- Thie Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price ý12.00 Yearly. or $ 1.00 a Month. Saturdav isszue. including Maigazine Section, $2-60 a Year. Irroutov fer 6 sue25cents Acidress.~..-------------- --------- i N EA un Londoni tonRAF, son cf Dr-. ansi M\'rs. Baîke B. Beaton, Whitby. R ev. D. R. Dewdsuey, Newcnstle, officiated. Miss H1elen Williains, A.T.C.M., pro- sidesi at the ongan ansi Miss Ruth James was the soloisti. The, bride, given ix marriago by hornwmoher was es-ortedi up the a laie by er cousin, Mr-. P. Fart. She wore a govnof brocadedsiclIver line witb Sîtil ioed bodice soft 13uttorfly h1)ow% at the mecino and a fulb s'irt gatiberedi te the hiplice. Ilir1long lowing Veil ef ibridai illu- ica wISs eli ipace hy a cluster of white Plumes, andsi ie carried a' bouquet cf white roses, bou'vansiia a ni silven streamers. M i ss',Hon'- ardene Michael nsasimaîdi of hpor bnd MiussMary mpurcysistetof th,- brie, as the hridesmid. They weceL gownedl alike ixn ubjite faille, emosdwith rosi roses, long torse boiewith sweetlieart necklines 'cfulsîfs Theiy worc- tiny ca- lots of the imatching fabrie, ansi red szhocs te m!atch. Theàn flowers wor-e nosegays cf rosi andsivwhte roses ncd biue ribbons. Sg.Pilot "Ted(" Adaii-s R.C.A.F., Whtynas the, bestma ad ush- -inte ,guests wcro icata -J]ak-ý Bunikac-t, R. C. A. F, Wbitb3y aniAircrý-aftman Reuben A. Smitb,- Thu, eneptifon w,,as held at the om cf the bnde' mthen, "Elrn- urs," nsiMrs. Purdy recoiei eaigal'ong tailo-resi o f tuir- quosecrue ithheded lpesansi a batcfmatchiing fabric witb borown feaýtWor trin in ing and veil, Rans brown anode gioves ansi shoos. ýSho worcie a silven fox wrap ansi a corsnte cfl brown orciids. The gr-oom's mther -,vas gowncei i a lo'ng slimi ftting dress ef "sea mist"green coopo with a doapesi skirt ansi gold bea ding foringii2 the pehes f the bodice. lier hadrs natchesi tho trirmmînge- on lier <less, aud n'as finisfies i wlha croInveil. She wore gelds lippers andi gloves ans a wnristlet of roses. cI ock ut M( yi n is ,k id e- g- [t' an \1r% ArdhýIlie(2McLaChinIlia s re trned t(> his Ihomle in Forut W illlim. ,Urs.F'l- Frak 'Gilme l ot toc wcii' yet foleowirtg a faîl whcn a ýhe inijuredi ber knce. Mrs. J. MrLachlan bc Wd the mislor- tuce te braabonc Lin hon nki la st wock. IMr. VKverictt Joncs, Torionto, ol on) his rmother,(,Mn. G. W. joneso Thuysdlay. The corunittee cf the Conm-îunity ilalI ape putting on anothier dance on January i8th. Jannary Inistitute meeýtinIg wili ho ,,l(el at th-e home cf Mrs. AI.led knrap on1 Wednecsday, Jacuary 2th. Haruold Buriey, RC.A.F., an ide, "Toronto spent tJe week-end wihbis 1motheri, MrS. Cccii Burley. 1r% an-1si îMrs. BueLeuty anï soPort Ho eore Sunday gue-ss Mf hon parentsMn.andi Mrs.'W. C. in Buuk'er Il le r.iuse 49c. ozs. ie 39c. tture .I49 c,69C. Charles T Phone 68 LOW PRICES Yout can Shop with Pleasure and Profit at1 Friendly Store, where Prices are plainly mai for ail to see, and Goods are Backed hy a Guarar of Satisfaction or your Money Cheerfully Refun Shredded Wheat, 2 boxes for...... ........ Quaker Puffed ,Rice, pkg .......... ........ Red River Cereal, containing . Cracked Wheai, Rye and Wioile Flax, large 2 1-4 lb. pkg. ' Weston's Creamy Cracker Sodlas, plain or- slightý ly salted, box ................. Sure Good Tomato Juic-e, 2 large 26-oz. tins ... this Mn. and i Mns. RsslLowe as David, Porýt HpVisited ber par-ý ints Mn.iandMrsý. Robent Morton,, oýn Sund-ay. Mn. and i Ms. RafymonsiBrce Min,. Chas. Wattess ansi Brucespn Sucia]y at Mr, WestolSnigra Cowanville. Mr. ani M11s. Ivison Mundy1ns faii'y, Maple GjGve,. iie e 1parents, M.and i M.rs. J. W. Lancas- ter Sun day. Rev. anid M s. J. JM cLacl' a t- tended ýjthe -odýdin-,g (cf theirson J"ck te 'Miss Folicia Galion, in Triniit'y United Ghurcbi, Peteuboro, on Satur- djay. On Sna evening Pev. J. Me,- Ljachian took for bis t ext "A ChngiesChrist in a Cbanginag- Wol,"pntr.ayinlg a Crit of taiiyandsi sourity in a chianging Thc Ucitesi Sui-dalýy Scbool hi theLir annuaI nmeeting on Januai-y 7tb when the follc)wiiri- officers and tea- chers -werc electcd for 1943 Supt., S. J. LaIncaster, assistant, 'F. Mc- Mullin; sýcretary, M1incie Randal;ý treastiroer, Janck li-ler; piaiat,Mr W. C. Lace, Pssistanit, fM. ]Yenault; missionary convener, Mrs. C. But- loy; mnissîonary, treasýuirer, Mrs. S. J. Lancaster. Teachers - Primai-y, Mos. 'Willis Jonces andi Betty Sta- pIetin; jior iýi girls, Mrs. S. J. Lan- c;astor andi Mrs. C. Mo,]ris-; senior girls, Mrs. N. ýSteve-ns andi Mrs. J. T'. Pearce; Junior boys, Melville Jones, senior 'roysC)Ieland Lane, as- sistant for these -lave classes Frank, \MMulIlen; bible class, Mr-s. C. Ber-- loyl and i Mrs. J. McLachlan. Cowanville MIiss Doretby Hollingsworth visit- ed witb bonr parents oer tihe weo-k- endi. Glasi te report that Barbai-a Reid is, home from the hospita and 's MIrs. Leonard l1leard and claughter Jean spent a f ow dlays at Mr. andi Mos. Theodore Stephenas. Mc. andiIMs.Rnayonsi Bruce ani-i M is. Chasiie Watte'rs a nd soc oree f Newtenville, visitesi withi M.ansi Mrs. Wcs. Stringer on Sun- Mis Margaret Flintoif Orono, ansi iss. Kathleen Sin-ipson een ville, hv been the student'teachers et' Co(wanIViIlO aniICrooked Creek, for the past week. Clarke Union-, A quilticîg for the Rosi Ciosa wil lie held in the Ciilane Un tin school1 ,-7iet. A )po t lu ck sÇ'u ppor)îe l h heId arounsi 7 o'cloeýk flirst co1urse rîo výi (lo). Ladies please big -1oga-r asisc.onid course. Thýe regu- lac monthlymetn of the Hloi' ai Schooi Ciulb wiil foilow lu thse forým of a social evoýning-. E-Very _1ce pllan teorn'e. There iýsn any a goosi man -benieath asbabby bat. Siceilie arnilr is training xiii- lieons cf youing moin te aSkeeýp tiheir me(uýthe chut and cars epex,tht leost wan periosi ouglit te ho as- teudîcly quiet. .- Wall Street Journal. É%- Sufii-n,- of.9 1leed- 1 and.......... ........ .........2c Aylmer Tomatoes, 2 large 28-oz. tins ..ýý...... 25c. Aylmer Cream of Mushroom Soup, Special, 2 tins for . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 19C. IHillerest Peas, Standard qualityr, Special, 2 tins 23c. Small White Beans, good cookers, lb. ... ý..... 6c. Cross and Blackwell's Tomato Catsup, free from preservatives and coloring matter, 14 oz. bot- tie for ......... ......... ........ ..... 18c. Big 5 Cleanser for cleaning cookinig utensils, floors, w,,oodlWork, etc, tCin . ............5C. MatrDog Biscuits, contains a ful balanced diet, 2 pkgos. for.......... ..... .. .... . . 2e Lipton's Chicken Noodie Soup Mix, real old- f à-M --rI 2 o i, . .. . . t2,e ..23c. Peas, pass intet- 39c. UYOUR POPULAR ç AlMotor Equipmnent Northcutt Fusseral Directe KINDNESS COU] Equipp2d to take care of the reasonable charge as w~ Moest exf T'elephone: Office 668 - ýulance You can now procure your Daly Tea at the Orono 5c. to $1.00 Store 1-2 lb). Black Orange Pekoe for 4 coupons and ....... .. .......... ......40 1-4 IL Black Orange Pekoe for 2 coupons est m- and «ehiver TAKE VITAMiNS adenjoy good lhea1lh tbrough the winter- months. Kepfler Malt Extract aud Ced Liver 011, perfect f or growing. chiîdren, 10 o)z.:75c. 20 oz,................ $...... l.25 Certifiedi Extract cf 'Malt arid Cod LiverOÏL1 1 3)lb57 c. 2 bs. for . ...... .......... 98c. 4 ils. ......... . .......... $1.49 Certified Standard C'od Liver 011, 16 ozsý .-........... 89c. ighl Test C od Liver 011, "CI Ozs. for .........$L.19 Scott's Emisienl.-... 59U., 98c Wamol'sExtract of GCil S18 oz. bottie.$.40 Aiphamettes, capsules of Ced i Li'ven Oji,Cne- tratedl. $1.40, $ 1>13.501 and ................ ...... $1,;-00 CeriffiesiIlaibtLiver 0il Caps.ýules, 5)0 for ..........71 c. 100 for ................... $.17 A.B.D. (Capsiules, 50..$.25 100 ................ ............. $2.25 Agent for Jackman Flg 20c.