ied January, 1937. lay morning at the Timies Office ono, Onitario i Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 ibscriptions to the Uinited States, $2.00 Printing WiIl Receive Our Prompt Attentionl R. A. Forrester, Publisher Farmers Face Labor Shortage (The Fiin~an.ial Post) (ounsetijse ta tak a utfeîgibrt dErpe an ri the wýar 'whiie cripplirg agic-ulturýal produtiafl a;t homie. he blunt acivice of former U. S. president, Haurbett Uover, cad&es,,s last week. Mn-. baver, who had charge of the fEurope du'rin~g ai-ialter the first Great War, was iirettly to Ama:rîcaris, but his warning holds for- Canada dywe are havng- the greatest ýd'ffiolty in raintairniag odc ;production and imeeting exýperit commtmaents ta Bri- de froin wheat, of which we have aipfle supplies, there us shotage of ineats, dairy and puîtx'y products in Can- his shortage may sourn reach cntical proportions if saine- et done speedlly tu relileve the fari labor situation. lariis, like those u the U1,nitecl States, have beau strippad .wer ýte furnish reeruits for the armieti. foi-ces andi war It is extrinely ;doubtful whether present limîted. pro- Cessentiai foots ean be uiaintained, let alone meeting the pIanned at the Ottawa Conference iast fall. As repeat- ;sed by scores of enpqiteut f arn ebservers, steps miust be Dnce tuo make miore silled lukbor avaiiaole f or the non..wheat tisl eeutry or 'we are )going taid oarsel'ves facing cala- cd is an essenitial war eoiniodty, even more neOoes-ýaiy Aid To China Fund sone weeks past the Aid tüý Russia Funi las bean lu f ui' ci when ali returns are in, it ýis ciaimeti that the total sub- Till be tremenuoi&Theý fund was ta lose oni January 31, the spomisors of this roth cause have de ýided tu keep tha a for cash doniations andi ciothiuig. The people across an1- opened their haarts andi purses ta the Russian peuple. and tributions rwill keep iin into this fund to help a people iot kulow the wvord defeat. bias beau rogh tuth le aditor's attention 111ilar oampilaign b as beon organized for the Aid te Chia, nMi . We h-aýve reuaived l pai-iphiet-,frei Mr. Harold Nash, ýDjirector csif the Chiiine, e War Relief ýFuuld, askung for- oui cta help nover this territorey. Wa feai sure that the people a wiii also hei]p with this cause of the Chineraýs people who . at -war cith Japan, for the past five and a hiaif'Years. The ýd for the Provýinice' af Ontariaý is $250,000, aad which shouiti ý1 O'versuscfri1cd. China thet has ýmimabilizad the Iarg1est part af Japsan's f®rces, sud day fat ay is wvaging anai nrelentinig wan ai agarnist 11emi. Let us rememiber cnly China promvides ada- ses for an effecýtive landi, sesan d air atc against If throlagh exhauistian pro dnced by miore than a tiecade of -hrough lack of supplies, or fronu a feeling- of hapelessnes, oulti h lost ýas an aiiiy, the whale military picture would itly tranrsformed, snd the course of hunuian history chang-ed. we think ne higher than aur awn self lsf interests, vie ýs simpiy mrt give our Chinese allies every passible help. iust give China adequate iitiaiy and muateriai aid. Wa nehow get iuto China the vast stores afI military supplies sfer waging a sucssful affeuýrsivei war, the mouey essetial rt her financiai snd econornie structure. As ýcitizeus and as S we ahare ilu these thîngs, but dafnitc actioun must be hai govarrmeh1ts of thue Uniteid Nations. thiere is a second thing that every Canadian eau do and for our Chinerae frieands an, alel 14 eaask~n le of Canadfa ta coutribute through flhe Chimese War Re- ! evary cent possible ta the relief of China; fund'r that will nlieve the vast suffaing of the Chinese peuple :but aira humble tribute ta their m-ag-nificent courage anid enduranýce, ýhem iiaw strength ta carry on tili final Victory is wen. ey go-es a long swiy i l Oh4a, anti hase is a samiple wluat it $30 'wil keep a Chiniese refugea alive for ana year; $5 \vill hinese refugea aliïva for thre months; $5 will disinfect 500 wounids; $1 will provide treatinent for- 1,000 ibunns; $1 will r for 15 oqertioýns; $1 will pravide immi-iuuizatiou for 10 froi typhoid or Bubonici plaigue. Thesre fig-ures ave auth- 1ouldj evar human hlf e hasaved at su i1w va cst omnittae will be farmnedini Orono next rmaek ta hieip along S Chinera Relief Fund sud lu is -believed a fui account ear in this paper uext week. Wateh for the -upeninig cf 1 aid ive tu China just -whatever you eau spave. fnrouGughcuLit1, Chaîirman C. p. 1. Betley, CaIven, L. D. C ai-vc-th, T. A. Gh tiýson. N. Flind for Sanders, ýW. A. Smith, W. J. Tireep, Inties 1H.L G. Waodiey. Legisîstive and By-Lav'ws-~ Chair- by blhaen, W. Cola, F. Barnard. P. I. Ty e-Bentley, W. W. Bruwn, C. H., Clve, ý43 ar .r R. Can'vth ' C. Devitt, R. D. Datige aeH. D). Davitison J. Grimes, A. W. Devtt;, J. W. Hieclebpert, L. E. Kel- W. W. ley, F. Lee' S. Little, T. A. MdUil- ýaruth-l- In, T. A. Reid, G. R. Rass, E. P. Sautions, W. A. Siith. R. R. Stevens, ainW J. Traap andi H. G. -Woodley. ahi. J. Heas- Agriculture - Chairinan, T. A. A.Mc Chapnian, F. Barnarti, P. I. Bentley, oucief, W. J. Bcggs L. D. Carruthers, C. R. orge R. Carvetil, [H. D. Davidren, C. Devitt, Noley N. Tintiall, J. Grimer, L. E. Keliey, R. T. Love, Siti. Little, P. Hl. Mac- R. Cair- Millan, G. J. MeCubinBlu. Mangani, eY \. W. J. ýPattn, W. A. Raowe, E. P. hanj T. Sanders, J. Smith, A. Stephen. R. ILýI, R. Stephens, W. J. Tra-op andi H. G. Receipts & Expendtures 1941 and 1942 Durham Central'- Agricultural Society RECEIPTS Balance frei 'precedii-g yeav. ..... .1.-. ......... Sale f C oncessions ................... lIent cf Fair Bui'lding ...................... ..................... G ate Receipts ..... . ........ . ..... ... ....- - .. ............. .................. G rand Stand ...... ..... .. .. ........................ -..... ... Sale of Rags.- ....... .......................................... GRANTS Town of Borwmanville ............ . ................. ............... Village of Newcastle............... ..................... Towuvship of 'Dlarlinto . ........... ................. Province of Outanio, (Ragu-lar-) , .............. ... .... ..... Provine af Ontario, ta (Black andi White Day ......... Holstein Frie sian Association. .......... . ............... ............ Holstein Fiiesian Association, Field Crop ,.... - Hloistein Friesian Asseci,-ation, Foal 0Club ..-. .. ......... Dominion Governinent, Foal Club ............... .................. DONATIONS 1941 255.03 13.00 71.00 830.10 87.00 76320 215.00 '15.00 75.00l 200l.0 336.41 388.0N 65.20 125.00 50.00 22.50 22.50 1942 $440.80 15.010 101,59 100.00 657A45 93.80 M5.00 15.00 75.00 200.00 339.71 426.ý00 80.20 1128.00 50.00 25.50 25.50 T. Eatan Co. Ltd, Baeou Hog spec"ial ......................... ...... 30.00 30.00 R. M. Cale; Fruit Special ......... ...................................... 5.00 5.001 Orano WonmeLn's Institute ...... .. . ....... ........ ............. 10.00 Unspecifieti Donations . .............. ...................... ......... 54.75 35.00 Ativertising Revenue ,..................... .................. . ..........- 188.00 172.50 Ety Fees sud iMambe'riP ........... ............. .........21 260 Eutcrtaininent Revenue ......... ............ .. . ..... ............. 134.18 3663.21 M is cella ne as ................. ............ ......... ............. ........ 10.25 36.00 Membership ratai'iuet for'following year.... ....... 92.00 86.00 $4,024.47 $4,658.52 EXPENDITIJRES PRIZES PAID Hieavy Hanses . .... ............ ................ ................. LFh Hres.1.. Beef Cattie . ........... .......--... ... ............;....... ..-......... H olstein Ottie .......... -....... -. -.... ............ . .......... Other Dairy Cattle ........... .....-. .. -. ......... Sh-eep .,. .............. . . . ........-...... .................... .................- swine . ............... . ..........-......................... ............ ..... Pouhftry ami Ohiidren's Pets .. ................. ......... Poultry Product .........................- .................. .... .... Grýain anti seed ..........--....... ~ .......--. .................. v egetables . . ............. ................... ........... F ruit ........ . ....... . . . ....... ...... ..................-..... ...................... Fiawers andi Plants .... ... ............................ ..... ... Domiestic Manfacture................ ....... ............. Ladies' Wark ........... . . .. ............................................ Fi'ne Art ...............- «............. ....... ...... ... ..... .. ........ Domestic Science ........... -.......... ........... ....... ..... F a i Club ............... . ............ - .... . .... ......... . ...... ...... Fijeld 'Crop Comipetition . .............................. ..... ..... to k Jutdi ng . .... .......... ...... .......-. ...... .............. Dlgatas Expenses . ......... . .............. . ........... ........... Affiliation Fees. ........... . .... ... .......... ......... .. .. ..... ..... Judges Pees and Expensa,,s ..... ................... ........... GENERAL EXPENDITURES Setblem ent fer Hogs .......> ........ ........ ..... ....... .. R aces ... ........... ............- . ...... .... Eutarbainnmen)t at Hall and Grand Stand ....,.....- Band Services . .............. - ......... . ........... ..... .. ..... Grounds, Buildings anti Insurance . ....... ..................... Secretary-Tra-asiirei................................ Labeour anti Services -,............... ..........,....... ..... Printing anti Advertising ................ ..............«-... ....... Postage, Excise andi Exchange,......... ....... General Supplies, iuciuding trophies - -....... Payunent on N ote .......- ..... ....................... Balance ou biaud -- ............ .-«........... . ...-........... ASSETS Cash balance an haud ...... ... ..... ..... .. ............... ...... ........-........... Landi andi Buihdnigs . . ,... ........-.....-.. ...... . .. . .. LIABILITIES Retalueti M anilurships .................... ...... ...... Note Otstancling -........ .. .... ... 1... .. benîsuti andi Deputy Reeve Sandens forý Durham couty. Special Scho aIs Cominiittee - Thrcea yen r, Reeve P. 1. Bentiey, of ý Prepentiy Commit- ., Dodge. our - the Counities lrei's Aid Sa- unrief and Dep- port Hope. 195.00 $ 165.00 1410.00 253.00 105.00 159.00 325.00 471.50 1941 10.42 39.00 34.00 118.50 119.50 92.M0) 90.00 94.63 96.46 8.50 10.75 21.00 18.00( 33.75 27.25 60.25 58.75 55.7 5 49.25 38.75 39.00 48.00 47.75 38.00 87.00 49.50 42.50 85.00 47.50 67.50 76,50 75.0,0 75.001 12.00 12.00 1.702.63 $ 1,929.71 3.55 5.80 3.0 4.00 .650 42.50 1,775.68 $ 1,982.01 763.20 $873.21L 130.00 ?,44.75 45.00 135.00 10.00 26,00 30.00O 182.65 98.10 82.50 12-.50 100.00 100.0f) 23.64 2M.88 Id0.20 92.85 2S8.25 320.59 53.05 23.32 88.50 39.58 400.0 75.00 12.10 L,80799 $2,40)5.88 270.63 $4,658.52 6200.63 $6,770.63 $86.00 250.00 $ 336.00 DEATHS onSun- FOR SALE ____________ Filby ii:-ig 3 'ear& Apply A.F. McKENZIE, M.D. james Lyttel, Kix$by.a-j. ___________________ PHYSIGlAN ad SURGEON FOR SALE OfioeH-aurs: Cutter, ilu good codto. Apply 2.00 to 4.0,0> p.n.; 6.30 k) S8.00 pju. ta George Butter, Oen.PONE 47r1 ORONO COMLNG EVENTS An 04d-Time Dance wi11 be heid in Ne~vtovi Goi n-nity Hafll on Mond'ay, Feàbruiaxy 8th. Barclnày's Orchetra.Admision,35c. a3c DANCE The Canadian Leglon at Bownian- ville are s'ponsoiing a daince to hu hld ln the. Amouiries a'L Bourman- ville on, the evening of Friday, Feb. 5th, ceommeiwiirg ut 9.00 p.m. Mod- ern, and Old Tyime Dancing. llie Colimlbians 6-pieoe Orchestra, of Oshawa, NvwlI furnisih the nmsi. Ad- mission, 25 cets per persan. TMe pr!OCeees from the dani'e will be used for the Ser-vice Mes's Guhb. Gorne zsn have a goýod time. With the Bomber Press In Britain (,Continued £romn page oua) iaf'ting ?were earried out, and we watced a ferried acrpos.s on special floats. We aiso watched pontofling being taught to a brid- ing elass. AÂt Canadian General Reinforcement Unit day with Brigadier HI. LeIfebvrea sud Brigadier A. E. Nash ýat the Causa- diau General Reinfarcemieut Unit. Brig. Lefebvre was in cLýharge ofMi- t;ry District No. 5 at Quehec beora gOing uverseas, aud enquirei espe- cîally after flue Hon. Hlenri Renesuit 3jL.A., was is publisher of thie B ea,uce villa 'L'Ee1aire-un" . We saw mairy unusuar fieldi gad- gets, for use of tnoaps lu the field. suchA as essily constructad. but effi- cient, sewage systens, shoýwer baths, staves for heating 'water- andi coo- ing-, matie out cf discsrded cileans, sud bunning elti ail, diinfecting of blaukets etc., lu the fieldi; disposai oI gaebagenti sewage by burning, anti uiany ether itemis which ara, prdblens for troops lu at>oal war- lare. Incidetly, wa 'weatlt that the Canadian saldiar is the claanest of aill troops lu flue world. An extra ativity cf thia Rein- forcement nit is the use ofwat corners cf their grounds týr grow- ing vagetable, anti they proudly showed us a prie winning dsqlay ai *potato as, tom-atoar, narrots, non, beans, beets anti turnips al gow bu tiheir camp. Last yaar 80 tons of ffetatos 'were guown l tes grounds cf the camp. Cig ovar ta the C.AS.C.RU. e met Major Alex. Gagnor, cf Quebec wha calleti ut attention ta a coin- pany which was jut retunnng froin a tan mile hikýecamieti out lu a lit- tie less than twa lueurs. One cf the men lu this conupany was Pte. St. Cyr, cf Shaýwiingan Fahir Que., Major Gagnes asked nme ta nupess on the peple cEf Canada that hey are a ran part f the show, antithat thein ladts are heiug weLl taken cane Hare we -vwere shwuu stutient cocha baing trane in thein worlc. The day waa lrought to a deight- fui nucusion wlth dininen at the OfflIcer' Mess f the Royal cana- dian Enginýeers. It was a fine uneal ser-ved in a building ýthat inust hava been a pretenticus maensian beo re the Nwar, sud Vler very excellent band was playîlug outside on thle grou,àds durinxg the uneal, whieh atid- ed te, the en'oynent cf theeeig Quantriti -Mercer A vary pretty wedtiiaug was sol- aminizeti on Thurs-ýday avening, Jau- uany 21. ft the homne of.the bride's father, Mn. Ceeil G. Merer, M.P.P. for Durhamn. antiMI,. Mercer, when tlheir gtr Misa Vivian Arvaîhe 1Mercer, was unlitet inlu arniage ta M. Howard Adlbet -QuantrilI son cfMn. ant i Mrs. Cd A. Quantrilh, ahij cf Elizabeth, witî- 1ev. . F Gardiner offciating. Musie wa\vs pro- inlace VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sberwin VEEINARY SURGEON Oiffice:- Main St. Orco Phene 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GIAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and' Liability AUCTIGNEERS TED JACKSON Auctiovneer and . Valuator ConducesAiution Saileé of al usise* suýd at reasoiable rate@. Oomiuuicate wlth him at, P- Perry, Ontario, or see his Olerk, A. E Mortons, at Orono, 40or date. F. F. M ris &Son Funeral DirectorsJ Furnitu-re Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowiianv ý - Orono hoe:Bo-wianville, Day 480 Oroa, 7-1 7 Orno, 2.7-41n 5 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complote Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service inl Durhiam Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWES"T Our Price,%-THiE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE --- RONG E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE. AUTOMOBILE, CASU.ALTY AND LIAI3ILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O REPRESENTING some of the Largea-,t, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurane Firms in canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared tu quote you rates f ront 40C. a huidred, according to classification of Building Phone, write, or better stili, >caill.I will be Pleased to quete you rates Onm your property which wiIl surprie you. nýas greoomsiaib. Fýo11cwing -the creinaiy a receptden1 was haldc with Mrs. IMercer motheru (Yf the br.ida, reeivin~g lu a navy hk'e figured suit with a ýcorsage of rosesý, assisted by the greom1ns m ther, m rsý' Quantrili, 'weering air.force bine suid a corsage af rss For a weddlng trip to Hailton r.nd poinits -west, the bride wore a r-ose waol dressn and black coa 'ith asilver trimming and black actesso_ýr- Le s. O n th eir re w =r th e y -w -111 liv e ,he car- One hundreti additional stuc,- forget- nuw ane, attendin~g Anny Trad"- attE",d- (coUrses lut SaskatcOon. For their part se crepe lu produdlng higliy competent armny. 1 carry- tradwesmen, tribute waa pidt tauato- Sfoneet- moiýtive concerna hby Major A. Driver, 1 1 - Ontario 1 Oro'no 1 DEATHS