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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1943, p. 5

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r THE RNC Rev. Littlewood Exdended Ulearty Invitation to Re-. main for Another Term (Continued from page one) the choir report. HIe apoke of thel ýsmaL1 finanial trans;aetik>ns in this , ý Organization andI aFsu1ed the congre- gation of the continued suipport of the choir. The reco-im.iedjatiofl of the Officýiai Boaird re bonu~s te the Pastor was placed belfoie th- etn by the seeretary, annd lt waa noved and jsec- ùnded( that Rev. Littlewýood be granted a bonti,,s o $10 on the sal- ary 40 1942. dMr. Littlewoo>d aicept- cd thia rihoit any argument and ý-poke of the happy relations that he1 had had in the coi-niuiiity. The last part of the evei'ag was g iven ever te the election of officers .f or the diifent boar'ds. For 6theL ,ession t was incved by ýN. Porteir, seode y A. J. Tamblyn, that the reortf th~e n inatiing coi-enm-ittee boe accoepted, i.e., that R. E. Logan 'andi A. J. Knoex he reappointed to re- tire in 1949. The Session' iinow consist of: R E. Logan and A. J. jKuox to retire i D40; S. Souch anid W. Stainton in 1948; Sam t Keane RADIO REPAIRING New, modern tet equipment eni- ales one to make fast, dependable real", to any make of radio. Chas. R Knox,42r 2,OroIl. tf. JFICEj anId C. MoLarej- n l1147; R. C. Roýs- ¶boeu'h a.dM. J. Souchi in 1946; F. Binidurnnr. E. R. Rainey i 19415; W. S. CUIbtlyoidck andi K.,111ip 1944 For the Stewards -- An election insuited as flâoxs : Foc 3 years,W Ridell, A. A. Drummiiiond. A. J Tamiiblyni, J. J. Conishi; for- '2 years, C. B. Tyrreuil; 'for 1 one yearii, Colin Taylor. The ïtewaids will n w con- sist of;To retire in 194e,'W. 'Rid- d'eul A. A. 1Dru'LinI amI l A. J. Tabyand J. J. 'Connish; te retire nii 194-5, O. W. Ro]ph, C. -MoLaren, R. Sutton, and C. B3. Tyrreli; to re- tire in 1944. W. 'Hoar, C. Taylor, F. Tavblyn andi C.Sith. Foi- the Board of Trusýtees - th-at the report of the noiiatin-gcomt tee hie ado'pted and that ail three be left to retire in 1946), beig A. J. Tamiblyni, N. Porter and LawrenLe 'LuiLn. Tie 'Board of Trustees xiii consist of: To retire in 1946, A. J. arbnN. Porter, L,. n;reir in 191'5 R. Wo'od, R. Best; retire j 1944, F. WoF. 11i11. Mecssrs. Sani Keane and C.M% Laven were appointdi to be the rv prsetitiesto the Sun ASoo Board of Managemnent for 1943. F.,O..'Cooper and N. F. P'orteîý nudlitors fer lastyer were r-eap- pointed. Ilhe saDme Misionary and1 I Mine ance C'ommiittee be i eaîppointed, lbe- ing MWeisrs. E. Rai'ney. Colin Taylor- aýnd Mrs. J. J. -Mellor. A hedyinvitation was etede to Rev. Littlewood andi Ms. LittIe- wýood' te remiain for atiser ye-ar. IN MEMORLVAM PAEDEN - lu loving -memiory of John T. Peedein, wbo pessed awvay February Ist 1942. 1 have cnly your miemlory, dlear fetiser, Toý r-emiesaber imy wisele life 'trOLIgh, But tise -weetnes ii lingerfoee As 1 treavsure tise image of yen. -Sadly liissed by diug,-ister Luella. A lE'ER TO1THE1MEN 0F TOIS CMUIY As~~ýo Prsdn the 0Oreno Jhami- býer of)j mer1 Iappeal toeer piuble-spirited mmn ln this conmmun- ity to joi)jn us this year. There xill be vseene very ipotant miatters te dlislcu,;s a na tI t pen_, almI -we 'need i en who -xil take a" i tarentl, ir.what ilu to ha done in the post war period, whicb we alhp is not too far distanIt. We met next M<inday at 8 p.m." Let us get started' on s,omething-- wrth wihil. I R. E. LOGAN day and Saturday 'MIER TIIAN PRICE Coffee, 2 coupons IL.45c lb. 15C Soup, 2 pkgs. 25c ,kes, 4 IL pkg. 35c dte Powder, pkg. 5c e3 Ibs. 25c 5e 5 lbs. 25c b. 3c Flakes, with a bler, 3 pkgs. 23c lb.L & 4 coupons 39c ps, IL. 33c ece or sliced, lb. 27c1 34c i, 16oz. pkg. 12c 7c 4 cakes 25c ýats, Dan dried 5lbs 25e Local News Our local santimen have been hu-ýY the past we'ek sandidng our sidewalkst whicb were very icy. Mlr. and Me's'. 'Rssull Vanlloir, o)f Whliby, visited 'WiM'rf.nd Mrs-, F. Tamiiyiion Smnday. The regular mnthly muey'ing o the local Rcd 'ross xii blei held tisF aifterneloni at three oAclock. Ed. Graham, 'who is ceünneed wîth tLise Cadian Nav'y, spenit tise wveek-enid witli bis wife andi daughter- Marlene. A faiiy <romy Peterborough hivý movedi to Orpiio anîd are now living iii Mrsz. John Wannani's hoaseý( in tise nortis WAd. Me'.J. F. Lorriman rituredi home ni Tuesd'a-ty evening lest after sed nýg five days in the city xith fr-ienda * d relatives. We noticedla thse Goe-althat paising bis examinationsis l his third year at Osgoode HaIL .Mr. andi Mrs. Fraak Ardiron amI son)1 Madison, of Toronto. spenit Sua- day witb thse latter's arnt, r in'd Mus. Madison Hall. Mrs. Thoriipson is visitin'g with Misýs Viola Gilfillan. Mrs. Topo is a dlaugbhter 0<f tis e late David Mûrrisosi, of B'vnvle On WecneSdny 0< leRst quiltisig be e was h, eld et tise l-a des wr reetandia a lice lunch urss sýee. homnie of Seveiral tise close Ma. nd MI's. C. H. Freszte rIeceirv- ,,d a letter f Lo ieu o Ifeti, wh'o u no(), et,'Baltimore, Maryl-aad, Wilfrýed is ecertaînily seeing sonnle ofi die wvorid, anii we wisis bisa good luck- ia his ad-veatureis. No. 9 Hlom-e 'and Scisool Club will isoid their annuai dance la Orono town hall on-Friday, Feiruary t2th. Admiission, 60e. qper per-sosi' Refresh- mentissevd Card. Tise Columi- bianas 6-piece Orchestrýa, ofOha, *ýIl1 s'upply theise usiîc-. Coylonel J. C. Ganmey, eýf the Mid- iand ReýginIt, prince Ruperit, is s'pe ndlng a couple 0of disys witis Mrs. Gassney andI i diengter, Ms.Lycetit, 'whiie enroute te IHalila.x where h(, will take a 7-days course. Clarke Toywnshiip Couiil' will holdj their reguiýar mnotihly meeýting (te- day) Thurdaintadi of tthe regu- a Tuesclay ameeting day, owiag to the blocked conditions d. the roads ;ni certain parts of tise township. L.A.C. 4'owers, J. L., xlio recently gradbuated from N o. 20 )E.F,.T.S., I Oshawa, lis s-Pending t o weekçs' leanve with bis prnsM.and M. 1 C L. Powers, aftea whicb ei re-ports, tNo. 6 ýS.F.T.îS. DavilOtarie. A. C. stev'enson, of tise Domiinion Textile Go., Montreal, -w%,) hais beýen ettening a Ponvention of the Iridustrial Traffic League rla Hamil- ton, Ontario, on his way hmc)-e spent the weeck-end with 'huis parents', Mr. at Mrs. James Stevenson, ý'Vietoria St., Oroc. mm m caxlton uriile ,wring at thre Scheol on Tuesdayeeîn twist- ed his ankie and before ar-ri-viag at the docto-is office the akU was bad- ly swollen1. It is thoaLghit that a sinal bon[e may bei brAken. Heie S Eüble to cetinue bis czareto&king with tune aid o a an=e. Mr. iMac Carleten saw a robin at bwo crows on TuerAsay of this we. Tisat is thse day tise groiund hog ws suzpposeti toe ome out, and if i t dM it sueely sa~w bis own skad-ow, wbich ,as thse sayin-goges xill now go bacek inte its den and ibibernate for unother six weeks. A lange number fromn Orosie took advantnge of the warm ureather on Sunday last and urent skiilag on the bills around Mlr. 'Fred Brni'aeonnbe's. Tise snow wýas a littie tee, soft for fest skiinug, anti on somne of thre bigis hills the saow ,vwacs s slw tisat thre skiers had te, pus thesaseirves tiowsn Mrs. James Wood [Mis. Jarris- Woo'd( passed a!way at, the homie of LýMr. William MrtnAi- tieh, on Frida'jy, Jainary '29, 1943, nfter a lneii lns etmi over a peri'od of three years. Bora in Manver Towship on Ay 18, 1865, she wvas formrerly Mviss Mary Elizabeth 'MeQuillen, dfaugh-ter- e'f the laite Mr. anI'd is. James Mc- Qulillen'. 'n religion 1sh-e was a me-kc1 ber of the United C'hurcb. The late Mrs. Wcord as ninited int marriage to NMr. Jamres Wood. Wbo preýdeccase:cd her- thirty-týwo yeýars a.go, anda she haisý sipent practiealiy ber whvlole life in Oir-no and the i-- miediaite vicinit'y. She is sriv b y two sons an] one dnughter, Fre and Lewis VWood e' Oron'o, and (Edith> -Mrs. Cookper, of Oshawa; also thriee sstns Mis. .Mariia Sriith, Oireno; M'-s. G oi-ýe White, Pcontypol a i Mi. oh Brown of Edmonton. Tise many beautitul flial tiue 1shewedq the e-steemii i whlch the de parted was hç leld la the cm~iy A shoart; service was held alt the I reof ber Sister, 241rS. Maria Smliti, 'Main Street, Orono, on Mon- day,F'bru-ary isît, then tbe reiiiiis mure taken te Park treet United dhurcfh, with Rev. S. 'Littleiwood anvig cAmge of the seommes at Ie i ousçý and th'e chauncb. Intenmenti iwas madie in Orono Ceimeery. The palîbearers wvere Mes's-s. Frank H1all, Josepbhfai J. J. Gorii- li Wni. Ridrili, Mad'iýon Hall andff W. M. S. MEETING 'Vestry Meeting of St Saviour's C31 The Fcbruariiy meti- e he W j muan's Missioniay &ciey wa, ivh' id st. Saiour's Ghurch hleld in Pauk St. Ghurch on Tueszday, Feb,. nxl Vestry jmeet'ing on Tý Srd, midi the iew pri sid, AMi" edvpnJantarT26th, wih tA M. H. Staqe preidinig. ýtor, Rev. D. R. D'cwcnyar,ý Aiter the OpTnmi g exUeUrSPesMY>the cepacity as chairman.T Staples qpoke .1 thé W Sforire4d iwig Offiers 'xere eiected: ing tbat hadi been started in un1i Vestry Cleirk - M . W. C.E Preis ye i 'rsi1 oe ra1V1ng cheli. andi calleid on Mrs Littkwod( to x- Peoples iWardn- Mr. F. 'plain it, eîhmeiher ito read mr Rector's Wad'en- Mr. hoA-seimbracing Nsonx-snt- W aren. irent and keep a Aclo t1m tebek rend. Mms. Cansan WibLt N;td-nmeu - M . IH. erary PrenhFýyterialSerearha Mr. 0. owan, Mr. T. MAýei1 Stared a hraveîîýilg îliary ocitrxeî've H. Muvray and Me. Armeiur,. îbeokyeaeh auxiblany t aet noe rtary - a Mr.' books for tlree enenthis thes Impsan ül, Ms. Butteas and iMrs. them onm. There cws a dbsuion on Assistants. whetb'r reading groupsi Wood hW Auditors -- Mr. 'Mitc,,hell a formed in Ourau-xiliarybut t was H. Lews. ieft tu the literary secr-etaries W. A. Secretary - Mrs. Bi decide. A.Y.P.A. Secretary - il Et as eeting o hursd ay, pi 22i, tis eingilon Tisi tear- rang te for t-ise pognm'.The J "Woddesforytof Proaer" wilTbei froid on Marlcb 12th. -o e h Th e president anouaced te Preshyterhel mieeting weuld bei bel'd ii Whitby il, Marcis and tise Brencis meeting la Os'hawa in April. A birthday box will bei on the table eteach mreeting for nenbers to give -a donation on tbhi birthday. As tbis is- isinBai year, tbe auxiliary paste do somethng spe- cml for tise Mission Bad. The be- reavedi masersasd their families w'xere rehfemlbered. The W. M. S.ý ig. The sriture reading wns given~ by the piresidieit, tise theme of the meeting beussg "Building a Gem- nvunility of C bristian HIom es."' lM s. Llttleweod Întroduced t'the st-udy book ant sid the aim this year uras te have a chwcb la everyv À'ýyfter the mneeting- was lunch was sýerved whic h waý BIRTHS Hlospital, on Su-nday 194ô, te Gpl. and iM lor (nee Lillian Ahli a son (Harry Allans conimunity, te pray ae Christian Canada. Sb iigh standard set lnC! tia homes. iVrs. W-, reading on. mother an- home, andi Mas. Porter tractions. Miss Davy tel stimIulation a171d material for éonvesa The mneeting closed an1(1 prayer. ARMSTRO N IT PAYS TO PAY - PHILIOSOPHER Kerry Wood, of Recl Deer, ALJberta. finds exc(itement in the outdeors arff hie bas a way of turning hic ndven- tures ýinto sitoriesi -wbich dielight CIBC litnrtoo. lHe will be heard again on Study, F'ebr-uaiy 7 a' 10,W0 EDT, 11.30 a.rn. ADT, in the eoncelu,!ing talk, of fris curren, series lîzsted under the title, "The, Outdoýor Phiilus.opýher." The tire lint, ý,anys anexhn, mneansý thint mocre autos wxvii last un- tii they're rpaid for. Orono Tinshop Many things are RATIONED and Metal is hard to get, but I will try to give you soon as possible R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre st. orone -Phone.31 RST. UN LADIES' WAISTS With Short Sleeves, broken fines, special, $1 SKI JACKETS With Parka, Long Zip- per Front, in sand, Air- force and white. Ladies Men's at... Grapefruit Shoulder Each 5ce Cooking Onions lb. !c* Shoulder Pork 30c,0 $12.95 SLACK Ail Wool Blanik in heavy weig a few of the Special ..... LADIES' W, Candy Stripi Long Sleeves, $2 and $29.50 f Roast Reef lb. White Pish 21c Ilillcrest Shorteping sosie 'w 1 lb. Phones 2'l r 1 and 70 r 1

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