recently icy, the es that dNoodIe ix, 2 pkgs. 3 tins ILb for 25c 27c 29c 27e 33C 24c 29c 24c 25c 25e 3c Hin A. ýSt. Glair Gordion, Cliie eommssinerfor)t the Ontarlo Liquor Gonîbýro1?Bad toid the Hotel ass'a- ciat-iuil for the re of Onfaio -Il lluesday las't, that it is expectedi that beer mwiii be rattioned i mmen- oýýing Fe(bruary Iist, thro, ,'haut the province. The ratiuonjing pdan wiii be effect1ive lfor saLpp"iis of deer g'-inlg to m1ilifar'y messes as weil. H1e said that diuring the 12 m)orthsý eddOtdlber '>', 1942, there were 411,000f,000galosof beer sohd in Ontaie of 'whfcih wo-thirdsý , or27,- 000,000 gallonis, were mereted! through authoiiùy hoicers. This means that about 2,0,0 g-allons wili be th-e al.otment for iuihor.ity haiders duringi the twulvc mronths whieh bheg -ani Nov. 1 14 underi the nwfeder-al measýure. Un for~nteyhowcýee1,20,00gai- lons have been saId d(uring Nvr lier.aî Decemiber and it is extr-eme- ly likc!,y that a- furCthei- quanLttywa sold 'in January se that Cor the r- maing il-nine lmlonths it 'ilInbquite imýpq.Sible for auth'lori'ty hlesta be accordedýc 90 per cent of the g-ýl lonage they purchased d.IuIing "the samt1e nine mon'ths of iast year. MISSION BAND OFFICERS The misýsioni band of Park 'St. Uniitect Ch'uilh ait theirý meetinig laist week lected their- officeis as foai Iow'l :PresIzliden't, Helen Clarke; vie president, Joycee C-ornjish; sceay first f ermn, J e an Turnier; second terni, Xay Gmh;treaosurwer,nnAia Staiýples; book distriibutor-s Jean Wilson, Lorna Clark-e; proglaamme coýimmittee, Wlda Ii ooey, June (flan- ville. The Mission Band wias diivided- into tour giroups tu coinpete for ~ elfect attendance recor-ds, the ~gfoup leaders beirug Shirley Flintoif, Lois Dean, Joyce Corrish anO, Chas. a Armistrong. Scen er members of th(, 'e issioin Band attended every meet- e. *nlast year and ,ý hi a'e are enfered on the Houer Roil andc their fees paid forý the year- 1943. Tlie seven aire: Shiey Flin*ltoif, Kay Gamrsby, Lois Dean, Jean Tun, h J'oyce Cornish, Wiid10a Hooey and1 Bill RADIO REPAIRING New, modern test equîpment en- ables one to make fast , dependabie jrepairs te any make of radio. Chas. R. Kriox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. ay and Saturday ,kes, pkg. 7c :p2 pkgs. 23c rV"heat, 3 pkgs. 25c or coarse, 5 lbs 25c 3 lbs. 14C ittie 19CI Local News 3-Is. Fred Sisson, c Torýont, 1,11(l ire. Henry Yunker. of Pieston visiteti ait Mr1s. Mary Siissan's. Mise Marlon Coo-perý, af Toranto,' spenit the wee(.k-end wit hber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper. )Miss Margaret Milison, of Part Ho[pe, spentl the we-edwit'h 1bot parenrts, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. 'Miii The iaý, il ce varirsare havîrig great (di fficuity br-ying ta delivier thý mail ta il box hakolers. At proseetL it is impassible ta c.Iumpleýte tirl 2 Mr andi Mrs. Jameý,s E. ian :bey weure ple'ascd to r.eceLive a cabierni their third son, Lieut. W. M. Rans- erIiy, saying hie had arrived wel: TheConigregationai etig a Park] St. United Ouciwhîch wa tao have been held oun Tuesday cirer- cg Jnry1, was poStpoýne'd ow- cg ta the storn'y weather. The DurivCo('ntrai Agricuifuai Soeypcstpone(d flicîr meeting un- tiiFriayJanuary 291, cn en cing1- at 11.30 a.iii. The ogea tionai meeting cf park St. Unite-d Cbiuroli adýo Ieostponed (!owing ta the( starmýy weatherý. Brown's Red Cr-oýss wi'1 holdd a dceil, Ncecastie Oomm11unity MHel ,n; riay Jamuary 29fh ut 9 p.în. Ruse' Creigliton ans i hs danebu and saloist will fuiithe isc dision 534c. per person. Pro- ceede for, war woik. Dan't forget ta attend No. 9 sociail evoning in fhe, Orange Hall, Or-ono, on Wednesday, Januarjy 27tli. Cards. Luneh ,served.laed the sinaili admis- sien f ce oif 25-. wiii lie chareged. Un'- der, the atuspi'c.s ef No. 1) Red Cro-'ss War- Work Coifitee. Mi-S. Gardon L'e retur-ned ta Ottawa after Ohiristmas with lier husiýbansi who is statianed et Rock- cliffe. On at the satifon iri Ottawa tie~y met 1ev. ansi Mrs. mans on, formieriy cf Orone>. 'fley ba)th leaked wcl a nd invites them i-ar avise t th"el v lýome in Westbliorough. "Bun"ý Fagan, a for-mer toiler of the Bank af Comrce staff, Oronu, and wwho has beer treîning- with a tank battalion et Camp florden,' left eariy Suanday uiioriigl for Britieli 'oubawheie lie 'wli tako a bre- me!ýnf;th' course, ansi if sucesfil, wildon the uiforni of ani officer. Soldiers who take a keer inter'eet in uiitary affaire ar'e quick ta d Some people in tlie village tho1ugh' the saiow stanm of Tucsýay was ter- rible. So if 'was but if was 11,t as- bad, lu the village as if was l-,'?e counfry. Arcehie Lunii saiti wher ha Was drivinig along the Ceuntr'y rondr on the leigli, he ku'rew he wsýas mov- ±nig antil ied fliereins in hie hauisý buit attfinies lie oulsi nof see tli;, bais;e s. Wýe heardi other reports imilar ta flue arýe. One fermrer neariy lied ta waik home in the blizzarýd om TUesda Y affternoon, owirg to his team non- ring away. H1e leift theni standing il, front oaf J. J.Cons' store when lie wenf in ta gef saine ïparcel, ansi while there flic feani startesi away ani -werýe soon teairg smath ownvi -Main street. Sanie kird 1samari:ta'n stoppesi thons af atonsservice station with fthe owuer Chasiug aIft-Ïrl theni. .Anotlicr sovere snow aboni stnuck t1his dsrc on Tuesday, eig-u-p 1Ihavea- Yard Stick for aIl of My cûstomers PLEASE CALL R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Pho PARK ST. UJNITED CHt Î Rev, S. Littlewood Pstor shahl 2.30 - 7 p.M.-XV 30r16 Why is it tlit the publi.e peil au the p«ofdllee neyer is ini fit shape ta uise ? We triod te 'use lit ene daýy Lbt we 'gave it Up as a bad_ job. W.a. rohfthis ta aur mmld was ;same- thin]g that we salw eitber on il 'a oTuesdauy atrno.Abui man of iOro came inito the post cfilice ta aitgnl the register,carn bis own penl 'il] bis hand, nat af tainl penl, but just. an ordElýinary pený 11e, faoo, was 'wull aware, of that fim- ces 1)ostoffice ponl. RETURNS AF TER 36 YEARýlS AfLer an alspec f thililrýy-Sx years Mr. Birch of Sskatche('Wan i now visitinig xi thIl Mr, Oral Chap ma.11e USAd ta ive on th1e farni juist across the radfreo ra'sb fore lealvinigfor. the wec. 11eHolait here fortýy-fivo cyeais a a , ad 11, says ho( Ies pkov ,nan e noûw. lie suild cniions in thew s have been g-ood the past ftw a The farnmis have il theii riaaie fillecl with wheat, and hatve1huilt gra-nar.ies in the fildis tahold Ith( carry airer. Some fanrl'rs just ,poured (ltheir Wheat on thegru VVhere tbiey t shdand then ca)ver* ed if over wi'th srw Increases In Pay And Allowances For Soldiers And Their Dependeuts (Caîinedfrori page four) class ; ei cld d,ýaim an lîoan 10fo net more than four eilidren. The scýale of depenclents' allow-1 ance fe 'hildren has also been in - oreoaso ed. The )rafe of $12.00 per nthul for each o cf the filrst two chu- dren remiainis t'ho saine. Foru th e thiro childi the allowance is now $10.00 as ag-ainst $9.00, and ifor bth,( fourth ehbili $8.0Oiustead of $6.00. Ilihe eigýht dollar nate also applies ta the fifth aidsixth child. Thle in- croases in Pa~y an'd allowanýe.s will date from 1sft January. A further cnesinpr.ovided by the recent dalgs peruiýits the award of a Bepwndei-its;' Ailoiwance on behalf fanof&cr o odier in repetof a mioth:ir or father h qualifies under th e gltinir a1ddition te a xifp anid 11P tesix chil- dren. Pre-Viously a moffiher or fatiber ctvuild iit receivo an allowarce if thia offleer or dir was oteis claim-king- for t'hree dependen. Rural Cama ;a is doing ifs part ini providingrmen anii wonien, for the Armed Forcesý. Nof only have the pealple jinftie towns, villages, 1hi- lef s ansu frd igcoînmumities sup- portod thle war effoirt ni their b,-ond arud wa-sbm uyiing; their ilu- cr-eased productioný, of vital mnater- ls snch as food; their supply o eemforts fnlistedi personnel and refuecbutthepy are serding thieir gons and daugibters ta the nîation s battie uýts. Loak at yourii label, lui- mailing lisFt las fibencorr)-ieefesi ta dCate. Oro..%no Tinshop-k Foryears ega, off Candiansar 1ot's c amrle oeule of the 1Lnes': pi echilm- raspestate)10r thýe p1)fcý i) baeaifield. 11e wels Phil. Mah ildanl, a Lad wh'o ]hadbomsa r ýamat'eur tealms on their had in the Vîc'indty of Pntnuse~ O taria . After, two year ý's "wjfh ltAlie Torno Map Leafs, M a'hi a wa'ý sol]d ta hldihaAhei anmdwa rated 1,y thevera CW nie Mec:k as anec(-f the mast promt),- isinig sotha lsie had ever sý ni Thîs scaisenMachidn li h up to Macks hpes for lm auld with I a dciodlwak tes ni w' nlm Jr game tho holest.The thor day Maroildo tured p at anl R.C.A F plie'd for- onlistmienf as airerew. iH, loe a lie a fighterý pilaf, flri-o, pienty af situif in the drirecýtion of t-he Axis. Bush P'ilois Belping Ouf Long beefere th e present -wer started, Canuidianls hact h.ung up a reUni.arleable record in aviation by us1icg aelvopi;1l)es ta traverse th1e vaýst unsettIed distances of the fa r noruth ansi wost, takiug rilenilandj supist'oremlote 1iunih1ering airild iing settlements. Whien .the Brut- 'sh Commoinwealthn Air- Traininig Plan came m iita beinfg, nmast of fthe mer who ied been piiing Lip thous- anss f heurs af flying tume flock- ed toe ue clors. A, uiiii-beri of thenli miii lie -fond t oda y a t the huge Treniton Air Sýtaitioni, where as , in- structors at Centrali Flyinig Sceel, fheïy pass on their e-xtensiîýveknw- eýdge te, the Ri..F' nstructionlal personnel. "C.F.ýS.", as if is aomi- m--iouIy callesi, is in reldity ftie uni- versity af the air ;where ex-Lperieivcedl instrucrtorsf go for advaed train- ing te qunudi'fy for flie covebet "A-1 rating whichin '-dicates t'heir fitnessz ARMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 LADIES' WAISTS With Short Siceves, broken lines, special, $1 SUI JACKETS With Parka, Long Zip- per Front, in sand, Air- force and white. Ladies at ............$7.50 IMen's at ..... $12.95 We have DaIy's Tea in Stock Lots of Raisins in Stock- Bacon Squares IL 30c. Ssaloo a. ad help aiamg with1 tic ccmmunity. Bri SLACKS Ail Wool Blanket Clol] in heavy weight onl-, a few of these leli Special .... ....$3.5 LADIES ' WAISTS Candy Stripes wil. Long Siceves, regula $2 and $2.50 for. $. Rouind Steak lb. 38c. White Fish IL 21rce Fresh nla-n lb-. 35c. Fresh Side Pork lb. 30c. Fresh Currants lb. Oranges Fresh Filtets lb. Salmon, Lealer-s Paf 1 i'st, liern-i.bngaI andi Lou Ingrani. Al of th.em keyý2 men iii the intutrtri! : y - tom, this triorpesnsa pool 'o f diesfeiflying experionce such as prbhl aooe un'ry _n tHUI Another CanadianAe Caaa's prairies Iha ve(_'produ(e d aneherautfaningaviator in thec persan. of FBliight Liý,-eteant 1IL W. Me;Leod of Rgn whao rece11td'y re- eivedib far ta the lDistinguiùed FIyýin1g Cltss whdcllhe or an shortL time aga. Flîght LeteatMLeosiu- je the top Seorer aeon lots ýSer- -vin-gmwiti the R.C.,A.F. overseas, bie- inig officîally crediteLi iwth the dé- stutof 13 eneiy aircraft. Like P9iot OfcrGeorge Beurling o! Ver- duri Quiebec, mwha laCanada's Nui- berOneace aihoaliscrvirg with the R.A.F., McLeod lias feen ofper- atinig reccufily frieoin M alt a, tho e liappy hunfirg gr'ound of fighter Pi-o te. 1'n eeweek alore 'e ho bt dlowii thrýee Junikevs-88 'bombhera, t'ira Mossrscmîdt109flghters, as welI as- inflictinu, se'vere <damage on a i jmiber mcdoterfiglifers ansi heib- A New, Precision Squad Rayai Canadian Air Force pre- cision duill squads have acli.eved for tLheuisýelves an enviable reputa- tien- ini the field ofifiitary sni.arf- rosa andi drili. Deýtermirned ta nliew that the lads in, bine are iii ru;%way Euporior mibr of the Women's Division have foýrmeti a precîision squaid w-ifi,'on ifs limited .1appear-. ances in tThe Easf, lias won wide- spread acciaim. The squad is shartly ieeving on a tour of Weste-rn Ca4i- aca where demnonstratiora will ho preserted nii a miumber of cilies and tovnas.