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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Feb 1943, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMPi5 TuE BOMIBER PRESS liN GREAT ocBRITAIN Cortion F 11e- l ilblath eeitois wereiin1Egladthere was a l farn- n bIutcheîa tna Fat ter une. tiens roa nt the only pro-ehlm th-at. Mr. Purseur am] bis family lhad te eoi-tend n'itb. Thry .,slioved a large cletofetlire bombs n'hich rad faIlen on thair fain, ranry et1ther in Jlaulai-y, 1941. They had ' put in severl nights utf hard nokextin- guishiugincendiai-e. For. sema r 1easun unions ai-e net 'a eatstctryci-up inEnladbut th,,iee'ire sema grown, altnough not irl1y ,anough fer th-e damanod Sone aIrain, an1,1 herthe uwnr ha rai-a ifll ia otton oýver the tops te whchnas b&ng hld(1in the City' Jiaîl there. There r e vey fln- oipny f ve'getaJhlasPý, espa1y pe- tatees, abliaes, tw'-ips ant beans. Ien litrnnar .bea ns ý are ahighiýy readdf outinl Englautij and some ef thie lai-g-at ods ai this shon', wera fourteen inchas(, long. Cai-uots and oui-uns we ront as g-ced a-; weuld ba eauat n fair lu Canamda, but o,the miau l tha xibits weuld Compare faverablyý with Canadian PrOduee. There p ras-vriexhýibîl)ts uf eg'gs, an,(! aiso e dassa albi GleuýrýesLei-, uni>' a fean miles fe Cheltelndia m, is ntdfori- is sheap fuir andl the sanim atane 1, viit- cd that ine-stn vant. This isý ireally :a sheep mrajbat, andl the buy'- ers are n-etly tai-mers or sheep hidars eking to intprove thair ilOels-. There wnieaneari>'ten thousauti sheep thera, all edd lit e pans sibouL'enfeet sýquareP. The averag-e rica thuit dav n'as 5said te ha betwaeul fifrty nn(l;i s(ty shillings. A moi-k- muanttol'd s7that t-ha fainera t-y te rpaethair bairds avery twe >year. Practically a in-hepeuple cf Eng- Lainiai-e dlinig aIl the a-rcn te help Stick To Your War Savings Certificates Non better illterest rataès are paid on> a-y Cnain rfinanclilIg se v- curities thaýn on, War Savings Cri fiaeif yenh11o0d th11M1until full Theiy are ,meait to bce held, noL casýhed(. Canada promised that it would c ash th certýýiicates under cer- tain crumsta nes,* but this was doue V avod hards iby special cases, not because cashin.g a Certifi- ra-te lieore natur-ity was anything bat baid TOr the ccwner and bad for Thiat proymise i1llie kept of cour s, as Dominen of Canada finan- cial e)bligaticias have always been keplt, Vo thie letter, But toe ma'ny thou.gtless owneils et War Savings Cerifcae~are asking jCanada to Uluathm iack their cash no- wvithout any good reason, except thattha> watot spend the money by îuwngail thie vagataýblas that thay eau. l addition te turning pltegardenîs intlo vegetabla pat- ches, tre a1,750A000 allotinents ut lnd bingtilled i l i-iai.Pe IespeutnI thaýir lisure heur-s diggiiag in thause plots which are let' to thein at n nlonltefe. Tbi-s paust year thare were good orfs eiaplles, pluins andi peurs giouin Bitain, andthetre is aise a amaîl quantit>' cf g-apes g-ienn thare. Onre thing- that 'as strange t-o Canýadian aeyes n'as the training ot aipple, trees ou stone walîs. A go-od eýxample utfthis n'as seau on the walîs areunti the- Bisiheýps Palace at Well-s. A War Agriculture Committe tunctions inu every ceunty te try andi icreasa agricult-al production, and these comaittees strive to g-t ever>' acre p)ossible ploug.hed up and plant- -d in, vegetables. TIre r-aason for this is that tan acres in pasture will ýnet support mure lan four peuple, but ten acescfptatues mili main- tain 42 people, or lu n'heat will mnaintain 211. This agricultural woi-k is a big pa'rt urf the n'ai- effort, and Britain n'as blesseti last !earwith a splendid i-u Cp. - and at a tim e W en the o e > is Freedoin. Evr'person whio buys a Certi- Cicaiýte does a putriotie action,), iand at tàie saine Urne ge2t s fhianseif ' g.cod ivasiten n ad n cuaia against post-'war bard timets. Every person who caishes ini a Cei- tificaqte unnecessaril>', does an un - ptrjiotic action, chiants him-self et parto its value, and n'eak-ens the ihok absoTiber n'bich ma>' save himn froan nasty post n'aii huîps. The financiers ito whom one-tenth1 of oeaper cenit rneans a lot of nney-who uniderstand the exact value of mione>' aud interest ln termis of n'hat it is r'eally n'ortb, hauig on te itheir War Savings Certificates like grim dea)th ' It is tise best pa>'- mng thing thcy can find in Canadian War investments. It i5se ogerd in tauct that iu order te preveut them buying huge amounts utd Wa-r Sav- ings -Cert ificatcs5 instead ot Victor>' Bnds, the Government lmr their puLrchases te $480 par head, per year. Ontario Nurse Tells Of Hostel 1Fire1 Net a,11 the bloýodc given byý Canýa- dian d01oos 'to the Red -oss lle clinies is shàpped oven-seas. of it is kepIt ilrsevete take cav of eýmergéeies il- this ceuntr-y, for it is only in the war zoneas ftat blond plasma ca-n save lives. 1,a irecent lctter, N\uýrsîn, Silater Adeline Evaris of Warwick, Ontario, stationed in St. John's, Newfound- land, telis w-,hat* a blessing the plaz- mta was Vo the vietims breugh't in frein the 'tragic K. ef C. hostel fire. Blood itransfusionýs were ilfe-sav- Sing andJ Adeline never ixaagined se inuch ceuld ibe used at euýe turne. "Il anyene asks mie," she co(ntinues, "Toy grve lod te iabloed elinie believe *me, l'Il db it! We bad 20 înbraven-, ous plaýsmas1- runniing centtinually for two and a 'half de.ys." If you are Nvantimig -wedîding sta- 1tieniery it will pay you te get oui- prices bfoebuCy4ng eLserwhere. SELECTIVE SERVICE Complete Utilization of Canada's Manpower and Womanpower is Essential to Victory National Seleetive Service Civilian Regulations aim at complete - utilization of manpower and womanpewer. Workers and employers are urged te assist the war effort by earrying them eut. AIl civilian regulations bave been consolidated and revised, main tentures now being as follows- COVERAGE authorizet b>' Selective Service Offilcer te give less notice (separation torm, but not 7 days' Employees : Regulations cover persens of notice requiredif it building construction or either sex from W ý)te 24 years elti, exCept- ioining the forces). provincial employees; armed services; and those ini fishing, fish proeessing, hunting trap-. AGRICULTURAI, WORKERS piak; clergymen; nur-ses; school teachers; are covered by speclal provisions. Persons domestie servants; students working after regarded as "workers in agriculture" may scitl;empoyes i resectof arttue accept employmenit outside that industry te a ernployment; and any ne employed for 3 maximum of 60 days Within a calendar year days or less in a calendar week. A'griculturaJ without permît, but only outside urbain muni- wvorkers are covered by special provisions, cipaliies ef over 5,000 population : otherwise flot by thse getieral provisions as aIse are agricultural wrkers must secure a Selective "techaical personnel." Srvie ermit. Emiployas:. Any person, fi-mi or other TECHNTICAL PERSONNEL empfloyers, with oe or more "covereai" em- myol cetepoma ne pca Ploe'ees. npe ri acp mlyen ne pc EMýPLO0YERS MUS- LABUOUR EXIT PERMITS (a) Refrain fromn discussing emploYment are requireai to work outside Canada. wvith a prospective empfloyee ua1less Ue PENALTIES AND APPEALS permit; (b) notif' V te nearest employment Peatsar ovd fronomlnc office of additicrnal templloyees needed; (C) wiP eatis o r rovid d o-copline secure permission fromn an employmalnt office wit eulagisretions r rdrs sse heeder. to atvertise flor wrar;(d)ntf>thar- ppasaantdecismn'bmdeoa pleymient office et intention te discharge or GOurt ofutReterces. lay off employaes, or te retain emileyees NA1TIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE whien net required; (e) ivaemrployees 7 days' OFFICERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO- P noice unless a Selective Service Oficer per- (a) Giva persons unemployed for 7 days, mits a raduction, or unless in the bulild-ýing or on part-tume fer 14 days, direction te ne- construction indnlstry: _ (7 days' notice is nelt capt work; (b) exercise discretion la issuing required unless an empfloyee has nli-aady been1 perilts to seek work; (c) autherize employed employati for eiwn mntit, or nfter tire, exýpIe- persons to transfar te more essentialwok Sien or other calamity, or on termination of and subsequently te hie re-instnted in original woyrk by weather. Whte preczeded by i empfloymant; (d) reduce the 7 days' notice days' notice or net, !separvtion from eemplo>'- piidcnitn ihRglto mentrequres rittn 'ITHE MINISTER 0F LABOUR EMPLOYEES MU'IST- 18 AUTHORIZED TO- (a) Register fer werk -t the nearest emi- (a) requira a person in an- age class sub- ploymreat office if eut et ýworkc 7 tinys (full- ject te militai-y cnll-up te aecept employmant; time studcents, houisewives and clergy are net (b) require employers te release maie persons includet); (b) securo permit from a Selective failing te t urnish evidence of net contraven- Service Officer if geing te look for werk; (c) ing military call-up; (c) authorize payment refrain fi-un advertising for a job unfless of transportation and special nllowances in Selective Sevice Offleer approves; (d) give 7 soe cases; (d) nuthorize anyone te leave dnays notice îf wishhing te quit a job, unless employmnent te taka more esýsenitial work. Thefogon is nt an, exact or eonp lete reproduction ot National Selective Servicei Civilian Ragulations. For informnation or rulings apply te nearest EýmP1oyment nnd Selective Service Office. DE'-"PARTMENT 0F LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Mfinister etLaou A1. iMaeNAMA1RA Dircetor of National Seleective Service Ottawýa, January 19. 1943. Mfrs. W. J. Lancaste2r"and Mm'. J., Wadae, as a, coimittea, cullectati $5280 in and around Newtonville for the Russian F-und nn(! forn'\,7a rd ed(I it te headquarters. Any donations net yat ilu ma>'stili ha iatt with eith- er Mrs. Lanceaster or _Mrs. Wad-a and will ba sent on te headquarters. KENïiDAL Mr. Alex. :Littie at homne. Pte. BObI. Winin, Oillia-, visiteti with frieutis. IMr. Earl Burle-> spant the week- andi at lhome. )Mr. and Mis. Vance Allen and Mad4elen ut Wiim. Mace'sonSun- MAr. Darvid Vannatto fell last Sat- urday uighit andl broka tiarea ribs. Wa' wîs'h -hum a specJdy recovery. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sri f on the birth ef a baby girl Àn t'be Bowman-ville ho-s-' itai. Miss Audrey Patton, -\,iss Myrtie Falls. Miss MUary Watters, alI f'romi PetarTborongi-hi spent tiha week-end at their respectiv-e bornes. Mr. Wrn. ]}unecani-wnas taken to a Toi-ente hospital last n'eek lu au ambulance for a~n X-ray of his leg and axpects te Iiave his le.- ampu- tateti. Mi. and Mis-. Wi. Patteisen have r eturuati te their home alter spend-. ing a pleuasant meath's visit with heir daugbter, _Mis. Wn-1. Wannayi ut Kurby. Miss Mraret Purdenourteach- er, hati a Valetisie party in the seheol on Friday afterneon for her pupils whIen the>'v enjoyed the val- entias-e post officeý, g-ures and lunch consîiting et coki-es, candy. nýpplesj anti 'popcrn The W. 1. arc holdfing a euchre, a&nt dance in the Orange Hall on Frida>', Faibsrary 26th. Thora wl aIebe a draw foi a-n autegra-pi quilt wbicb i-s on displin l Mr-. Win., Mercer's store. Prýoceeds are for British War Victdims' 'Furd. The W. I. took in over $24.00 at the baket social, euchre anti ci-ohm- oIe ou Friday cevening-. R. L. Hoy wais auctioneer for the baskets. H i g( score for ladWsiesilu uchre weut te Jack Brysen(ih acteti as a lady); hi-g-h score for geunts te -Mr,. Wnk. Mercer; ccoiolution te Mrïs. pF. Stoker. Hig' score for- crekinele, jean Hùy, and !onslation te Roy Patton. Non Commercial Veiceles Can Travel 2,160 Miles Ottawa, Fecbruar>' 13. - Gasolinie toi tari truvks will lie rationed, but a tai-mer wlio dues net ewn a truck will hoie n an extra allowance fer bisz passeuger car accori-ding te his iproved indivýidu ai netis, theLe Muni-ý tienis a-id Supplv Departinent las announceti. Undler an uew îatiening systerin, wh-i,ch iecomies effeotive ons Apirll 1, errer>' non-comýnmercial vehicle will be grantefl a basic Cat-egriy "AA" ration book ceontaingil 40 coupons, n'Nh iilpeýrmit auch sucb vehicleý on tIra basis cof 18 miles te the gal- lon, andti t tise present unit value, Pba,ýsic 2,16f) miles et drivîng- ewe Api ,143, andi Marris M, 1944. These -who ai-a eligible, andi cari prove their areed ef a preferred caVe- gory, will aeallo'ted a tlxed numnber et extra coupons fer their vocational ieeds drigtise year ending Minich >I, 1944. These extra coupons will Am m-UNITION For Fighting Colds. Lowest Cash Prices on Proven Coug-h and Cold Remedies NE WTON VILLE M4r, W. N. Istevýenls visîted friends at Roseneath. Miss Jennie PTh.emps'ýou felu un the ice and aprained ber 'wri'st. P te. EdLga r Milion, Woed Ilstockl sïpeit th ek-ent lhome_. Ther-e was ne chLiý,ion Sundaty eveniing owing to the severe eookl. Tha t'JewtonviIle 1la d ieýs pcd and sent away a large Ioxof go clothing fer te 'usaslast n'eek M1r. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskin, of Cebp,'uirg, ware guestis of lbeýr brother, Mr. Robert Moiton and 'Mrs. Mi ton. Mr. Ray Grant, 'Cathann, visited Mrs. Fred Sniith and Sam while here, takliug orders for ýseed romn finthe varieus ierchants. Mirs. Redaap's group cf the W. I. field aprgesv euchre party at the hbomc of Mrs. C. Moris eaturdn'y, eveningl. Preceeds foi- war wvork. Mir. andiîMrs. W. J. Lancaster at-I tana' tewadn of thiir uIcOre Miss Doro)tlh 'gau, to Gorýd-n Jarvie,R....Mal Grove, in Nothainister Cburc'h, Oshawa, on Agent for Jackman Flo-wers. Prescription Specialist C'hartes T yýrreli Phone 68 ORONO, Ont. Daisy Mterceerizedl Crochet Cotton, No. 30, White or Ecru, 62à yard skein for........ -.... 35c. Lilyl Homestead Crochet and Knitting Cotton, .pr-e-shriiunk, white only, 500 yard bail ...... 29c. M and K Knitting Cotton, No. 8 or 12, white only,.. baill....... .......... ...... ......... 12C. Ladies' O. S. Knitted Bloomers, white with silk stripe, knitted band knee, pair ............ 65c. Large Size Heavy Glass Mixing Bowls, rolled edges, two sizes.......... ...... 18c. and 20e Glass Percolator Tops, large or small size, 'D for 19r- Castle Floor Wax, 1-1b. tins......... -..... 229c. Kleenex Tissues, 500 for .... 29c. 200 f or .. . 13c. and 150 for ......... ........ .......... 10e Plastic Pot Cleaners, taking the place of Steel Wool and Chore Girls, Try one..... .... 10c. Popping Corn, 1-2 lb. pkg. for......... .10c. Pea Soup Powder, green or yellow pea, pkg. of 5 to 7 servings, each ......... .... :....... loc. 'Amber Honey, 1-2 lb. bottle for ............. 18c. Jellymilk Dessert Powder, flavours of Vanilla, and Orange, no sugar necessary, pkg.....10c. Harry Hlorne's Dessert Pudding Powder, flavors of Butterscotch, Vanilla, Caramel, Orange, Chocolate and Raspberry, 2 pt pkg...........5k. Cof-Ex-The new wartime beverage, no coupons, 1-2 lb. pkg. f or .... ...... ............. . 17-c. URONO 5c. TO $1.0 0 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ........ Motor Equipment Northcutt and Smithi Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped te take enre ef the modest tuneral at the Most reasenable charge as well as the largest and Most exacting Telephene: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephene Coîleet Cene in books labelle2d '"Special,"' whieli wnul conVain a maximnum et 60 coupns ech.Oui>' enuesudis "Spe- cm"Iook, or poitiion et a book, mdl - be issued at a turne, and beuca tisa case bistor>'out anclispretarredrae gui-y owuer will linudarconstant Bowmavill, Ont. review by -the Reýgional 011 lCoutrel Office where the etra alwuewais We were looldug over C. B. Tyrvells' a1mnanac calendlai and ,ve Iid tlhat Easter- is going to lie warmr, NATIONAL i d- DMýascn's "49" ............39c., 69c. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, for ..... .......... ......25c., 45c. Dr. Chase's Syrup.35c., 69c. Tyrrell's Ifnrehouind and Hioney, 8 oz. hottie. 49c. Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oul,.. ........... ......25C., '50C. Buekley's Mixture 1.. 0c., 75c. Rexali Nose and Threýat Drops ... .. ..... 2 5e., ;5)9e. Vatroniol .- .............. ... 4,e. Vapure, a few dlrops on a haadereiefto clear the hiead ...... ..... 25c., SOc.,1.00 Cattharzone.25c-, 50c.,$10 Isotonlie Soýlutioni of Ephe- drinle, 1i ounce dropper, hottie ........................ .... 65c. FACELLE FOR MEN Large size Cleansig Tis- sues, size 12 inches b>' 12 incites, 3 ply, box of 260 25e. Velvetta Cleansitig Tissues, for 10c. and 25c. Thermo)gene Medicated Wad- ding, an effective applica- tion for bronehitis, chest colds -..... .......... ..-.- 49,c. 98c. Vick's Vapo-Rub ................. 4 3c. Mustard Creani, tube .......... 25c. Certifled Chest Rub . 39c. Buckley White Rub.30r., 50c. Mi-31 Antiseptie Apowerful Antiseptic MUouth Wash, Gargie aud Nasal Spray, aets qickly, at 25c. -17c. and ....~..... .. ..... 87c. TodIized Thrioat Gargle, ýa teaspoonful i n a littie wateLr mak-es a strioiig gar- gle, bottie ...... .. .........25C. TRIBUTTE TO LOVELINESS! Englisb. Garden Toiletriles Perfu ie ................«3,0e., 60C. Face PowNder ý ... ........ 60C. Dusting Powder ...... ...$1.10 PrÎvate Ambulance

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