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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Feb 1943, p. 1

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:)NT.,TIHUIRSDAY, FLB. llth, 1943. Subscription $1.25 Per Year Central Agricultural Society F air Dates Sept. 10- 11 Os. Cowan ElectedI President of Durban Central Agricultural Society INeil Mutton Xroted As Giv- ing Miost Outstanding Service ini District 1 of tihe uriial So- st we' he annuial the to-wn ivened1 tu, be 'held in lthis 1ocality inMa1h They explaitied how the f.air wouid be ConJlited alld fm1a11ieC1 a1d(lasked foi, financýil aid. They 'weire granted Ballots were passed todermn who sho-uld be considered a's the far- mer -who had redrin ost out- _taniugr service to his conmmuiy and ieceive the Dipionia for- Serv'ice given by T 'he Central Fai, Associa- tion. The, honor fell Vo Mr. Neil Mutton, the retiring president. limmed;atel fc4lIowing adjourti- meLnt ithe newly elected Board .of Direotcrs metL and from their number chose the follo'wing officers: Presidenit, OS. Cowan; lst Vice- President, J. H. Jose; 22nd(jVice- President, Garnet Rickard; Secre- tay M. I. Staples. h(, AIRS, ALLAN CATIICART oute There passe4-, away on Suinday, re-nd. January 31lst, 1943, at hier late rlesi- was de'nuice.1 Lot 16, Concession 6, Clarke ed ý Mary Ann MecKevey, wife of 'Mr. cdthe Ailanl Ca thcart, agedI 74 years. the The laVe Irs. iC3tlicait, was a run- Idatrg'hter of thre laVe John McýlKeivey utnd- and 1Hannar Nicholson, an.d l was bora o,,Junc 21, 1868, at Lot 13, bitor s Cencesalaon 9, Ctarke' , wh1e s(- ire and spent lier earliy life, and attendeci Octik Scirool and Srmday scirool. On teNove-iiber lVh, 18.96, Sire was unlitedC e nl- in myalriage to Mr. Allen Cathcart views by the late 'Rev. J. ýA. MeKXeen, :and inius iras ever since lived on thre Sixti Fî-'Line. Shre was an ardent affherent Scen- of the Presbyterian Cirurcir whricir thesire attended. ail ler life until union, esent, theni attenided the Uiiited Cirumih, aI- ister ways aking è.ii ctive part in the This diffeent soieties ýand \vas aways thewilling at ail tu-es o help aloing c,-ien- witir Vhe different fuactions tint ýiý nwere ireld from time o timeo. their Sire leaves to moura bl, r bas, lier iusiandl, one son Gi-rland, one Man- brother, filgir aý-Kelvey, and one me claer, Misa Susan M(,Kelvey. ialble Tire funerai ser-viee was held at (), to0lier late i-esidernce, oni Tuesday, Feb- S fair rL:ary 2ii, with hler pastor, Rev. J. 11,el-1MrLachlan-, lieving charge- of the 1 SeQr vi ce. Interue-t was iimide i n were Mse.Johni ne PatroGeo. Grcenwood, C. V. Pattonr. 'were sent ry Vire miiy, tire McKelvey hurcir and Kena For Birnchl Pre.,ident, tieýn. Twelýveý bovçs have now been ecd at tieheard :cîfr-cm onut of Vire tliirty-twe Fe!urytat meen emembered. kits 'have Dwea ewre appointed o tire liracl to Proýv-incial -CGonvention o ie ireld ln 3urer', r Januauy: 1 i-aryIlist -..........$341-25 Bazaar od . .. $3M3.50 REPAIRE» AND JRE-EQUIPPED, THE BRITISH -AIRCRAFT CARRIER "ILLUSTRIOUS" RESU31ES THE OFFENSIVE Repaired and refted l: inUS. aiid British shipyards, the Britis' ai-rceraft carrier 'I1itiu"is backir inserviice, and on its deel ýcann-es hard-hittinig "Gr-ummnan ýMartlett" U. S. 1lglter planes, on of which is here seea flying- lo'w osreï t1le light cdeck. Clarke Township Council The iClarke Township Counc[il met, in the Orono tmo hall on Tlursda"Y' Fehruary 4th, with ail the ener present. Mrs. T. Cowan, -Mr. C. Knox and Mrs. S. ,Payne Iated .dl, the council, aiskin- for a grant for the Orono PulbiicLifbrary. The Clerfk was askedi to get a full list of 'ail enlistmnents in the Arrned Focsfromn Clarke Townsfiip and 'present samne Vo the Couneil as early aýs possible. Mr. R. C. Rosfiorough Presented the Auiditors' report and conrpient- Ad the Connui on its strong finan- eiai coditi(>r. Grafla Glenn 11; 15, eiow; 18, p.eawar- Loi-le Fence- '2 2, Ed- Deanl; 3, e ro'ad passed Sel Thre followving resolutionis were urer's bond, $12AO0; Municipal W'orl, pas sed:dog tags, forme and 7 sutincriptioîns, Graiiin.- $15.00 Vo Vire Orono Puib- $19.70; Orono Coal & LunI!her Co., lic 'Library. supplieýs, $2050; M4rs. E. J. Randpil, Continuingc C. F. Awde as Coleýc- R. vs F., February ipaymrent, $32.00; tor up to Meých Zad, 194e.- 1 M. IH. Stapies. auditoris saiary and Accep',ting the report of thre audi- tpostage, $52.00; . C. Rosior-ough, tors. auditor-'s salary and ypintg, $54.00; George Butters was appointed as Or-ono Weekly Timnes, minutes, $2.50; Weed Inspector- for 1943 at a salary Orono Hydro Electric, town iihall. of4 $12.43; W. E. Daîvey, B.O.H., $225; The fol.oirg BLas erepass-Dr. W. H. Stanley, B. O.H., $3.00; Tir flloin BylLws er ~ Mms. J. GC. Gamoy, Ei-i-ployei-'s Liabil- cd :- - -- Apointing Pouirdkeeper,, a nd Fence-viewmers an,;follow : Pounid- kýeepere - 1. Wmi Mililganl; 2, itv $9ý2.60; R. H. Wood, ente of hall, $10.40; C. ýG. Armstrong, sup- The Bomber Press In Britain Another in a series of articles written by W. R. Legge and C. V. Charters, wiro represented the Cana- dian WKeelly Newslrapers Associa- Écion laarecent tour overseas. HOSPITALS, WORKSHIOPS AND ENTERTAINMENT (By Walter IR. Legge) Tire Ganadian Arny lias provided plent-y cf excellent irospita aeceon-1 nodationi, se far, in exe-ss of tire requireinente. These hompitals are ceot entirely for combat casuaities., asth healtir of tire mien mnust bel ept up, and in tins war Vire heaiti of tire men la tire forces laloke fteV a greater degree than e-Ver b)efore. Most mca are procably he(tter looked after mrdýicaliy than thiey -would be in tirir own homes. WNe incpeCted one of tire lareires- pitals, 'and its equipnent, tins par- ticular ene being in charge of Coi. R. M. Hfarvie, of Nidlatid, Ont., who toid us tiret inoderai drugs were 1n1ost effective lan coabating infec- tion, usuaily a problemi during a l'var. t Othereý on tire sta$' wvhomi we met4 lýere inýclu(lud Capt. aas Lieut. J. Braivie, -Major Rotliwell, o (f Que Irce Ciy. h is a native of Cai:eton Place, Ont., andf Lieu,,t. Col. A. W. M. Wýllite, of Toronto. Sonie Dieppe Woun<ed Here Tirere were 221 mn wounicd aV DiUým - wc - rno'h± t ti b Girarest, Of St. Donat, Rimouski J. RdC. Die, and ÇpIS. J. 15. 'M. Gendr o f MNrtreamnot of 'who had been rwouaided by shrrapnel. Sgt. J. G. Bousfield cf Ganby, iras an- otirer patienit thiere wlio iras bee-n suf- fering frotai an cye trouble, but miro failoping Vo le able Vo do training Lunciih ser-vedlanVire -officers' Mess witi Col. Harve presding and liere we meut Col G. W. F. Johnstoni, Iornmerly cf Montreal and Col, Bailey of Yorkton, Saskr. IHlowever, o u r exenenesm b-ospitals mas noV overas "we re- turnied liat night Vo sleep la an un- occnpicd mn of tire hospitai, and me aise hiad b)reakfast Viere tire nex-t mnorninig. IV 'mas tire only ndigit on tire trnp whe w al l ;pt in one don- miitory, ,and there were miaay coin- plaint,; about smeof tie unuual IanVire afternoon, mwe visited soie of( Vieextensive -worshops, asud mar- veled at tire repaire and new m ork that weis being donie. They are ini charge etý' Brig. J. F. Archainut. D.S.O., îM.C., aud Col. G. A. Sueord. These mworkshops aMosnt made us tirmk 'me 'mere back in nsorne of tire large muaiton factories i Canada. After s(eitig somie artiller-y train- ig meincpected a mobi any of nhe very laest and most efficit type. We h-ad dlinner that nîgrt vithi Bi.F. R. Phelan, D.S.O.. M.C., V.D., C ?aaigtire Canadian Re- inforceieint Unit, and iris officers, in their me«,. Brig. Pirelan iras a vevy féndl'v ersonalitv and rmade. Our M. J. Tamblyn Presented Wîth Master Shield At Hoisten-Friesian Meeting A. J. Tamblyn, of Oro-no,' Again Re-Elected as Director 824.945 Put In Jobs By Selective Service Ottawa, Feb. 9.-Placemients ef- Superlatives are thre 0oder oï the ,fected tby Slcieservice C day ildsibngthe Ana Meet- lfrom April Výo Decemiber, 1942,. ing of tir losei-resa As-ledi 82-1,94,5, with 202,'259 in ciation of Canada heid Wdesavenrirer the high-lést mo)n th, thi Cceirary 3, at Toronto. The ,2 0 00 ia al.nt labor anucs menmbers and friende who broke ail oie lcmeis rmee atteindan e rcorda; at thre Anialcebeplemns ubed Banquet, filling- the Concert Hall in 5. Frcom -A pril to Dece the ýRoyal York H-otel to overlowing, plaements increased 3')70 per cei gtea great ovation te Hon. John~ The n>1mb11er of unplaced appi Brcke.xho was inaiking h is fiist} varied from 3 ".02t) on April 30 n-ddress 'in Ontario since accepting p.eak of 114,049 o0n Sept. 30 th(e leadership of thre ProgressivelIstood 'a,-t 82,372) on Dec. 3.1. Uri Conservative Party. Earlier îlatire vacancies ýwhîcir numibered 15,0( dIaY tlhe ]arg)est crorwd ever to attend Aprl 30 'went to 192,'203 on Oc an Ananai Meeti-ng of thitihe big-I and 'were 1417,116 on, Dec. 31. geIst breecd association in the Britishr rmSp.17t e.3 h Empire, heard Annual Reparts; of 0f-j_ rmSpt17oDe,3te ficers showing 1942 te be tire great- fices rcîvd621,260O notices of esct ln every way in thre A'eito aration, issted 65,956 permiitý Listory with ,-ains recorded in ailarlual woikers to seek departmnençts. Registrationa fo the ploýymîent outsidie agriculùure year totalled 44,500 anýd transfers of issued 980,09ý3 other permsits to ower~ip37,236, gain-, over' 1941 ron-agricultui,,1 employment. of 6 and 4 per cent resýpeetively. A total of 1,392,94'l applica -while mnenibeiiship reached a new for emp1yinent were reIceivei higkof 7862 offceswere notified' of ,289,40ý Thre undivided attention given thre cni ' ,fteirnooii addrIess of Dr. W . E. cnis w'ted ith a natlon'"wnte atihortage of dem5'Y products. Particularly he ,stressed tire importance of gentie handling, rapid imulkm-ng (nioV oveýr seven mi-nutes to :an animal) regu- larity of miilldnz, and care in Vire avoidance of uder injuries. Tirree iniportant e'esoiutions wer'e pased at tire meeting. 'Tire firet reeommireiided tiret well-informi-ed re- presentatives of Agiculture be ap- pointed Vo policy.-riaiing Sl4v Service hourds. Another isked that any future, subisky progriai taire into 'consideration Vire ïroper reIn- ionsihip in pirice ftetween the cost of production and the importance of volune produiction of a giiven coni- modity and reqnested Vire overiraul of Vhee entire sulisidy structure. A third oedd tire federal govern- lienit for itt sta--nd in refusing to per- mit thir nanvufactitre of oleemnargine, tiraýs safeguarding l, ihe healtih of thre natiou. Master Breceder Sbiids were pre- sented Voý Milton J1. Tamiblyni, Orcone, Onta7ri, J. W. Hosford, 'Southr Ed- moniýttoni Allerta, and Vo Mrs. T. B. Macala, udsoil Heigh.ts, Quelbe, on belif of her late hsan.Proý- dtriction fertiicCtasifor Caneia,n chamipionsip )records wPee wardedd Offices total- ilNo- he de.- J an. 7. "In a subst cases equivalent ýlbeea used linsr speccial situations wokwitir any but former em-ployyer-,"i Appeals fom id( ive service oifflceer 19-12, Vo Jan. 7 194l' Tire avena4gle a scraepiped yieidis 1,50 snd te,(7, 50O pound 50 pounds of rfbb Vo Q. D. Whale, Ahr Sarnia and J. ýE. HI Ontario. Geo. C. Jackson', tawas sdcted 1943, iand lJ. 'J. E. X Ont. C. C. lLavil> Ont., C. L. Goodhue enId W. Hl. Hîirs, A, malae vice,-president- A. J. Tambly, f best kniown lHolsteiiî district, w as nie-clicr cof tlie Boýard of Dýi No. I Ration Book C Toronito, ,,4rury8.---"Wiry a r e coupons. 1IV w une getting ne-w ration bocks whe-n cary to rationÉ we stil have four unused pages of er butter rad coupons ? le sonie printer gettiagcf tire sets cf a alec cotract out of it and l il me ire brotrght la ie esked Vo iruy bondesVo psy for VireViose wnho desi nem ones?" inad noV lookei Tirese questions mene put te tire of Ctecof e 1Wartime Prices aaiiilTriide B ard[ce exreie anr w( Vol. ..... ......

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