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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jan 1943, p. 1

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ORONO, ONT., TH-IISDAY, JAN. 2lst, 1942'.1 LIbsr1) ton' Oronio Horticultural SocietyhSS room of the .Anglican Churchl, Friday, ian.e ion 0f 879100 Lbs aber Last Yearl Durham 2,697 Lï Tlic pro- ter was lov ir, t-be. s-an deline in dieccreaise of C'ouinty fie ber, 1942, àg'aiuisf50, bmer, 1941 'a Stocks i Jainavry le t-he C*!tiy c1 taories t-bnci axluci. lcowen- yeaqr *arii boeuses in 1.4q8,100p 4,519,400 pL 1Û42, and 'ouft te Pno Pour pleyeç5'ILt dn solidier' young so ena-An theciide DeLong (nc resident cf of thsle t tleniy vbo Vers Aid ia les Tisnes ba,ïve. en an' '(AeÏ Lý Vco Is ShortW. 1. Social Evening gainst er Elv-)ale f 500 werIle played at ee T..I.card par1ty h'I l the 'amier'ybut- 0Orange h'all, 0Orono, on F'idy Ven- P oa veiGof Lthe1 PW. I. ceit, and A ra a Ondeo w uî a the per- The hol01d er cfte first tic1ket drawni ii 1",eed wa fVlr 1,11. Cornish and thle Sc,- oýnd dba \vas OrmeGami y ,fatured in Inthe 500 Mr. W. E. Davey won nce of 01n firs t prIze for the men, with _Mr. F". J. pounds as al±aigte onoainpi; pnuda 1 n wii e iVIs. Fred GowCan woln the firast r- the entbire izi7e forI the ladieýs anIld Mrs. Fred ittrOut- Woodý,,f th!e consoClation. The eveIIjnig p -md m asv ies bro'ught to a cloxse by the Cserv- 'po'u nds a 'n of lun11ch. In Duqekamn for ecso Butter Rationing Cut oundls, as fo eDceso- Starting February Tht 2,697 on the Ovrthe radio bode'ton MWed- býutter- at ruseIaýy noorv over OBL it was anI- ehoues i noucadthiat the presentratiodg dairyfac-of btter woitldbe Cut mecg v'ince, eeL n Fetbruary jt.. A. by vae o~os until nnuw ýgood for the p)1-> E'oronto at hasei of threce pounds of ,bUtter Per repo)nirtediat idvde over tihe next six-weeks pared with eid il b eue oapurchas- nnay lt,îngya;ueo' o Lywo poun-disý by t1me s thou'i iiri*itioni cf t'wo (coupons. their hio'd- By etndn the expiny date of at 1690,00Hire ether cnupo)ns, and by gVi'n_)'no0- ~O0 oU~lid5 Vie at this time, thse war-t,;Ime prices a "ind traebard said it hopeýd con- Suimers 'woul'd ration theisýelves by d Forces srtigtstheo- ~fdb:tter al- 1uý,-ano Ove thesix-eehsperio-d. 16 issule C'L' Brown epare "C", CO1rons 5 sud tte, Chre - became valid Jan., 18, w ill1 elittie chul-ro exp-,ire untiq Feb. 28; coupons 7 Great Wïar end 8 lsecomin'g valid on Feb. 1, wîll dressed up not expire until Feib. 28, and coupon aur Cýf t11Lhee 9 valid -on _Mari-c 1, will expire on nig in -j Mnci14. Spae"C' coupons 10 They ar'e axvdi:(l froim thse present books will Mrs. Orrin noGt be usýed. , a former Cut ouf. the paraiagraph which tells a deughter y),u vihen to use the coupons and pin ffrs. Jessie it oýn the wa'll se that you wl know1 years. whe2nthsecupo' are Vo be used. Rxesponse On Aid To RXussia Fund, aderisd ave suffered teribdy. Then1 wo- tis eel n foMk are il, the fr-ont hue ,with up te iý ex- t enca cring for Vhs sick ad su~vicfbesvoulided, and hpigto take thiii It is ,-ot ýta therear for nmedical ieamn 11munity tO They are endrig untold iha dships ýt npot meas- :Inth-e>e cold wntr onhs QI-e ýi7enSiWP we fo terhomeus 1 ut nmmer vith- f eed ret- rt uficintclotiesincw ite keop gleforth thirtird bodies w.arm. Bu;t aVilI. ,han h'v gter go on, belic-vîn'g that in the iple jiustic,oe future thse Uni.tNt ions wil ing eiarîty uel pe'n urpanterfotith miiilar sacri.- west of Europe to relieve the preos- bueon their ow n battie scarred end a alxarîrs lihese people need aurý ion, will ha suippoî1-t ail we cen girewhlieh w-ili 11d dinty s'lbet! littie. rphinlik it o-ver and turaI h ack w fecure you wil setHe great haîlf, Afteýr redf theseý brave Russian eol ýmany cou1-d vie hai-ive g:iven thieir lîires bytho, cdEnlad unreeof thousands fliat Vwe m Iightî y~t ea- i : ii socuxiity an~d pe-a ce. They ne -unkoerndidnoV 'kfor tfils war, They were ta ~tV'e ne ta prOtect ftheir eCountryI-S, and petp-le bave prjootect it they have wvithi their I1ife's I tclarge te ha ne- U.S. AIR-CRAFTCARE "WASP>" ARIVES HOMVE WATERS IN BRITISil Jo Augut194-2, neïwi pictures v ere nlnsdof , arrivai in B' iltisi watersof theU.S. Nava,,l 1Tas'k force,inldgtieacatcrie -W sp."The"a" uiee 'yuneto two f erry -ur- tMalta w'dsRA..' lan ad ple0t rnocret.Pir-uresos M non or a BrLitisi Cruiser u>g-eeting 'tiLe U.S. Ail-craýft Car- lier Wap"On lher arrivai te serive wi'thh otier Aeia tasis forLce War'siips bsd the Bn'îtîislii home Fleet. The Bomber Press In B,î,ritain 0f ail 'the dmosrei'i icb the 'CndnEditars savi in Bngz- lmuî, priablyone was more lealisý- tic on tbr-illing tiiau thiat given by teeý 3vd Canadini Division A.L.C Trning Sehol. IV vams ambeautiful, viarsol, Sýrry day, -wh,n vie set out in our 'bus in thle eairlyT mornilng for V'ils dm -tration. One of t-he pi',-res thirougi wvhic-h we passeýýd on our vay vas the ter-minlus cf a ferr1y service Vo Frianc(e. As ýve \v-ent tfirougi thîe pie-ce Vi icasgare air ri a l-,but we saw nothiag of tise raide-ns. Arrivin'g et cur detiaton ,v ýverýe shown Vie training cf m-en whe vers qaifying as 'Commeln ios. l1'ree teims fro'm diffrent 'brigades vent throW th Ve course t-bat mora- irlg, a corewhici is part cf the hreigtraining. Strenuious Training Denonstraf.ed The cours,-e vas 'veny wet and hayharirg- a smnall cs'ee-k Pn- niang tirougii it, witii swasoipyý gZrn'd and it demandelisr-gi staina, and datersoinationi. Thse thrce teams s eut orar hi'gh barri- cades Aith pa-ck and gun, helpiug enci other as n'ecesary, cro-sed1 îouhdtheou-,g'h amygroLid, rr'ldtbrougfls tunnels ýý in thle grond -co"sed heay brbdwir-e ananlmetslnd Vw.-alt througi th'em, and \Vent off viti 'very loudi ý i rt s. Tu'as V o tr-ain tIsa me-n teo b(ý-ecIosoeobivý;iz onshusit an'd s-bell flignmon'g fie-mi. As,sooýn as asciim'an bmd -cm- Ietdthe course, he tli-av hims(if on Vh i groud anid flred 'bis rifle at ~~gire anges, ie score tbein~g ke-pt. This trains fi-am ta ibe able to bit the enuemy after violJenit exertion. After seeIeg - ths coursethier-e w as a demiontration cf 3--imer Vrs throýwi-ug bot-i iigi axplosire andi sm'ue ka ifisbsagains'V a, banle somedistanuceaway. Standing hae- side tiase mortars it wasipsbl Vo athtie couirse cf tse-se shahs in thelir ar-c ig-b in t1ieskyunatil they axplded on fie dstntbak. Tisane vies an intenasting episoda du-rngVhils demtons itaion wvîhie-ii vies not ou the programrme. A Spit- fire wva-s flyin'g back a ncl forth, going out of s'igit over the s'en,tindc!thi rtsilgas if t-o lok us c'ver. Eil tima tu;s Spitfire camae into viev. Vi-e dam1-oIstvatio-n md to beha Iatedý to pie-veunt damage te tiie plane1(. Finally eFter s longer absence t-han u oe ven the sait r 1rnd but U-is ýtima nMid(, a double re-1il e-rer us1, isefore fiying 'iwa-y home. Tus nroll i-s a siga cof jubihlionfre- queutily giveýn whin a pilot dwn 2n aýinmy plane, ani a s'hort time later vavp ere toîd 'th-at tuis planeu bcd( itretan-d broulgit-dv Vvo arma plaýnes j'ut off tb o~ i-hý,-e awra,. se-ryaiotuer qenîy îsocun ca- Nvapperreports t-bat- nigbit saIid ries 'itan Eîilsii plane îhnd siot As t i rai- ii a truicown t wo F. W. 190 Gerilmnnn- thaise enfageeîsand barri i cd! t'fMie snt-ic oesta and t-bat ti o-her, o0 ffi c e-n1,s a ndCImon 1lIlrlcedcx piot o nc had iaile-ýd out asnd vas plosivesdou mngt-em ila ') ties - ploie pr'obiblyv ereno" cpturt of uffIcient poepr to tc)lt-b ese yt em forsigni"s lv iyL'its. ce- ve-na 'havy a(nou'i 'Vo tbnovc ît iod fvat-er adm] ,nd ocran. (Ca-nt-inneti froir page four) Butter Coupons 5 and 6 Expire January 31 st Pices adTrade B oar id !i that co- fusion ba aisenrerding ouiponsý forib. trta c(ffee ,an'd uiar AIl ca, rffe and sugr1o1 on m'e uraile any t ime afteî-bybe,- uiset uîp ut aiy.,-steteti tmbtbt ter coupons fIve antisix be-cauxe due Jnay18 and wlyul)l eila Jauery 31.'Pile 'e1iatntua t-be ~ ~ ~ ~ t miu0wnf.niu Ve ed- is(i-cireds : "FEa:i cnuopeiiin tubock h-as an efcieda'ta'. iV cannlot lie udbe-- b-ore it date butnaueit eny tie e tar Iefda'te." Tbntc -s no-t apply Vo butte-r The- m t-on bocks wveaprinta i 'be-ora iet- ter patining swas undeinken. - This Weather lard 1 On The Meter -Mani No Discountc To Be Given After Telephone Bill Is Due To Be Paid _Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Best Celebrate Anniversary The follosring clinig vas taken f L-um f'e Cohi ng.wo(JodilEnterpru-i-)seu- B lletiI luu I.eference V o 2Mr1. andl( Mr' -s. Robent Be st, formier resideLnts of ClrkeTownship 'amd who are novw ieidng aTh-orbu-ry. ýiHeary and sinilcerecon)1gratula- "ions are bestowed on Mi.. and M-ris. Robert Besýt, higihly r espe c t ed cii- zens cf Th)oiinbiuiy.uh io on New Year's Darq'uietly clbrted Jiir 56tb iediganniversary et their home on Alfred St. The, bride vas- fomryCharlotte J. Hallo'well cf NeWetonville,wee the asriai-ge serivice took)I place ovar haf a cen- tur-y ago. 'M-r. antd Mrs. Best came Vo tihis locality aiiertly -atrrs vibere ti-ey have sersi dede and haead'd'ad ne olittIecContribution te tiesca wel fa -ne a-ad isoupici:pal ;f e cf lTh-or-nury, the groom cOf 56; year-s IhaI\ing servad tise twnas ýouaicillor nný- reafor mnyyenirs nuVi filrghea-hlt ledhiso te ne- ta. lthougIh ùthese etmbeciti- zen;s 'are -wel up in yer hyar-e 'itiîl vaciv e ard en11 y n rea- onaible mensurecf gieA health. Tint they on ntnue V o do so for ïmary pears Vo com'e is the sîncere sisii of a 'bcst cf wonI wis'ing fniýen s , ti li, omu iniaw th-ey fiave been prsttdtolire for. o-ve b oaf- a e u ry' Their many frierýd of C hrk, To'wnsýhî¶pjo-ain is'iinMr. and MIrs. BasV marniy iore y-eas of hep- puly miairrieîd 1yeers together. AVRMOORE OU-r. muit - , ng e-xemple.Hu Vie Cnian ieai re-, o Vie-fi l1 Lines to be Cleared Soon as Possible Foy Emergency Ph1lone C ails The annuen etnéo h rn heLd 'i nth twn hall, Oron,ýo, coi- Set- I1-ay aftrooJauny , with.ý tiirty o i bpeoder present arud a fv tes The minutes of tepevesan- r.ualmeetig vi-nerad Iand adopted. T'an'Iinuml reporît of the --Cospan-y aseaan after it wýas fully ex-lai-adtethe sbareholderýs by àMr. C. T. Mler the rýepcortuwas ado)pted.. Thsefoowg offi"ýers were electe<I feor the 'ensuing year: PreUsident - !11. J. Sue Vice.Pres'ient Avio-aGilroiy. -Seretry-neaure - C. , T.Mî- 'Mii- 'ana - Dirco onMor- 'Contrelier- James Nixon. Auditrs -N'euporterq- and Mrs. M 1n. itoU Morri vies iveil le-aeof absence as assistant Smce- taýry-trvaasurFer ta jcin the armed for- Ce s, 'a is plae w,sý ta-ken by Mv. C. T. Mille. A motion was imoed by N. F. Por- ter, secomnd by Fred Taiblyn, thaz the sýharehloldersq of this meeting go, o-n record not Vo- allow any -discorint aftertbhéexpraio kf thse date set f or thea pa'ym-ent of haîf yearly dues. Cerried. It vasfnoedbyý W. S. M-ýoffat, seode y Frais Tamblyni, that ailý cperators b)e reauested ta cIear the( for i. be'irgse-ait ta d(octoijs and reteîneans.Cairried. Tiie meeting then ajund ANNUAL MEETING The ps nrd A nulM eeting c f> Soriat yul h heldiiithe bsma c'ieTcwu Hll) roo on Fridaýy, Jane- 2ti;194:'. Thue business - a-rd dijourufor mcciat 12oclck luc.A po+- uoIl'uci vl'be sec- Tbles. Te-eviii11 p'ri-d i.Heia in1b5en -dnildfor t-he î,;ait t-ie-e en-s vithilutmey cf tfh, lea ts', uie- -a uevision of -.rakWi is, fie-t a ctrandi, to ~ C' aiaec-atmnias Pr( ducer. Cis, rsc 1iro1-ant s iguminent aet presnt 1 ~prd'o-ing ComeadaI i Voluntary Enlistments Now Weil Over 600,00 T-b-aa isee ala Oron ie la surely a-ni'bsis lau-d'soma ela Vlnay elsmnsfoith, cf $2900 n yaarendtItn i ieoutbreak of ver ln Saptentier, 193 manýl wh I rad( isa m,- ntars. ta Octobler 31, 1942 anse ýte--d1 Vo W-euhib"kstie èlngI"ov 188 acosing Cth Ve Dear d-îift ar'd facýes tise co)ld b)itter mnt of Nat niD(fece. Th: oinds v A eo ure(,Jim -woudtrd ttlveencesdt i335wa vis jobufor t-hat sace-tasy jb aieytaaubrc 'R erut day. JiMayaabps ia ot vnt active" wire iaoueh-d. geecus-hartad 'îfello'v geis on tlise -T-be Maritimesi-ave led Vie-flel Or'on Hydr1 Cmsso n ud then iril-enlisýtae(nit ratio-s, NyeScot(Ia sud lo ie- mibave 50e-ne ipes. JLe bas Pince Edwn-d tsl'ad av-inîg H41.5 bec1 endig etrsa-d loki'f- I par canof tdsaiy ligla maI op- t-arý Hyýdre business sInc pt--m-e-,uetion il] fb-e servi%,Ces. N-cvBîus '1911, and Vie s-leer read:îu bas ile-k îha-s39 pancet be-e fia-hrdîc a -nit, tra 1ig Afirjyg'oindicaJen m bo tiougi the deap sw a-ad out lin uîa cmmn l ae rc iugVi evay 'iu' -f wathr.Rebopes e-ilI for ma9npowuýr is ierl a re- l.e is earIniug - isls simaîl salary . Wli -atencoinntvhhasr-dov- do yen tisnk ? sns Ouftof 275 artilleinmen anti, draft fi', 1uscauîp,175 camef ig100 fi m c-bus. Dcumbiler. tiare ,'is amhi e' ol feait tot('i'oig- 1,2-21fiso npopuaie anudlily 3,090 fi-aqducliy rta la no ceiigten s foi tar feu vie -ae flehtzne- iln Canad',s Vol T

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