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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1943, p. 1

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OPUNU, UN-I., -THUP DAY, FEB. 3. Subscription $1ý,5 Per Year mt United Church Shows, Balance on Hand of $221 .21 ~Passed 1-â lý. m~ate of $90,ODOO For Road Expenditure Year With North11-1 dRbetLoe Es ~ 0fDurham, J. L. Mon'rid aud Wes Durhamýti-., C. G. Mor-ris; j ail :and" 00outyoffices om i line, Ry - Dod'ge'of Cobourg; tute for high mate of $90,000 sools and clagaeinstitos - ed by pasîng ofBwavle R. R. Soes Camip-' w at the smo elfrA. Amu .~uk n aund Dur'ham V Farrel; Cbouig,' A. D. Spragge; Counnties Road Glbon;ADan e Nowcstle, L> et gave the fo- Clarkna]dP o;ElHop e, H *aceG. e M93 road esti- Smiith; corrhorr ispctrs-W. Oshornu efoit oborne for Northium- Upp he ertlsnid a.n'dJ. N. MeGili off Miii t yea andte e brocok for Durhiamr at $3 a day- and -5 ibu tyear nd p rets a mile; imembers of Board off Ala im las yar -worç l'art year Mtagmnt wyeair tern at $ pond a psile. llBoard off t'a'agemientwork, Alex. poed w hich will teveMs; Reeve IW. A Sihoff year. TheDet.Murray Twsi ar'pite' t bc-ar 1c td o i ad the Speciatl'Road' Comissio-n' foi- a beac abl t term of 3 years. beuthe custom. Equiaiized Aýssessmenf odngyraisedi A by-iaw 'Was passed setting the 'to mainitain our equaiized assessmeats forlte vai- Yo separate oc- iSus miunbiipàHls the rame as last tnient increased year, as f ollows: Bo wmanvi Ile, S$2,10 7,9 0 0;'Camp- belffod, 1, 314 ,3{0P'; Cobo'rg, $ 3 - 127,800; Port ýHope, $2,5-16,000;t righton vilage $711,400;Coibore, $4U3,800; lllastings,, $32-IM00; Mili eok 286,90'0; Nevcastle, $318,- 00; Alnwiak, $527,900; Brighton s$1,255,100; rwrgt 13,0; 300ý; Cramiahe, $1,21816N0; Daing 800;Unnilito, $2510,00; ope, $2,- 48,20P; Marvers, $1AW3,10; là - rn-ay,304,5007 -&y, $1W65.'00; Seymaour, $11590,200; Sauth Mous- <hann, $6Q00. T. A. Reid Raises Grant To Russia Fund in fthe Goibourg W'orhd off Thurs- day, Jancary 28ty, we notieed that Mr. . A. Reidmeee off ClAke Twspmade tihe mcotioiita taise, the sîm ta$5»00 forthe Russi Relief Fùnd. lu the first place, Reeve WV. Colo movesi that the sumoff $,00 h gr'nniGed ta this *Ver rty JL.7funsi,1 which was seode 'b 1 'euty 'Reve id. Little. Mi. T. A. Rekithoughit thýs na e-t einugir, sud saisi, "f guu.e, 1 an, the Mlest mnnir here lu terma off ser-vice ,in the co1mnties' conIl uý!ýd 1)1os t Off ye11oe!dm e m fo r sqpen'rding tlire couties money iiLu gvrnt S. Hseve these R îiu hav dnc a sodefljob. It is jui the- bau11C1off God thýat turu ed(]Gerj- many, ta nde rssi a 0othee wi ce tier'dh>nthn lefft off us b)y nase. 1 seareid s'aiy gi-fe the Biana Funsi $500"Tlins was ecnds by Reeve,- Calverof'apîeiodansiccuei "The r.suft seas tet sec finished t'lie year wt a surplus off $7,20t) w\ihich will bac<erdited ta the rondscL seeouq-t this yeav andi becomes a parti sfthre $90,M) unsw requs tesi. At- Ëaohed le a ~aeetoff estimnated eàxpeniditur-es. 1temrs thereoni are sub- jreet ta revisian by the rond ecu- nissia-ners. The 'w'le cprogr-am n off "'vwonk is off couirse subject ta th e amn'ount off exipenýdfüdres 'npon ,ih tihe Dept. of Uigh'ways seil grant o a 50%' suhs;idy, tm are as f oi- "£irushed gravc1l $15,000; 'Calcium chioride $7,000; dragg-i'ug u'gradt- in--$6,000; sliwe reovai an'd sand- ng $15,000; ereocting uield taking ~"..'dion' soiow fonce. $3,Offl; nae snow fonce and posts, $4.000lý; pavement ra2pairs $1,0f00; eashout, frosthls $$,51l; 'weed cutti'ng and brushing, '$2,500; Bensffort bridge irepaiýrs $, 000l; other 'bridge repaira $3,.00; re'- bates $9,200;gud rail $300; mis- calaineouis $2,90'»; overheiad (office, iaitcrest, compensation inisur'ance, salaries and rloai comi. mission $1I.- The couieil passesi by-lsws c'on- llmingil the va r ious.- ap poinritmnnt s aniadministraLtiv accounits as fol-' bank ita meot ourrentepndtrs iàending t he cletoof taxqes; rati- figthe coanities rns14 si atsoff $90MO0; apitmn s 'cr1)d'nandi 'Co. snd D e Yty- Reeve 'H. Wondicy ,,off Hlope Township sauchdtors off thre criûiial just-ice, sýcounts, tire formeriý11 1,t al f ce Off$0 ani the latter at $5 per day anid15 centsa mie 'whie tus cgge Oonnt1y registuryofccmisins apoitei ere : EastNotmbe War Plants R-un Own Blood Donor Cliniic, i-s giv- goes biock ta Iis job off ai higir t ansi cjexipjlesiveas. Tire'blood is; carefu!IY rt Ho proparod for s- hipmeut ta tire noears bigit Rosi Cuo-4 Clinic. au 0n an'y of tire seorisers seenirt tir rwii 'oid lapel buttas sehich, lu' this 'o-n. It plant, signlifies tlrey have giýven theiv st tobuliood at least tweive ti'm es Tir e Mair. Irennilh-er off regular d'ooataf'roln tlins eivy- one plant alene euns sevelli into tr demnand hundreda'. dsnors It moct ha 'a warmiin'g thougibt ta, ta tire tire 'Ganedian lads overs;eas tirat the shiawith which they fight and tire [ caves tiritlivea may amile fo 1tiresanme O rawat' e rdtnant. Truly . tire Canadien swa Deig cafee ne t an air. guniners' s (hool ii FIlyi ng, Trai'ning Gonimamd iqI Britain, seunior officers and pilots (if thoý RA'.lisýten vvith respect ta whaft th'e air gunn11,ers have to say, for Lhe niajor-ity off them have smehngt learu about the air war as secu ifroni an unusýual nog ekclwardis. àMany 'an air 'gunner bas biete is airc-afft home to safety~ by dlirectiug. evasive titctics ffrom "fliak" or enerny figbters. Love Is Bii ind No. 9 Social Evening And it s'emrs thiat ýwben' it gets a~ hold off one ,anytllilng -aa haPplen, as- peilywith ssstncdofa sow stoire. We are pes'dta re(pori Evere tt St ap et O n Spent Sunrday, n)ighlt as a guet oce Mu'. Laverne Put'- 1 erlson, suld Staley Bil di likewise clt Mlr. UJnonte Bullockl's. Just why teepartieular viýsitýSat theýSe par ic(ular pla-ces can borst hoe xlai11ed by these two enleen ,ur Lai d senit his dlisciples fortb i11l pairs as hoe coulci not truls t them alune. So la'ds, wby not -et paiired up and call it aday. 'orentaý,bles off cardLs and ue Meoff crokin oie were played at No. lý Social'eveiig ,held ln the Orange Hall, Orono. on 'enedyevening off las't week. ~Fo1i"wing ere theprjïize ine lst prztor the ladies we nt tao MrVI B. Whyte, with Ms K. Col- ville talkin'g the consolation prize. Mr-. Qecil Maiiey was ffi-st prize 'ierfori the men, wifte Miss Ret'a Cook took th'e consolatiýon prize. There 'were no prizes for crokiknie. The sum of ff$1.50 wsens realized The Bomber Press In Britain "BOOBY TRAPS ANFU OTIIER THINGS" (By Ws'ler R. Legge) Setme 1st, spent with tlie Rysl Caniadhi Engineers sens a day taýken up sitirstusly off a *,ide range off suibjeuts, anc off ihwas n prac- fs-i dem-onstratian off "B')ooby Traps" Thiere is pe-oba'biy ne other arm ocff heser-vice with sca main mifica- tiens as, 'iýtlire Enginee'rs, sud un a tetubulical set sc sui t z LhinS, 'thleir. wokbe(?c omes off prmutiuepor01t- suce1. Ever-youe 1 kn,ý->ows ffthem 1as bride bulderansd the demioustrat tin off this be-sncb off their ctvi t:e ws esriedin tiieeig'bar- We s'ee vîsitiugth 'o 1Caa iu n msr RifreetUnit commivanded by Col!. G. 11. Whyte, M.C., V.D., off acovr.Oher off- fb-ors wee Lt, Coi. V. S. Thiompson, off MontreaLil Majorv F. A. C'coff Seafortir, Onit, SdMajior M. A Býueli, OffBolile Cou;rSe- of Training Men ariving t IbisUnit are ocu- meutd, mdiclly nspetes,1ansi in- torvow'e bythe ,Tests off Elem am ofrme'd of irorapiites uod c the ,hey are posted ta varions trainnrg CoInp-anIies. Thins training cuwrs',Miltnty DteDe-lil, WeaponTailg-,-ts, Fi-tAid,Ai Deffence, M-ap Rend- ýIng, Miitary La,,w, Physicai Cuilturïe,l Fieli Engineering, Kunots sund LasIr- ýIug-s, Use off 'Spalrs, Field Dc,-ene, ansi Obstni)èec, Field Craft and Battie Di-ill, DemalIitions su ad Boohy Traps. lu adidition there are special courses îfor officers ..O',arid Sappers, whbich in]cluIde, 11èPinenta l'instr'ulc- i on, Admiinistration sud Taictes, Field Engineering ansi Demtolitians, BdggMaintenance andi Drivislg, jSappers junior Office-rs, etc. Bohy Trapis Demonstrated Affter visîting casesat seoris ou whic bas ben fitted up for tire Booby Te-sp doiimonst raticil. Just where tire expressioni Boelby Traps came foti net ci' ne, b ut atieea-re stili came eese do ttissejunit irat they are, lt miighit be epans that tirey are hi- riment looking arti:cles 'which s,,eie tou'ched or dlis'turlbd explode withi teagie -results ta anyone in the vi- c,2inity. They ffol'ow ne sot pattera or plan, sud there ia ro limi-it ta the v-ariationis tfhey may taise. A favofite stunt off retreýa'ti'ug Itailiansý is to beave camne article snch as a faon- tini pen', wirappears ta ho equip- mieut t ost or thrown away, Lu ewirici exploded seirn touche&i Thins oeby trap area sens chosen because off the natural saifety off ev- "Cd aud tire objee(t off the cour-se is ta teacl i te clasa baseta set mecir- auism. The explosive charges wcre A set under snter ansi when ex-> poeia jet off water suld sui was tflowu up juota ire air. We were therefore al 'ttiredin oilskins sud mtal helmiets tao 1:- tecet us. It was the pi*cture takenilar this time 'offtetorprstais ilg as if they weLe gainîg ta a f,,ancýy bail, -sehiclir apikntcd 'vitirsucir gîce by sýo nmauy wceisly p'lih's The cane-se ens laid, thr-ough a swsmpy pateir off ru an sd nssec tp ono var-ions bits off ood o pushed amide branches off the bush- os, certain of)f tirem set off the hidden Amsitie'wster. A'cualliY see niid net icaru mlch aut d i st ing u i sing ',booýby traýps, for sec acter didtisnow just whst t'isor bits off seood wererspn cible for settin'g 'of te ines. .At this bodly tmp denstratin jtire section officer ses Liut. Pirese oor.Otf,sd IrT-1 str'ctr was Lie. N. B. Gsuceof Blessi, 'Ont.1 Grenade Throin.g Fe-om tins %ve 'seot ou to nde range te satch usc'tioi goiuig instruc-tion i-i t 'tirmir greýnade-s, sud euti-nstruciitic "Normal range precautions care-e out, and gentienen sei mear stedl hemets provi 'take cover bhMi tire brens Tire section offier wsn ic- }onaltd, off Kimlbrie,: aýni stunIctor svas Lieut. W. E. Sý Ot tasea. TIn addition ta It ases ar, e ,stidiod o tpes off incniarics. Thon we sewut tqaiian s1,e-tPi bolire dmistiiu'ns lui (Qoaiatesi WrM pagef a' Il] Crenl- nder- reg off read ist ire please J. B. Rev.Littlewood Extended Hearty Invïtation To Remain For Another Terri. Good Reports Shown In Ail Departments at Conigre- gational Meeting The annual congi-egationa'l meet- ing off Prk Street United Chirch was 'heki in the Sunday Sceol room1 on Thursdlay evenin4g J'anuary 28àh, when about ffoty were pieýsent. The mneeting ope'ned with a hymen follow- ad 'b'y rayer andi responsire read- ing, led by 1elv. S. Littiewood'.IMe. R. Ros'borough was eleetedl secreta'ry for» the meeting andi re'ad tLhe mintes off the l'ast congregationaliimeetinge, which wer.e aidoapted as rend. The tre-as'urer's 'of the ditferenrt de- partments were camds upon to give their reports of the year's work cf their respetive departments. Miss Elsie Rowe gave the reports for the You'ig -Peopie's Uin4oi, 'hwingre- ceipis off $28-06, expendîtures$34, wlich rvith l'ast year's balanc-e lef t abalan.ce on hanioff $17. Mrs. R. E. Logan gave the repor-t of the W. A. showing that they hasi a îicmn- bership 'off 47, and thon sýh'e very 'carot1u'iiy otlne ~e activities cf the past year. Miss Laura AUni gave the treaslrer's reports, Shww- irg receipts 'at $106.59,exedice $,',60,94, 'whi'cýh withl st year's bal- ancue lefft a balnce off $2,14.9-1. M s. Chas. Wo'od read the report off iorus decpartmaents, as Tepenc Mis~in~ i- M th'v. issýion Baind. Rt. Wor. Bro. N. F. Porter Given Signal llonor TeCountyOrane Lodge f ei Durhalm hi4d thl i Lanliua1 meieting in Backso& o Tuue'sday afieinoi, al goo'l'y nmbr presen-t froim the iogsoffCatw$gtali Claïke' Followimig theusual rýpor-tsoff the yeair's business, the Deputy Grand Master oif Ontario Basý Rt. Wor. Bro0. C. Devitt, conidicted'the e-lectioa and installation off office, wi ýýhich WjC.M.-R.W or. Bfro. Neil P. Porter. 'DjC,.M.-,Wor. lira. Roy 5Ferguscrn. wooti. eorngSecrtry N- Wor. UrO. R. R. W'addell. Finanicial Sceretary - Wor. Bro. E.Doir eqi. Trensrer -Wor-. Brýo. Il. Tiomnp.- s'on. Mashll- Wor. Bro. E. J. Hallsnll Lucturer p- M'or- Bi-o. G. R. IM3r-, ton. Dcp. Leýcturer fori a rgh Wor.. Bro. 'C. Ili. Dep. Lecturer foi-'Chirkhe - Wor. Bro. R. Stutt. In an<orciation off the vork od ci - ". 'l. third ,emcm. Thises nities Il mound, Aiee Sundnay jel~JP f e v'oting priviloge in1-1 tendent brieffiy reviessesbc tire ctv-C ities off thre year smd!olMofftoremon- Orange L ae" -1riph th-iy mieeting,-s of 'tho execu'ti've; sevhile sun'honour grantesi tW vry Mr. W.-Stsiuton, treasurer, gava his pie. report, shosing recglpts at $411.18, The Cart'wright distri expencilures $324A44, leaving a bal-tamed the visitons ta aceanhsnd 'off $86174. Coli Tay- which a p bi'llcie meting lot rea the "M. sud M., as folloe: the CommunyHail, add Orono, $0.3 Kir1y, $35.3.Rcv Mr., Stuiart Johinston off S. 'LittILewood gave p ropaoff otCher Without exception Mr. Johi udsuch las, Bibe Sety,$3955; one off tire nestsake Teurperance $'55100; Onphaned is- iistn'ed ta or a gent M. Liquid'stionoff eictoff c'h-ijr'76. Ouy ayugmaoty Re.Littiewood also re,1o )ted on tbe University a a Prosbyte setivitios 'offtho Tr'ustee 'Board dur-itrMosoelr ing 1942. 'Mc. W. J. Ridîdeicl, treas- 1mal'uY yesrS Service. RHiS urer ,off iriechurcb, gave bis rCpo'rtj "Thle ets 'eaetc sýhOwiug total roceipts off 250. anim"w'as ,filed ! ithi 'expiendie u s, $2,18S0. lesvng a encouragement and ftact i slbsautai alaince off $22131. Mir. itisdramelofyi tis à Ridellsudtne Board off Stewards The eeting eosedwill were teudered aa trvoteo ff inlAntbem11. takafor Itheir splen1did uorlc. Rev. LWitewood rend thee report of fil the 1c amiî'111 Session. Tbis includied tire îeadng A ie nul etn off the iî,mstis off tirlu, echseo ulic ooLibrary the folio baipsse wnyduring the paý t eiectcd to th-e Boa; dfoi. lby a f momeuýn1nts f un paeaes.S an, r.B Piedcragomitto (,,F lss A.Hnr, M-s. T. Co vear sman aipointesi ta a cfrqa--i,< F. CohbIditk, Te-ca otirryear Mir. R.E. loran gae -R. CooPer, Lbran ansd (Contiuued on page fiv) Dcso1 e'cay tff mis v nete Oshawa Preshyterial W.M.S, Meets Allocatîo Tir e eyecutive 'of tie Oý bytoriai, togethoer si dents off the auxiliaries in~ ~ ~a Kig t Unio Cu on TedyJanuary t fLittleseýýod, 0eoa,Prs me-eting. A shýortwohpsei dutcted lbv- Mrs. Keunelth siaaPres- s'euit ta tir folowng d ,, tlhe pr-esi- MeCIC.iisut Mar-in ; Churcir witmn ireN'ationis';WaaSs. in'aimeeiing Thritain; Elizabe)ith 'Cr-awe ch, Ocýhasesia ,EeikdFSid,, Maitc lMrc. S. dbe Lake, Alta. lui 1943, !dent off tire e'aioca.te ta h o snt t C cge off tire Maini'tdbn a iW.M.S. H Burus LAe, B. C. ce sens con- A ltter firom ltire Mr Werry. was read in wbii th'ey alll the - ie -a cisi es sth-,t suem o t le satisfaction dersbip tbey sevouldibhe 10,400 e- carry on in 14.1ioa bOat t h Word of pryer falerves. hasicory bopedipyriaseul b s lvier probiem. Y Sec e( ,t a -, Tire P c b )ýterial seli) Au-x'liariesM'bitbýy 'at a date ta beL whicer -e' iter. Sýome bý-ave t that 50 teCG ',-he se exitra r'onds. Thre ing -ac off the clinic 'w "'worksh Her'e ,vorker off hood

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