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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Feb 1943, p. 3

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Wt' Up Te Famus Te et Good 'Thingî Out of Lifs Tire~oidtintub) is siimr contry hoe.Tihe sof an un satitactry rya oe keroserie lamips 1jig'htb more tar1 homles Mtha hctiiy The,ý, presaile wash- 'board is stflbeaig aks that eïLctrie n'ashlis'g.mcie o Laclk etmdm evnne ansd abrsln'devices wvhich city d'eHlers taire fo granted, ntksfo-r drugem, lI eath ad riJ ural dsotu. Andun- lesa inefrmrteisve'ak 'the initaive nethin s ih, beoue That laeffctwaS -1hat W se0ntativefo Lmbo Cuty ain l an addres te Lambt-ou Cýcunt1y Cojunc1il theoter ay Ncbedy bas ever caught Lansb- ten's veteran agriculturl officaI ia a fit cf gruiug He1Elý is boote-awa. Whlent beý teils the farmer thy'e etgting afaim deal hle isn't runnLinýg down"ý Th1oe fora ande ciydlhes is- messg s a' chllng to e ta"rmer vsicle fe themselves He agested tA a oethius be area. Up; te the present, re- habilitation planxis for tecmn -pea-c have beCen largeiy 'puede fer sdrsinutylbrf iul- ance and urbaî people who have beenà rafore f ortuae n h fa"Lret iný gettiing theirshree Cetillite on tne trn the nostalgie ai adwemd good la t'he cîtyr drewsins te e hbe c1ean, clearo i'bouutry aýirma be spledid stuff for deep-beAh- ing paprsfor a- wek'r t cfr vacation.Buitgwsm - 0tencus over a 12-month period., he a joyen note te the biloe udtise ocaio eturour tej n- "~/ture; bu)Lt àt is just anothler nloise tu the farmer as la begînsbi long day et iccard n'ork Waving tields et grain and c00r1 make rotigpicitues te the asi motoryiat. BuLt they babrmust heerthere -aul be euoungh mç(nctture or tee- inncbin etr it la sateiy thrshed andi putawy AS 3M11 _Maýcdonald raidý: if th'e DoiinConstructionCoite ha n iincpid homeiupuemu "-"building tradesL lu. the tovwns audJ eitieýS (and, incdetaltemk lite more cosisertuble For urbua diweltrs),en ir ere wudse te be ne excuse for net extendin it te the rualsctionswitS h ealural lite. Bukt, as MmnMcdal s oisd Tchechance s ae aethig ivdib dlone abiout it ulesa thîtnmr Play Canned Ch-,ies A t C hurc"h 1Se r viîces TCanNed chrch bll sies cînaca ion. Truck baeks down inte shullew water on shore et Guadolcanul te take supplies frein landi.ig boats-which is eue way te de it. Yl JjSaw te lMor igh Brmea fYen tha ha e aitis te lethý ferîeýsïew es Beyndtire t1W y tsw rt Tie daN'u0 mle ie youwr heurtmn ioa* --t or angiwnennm, for retes o'r Telive lu tese rIeate n bave yeFns t c!slHv Hngi acthe baven, tiseir her tare te tik; cot anUe owerus e Irness put te fligisi! haawtseml 1gbea! LIF'S IKETIHAT el ord ho tb hPeu Americend an ri- ve tt-, e 's II r ele . C! 3o , hesalbotheetn a deIstroyer, Care light) iya med enî ttes haed prtrue ntal werks Tis Aadamcntycm lartie prts i neuovr 10aur fie rin sl a ýipsCok ypero tion.eto ýýie fgi'ii 'r wbt eu ie dthl um torp art sa nuthe Uiedatns Ainsien cf Cervetes hae mned asta aorh s Jeund AnImus tasseut as tno Cwaribea.Th PCs n'biah esoertedh e toeundiug on thie Aeutinseetake the cf Glas orStlesselce G~~_lass gauge e en cf inerhngeable pàas :, sy h Bjy Fred Neh,ýer "'Shut off tliat war new! ,. I' waut te hear the battie next door!! l VOICE OF Fi E Ï?RES S APPLE QUESTION Can ye n eember)net selong ag hnpeople werve coax.-ed to hepout the apple idutr 1e Caaaby purchiasiuig "!1[ud ating appls? here are the ,good uppue tsda at a reasoQnable price fr t he ho usehold? Oranges hriought all the wayfemCali- fonaare i l uch monre popular demud ýîthan the andinapple. Even the!C) adia blae walut 7 0 unt for a si-x-quartbakt -St,CaainsSadr INEXPERT eWALiKERS gaslin retritioshave resuit- ed a boinngth(,,street nacid1ent rate n Lecngles. it nmay yet b)e necessunry te equip )thiemwvith herns and tail Qit. "WORK OR, FIGHT7" The n'a -turile polic.y of Presi- dent Wilon lu Che hastconflict a m*orkor f igt, cwilbe inteUnited Sta-tes on thewhl teJtcepldterse. It is stii pett gedultmaumforL JUST IMAGINE! Bfr ràtinig, Anerican nme- tcriss uned 70,000,000 gallons of gnmsoLn mcechdy. Untilthe aden Je (te!ars, gsln cf eroen reinig;it wa s pourd ine riersor burued, -CaSnadian Press "Whee hveIl the bare- leged irl gne," iqirsThe tThemas Timeis-Jourual. / As ife editor i4 know tha't jtuey'xe gene up te the attiete ,ok jo aparetorf masold Wool Stecis, -Otawa Citizen BUTTER PREFERRED 0f oure, t's \wonderful ofoheset ilk. But if t'sail thesaie w'drather be mweasqured for a pou f et buter. -Kitâchener Recordi ANOTHER COUPON -,s lot c-f trouble b)iingiag the qu, but-wht's icer arounid the home at a tim-e ikýe thisî than a 16yea-eldwhodoesnl't drink coffee ? -WinipegTibune LAST, [S REAL THING Shoin a ht you get in ch ol. Edcaioniswhat thre weridgivesyen when yen get Strangre Fol.k' These British Trhey Even Conduot a Wvae On Decent PrincipIe-s A fe' weksago, reljates The cramr H.,S.Scyia (Cat!. IL A P. acîtyr),onl patrol dusy in thaut alr na n crgo hi ade -mdraha rnhport. At er a 20 milechasýe the Syl 1vetoo (te vss l d ired a stea cf top iug lte bleekade1Àe runer hifed oureand the crisrthnfired dretyat her Herre ',-is here't ofthAdray' reprt: "Soo Plmsvr seeniong from 1the suprstuctue "e th enemy vesel, d it ivasntie that the crew 'a Ls ,abaud ioiug THE WAR - WEEK - Commientary -nCret Eventis Fzighitiug lSpfit 0f True Ca(cnaians I CannoEt éBe Beaten By A-ny Ene,-my The Independent Mniority of the Steelwor-kers of Steel CC. Of Canada ran the following advertisement in the Hailton Spcectato on January21 and pidforitheutof their own pockets: STRIKING IN WARTIMVE IS A DIRTY 4i fact, over,:5 of the Steelworkers at the Steel Company of 4iàn- ada regardsucýh ction as FTEASONq, oad want your help in avoëdcg any such ourrence At our plant.Ewey man on strie frm a Canadian steel plant to-day is killng Canadian solders as surelyas if he lhot theirn This fact mlakes thiereain between thie Se work"es'C.O. management, and the Goverament no longer a private matter, but a, public conceýrî, We think ýthe idea ,,of a steel striýke nshould makevery ctienetCan1- jada as hopping mad as it makes uis. How woul you feel if through determioneation of an- orga-nize.d inrity you wee orced 1to to oring in wht you knew te be a vital part qf ourr effort?ý -OrGef you haworkw0ed for your f4rm for ovr'5 year, s oe 0 of us have, nýnd had no grie-výanceS you thonughtxeevr motn these days when se;many People aie sufferqing se muen, and we sudnytold -ou wereexecedto strike on -,Mor, y -OrCif3- yeu had several ejiren, a hmeto pay for,1d ti epneyou couldjust meadwr udnyfcdw-Lih the Posibility of bigforce2d ltme'vefor several Weks withnone mny Commeg in LWn!tgret us wrong. We ren'tUnin hter, o "GMpay men," We believe well- and resposible unions can benefit evry on. ýWe aldso know thatbasic , wage rates mliay need taebedjtd from timeteutime, andthre are other grevaucs nin this plant as in mout ohers. Wchat une Qebj et is thnuse of strkes ovae hih we have no cMnro te foce dcisios lasuch ma.iitters lu these times. Th1eGoeien ba e frha policy of wage an rc ontriol to try nid aeid trOuble and hardsbips met in the last warn it aise provides eans for adjusing inequalitis broughtteAits attention.Publicoinion houlddemand quoci, firm, and just use of thui nichinry te sette pro'blems us they aisan nd avoid statossunbos we hehe 2re. To llo an grupte dicate is ownt tera in auy such dipute- spelî disater or thn oe national cno THE C.LO. C)IS 1 %RDING WREII -"AND PUB.ïl IC WITH PROPAGANDA PUT OUJ,.T EXPÏRESSLYý TO WI MEMBERS AND INCREASE THEIR OWN PWRBY DISCREDITING BOTE GOVERN_,1MENT WVE WOULD LIKEý TO EXPRESS ANDEPLI MHE EAL CONVICTIONS 0F" THOSE SEL WORKERS WHO DO THEIR ON TINKNG FIRS-A 1FEW COyLD FACTS WIIICII CAN BE EASIl-Y VERJIFIED,: iUnion membehip ineyer reprlDesentQd nmore than about 25% c i! the 4,000 age earnersat hailton Wosrs.Net more than 50M mem berave attended, ane n eetinig. 2Only 300 embers wer present at the meeting l hi ch the srk vote was ld, Three hnri en are atteiping te force morec 8A largepweretage of former (11. i embers believe àla nions and joined te assist in cerreecting givne the- C.I.O. bvough, te theoir aittenotion. They joined on the uruderstanding that neý ssies ould be called lu warie. These men are new thoroughly digseare net paying Union dues, and are completey inactiv la Union af£asrs, biut they are included la estimates of 0.1.0. membmership, 4 The ctike issue htere is Uion con itionand collective blargai- log, mai the pay jacrease an incidentai. Through our WVorks Council we already have at collective bargainig agreement through.ý ejeýýc rpesnatvsfee cf charge. The Union guarantees te give us the rame thing for aýbout $50,000 àn dues.VWe do net take Our Works Counescilsriusly eaough, or make it work as it ShUld, because we diAt have te f ighit for it. U No di criiation is shewn againstUnion Members àluetheman. union s rprsntativ'es sit on the WrsConcil. We fee(l ithat tiý;s projected strike is part, of aplnd program te unionie Canlad's stee lidutry, ne muatter at what coist te the ecuty-YOUR county. The C.IO. is felwing a familia pater whchhas been very su infullcheStates, Strong aad( decsiv acionis ineeded 4immediately te prevent further troeuble, àa-id jforestî ai!igeneral inlaio. auagemxenlt'sbuds are tied, the Goveament is uwilund unable te c without some oer whelmng exresso f public opinion.ý New is your tchance 'te do soethagcncre t teprevent 'a m ii c3rity sabotagin1g our war effort. Write t3ie Gov eramIlent,Ex s yeur opinions ina the papers, and Makie Sure any mun woesuppors a strik in thse times ralzevhat lhe is doin1g, As foi us,"Me e i opprtunity te teli the world that we have, ne intention of being purhed arouuid. Certuily net bly any soliîsi group wh"fuil tat the presnt micrisis agolden opportunityte gain pewer ain ise wages even ut ite risk of torpedoing cor' Wu are Payiugfor thionotice eut of out own pocsimehpie à '-,yhelpte aeus the money we wud eeif the Steel _Cu pany ins shutdownby a strike. A Commitee o'The Independeut of khe rSt.eel Co, e. Cnd Th-ere is ue ;thing ino3uir civil an'te peetsvks u Owen boand Sua-Eimes. If workers are neontent wiAh (ac,~n the'y canno bei !forced te stay con thle jOb. Bot wharght have0thy te say teters, net members cf thoirunion, "You shLnet xa-ACk" and use force te prevent them from xvug? NUe c1wtv, we choupd suy, It ià a Porrueletatrdes net work hotu ways; bt pprq îy thesepoitriunrswant eeyhn hi x~wî hyaeec rn ther riilgeof -refusing te Wouk but ;Cievuarr-mesg te ew4r the wpuilge ofstaying on thei.jr osOnd tiiere S n'abcn ylme OUT 0 0IOOS 1 IN WlNTR Pl, CJ. Hyande Perla , yen hink t s 'iter n An sese tl a indes , btif ye usc n nturel- ryul trcsau pa tstht t1 gC e a ýl ;0, ecl 'r s pr minent r '-0dei non rlte lt'a ua t l~a 1 te rrgi 0 I b:Csareuso 1sb tei ti 2

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