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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1943, p. 8

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UN'S 1MGiER AND BETTER BO-MBS pierc(ilng bonib as used by Britain's Royal Air- tpartbicularlly massive in size, t(is neýw bombl and ivspeilydeIsigned to piece thehais ety Year. REQUEST tH j' Se town Mlage throughout where once were and put ona navy they have gone, ;ed flot Only ini their ness places which once ie from every institution in Canada; iore than from the chartered banks. a brandi office from coast to coa-st day the poorer-ansi the prouder thus laid down rheir pens. ich manager, as he shook parting consolation:.lie could say to every of the staff of the bank, "We'll It will be waiting for you whesl riat is a pledge." rt of those who remain to serve such a- way that the promise may hol your place." at his lhome here. Mo,-siirs. Don and Alec Littie, Tor- enito. vwere home for t heweked MissAti(rey Pat'ton andj Myr-te Fa !S are ,vorking in Peterborýoïgh. Mvcs. IForeýnce W NtadAnniie sp at week wtihMs Leonar Faýils, p te. Bob. Winni, Orilliaan Pte-. VîIltor Wilsion, orvl, we-re home reucenttly. iMr. and Mrs. Wm-. Patterson 'ave s-pendiing -soinewèeks with MrLs. Wm. ,A qiitisg \Vas lield at Mrs. W. Mecvs.on Fida1.,y arfternoon wheu the Kendcal l.aies quilted one large quit and tw'o snmall unes. Conra~1ltios o Mr. and -Mrs. Spense Gor-don on the arrivi of thecir daughter at BorýwaniviIle hos- ital on Monluy, Tanuary J8th. M r. Cocul VanitýtÉo. af the r'ad'Eium plant, Port hope, was one a th,, few Vto m-ake thegrdefrm1e-oni' tLo Kenc'd'al lasiýt WednePsd'ay hrough alJ tihe silow. Kenffdlsueems to 'b- back ta old timies. It iS 1ma'y yeal-s jno'w sînce tihere lias been no ma-il came, to this post 'office from Newtoville fron- Satur-day until the next Thuris- day. This loealiity seems Vo ibe gebting their own silare (and then somne) of zero we,ithi- andi blizzards tis win- t er. The sno)w storm fr'omt la' tMon- day tili W'ednesc'ay filled the ronds, a nd car traffie was suspended tiii Thur'sday when the pdough returnied froiCohourg and opened them up. W. L.3Meetingý The oit-hly iietibiig aof the W. I. was heM ý in tihe library on W.edtners- day aftberioo:n, January 13, wîth foturtceen 'mtters and two visitors 'present. The presidient, Mis. Reg. Elllott, was i, the chair. Theierol, cau was "What our Grandmiothors msed"an~d the memibers w\ere ask- ed Vto give a short history cf the 'homnestead la whidh they wr liv- ing, whieh prýoved verýy interesting. A ltter ta Mrs. Roy Mereecr from -Mm ,Rossa Sbtike, secretaivy of the Womien's JHospital Au-xiliary ait Bo'w- iranville, was ead and two dllars voIted ýto this ~woi-k. 'Mrs. Fred Cava- is2h gave an interesting acco'unt of the earlý,y history of 'Clarke towns'hip -with stamries Loth in-using and pa- theltie ýcf tihe earlyj sett lers here. Au invitation was exYtic{ndd by Mrs. Norman Kennedy to halsI the Feb- ruary~ meetihrg at her home, ivhicFh -was aeepted -with plea3sure. Ancither interestimg anci enjoyable afteraoýon ,was bronughit o a clseby the sin. ing of the National Aathem. Kendal Soldier Seceives liEs Christmias Pareel The foliowinsg leùtep was received by the Kendai Wonieiis Institurte framiuPte. Jim Mistock with the Toronto &owttisfh Regt., with the Canadian Ar-my Overseas, andi whicht nias set along to uas for publication. Tor-onto Scoittish Regit,, Canladian Ariny, Erg. I December 19, 1942. My Dearý iFriends,- Thaadc yau for sending the lovely Chistmas paircel. It arrived safely this ere niag. I waia very 'pleased, with it and4 derhved a &reat deal of ipleasure dram it while cpening t and findirng sa many familiar, nainies on the vair- rous 1packagaes. I wish ita thaýnk eaniraind eveiyone ni you for yowur part ha sendliag ue paveel. It took me back ta the diays wheai 1 ý%as in beha~bit f nmaking a nuiane i yseif arounild the vil- lage. 1 often thhnk cof thoqe diyfs. andi wish 1I eould onice mare roai down ithe main street as I did then. Alil g.oes well cvrc ere with me exeept the weath, , wih is at the 'Present verywert. Mliras rai-ned ai- mosit eontin uo'usly for over a week, aind sao there ia plenby af raud. Tis wilîl ie aur fourth Chistin-as1 aver here and agai, as 'usual, biere ia iio travelling for us over the buli- day. ;Another, dul Chrialmnasi eives in Toi Mirs. Mabel spni he weelc Mr'S. Camert' ,penit the m-e WvaFle. Mu: and 3Mrs c'astle, were Mr.R thro The commuiitt hall heM anot on January 181, '14r. ai Mvi Staikvile, pel axd <M. F. Gi Pte. Edgair and 'Mc. Lelar were home ovei Miss Inorens Patoro, and ley, Aiax, wer Mvr. and cMvs andi Jean were andi Mrs. Gec The sympilati is exitendeci t famiiy in the c F31%Vr and pMv spending a, weý ter Mrxs. Braie Cow-ani 'g'ues ts ville, is stayinig rwrm a is unce ruait, Mr. and _Mrs. ýS. J. Lainea Mr. Raymioad Bruce anid dau er Mraý. Chas. Watters, and iU aýpent Sundaiy aI îMrs. B. Milsc Cowanvild.e. Reïv. and Mrs,-. J. McLachlan - na Peterbüo oan Frhdjay whien MeLahianhasi the cast charngec be-r ankîtle. Mira. Jack Reisi bas retur-nesi f Borwmanvili'e iospital. lier b Patricia, iv aili c.iticailly iii la hosipiital. We wishi both a spý The annýualconngreg-ational n ing of the United Chvreh nais hel 'the chur-dh basement on Fr evenîng, Jaruary 22. Due to roacls the a4tnac was smi than usuial. All reporta wýere- f avoura,5ble> iho ve(aSiorer repor 'a balance of arproximaltely'$20C vaciesy linVire session rosultesi aýppointinig Mr. -ihert rag as dev. Mr. Lionel iHugh-es wais pointed Vo fil a vaeancy on Bo-ard of Manag-ers. Thre ladies yodi lunch. W. 1. 'Meeting On We'insdav' January 301, recgular. W. 1. i mieeting ý-was helM the homyne cf Mrs. A. Reclknap an .atton'daiae c f fourteen. Sev letrters nvere reasi fromn boys in, ada andi overseas whiad rýcc Ghistm ias parcels. In considrera, of Mrs. JC. iLajne's refusai, b ai convener for Rosi Cross sewing, i W. iD. Joncs wais appointesi until thme as iMrs. J. T.. Pearce is ire( take this wank over. A lefter of preýciation wais reasi frein the B birdi Cluii, thanking tire W. L. f< dlonation of five dollarsi to'war-d t wýNork-. It was decidies that the un February icard parties would ireh a!sea the usinaI St. Patric.k's tea Mareh 17th, in the United (Gli Srinday Sehool room. MiEss Tho'mpai)son thon to ah the chair for f'ollowinug programmne : Roll rall, ýtaiquette hint." A îgoon- discusý grew out of this roil eall. Tc i*eadini!g as; a hobby iby Mra. W .Toes;encret evýents, Mrs. A.I knaip; solo, WiInra Picouse, ace paied Yby Maiigaret flenaiult. 3 W. D. Jones then conduotesi a sp dud contest 'on' proveibs wlrieh pri vý,ejy interesting. S T ARI VILL E <Tocs laVe for laset w'eek) thre week-end ,We are g Faills mp 'Mrs. IdaF AXv. andi Mrq MiaGwer with 'Mvr. ai r.and 7 I oshawa, witl Congr]atalai Boss Haldowt rAja: id. glad ta Ste;rk 'Baby Powder ...... 27 c. JohS ' abMPwdJer 2 3c. Large Size............ý55. Z. B.L T. Baby .Po ....... 2c. Large size for............. MAmîe'il Antiseptic 0ïl, small size, (with TalcUmn FREE).>............ .~5c Large Eceloey Size.$1.19 JhsnsBaby Oii.........., 60c. Baby's Own B'ath OH......-5 5eC. DOVE BABIY OIL EXCELLENT VALUE 6 O.z. bottie for................ -35 C. 16 oz. bottie for ..........6,5c. NURSING BOTTLES C mfy Botties, 8 viunce ca- pacity, each ............ ...... 7 . St(orki Nulrsers. -....... ............ ... 10e.' 3 for ..............................23e. Pyre-xNuig Botties, bujiit to withstand any bciling or Chuliag...,aeh29'c, 2for 5-5c. MedsPablum......... .......e- . Mead's Cereal, 1 11i ...l.b ....2,3 . Lactogen, 1 lb ...............79c. 2½ý' lb............................ $1 .89 Dextrimatiose, 1 lb tin.65e. Nui-Trim ......... ...................65c. Mellini's Food -.... .....$1.001 Rorlick's Malted Milk Pew- der, sitiall ............ ... ...,.$1.00~ Large. . ......$3.001 ,Agent for Jackman FI 65e. $1.75 75c. 1 - CharLles Phone 68 ' ba d laller ver-v a'p- thie ser- I Egyptian Cernent rnends china, Toys and Dolls, marie, bone, et Ladies' "Sock-Saverýs" will not shi "4new", pair . ........ ... -.. Majestic Hiand Cleaner, il1 oz. tins Swinging Closet Door Loops, sa, clothes, each....... .. ...... Notched Closet Door Loops, each .....25c. .~15c. V tIre Child's Metal Lunch Boxes, each ....... .... 25c. 'at with Wax Paper for Lunches, etc,, 100-ft. roils .... 2â5c7 ,(-al ai- Wheeling Yarn, 2 ply, mediurn grey and rnottled ies grey, 1-4 lb. skeins.... ..... ............ 39c. as Aylrner Pirnentos, 5 oz. tins ........ ....... 15c. S AylrnerGrape Jam, 2 lb. jars ....... ....... 35c. eo Aylrner Black Berrnes, packed in syrup, choice e- quality, 15-oz. tins.... ...... .......... 20c. )ra Fry's Cocoa, large 1-lb. tins...... .......... 31c. sual Long Grain Rice, 2 lbs, f or ..........25C. onCI Large Size Lamp Chimneys, each........ .1c. irch J. Aylrner Fruits for salad, assorted fruits with the, syrup, choice quality, large 16 oz. tins ..... 25e. Ian YOUR Mlotor Equipment e reeters and ort Mr. Tiras., )f th~e as )t exà ;8 - mon from 18 R E------------ . . .-, ea7/o r *P~i Ie 4W'! 1IJIEBc U }the cârmed forces by October 31 sf, 1942. 1,000 "I 'sic ley are of Oic- s in the din- tins ait lec- Ha0wever, it lie Canadiar,. ,vo biaise a ds of years. in JeasiC ol- 'ies only thre andI proies-

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