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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1943, p. 2

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ALL-BDrAN TO ALL OUR FRUENDS ýOSCph Pare> 1£VLonregj,- arses purgatives, ery VALL-BRANS fini l- nrnOCG's 11L.- -"Beti-er Wa?' -a Ocorrect ithe cause more satisfactory i-,an of Constipaion due ta i-le 1pl cf wders. Nearly' al aur the riglit kiud of "bulk" in ihodici-. red fri-om Constipai-ion. Eati- t daily sud -drinik pleuty of' SUggei-ted pillsansd wai-er, but rmmeALBA t rle was ouly ei-m- oes't worli like a cai-liari-ic; t >, we cet AL'BRASS i-eke t.AL-RA ssokICat - yOur d recommn-cnd t ta aur grocer's in itw7,OuvnintSîz e Irise l ýwaitngcnl5wti, ytnt vduwterving pïackp5.cs.. \c u y suife r di-ie dosiug yourschf wili' -h e!ilgg's in La-ndau, C anada. eSERIAL 5STORY BY RENERYERSON MART hJiles a aio, aî i saidersareclad legai laî'gly wvu urednwoad in i-lie wlio lucide pi ur se nil FAMIL-Y PINIC She was a cheat and a fraud, Enid tholught ier , s she wiped her taus awa inthe loue- lines of her bedroo'i. What wa.s now think he a fool as' eIl Staing toecry in that ridculus hM by his fousnae Of course, her upsetinerves, wele toubw.eShe liad ocll~e filld wih agrowi1)ug sneof guiît ver sneher gimp 0o Tom a it Pilat the Deol Ria.Rr fir-st racin had been one of pure panie leut they should see lier, and her ýonily ithought hbad b e en to geUt away before theyd id. But driing hme her face had. Sheas engaged to Tom.E was ue to lier, and h ie trusted hi. SIL- ,waýs sure that hei, had neyer eanIIed of lierdeiin hum. She didn't tMAL that Tom ha'ld see'n lier d(ancing wt r Eolliday -- but the thought of what hil,,,hvefet ndî thought if lie had, set her face afire, Ontonp (of tà,Hn llia adput that uepc query of bis abuL usbanud, ad in ?a Nway Cue ha MledtohM. True, she hadn't a husband, but he had a husandto-eAnd she knew iný- stncivly tat anadmissioin of that to Hïank 11Holliday would 1ýias suel ut the bae on their gýrnoviug friendshiip as if she wa s married1(".',('p Enid ried ersef to leep letterthat r. 1Ho 11ida a prolyisýed itowrite4ofor l i e hadl left1t u ber niail box as thýey1, jad aragd. ut'wasaddrs'sed (1to amilTlio rnt 1oni , MAdvrtiig seald, urioitypromIpted her ta drahibeletter out aland read Éit, The -note beýgau wlý-bLo-t saluta- tu: "Why 'ddYom rua away lest but it noverafeidnyoeta Henif yu pef, A Pooih l rsM Soiet RETLRThWd'R IetSAND B fFroi Wood je ilic innipeg :edý ni-litug pro- Edlîtuiîg fireora mmn eiweu lautr 1aud1tearLs and bo-b on. Shielagdsaky she ld goner dowui-owu in i-o M îr. Thonrnion VitIlot hai * That ntefrou Hankbanished copîiel ier lîang!-over of de- sponene. Wat vasdoule was doesedecided phllosioph1ieally. SAe pas cominit-d toa èertaia cour)se, and she iglit as welil sal- race wbai- bene i secould for aunuul1na-ppy day vof reckouliug iraseonîng.She feu- utin jýlier boues. Btif sue oUld ýFlrna pos;i- i-ion s afsinar-isi- she would be at ileasti- ipart wht ank oidybelie2ved heCr i-o lie, She dssdbrisly. The advertisînig ofcsofi-be L'illey stoL 0re( were familiar toý ïnid. S11-0 lhad \visited tbýeni»be- forelu hr quest for aul adr-ertis- ig jo0b. Býut thîisti-me as she wa indluthe o'ui-or office, shewa conscious of a quckeuiug Pope Thstirne it uîight be, differoni-1. But ut wasu'i-,afi-er al. Sainm Thorn !iread the leti-er from D. Hoialooked aýt thesktce sit had brouglit aiong tA show lm, and saldilie was very, very SOrryobt "he couldni't use lier sevcsfor i-lie reen-1(Ho wasý over)-staffed as5uifas.Seeing i-the disppinininton lher fa(e, lie suggestedobtsce si-op huito se ii ini-wo o-r -ree m--onlis, just beoetho Chrisi-mas sopn season. liemiget be elle i-ouse, Buýt Ei' dspontnn ver not gýettin]g a job at -illey's was s~'abisorbed iii a muore iïnnM e- diae iterosi-, Passing thiough ilart departmnent 0ofLth e oig store 2 on hesway dowe iand oui- heremembered that shbe had pr0nisd aneke somne sketcheq cf Dr. Hollidy's sou,. .Acordingly the siopped andî purebased n. box of pastel craymn audanldo sppy fdrawitîg paeThon .-,she uredto catch a bus. Rt was nearly 12 and she didn)-'t want ta mcci- e ny of i-be girls froi the office shopping around on their noon hour. dS pni-thce afi-rnon exporI- nicuting with thý i-be cryons, but her attnton asprouTe to vwarder, She'd fînd herseif thinking (of "HaLi." Fer from, disikîng Dr. Hollidiay's nkame she adored t. So0riieh io w itsuitodçhlm iîyý'e eouid be crisp and professonl hw kaew, >but thre as "ye1t a areai of prnihfun in im i-bat jih digityof iscar-eeer hadn t smotbered. Auds bd liad ea fori-nate nouglta sei-bat side Shýe ke slie weas ihuigtoo ïcuch abutlai heir frviend- shlpwa o l poabya mosi- caulincident. À girl ivn Thou;sands use Ly/moîds t Ur ýGai Friends lydoz, e r ttractÉ ie lariegeab mmd ler tht sic ld iau engae tînt t"Dad!dy"wa fxigsand- wichies ta 1take aiong. Enid thuglt rapdy. ThonesIc took thec huld's liand laud weui-) down iithie fiha1ll ta bs fathoe apai-ent, Th doriabif oplen ans Selnuy hd efi-t. Ay -boedy hjjome?," shlecal had a car ilkîie in one blaud Tbe ip ofid'slips ure up n; u an repressibe aie at i-le inecngruons pieture ho inede, "Sonyny as yWAu'e akiug sand- -iliati- i Ihav a lot of snitaf couid fix i-o ke Dieug if you wai-io naejiî iei, "No yo'rei-akiu,"lie ap- Iu th eud their conibieci le- sucsproduced I- bsk to food aud a theros jug of îced infoto i-lie- elcki esie 11e:shelied woru the pirevious Sndy, u Hian IDHollday car-d i-le nprovi- clous oui- end stowed i-he in i-le r'ear af 'bis cr Tley iveni- up aogileriver Thbe lnsae eka ewe i-ho boulevardsud i l.i rivelid b)een oueredito a pblcpie- nuie groprd,an i-ey 'f iually la eai-ed a pici-ur.esque sptn i-lai-was unoccupied. Hnit b ýdrouglitt alone Ione oys ti-o ause i-le cblld, and lie nd Sonuy i-ossed a bail wnule Euî sed awit lunch clot1 on i-le gasaudlaid oui- steelis of sajndiches, ýýeese, pickles, e di-11 of fruit sldtop- ped 'wii-h wipe Crei -iI hadlasiilyencocted, cookies, enld genero1us cuips of i-be 5spaili grouuid. Sonny was i-be fîrs i - seci-lite s-rydOýg i-bai-si-oie up sniffing bungrily ai- i-besnuellof fWCdNeHotloi-ou-abiood-cuig ýcreaqni, Haitickedup eianc (i-o dr i-le dog-away- and Eniid drew ilic fri c , ehicil'lui-a'i-bC prote Ci hngciroeoleret arme.= Wsii- e, 1ninute," sre said tae ani Sile lield oui- abafaensd- wocli i-a i-bedog. "Foot doggie, R-e'shugy Let's fceedbi, w4he sadoaxiugly. Sonnry irnbdaaîs-ler, ible gewcietwitli curiosit-y Jas' ie ti-hcdib e t, r anid thon gratefully licLiber baudJ. Enld fcd i-be dog arai-ber Sand- whicb ud ther aother, and w-bon rewas qui-e saiisfied Je patted hlm fndiyon, ihbacli. "Sec, lie wan'i-hrt o. Sonnry ge 0bold 'as ta0 put out e chubby baud and furi-iveiy touchlii-e sbaggy hait Rank Hou' ey waEwai-bing ber witli t ugb-ul eyes. M'o h.ave a ý with ilen" ReBef ÀI British wme r lants etc(le-. let sare tbroat, Pt t1,1i-em ':w. ' ceep up .. .,and nt survcy sboed cd a's anea(,i-ho g items ris euhndstaud , ive proved i-bei 3he sofet, toAt sos known,ý ýe forsore iy-C met Ire of cous?, dii ---r e s. Aspîr a ilbimii LIe so ahways1 ie relif. nlie Bayer ConL-. you coup : i- 1eeb4,ab lt mriendS. pMa-re ývege-,tables 0ou i-ie table 1nieau ee eiin a--e lnu -li uboard. PThe lest tonies cuic ufrom sncb implec iîe ap' bleet greenls, (daudelio5 n ý j g'r ee1S, 'beaus, larpai-tes, eiý-c. 1T1le besi- laxatives uIse came týfroniî hs suce. V e g;,ab l es are riciliin i-iestne s lîicb we ueed for goad i-c-, good blaod aud for rgl tici-ieactiviya i-bhlay.Vegotaies al ýso frrs i-leluik whidh is Ccssr Or- i-obealily rglrato fib intes:tinal tr-act. T]he rry c oio si- ai-orent, net -rue Becuse -bey ce l e ou-n ufirylag ;uatiit'ios', ti-bey fui ili - jýle ldy -l-b Ilcon- sàiealieciran ad iloy alo po- vid1e oeueofibeipotntrgu- li-iuniai-or 1iesuce"a Or lre,-m sistance i-odisemv, for growtl, for, -'eLi-1y gunîs aîîd sirang bancs. Tomatoos alsa rorvide tllbes are vory oar i queii- an eweeaee xpouit is s) u L L a s o p e a s , b e sl l u s o r1n bees for. 5)0 Ucent Js vari-b et Lfred recge- M rs. ECùoomy s aeround euid doc(ides i-bat ara-,calg sdturilips w'il) ivgi'0ei-higgesi- re'turui-ar lier)omauY prs. Etnraane scs saie tanaee isd deids t hve to- mai- sadwihes nsieadof bathl- erng i-o cooli- an'a, Mr.,Econamiy i ea toileoos .*....12 4 ibs. cablage (2 small).1o, 30e 20 ti-ies i-h negy alue 11. timies i-ho m-rieïlfor- re- paýir 1sud mnusclebulig 40 ti-linos t i-e rdut inerai needed for si-rng i-coih and 17 i-linos iho amolunt -of Mnl oýral needed for li1oodLidug Manily Ipeople do not like vege- tables because ti-boy aefeuu p)oorly prepered. Hïere arc corne o1f i-horeasonrs wh-e elîdren refuse oanc of the ma- -timportant aud valuable foods àn ihoet: flavor ad epernc ndualies i-ie vegotahies soggy, mushy, or oi-lerwiseUnupleesei- la "ntextdure, 2 otscasoning - icka seasouing freque-ly malicevego-. tables fiatinli-ste, ,3. Lack of Cer, nprprton -tharough l laning, careful par-. ing nd careful icu or cutting nake LI-Lieveetales mre attracý- Mrs. E xi-rýa va gaes dcie doî not likmany f -ho comU01mon taj who cie waes ud wbai-'Oee wee Trembied on brUc Tic friendiy cofiee ih nmeuetiho surnny wl o11ceeSaS sf i-ho day inviied Yt.Crooked, derlous li-i-e secrets were oui- of plae ti-batcazy penitable, (Coi-iuedNeatWek AIs ttw 57-ich'tiitiugl A patea aud prntjrflte-ui Ba' OVER-RUY (W'0F CAL UNFAIR TOCO MNT Buxting up1)ahithelic calLusigplt nîcausibt ou depire oece ins luyou comunty.Sa ie pteta'fer as your l wne' Yeuonte re couerucd for, emery bousehoider CEiRve corn io n lu is h"lnsd dea'rsiii lic, elle ta catch u 1 i-i1-lc)~ rna Ilad f111 your ftr popy.A rd iWbcu ord er i nr; speuify 'loc lcoal'.Y ýThon ý2you'l an o'lsave onyk.Wy eot ask yaur nieuresi-'cie« ol iolr for f7rtlierinfran Phonreliim today. reg-,etahlePS. Vhen cie pr<cs i-hem -bo"'y are wusueiýy tartes, paano. Reru farniiy rI.: i-este i-hStjIe m asu Id iltes ct go1in lie garlage. Mrs. Eeonioîuy ante ai-br baud realizes i-bei-cyre ipro- pairai-ion i as imipor-tiant as 'r Jlu bu-yiuIg, so sh]e crfl Wo-. Jovws i-lie Iues, somlecfwhîýicb iI! li ironinihoexi-issue. le pWuseod te reeWee ugg.siinu un tooeu fifer etber "unut uane le v» ready fw lete t Éoy4mr ssi'o mwoec' qe% eemf"wr ecipmec ou spc noemuN are lA coder. Aèc-me >yuilettere te "Me* wade ii 5~s bor%, 7a WeetAdeIhIde Stree, Te-. mulip " enilstamîstea lf-aua'ie es 3lweI 'u Wlelîa emnit Germany's Moet Precious Treas-uwe - - TeGerman Arm-yuwspe Meic Wehmacbidescilig i-le formation SVî, yeare ,ýea ýai "very special baitain" fiilie c f Gernin a"y, coussin4g af pck-. cdý imon lfroua il rachs1e1i pced wii)li ib iei waos ad accordiug ta a Br-itisIIrodas- "<The vcry special job of i-hiý be-ainisi-o gad rmah, dlangers i-Ie mosi- peiu irs- utc e i-beloran poopiepoces. The treesýure, i-be peper said, hi Sou beneai aary au i-e surac ,aiRussie is precii frz wecording t i-aaMso e Port. For a -moi Buca tires transport i-lie plains fi-w-af le op- es fasirion- i-o "or les-. ai," 'et lýer-

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