t s 440n To Tripoli" British War Cry "Nomhig WilS t o p s Now," Said Mongomery, ýThe EritAit 8tSArniy'% Ëna ~ail t dCInJanuary .15, w it, neral Sr erard Mngmr' 8arery: "On te -rpl! Risenter ofthtie day wa ead otitheopsbun1dieti togetheýr la - Oaîl I just betora eyt etadr. ILtsaici: 'eadinhg 1units etftise 8th Am ir ow eniy 200 iles tirem cTri-. ~iThee 8lh Arm is , îýgoinýg t,3 "TUiïoli la the enliy town i --qtise, 1-talian overseaepre ï1 e- aaijning ha theis- possession. There- <c0we wll ake il in ý1tbe'm; teywil thea ave n emire "If cacis enaet Uf s,wbtr ercont-lina seldiar or officetr, orma c'ioe uty h.a perform1-eci la sne ,oLber spisere, puts bis whobehen udsell b thilis aexit coateat, 'hnnothhng can stop us. Nthin asstepp'd tus sine tisaBatti OM Egypt began Octob)er 2",oi nug CHl csop os aew, "Seumamuasthabacmk te begsIn Luim , but v illah ha laintue "On te Tripoli "Our failles -andl tnienula tb 1by ave hePard we hv atra teplace. Fighter Planes Roa.red tO-verheadi Wh eoin Presidentb Roosevoît, 'ilfla qt Casablanca, figlitor planes tept ronig verhaad',says tie V.Windsdý;r Star. Thos:e plans would hee te Uiht off anly enem-y brmbonjb r ý fiïglitecrs tuisat mhight bavebare ciftise secr-et meeting anal tnedt 0hoot UPtise conferace. Thora wvi as lways tise possibility somre-. *e adtippeal off ttse nemily. #Ia hoknonlie would bàaveý lrelbMadte get hotsMn%, Roose- Votandl Mn. Churchihi. UHitie("r $vul vihingby have ariie iayfigiterýsaal bomb0nýera te o ýl Tise figlitr guard eerbeal was ~neingèw hantise ay -of sen- that tbat lias beon adalealb t trenal of îiiqdera n'ena, ~BeI1ls Protect Sheep From 'Killer Dogs ~ownhhpforsbeep killed anal ha- LA edby dogs lend Maricba i- ourst te an Ontanie fanmer's as IcC-ton that lie neyer bad any c ,oUhbe itis dog boUtlerig i, etl.ep , safy s Tise Chesljey Enýjter- Ura.1e put an1 open bl rua 'uenck every fourtiso fti Ghe tie kinl et of sfrmr e , wear on their herses) ndlefoonal that Lie bou ecrealdgs9q as they de net bik %Wei;tbey gave tise fermer ha- îc a -hni bs seosere atack- p a, nal tise hoils itend tikeo ts cheoptgehr Navy Pensions jnod ut of tise Royal Navy. ~ pidfor a job asmosnr liexplainealthat le bad pernd e', Roy \a Nvy iad had beenýl 'Pesioealoff et rfitteen!' Ra iseinredubous rpy ~ se caetanal, eingnied mmdlid, dept is ag-e, croptL ~nt tseNav a aguoir. 0On ~cîv erie 1i e.go t abit cet hape n is side. t ladbeoa tpncybut tise docters fean-eal cha, nd1en tiý,se stess of isolvyý ~slîsbcl wrkthe wouad woul EKIN N FRENCH CANADA Ne0 Wonder akiing hantise Leurontinusàhasuciskeen sport.Ski trahs anal bibI abounae botis begînner anal eNpert . . . towlio take yen quickiy analoulyteti-seubbitops. . . tie sceneny ha glran aal tLise -quant, FeesCaainvillges are reeby intorestig. Pic. turoa are twe of tisefour tw linos whib servicetise fanions HXi "40" aad "80," on raci many chapiouniibavMe been belalCai tiseit bakrudLise ilg o tAdeýie o at Have You Heard? The elefconst'aie of a smalî town %vas aseaunexpetern- ary sree.On hh the tbe- phono rýantg. The ebiefcosae' MISe answered., "'s thait M1r. ' Jenk,',ins?"' ,ý'asked an a -tte oice. bIis cpcî svtrnr ugo or: as chie.fcnsbl drive Ilow for two year, for yu're a danger 10tedres- Defendant: !Sut your hOnor, asy living depends On Maitrat»: "S oe$ tiairs." AmuecanSoang among svou( oy isIllustratoal by this "owe w"l thse pre-Christmas examinaion a casof oautalCcnybeys at a s n o L'h he West, was asked wbtwa nde-rstOud y heexý- tise beuel (of2Italy." "Wsat are yoss tur'inglc around forioh, "l'y, jusî isc rdwe'Ve crne fis', hundred ! sd dtcn miles inIc, morning; wve'il lhave Io run 4back btoIbe five-. hnAndred - aile mak n change tihe Cl" cakes ci yofth ieni"iqurm frienil. He: ls tsh rg essieio Se"idon't know. S5le w,ýears las, years's at, drivesý tis i5Yearts Car, ai liVes on next Year's inucomes" An Edinurgb womanwaikod int a war savings pavilioind laid e r h oau)on i etab-ýle) it deisifinnes voc y iuaal, sois eoVeidr"u death ie is. CavalryrRecug:rl, "an' heai i r"tirI Segont "h, de' ifr 'o'r ea etoe By Roberta LeF L I>s it stiLiconsidered proper- for a Mnn t ask a girl' fathor for bis approvalberepoposug marriago to bher? 2. La ;t Lail righrto c)use rau eolored or tiated per-sonalcada ?,!lu what oiinsolch butter knîfe be p1aced onL'he bm'ad-andbuttor plae? 1. MWhat ýshiold a ýgirl toe grapher sa3'y o d lojwheuber e- ployer showsÏber an'ilerror she!Uba-s made ïintpgaleo? 5.Is L orisil t a Witn a third? cdfoia angeath tb AenEmmer s nU màluNo.Hoeer a oo a young ma and woanbae o eratoforuthenctogo atoceut berae nts ud sk ho p proval. 2, Wite cad e shoulal be useal. 3.Tbe bute kaifeshoull hopiaec au at heto slibty abvethe "cte, anal parallel witbthe edqe ofdth tabl, wih th mbanle at tho igh land sprealdiuig cage o h nf towards -the(us.4 oeysy do thIi, b e h adn fteo acrosa whIW yuroc.6.Wt the orange pon Santiago Chue, ow bs sat bs streot au. wich wil1eaî RECTAL SORENESS AND QUICK,-LY RELIE VED) if yýou ri tobc,-t tci tneatmaitanlm erais et(! lettanaü this 2cond!it-on bcoechroni.Ani' itching o oreneso pifpass- age e tof to re's w rnin c propon reamnlsola e sued et once. Foi- tbis puîp-, el5apacaee use, a SCieC. Thi's fo rmDula wbii as ua'jitenaiy i a 1mal' easy te taketalaI wilquicirli' relieve the itch idingaalsreeada aid le hsiig besea eder spots. Bemn-Roîd [s pleant te -u. ia higliy reomuend ci na Il eeMs the 1egte uf olly for1,avy Oaate rias apannanlbone ia cenaiban~fbensudsinsil remedy ReivsdistresS ffrOM MOHTHLYý FEMALE1 WNEAKN ESS Lydia F. Pînkham's eeae Comnpounal neton'ily helpa s-clisse mronthly pain but aise steain, n er- ous feeinýg--dCue te montl.3yune- resîsýtence aeinsL dIstrebss of"dlffi- c ,uit carL"ade i l Caa, - !SSUE Ne. 7-43 WJHAT SCIENCE RADIO NEWSPAPERS Many nowL-'spapnstodaycar beesi soý,nt t te o ppe ovr In mui istan't Peints. 'Tise ý'procoas ci sending newpnpers by ralte dees neit differ greatby lfro i tis wire photo metheal oxcept thet tise smussae sont )yrai wnves rater t[banïas pulsationis ha a current iu an elecnie ciruit. Tise procoas, callea radio fac- siul, îvoives <attisetreýJ1)nis- sienl eýna) tise ebnngîng oi, tise vyigtoes of white. gray, anal blnck leuto esondng radio sig- n1ais; rodcstn hse signaijs; anal (ut tise receiving onal) ebeng- ing tise signala back hate a tý ac- simue 0or repoduton of tise- la uue type et radie fecimibe reýceivor, e stylos is divon b nal forti acress a continuonus roi of special dry-electrolytic papar. Tis ,paper ha affectea by e ee-tnie ca'rrent, tur.ning d'ans in propor- tin tetise ameunt of cornent passeal tlrougb it. A cornent, xwhose vrain coïrrespOnd te tise variations ha- ligl-it anal shadce et tise originel eoyhasont tlhnoughtiemvg stylusanal hathisnner tis ligbit analshadeOE t tisepictures anal prnneal na'ter et a news'- papor ay hareroucalby radie, radio faainihieneetappersarecac- tuai epsrductins ef news Pages, coplote with bondîmes, matptos, illstatinsandala. Rado acaimuele bas "varions practicail Lus. Wetbeý_r mapa, prepaneal by sisoremteregsa ny hobcradîoed te silips eit so-n; fingeÉrnînts analother d1amy beq flasisealtlriugh spa:ce between distant police dprmus nlit is Possible for a banS choque, aigneal a Lodon, e ho adied ecroqsat1iseAtinnthc aal ha boa-- Oreal, as reproduneal dby radi fa-- subehaNow enS As -a awsaort rd ea- aiie sot ha tise hiome coulal hae tuned ïini (perhiaps atmtcly wien mrisiu n pehbodat ïeave tIe"air tnIlh, 0and th ---WunP.uithe ChristanSi eneMonitor. HO WCANI?? Q. fOW can 1 remore c toA eg okthat -1h1as ýac entaely gotten into the v white hensepar- atng the two' A. Uea sal pce f u clt to remove the yolk; it wiil 1in redily to h coh Q. Hw eu I eepthe wno boxes looking attractive drn the intemonths?! A. ýInstead £ofîallowing the wxinuow bxsto vremainept ail winter., t can beC made Iro look attractive with cedar or pine branches, adding a few sprigs of bittersweet to brighen tCecil Q. flowcn Jrn 1 lip s Scott- he llnotStretch? A. lieemberto io lp crojsswijse insteadl of up anddw. Tihis tendOs to prevent theu s i p from showinig below thle skIrtlin!e. Q.How ev c a n wroughtj irnfixtureS allaornamient-s' A. Ib with a wooen rag, moistened with any thin LA se as 'a-fi o erosene. A. A little pwe'd boraàx splinkled haemtyfruit jarS with keep thcm seet untýiil nee n Aica deoser coveiig 89swuare, miles lIas -jus be dsovrd i NewcZenland. Srie' ArRUh saE U~ fronmý IRFillEandl'fiEV .We have > sieaunaI>type o! Sa!». orý TRNOSAISWOK go forOdes The oovered wagon vas istinc- tNe etfImeering dys in, theý blond of chiýce-r, ripeobacces ... As k an old-tmer and he'il teliyou tMa Ogen'smist anohertobccoit' afamous branal ith a fanious ae Try it todey. ODgden's quality Foi'pipe smokers, too, îa Ogden's Ciit rug The sil irtwul!nrnal make 100 ,ý p airs f sili stokin isï requîred frueprcit 51FED I ETIS £1S USED )CARS VVii'l- COU UTIRS. Sec Us fixst. Mount Pi '!asconl Mo- tors Limited. Used La1 Col atR 2040 Yonrige, Street; fie"dc i les, 6 332 Mount t'léasant Rend. To 110" . .. Teoton e H y m 21 BAD 'aSRUENS A'l' 1,ll ents orinue may ube turnedý intcsh.Send f li patic)er te VWhale., oice& ,ýmp-x __10 YongeSrctToooO. tmodbat b"or 1,at1r dl'ivcr. ta- Brayeh1-is;i 1 el Ue ilto be>1.. d its. Boy T'edde hieks for liv-. abiiity. The roule ithL us that te otso îeric do nnytîng abut [t ti tj , invist an anthing but pAi[s10000 ci e 7?wok od er aow ude aie erl dev cri Fne caibogc aci R4 protnspant neal nai aPenM m)nE'h U BR x 463,P] -dlie W,f Too.- frocandcatlogu. Sx bc s 4arm, onkto,J2ntrie. S GG WANTE VOUL T qFRM EOS WNTED Righest remu pio i S T OG ,ý1S FOR o SALE cl' sou ccimhgaycotdIt 1HAVEtOC 1ANYTRINU NEBOS arase ily,,r usio ns.il D( epartLý ment 0-0, Parl, 1s D c Wr! Limitoci, 731 Vng tre, o 7iR, IeSWO 'ildberg 180 1Frnt1Stret, j asI Toronte.d o CermentLicsci on icou 1'lrgrl Jn clsses 5) 1 7 MAvenue Ro'd, Toininto. zinso, Smating.Burnig'frS COstI to, oeriguB r s er Ju'Compou nci, largei rite te dai. Windeor Dru Ce., MFros DrugSore, 333 Bigle staw. oLid ù51.00. &t, C HEAD CLDS F INUS, OSH DiP, Grippe ïIfîe ilairlieved e fiver minr ùoutes ith vil cinhalant Se trearmentsU$1-1. rilsieï S 085Sem ile, indo,c tCa n DOFFT R T I1VOtTO AN AVFE OUSVRY NVENUI LisIet iventons tci uli nfor Go.,ReisteedPaenHO TOoRVIE and exeiting strieaSndïl cr5,LoeCadiC onfessionsl fý ue eetieCsePiiPr adej Famo:us Crmc 1 ses, Ate, Box2S, epYrteut1W1, Uniteci Stato anaI, Bniti V O 1 L. v 1ii Pekmn tl;it $4 îSpair rn, CIaten g arilPesion jlls z 38 nalcor don 14lii 11 il2", moat Ee 1nt'%VdAcor'tinBo 462,73 deideW., Toi ente. t fOP il aE i wAon r, I., ita f ir 1ca iue. Ay god is tric witrinhunrea :mnls e charere!aykic ulasw