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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Feb 1943, p. 1

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o Vol. 7. No. 5. ORONO, N. USA, FEB. l8th, 1945. Subscription $1.25 Per Year Get Your Ration Books Earn and Avoid Unnesessary Delay Durham County Will Hold First Seed Fair ln Qrono- Saturday, March I 3th Mlaài Object of Pair Is To Seil the Seed of -the Parmers The ]uh-r eny v- i- -a-m Central Agic ltual SecLiet a-ms planning tei spenceor the Contiys y 'rst Seed Pair at Ortono u hs eTown Hall, Sa-turdo.y, March 13tbh. 'Thl manin objective cf titis -fairn la nethé sbcwing of -gra iin fer Ypîzes but rathien te gîve tho-se w-ho hav;e geedý ses-cian. opportuaity Cofexbii t nnd incideaaliy, te nia-ko sales. Auyone exhibitiug la the gra jIn classes, witb tise exception of fail witest mnust have a-V iea-t twenty- five bubels oet hesanme qulity a-nd grade a-V home for saale. In ther w-et-ci, ail g-rain muat be -n exýact sauiple of any ses-ci that mia-y b e aeld at a later date. TYhere a-l lso elasses for ealy - ad laVe seeci potatoeeS. Of Co-urse, there avili ho a riy at- tractive o »î4ze list- aithi wards ; ling over one buamec auc i0f ty del- la. The red cie-er, tiniethy, aif alfa anici alsike ehi its mua-t 1ho grI ads-d ;and acerpsnied aitit a cotrol cor- tiflcate-iw tg hs gradIe. Proes- pective ei-iios -ud oe ad- viseci te seuci, at oDnce, a cIea-ed sample effour ouncea te hs Pred(us-- tion Service, Plant Produtc ivson, S eitiser to 86 Cllier Street, Toronate, or 251 Besse<rer Str-eet, Ottawa. Tite fee Ior gadng EraIl 11seed-,la o -dlia-r, bu' yn must have it gradeci if yen wish tco sel! te yorir neîgbbors. Tise fou~r classes- cf small aeeds msy hind- eithenplis 19-41 or 1942 crop and it- la nt Ot tesesa-ry te have anay g41aranteOd qtuantiVy fc,,- sale. -We hope a large nunber of farut- ,ers wi liabk thii, their first County Seed air, 4ty raki as uta-ny on- tries a psie s ýeaIse feel that -every f-mer she-uld utale a special effi)toý, ten<i te afternoon of te fair La an interesting progra-mute -will ho held, Tite executive ia ma-k- iiitan eat eort tVo oh ain a apeciai sekrfrom tise Departnent of Agriculture. We aise, hoqx- as part * cf thle programme te- use env proje- t ion lalie t ttre-w or.'te seveen an exact image of cocne -of the ex- bibits. Theso a-lji e disons-ed hy the judges. At t-hae ocuaen ef te aftfr- nocns programmne it ta exipectec titat the fivtes--1uaiit lots of registereci 2eCLvWiîl ho oud bhy miction. A1yone wihug a prize lit la s- quested te write Agnieoulturai Repr- snaut-ive, E. A. Summ-rers, Bea-man- Ville, Ontario. The "yo-ng bDaby giryl of tifr. sud- W's. John Lo'wenrv was taken te-te Sick Cilikirs H ospital on Sanda-y for tedica1 t-eatimsnt. NWWOOD PRICIES POR DURHAXM COUNTY- The filow-ng p ice ave been ie-- i(ia-ced by teWar'time - Prices a-ad T 1i-ade ,Board, wh;c icb venow ,ini ef- fest: Haldmapi, eiow1i3c , Boci, 1cr,$50 24 iuncitlength,co-i $16.;½cord, $i8.50; Y4 iceri, $,0 16 c' 1shingh cord, $17.510; 2-3 ef acd,$12.00; 1-3 of a cerd, .3 12ictle ngti1, 1 crdY2850 -Hardace, mxec, ard nmapie, yel- lewý bircit, -bosch, oak, soft maple, elrn, asic aAn White B-c - 4 f oot le--g'-.1l'rd,$14.11)0. 24 im-ch ieath 1 er, 15.01; cr$7.75; cor, $7.50: '2-3 of a cord,$1.0 1-3 of a cr.$56;12 lanch length, 1 coçird, $17.011; z coi-ci, $8.75;-,14 oic,$450. -Mxc -ced, s oft nia-pie, w-its býircit, peypiar, pins, apruce andi hemn-- ock -- 4 fo ieuigth, 1 coi-c,$10. 21 la-chls-g 1 cordci,$14.00;1/ coîci, $7.25; U1ccir, $.-;1C)jas-h ienzth, 1 cerf, $1.5.00; '2-3 of a cerd, $1.1;1-3 of a-cerd, S5.35; 12 Iinci ieagtit, 1 cii.$6.1;' Cerd, $S-25; 14 cerd, $.5 INew Ration B3ooks Will Be Distrîbuted In Orono AIl 'persona-ila OroneXb, Les- kart!, Kendal and te-zurcoiundi ngý dii-tist ceau ceurs their ýNo. 2 Nsea Ration Books ln Orono. Auyoae -'iho -antpera.ouaily appear for the ir cava bocks ma-y have corne asigitbor pick ts-m Up for thm Be sure Vo 01 in ca-d nilluthe bacis cf youm iolc r atin hook w-lt-h h, seiali nuntiter anci your nanimesad bring iV luna-hon yoti apply for te new-oee The( folcarving are teý_ dates and thm ie -nw ha-il wil-opti. Beo-les,,ý are net ava-hable any w-bre else ia titis district er a-V a-ny ether' tinte tihan is inentimed belcyw Saumday, Eeh. 2tit, 2 p.rn. te p.m. T1uesday, fFeb. 23ýrd, 2 p.mi-. te ( p.m. Tirsdaiy, Pob. 2tt 2 p.m-1. te 6p.m. Sa-itui-day, Feïb. 2-ith, 2 p.m. Vo> 9 p.rn .Booka wlavIaso e h ssu at Newv- ica.sle -inrnualtýty Ball on February lgtb, 20,th a-ad 24Vh, fo .8p.rn. te 5.00 p.iu. Ct eut Vhesas dateýs a-ad ca-Il foi, your ne- ration b6ok- oni any o-usetfhs-ni Titis -adk lthe Oreoiu Tirnes -camie oýff the prose la-Vsr, owing te a- ds-aiy j,, gettirg enr paper frorntToriete. Chn Tuesday Vite transport brougbt i soute cea-i ad lefVtbhr-freigitt wltls-l is Vlite nas w-e isdte orrin routte aud villag1e ina the 11nemniing. Butter Production Up January 1942 Over 1941 The production of cemr .V t-er in Onitarie daring Jn-sywa ,aome-wia-t- higsr itan ayoar a-go, aimolting to4,90poun a a comipared with ,259,10 p-und il-0 January, 1942. The lic-trosse ameiu- - ' 0de.1%.ý TheteoVtal -prýoduc-tion c. f cem btter for Durts81-couty fcr Jan- a-y,19435, w-as 45,-86 pounds, and in Ja-nary, 142, 42,6-45, a-ad ia- c ia n l Jan. 1943 ýovesr Je-i.142 of 2,541 peundz. ~-Revised figuesof the prod11ctionr cýf creams-ry butter i'Onariefe, te c-edrya-r l1-)4, show-s ro duction at 80,86,0 peunda a- against 36242,850 pounrsida l 141, iind 87,278,149 p)ouin-ci in 1940. For Cndas a- eoe creamnery butter mia-ko ameutteci te 8,0,0 punds iila 142, 258820pud Lu)141, and 264,72.3,700 poundfs ini Î940. Tho ,quanrti-y of cemeybutter> onhand l- dairy factocries thro-ugh- eut dise province aitoaved a gain front amorth aeamountiug t1,08,0 pc-)uuds at Pbruai-y 1-5t, 14,as against- 1,789,100 poundas a 11en1it a-,go. This w-as cndeahyhla yeazr ago waviait .0,80pu-d f (ýcmery butteraers eldby daiiry to f titis cemmoi-y in aae hussin the- City of Te rento were-, reot-iat 814,900 pud at Feb- iury Cet 1943, as eompared SAit 1,498,100 poundsA a-tJaua-ry- lt, 19-aad 3,563,700 poiinds a-t Feb-h Il ary lst, 19421 MEN 0F BRITAN'S ,' 1-ETCLNYRSLT N LOYALTY TO THIE ALLIED CAUSE Nesfunladthe edetof ,riai's oesesterritoiesias Servt more men teo the Aliied war effot in reation to itspopula- Mtio han any othr Part of he BritihEnMmr.One quarter 0f its maie poatin between thle ages of 20 andj 40 are srigete wcith thýe norosorasiube, aksin] ritin.Trfllru heacy legimnns of Nefudedartiiliy tare n.ow takir[g partin ;the coastal defenc cf Bitnadinadtn.thcooy asol untarily rnrcdfor- the drtinthe yeaîy illion pundgrant whichl t receives nýfrom ithe Mother Lcounýtry. Picture ow: Noý. 3 eof a N-fundadArtfii-y gun creiw laying a 25-pounder gurn. FINE RECORD SIIOWN BY ORONO BREEDER A 1ces-la-ien ef C na - i i- Frnbe r-is uheciat tit aseaie Ane Banquet hil,]Weduecda-y, Fshý1ruary 3, a- tbVhsRoyýal Yerk Htel, Toi-eýnte,. H. W. Non, r. , Sces-u-tary Ocf fe Amtica ma-de h -Liua-lpros-enita-- tien.-Since 1930 Owheu te fii-astsucit shid iwas a w-,vd od enly thirteen - eediug esta-blîiusmntc ini teDo- miinion hiave quailici for titis navar-d, mîos;t ("Ifthea tllhlarg1e institution-- To qahfvforiteitle of Master, Breedenr, "Muit." Taiibiyn,, a-ho bas a bard of juz-t- tider 40 hitoad. lia-s bred Ï6 CiassXX hulas, 7 GoldM-Modal coa-vs, 8 Excslieat cea-s, 1 *: Exceilentf cea-, 3Veny G-cil ecs-o-a i is -ee Gondl Plu eow.Ail ofT ile femaies have Lrdcion record"s at least twenty ercent ahocve the amount required to wuilify in the Dominion Record o-f Perfor'mance. Li addition te the abOve he hais bred oes Excellent 'V0W on& VuryGood and o-ne Good Pothat dfl o nt cOmpiýy with btle ýtrin;gentL Master Breedler production requ111irý en ts. A menilber of th- 1osei-re tiitA~~to~ of Caneid&a' sinc 1 l2,ie bas al'ways had ,ne of the best *smail hierds la Easte-rn 0Outarjo. lie is one of a gr'oup of ueighboring1 b)reeders, whio uniid tr the name olf CarDaie Stock Farms, ha-s pur- chase-d anad piroved first cia-ssi4res for- the usýe f its members. Animais fruom bis herd have been prominent foir years at l cal fabansd Black sud White Days and this year bis thlree-yLea1-.old heifer, ced-ar Dale- Ma--O~Wr as nanied Al - Can-adian and Reservýe AIl-Americani. The Bomber Press In Britain Agrculureplas aleading part ithewroame in every couLntr-y and es-pecially in Greuat Bd- taiin which miut (of necossîIty i- por-t such, of its f ood, and thoe ditors -w ere a-hle te ma-o a brief st-dy ýof a-bat is being ýdonLe to helpl raise as mluch foodi as po)ssible. We f uud it to -be a f a ct thait nonyef the formler bea""utifuLl floaver aalden ar nw cnetdinItoývege*- t~legreaiug. One notab le examipie titt ae saav vas at WindýcsorCas ti wleethe fleerga ieni-btwas oriinally a nmoat 15 ne- vetdte veotbls. Whiie at th(, Reeb1ucu ian ait Wytc.h Cross ve ve r ie- c-ste-d to> notice that fheieovoly ter-1 i ced gar-dens at the eroftitis Iani ,acove no-w fOUed with -gtabls Nearly ail the Vaniadian camips are aise greQwiug al! the vegetables they can ina-ny ocd onescf the 1lanli.f At the camp of 'the No. 1 Ceneai Oa aian Reinf orcemient Unit, thecy hadi a priîze dfisplay of potateles, tomilates-, c--otsnio-ns, boa- ,ots and tuluips which they ta-d -reaval there. La-st -year thay adthuee aere thîirt7 touis of pots- tees abutie grewnv on landi in the camp. At the nvabase w-hich ws (,visit- c-d they had fifty acres inl, ate alhouelh it w-as difficuit to) seser rit-v ceuld find thtmuicit s p-cve spa ce. Evrybs e w vn eswvasi Po(idls o-f ehig potatees, and ir coreectonsugar beets, and lserne, of titsse rfields looked much elag tha fildso-fsîiilar prodiuets which vs rdnavlyceeaila, CanadaIý. We h-ad a splenri-id op)portunlity te7 lreýally study a-n Engliat farni wbs-u %",-iid ae dayVths CanonCour Farntila Berksire.This Far, ownsd hy Mr. BoIen-y J. Prei prbbytheest Ifarm ila that sec- The Chinese Relieef Fund Has Passed the $50,,0O Mark But Need More Pund Closes the End of Pebruary - Bring in Your Donation Ths, commnittes lun charge oftVie C'hiasese Relief Pund mnaauh-e iteL, total amounIt cf subacriptiius Vo WVeduesciay evening st $5200. T-ho neec islagreaý,t and ave feel cure ma-ny more donations aili erm n lasfre, the ca-mpaiudosas ai the eaci(of this meintit. That oniy utoans a mnat tsi-o esivonn ys te lus-sace te ()rono Pire Brigade Being Re-Organized Th'Ie Oronio fire bigdei undr- geig reraniatin.At the pres- ent lime nsarly haif the firemen have iter enhstedc or are( awaiywelg on war oquiprnonit se new llGod is being added te bring the brigade up te strength. Se f ar this w iuter Oweno bas been cery ferunate ln neot haviniganiy oalls, and ave hope it keeps thé w-a-y. Lo-ok over yoiar pipes and ses if they are in geod aýmounute a vey 3uhýnialrd LI. conlition. If a Pîpe looks weak, re- Will yeu net help these hbrave people pljace it. It ila btter tec pay o-ut 2C who have suffred the tortures of or 30c. for niew hik than to lose wa-r for the ps-st 5½1yars se thut1your home for, the ,ake Cf D20 or 30ec. iliey mnay live in pea-ce and content-___ _____ ment ? CodW thrIep Ail monies received will be turned odW ahrIep over to that great Chinese -wonian, To Empty Coal Bins de.Chiang Kislewh o aili djistribute the moesy wero it is mos't Whttt with the s-hertago eof ceci needed in the vast country. M the cold weatber thte people od Ghiang Kai-shelk is -limdte he the Orone anid vlclnity are !omi-mencing n cars-st thing te a Jean of Arc thaitte aufer hardships. For the past &Wi decade bas produced. For a long moenth ne hiard coal \vàs tefio hsd iY time s a-was chief of Chiuas air the village, and -stàll theýre isn't a-ny. force. She was one Jf the first d o-n Mouday mernng at 6 a.rn.lte China te see the importance of air thermomoters in the vilage aveut power i modemn combat. WOt her d-oîwn t 30 degrees beiow zero, and air gesri h its h a-it wa-s certainl~y cold. Oný Sunday a qiaigns of Ohina's Youn.g air se-vice cl-I sa vn rïaie i a untili aven the woe-ld w'ax broke over which drove the cold inito the homnes. Europe, bar air force u-sw~aihittled W',cn Marne tis eoidanap on te eut of the skies by tihe vastly super- tltundër storm avez had la-st xveek. Ota jir Jap planes. When at las Chrina Tuesday morng it as a gesat deal censtructed its own plane factrïies mîlder aith a -its frost wbh iin- aud began te builup its 0w-n air force- again - a-be turus-d 'tbe job ow-erte gens-rals -mrho had at last ho- cerne as belligar-ently air-miadeci as she was. She(- has visýitedl the front lines under sheli-firs tinte a-ad tinte again with te Gisésim-o andi, in the many bombhings she ha-s undorejgon,, s'he la hefirat to lea-e er shelter, go arniong the soidiers aud citizo.ns to rally thern. She ha-s doue more than ayona, living or perha-ps titan any huma-a beingýthat evei- live-d te hriag te tite rpeoples of t-ho eaet a ka-owfedoee of tien of Englanli as it bas wen thse- -- Kiug George V.prize for- efficiencý_y the wea-t, and te the people of ite a-a th Ku EwadVII w-st a kno-wIegsof the east. Tho the Ktciga-ed an I up Beik- narked ',treaýd ini Frefe China teday sbire. This h said te ho the on y tewarads, western cultue, aeterp cap of sush a nature ever gi-en by meth-ods andi a western "outook' KigEdv-ard VIII. j oan ho largel.y tva-ced te ber influence Thtis farrn is 500 acres in ares; net onliy on thse{Gisiro--vho bas auc four traecrs ~are useci ounit.nover heen out of tGeorient and This year. it producei among other a-ho spcaks only ens, wýord, of Eunglish thiniga, 3,200 buisheis of eats, and "dariig". ahi-eh hoeuses to bis if the part papted Pin aveat produced --but ;aI e er bilence on ail of 14 hushels te Vhs acre. Ar. Purser ChinAa-key imen an m-est direcly, avas mîilking forty'-eae cow's V w -neW5,n the epe-emevs weq- there. It -aas interestîing te leara ithiat Foli(oiag is the luit ef roatibu- thsfarm -w-as rdeîdfo ihste s ircîvd ncs a-Wedniesdiay: VOny Ove years ago. Up until that______ time)ç ,ties haid busa paîd anuuaily te Oxford UnivVoeity. Y D..r T-ho faim bui1dings ýýar'e exeniv, 1 VY aVA yI> uI well laid eut, and 1but ofbica-nd evon the -eatitiorus of 1t-b( e psus ers buit of brik. Te bains wave 19 0<tu miue.h imore s ub staunt i a1 tisait'ýe us-ual one-) in Caniada. and wben o es of thsý Canadian editora asked hoýw hýwekiear gvn ilo old thee ararsavers, be w-ss îfo'ýi-rm li -skweaesgvna l sci that ",they are cornparatireîy Orono No-a-. puhiished on-Dcmr mo 1mjavîiag be builît nîy ens 6t1i, aviicis bas the foliowing Orono huadreci andi forty yeairs go scitool report for that year: AuoJaer of the editos nremaridS"sir - Department that it woûld ho diffiuit teo fnd a Ciscs V- JouisJrnosnpMr barn lin iada- Vhst was o,,r 100 Davis, Elva Tueker. years old. thereupon he w-as asked Senior nmV-4Mina Booey, Mary if the pepope f Canada dîd no-t kowAinstrong, Trixie -Ruthlerforýd, Fred Me te Vke esue emof thei busiins. Boaecy, EFlma Dobsen, Sidney Ruit- Ml'. Pu1rser showe-d sente extra fine erýford Penn 1 es-rs, Renla nca-ter," abbages anad utrros hich lbehad Ivought back frni Covent gardoen Chas. Barvetit mialks-t he previcos day bcautse ho Junpior IV. Ray Sinlipson, Bertie wa-s uable to esIlbm parui ikiy Nydia -Leigbi, -r-Ala uat t thant ssasou there w-as lmr Gergea"msrg, ?mas Crnish, prodiuce than coici ho sl.Edra Rows, Sidney Bughsoa, Ruty Aithougit farmors lS Engianci ave ThoratonChAîton {iamshy, Ernest snaurageci te riaisepipge, Vhey are AndruAiet aret laqe i alwdte retain only a cranpo lin, breJcsn (Ceatinued on page eight) Av-ev-ge attends-nse 26, se, for if this celci weathev kts-ps up for another couplee of aeeks -and no coail arrives, the heating p'-blem î n~ tbe village aili be sros Kicly look at your laibel andl see if yous are paid in ad.vance. A few of our sub.wriptiýons have cone ii but the are a lot 1mor1e yet. Previously adnwegd.. Russell' B-st ........... .... 2.0 0, M d on Hall . ................. 2.00 Mrs. A. ADrummond ..........2,00 1Mrs. C. Wood . ........... . Miss inni Hal......... 5.0a Orono A.F. & A.M-A., No. Î2...10.00 Il. A.- Milison ............ ........... Of Miss Viola GiWfilan.... 'Mr. ý111 Mis. Johin Gilfillan 5.00 S. L. Beny .............................. .0 Mr. an-d Mrs. Il. Walsh....1.01q Miss Epps ......-............ 2.00 Fr-ed TrIo n.......... ................ 1.00 Donlations wavilibe lcuiv(d Pet trby Rev. or. R. A. Folrester'. $5.2.00 gvatefuiiy re- S. Littlewoed ?ils 0f Do You Know Second Div-ision Si-.111. - VidaTui e%, vaEd- -wards, Leta Noble, Nova Srniith, Florence ÇodoAmy Postcer, [Le- i1and Flooper. Peaii elAustin -Vinison, Ambeýrsea GrrEte Slarmn1, Ger aId lu MKeent i. Jr. fl.-aod ikay ay Legtt *era W-a1ter, Orweil Shnarp, Ma-giePinerLaura -Edwards, Os- car And1vus' John Glinville, Arthurv Ba.rret.CeuO'Nsii. Sv.i% .Kae Undorxveod, Ed(ith- Polaird, Bernice Tucker, Olga iHooj- erl-a-rry Arms,ýtroug,'Cii -veth,. Ba-vold Coopr etha Co-raisIl, Eva Wo-e)d, Jennie lhugihcotn, Fr'edWood. _Lia iMsv ,Peari hrmn audcl Ethel WaVtlter. Av-erage Attepidanicp 1

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