OO WEE Vol. 7. No. T. ORONO. ONT. I-.FiUUSDAY, M-AP. 4th, 1943. Subscription $ 1.25 Per Year Orono Horticultural Card Party, -Orange Hall, Monday, Mar. Duan Chmara Takes Four Prof iciency Prizes At OC.S.(Commencement 'Students Do WeilI In Stag- min Crnis ,iMrlon Crih Joyce Loeri argýaret Mackinn-,on, Neil ing the Play "Elmvrer wind Moffat, loward Myles, Shirley My- the Loveles,"and Anina StLaples. The follow- the Loe-Bugirg suet were presen'ted with The Orono Contiuatin S ooàthirsec-,ondarY S,&hoïd Gradulation conimencement Ehcises held in the Dipoas by Bey. Littlwood: 0ron toji all n Fida- evi AligM nq Carol Due, oy Forreter Oroo ownhal o Fîda eenigRuth Lunn and lCarol Salewhile F'ebruary 26th, drev, an attendance the Asecondary Séhool'oorGa- of over two hundred peGple, despite ntnDiloas were presmet to the treacherous roads of the couin-Mrae lnof eneFretr -teoy, wh ihletmayoeth.urlRuth Goode, Matrgaret Roy, athleen peopl at ome.Simpson, DonalldSaples, Franlin The highhlght of the conmmence-VTamblyn, Glenn. Tanalclyn and Gwenl 3nent this year was thei performiancu e nnant. of Dan Chniara, vvho captured four The school chorus sng"h apecial 'pnies, being ',h e-lnnTro,- Vlga Boatman"; the presentation phy for protliciency in agriculture: to the1 winn--ýiIg gr;up of the 1942 Li- the Tyrreil Trophy for general pio- terary 'Society was mlle teo Muriel *ficiency; the Masonic Lodge Prîze Tennant hy Air. Rosborough, whîle for Proficincy in matheati, an the Reader'sDiget Award te the the Professor, Squair Piefor- pro 142Valedictorîian was woni by Glenn fhcincy in Frenc.h. Dan is to be Tmln after bhichb Glenn very coagratulated on xvinningthese four'aIdy gavq te -ald1 tryadre1 awards, whichi, we believe, is a rPcord 'yThe Dr. J. 'C. Devitt sýcholarshîps for a student of our sohooL. Many ,eren Ofl hy'Margaret Mackinnon long hours have been devoted to and Dawn MAoffat, and were preseait- astudies by bhis clever student which cýd t,) theise studenits by Mýr. iM. H. jumt goes to showm what a pars.n cn Staples in the absence of Dr. Devitt. do iflhe puts his! mind to it. tUe i, This waS follo-wecl by the sehol the son of aM. nd Mrs. Trhoias cz horus singinrg "Grnr-atheî's Clock", Cmawho are bard woarling peo- The ast part of the enirertain- ple and also a credit to Our comi- ment iws the play, "Elmaer- and the înunity. Lovp-Bag", with the following cast Rem. S. Jittlewood was chaiman of characters: Janie Collier, a highi f or the evening and openedi the even- (,IhooljgrlAfargaret Mackinnon; inag'senitertinment Mith the school Jeaniie, hier twvin, Joyce Lowery; ~ ehorus, 'Riplings Reessionail EymnW' Susan, their younger sister, Anna Under tie diretion of thr capable Staqples; Elmier, their, brother, Peter le-ader, Ms, Donald Ro)b, with Miss hmaa Bridiget, the Irish Ma id, Awdrey Bilings at the piano.W. E. Mfajorie McLaren; Lukýle Lawson, a Armnstrong', awarded the athietic college student, Donald Staples; H-- I.niedaqls te Btty intoni, CarolI',ta- hert Brown, Janie's friend, James f ~les, Donald Stap,:ies an idM ryLoey Millienrt Carr, a fciend of ~Patterson, which thev vwon at the Susan's, Audrey 13ilings; 'Cecil, a pahletic rmeet heid m a L1.Then riend of Elmer%. R oss Boyd. came the pesntation of the Lunnil The play wazS well nanmed. "Elmrer Trop.hy to Dan Ceniara for profi- anid thLo U g" l hruhthe ciency, in agriculture, the presentai- pla.v, Elmer- hadi nouse for g'2irls up tion being rriadle by the donor0% Mr.util near the end when lie met a ~Percy Lu"n; MstRUby Alini de- grirl who talked te, him as a fiend, Sliver-ed a vocalsol, 'When the oe -ting that no other girl ever Ligihts go on Againi," whh± wb cas very diH. With such kindness shown te greatly enjoyed, aecompamnied on the him by tDis girl, Elmer feli for her piano by Audrey Billings; Mr. C. B. hard -which dhanged bis whoie life- lyrrel pre"nted the Tyrreil Triophy ,rointden on. te) Dan. Ghmara for general pralfi- The evening was brought to a ciency. Chas. Trrceil and Perc. Lunn close by tihe ýsingin.,-g of God Save the aisf) presenited Dan wth a special King. prèze for his good shoing. Mr. -- o-- Grmre (Iamsypeee hrise CHINESE FUND $85.00 for prOficiency in mui o Miss Mar- garet Mackinnlon, in the absence of The coommnitte-e taJces great pleas- MJrs. A. A. Druinimiond; the 9cl.0o i e in thanking those who se kindly chrsthen sanig 'lite, Clîff s of contrPbuted te this most 'worthy oer"under. thedieto of M s as n eknoiw thiï money wvili IDornald 'Roi>b, with 'Miss Audrey Bil- relieve much suffering of the Ghin-1 linga ati;the pjýino;Mr., .0. ,. ee.The fundricloses Sturday nigiht. precented Dhe 'asonie Lodge Prize Previously ackolde . 68.501 teo Dan 'Ghnara for- proficiency in Ms Da.vy and Mrs. Fraliek.. 2.00 MahmtcvlieMsMagrtR. E. Logan ..................... 2.00 'Tan>ner, hin the abssence of Prof, eogeMeorton ..................... 2.00 Bquair, resented the Profe"sr J. F. L~...... . - . 1.00 Squair pie to Dan Chmara for- Mrrs. Buttea.................... 1.0() ProficiencY in French; Miss Muiel r. and Mis. Bagleson.-...... 1.00 Tennant and MisMfigaret 'Ma- Mr., and Mis. Rofbt. Allen . 1.00 kinnon renîdered a vocal duet, "The(, Mr. n l s ok......10 Robhin"> accompaied by Mrs. Donald Ervan Bainey ....... ...... 2.0W R abb. C. S., Mebaren, .......... ...... 2'e Ur. W. J. Riddieîi presented the Miss Tanner . .- 2.00 lanuediate Certificates te the f o- 13ru GiHliland............... .50 lOwing puipils: Audrey B3illin,1M.... Bruce 'Ohjipma, Alan Gcornish, car- $ 85.00 Former Orono Boy Passes Away In'Toronto Wo noticed in, onda 'Gobe anid 'Mail of tIiis vveek thiat Clarence An- dre-vws has passed away at Christie Street HospitaI, 'Poronito-. Clarence was anm old Orono lioy, --dserved in tbe Great War of 1914- ~as egat~aein the 75tb and bis Vwin bohrCîsyton -m-et in England in the iast war forý the first ~time lu 4ev~erai years as bis1brother Clayten wen-,,,t out wstand enisteý froni therc. When tbese twoj twini brotibers -wcre Iboysý residing in - 'Orono, tbhey were the best oubfie1d- enos bbic Orono Bail Club ever had, in fact tcy wpre the twe hest ail r ound players, cqualy as good as bat and were neyer ai te step Mno the Itched 'hall. Thbe eam was gener- aly sure of a run Wn these beys Camle te bat. Cayton was killd i0n bcne r~ couintry by afaln tree asbeIl a bhpckeeper for a Lumbeig o amI as bne ber( sonie years ago. 'Clarence was hurle(! on MWcdnesday, Mlarcb 3r11d, at 2 p.m. at Pr.ospect Cemtery, T-oronto. IUc wastbbc soýn of the isate Freemau Andrews. LONGý Mfter a day's ro-utine patrol inr the Western iDeserit, Britâsh tan rk cr'W rstinth sad -o teir vehicies, ready to springin-ito action in anL emer-gency. Tir hi lf e is full of dtis'omiforts, but isD excitement Ross Strike Guest Sp-eaker At Father and Son Banquet The 'Pather and Son Banquet heldi in the Orarilge Hall, Orono, on Tues-t djay cvenîng laist wïas verýy wehl at- tended whlen, fifty-eight fathiers, sons adadopt ed fatherýs were present. This, we beieve, sbould 'le an an- ,,uail event as it helps te bring fathe-r and son ci1oseLr togetibier te be e ut with each ther in pub)lic. The first part was given over te the banqu-et wvhicýh consited of cold hiam, escalloped pota toes, salads, polis, pickles, 'pie and tea, and ap- pies. At thle head table w,,iee: M r. W. B. Strike, guest speaker'for- the -vnnMr. Sturrvok, Miss Tobbyv,' rereeningthe BwarveGil1< Guidles, Mrs. W. E. Arm-strýong and Mijss M. McDowell, r-epre.s-etinig the -Orono Girl1 Guides, Mr. G. -M. Linton and son Ji, B ey. S. Littie-wooi and son Manleýy, and Mlajor O'NeIl. Mr. G. 'M,. Linlton, president of the Scout Group Comimitbee, was chiair- man, and il'bi>s opening rýemàarks woeomed the guests fori-hIle evening. !ilh toid of the splendfid backing the parents- and f esterý par-ents had giveni te the Scouts et the begiingii-- of the organization wh e n there ýwas no m'oney te start the organization, and also -hbe great work accomplished 11y Mr. 'Mel-lor il- forming the or-gan- ization, and now tbc Scouts; and, their Scout Master do aIl that therc% i% Vo do, wbýiie the Commî1rttee takes- it easy. All across, Canada tihe Scouts are short on1 leadershi-p, but hereo in Orno -we have tbe leader- sbpbut are short on Scouts, having now only one troep. Mr. Liniton t-hen cailed on Mr-. Strike. thie guest speaker for the evening, Mr, Strike said that inany fathers wvho baven't sons of their ewýn should WAMS. MEETING The Mardh imeeting of the Wo- man's Msinr Society wýas held Tucsda,-y, MvTarcýh 2nid, in Par-ik Street Sunda-y School reolu wîTth bbc, presi- dient, Mris M. H. Staphes , pi-esiding. The meeting opened with singing- bbce National Anthemi, foiiowed b-ly th edinig of thie "Cali V'O prayer", b)y tbe president. The prûsident am nounced tbbc P'eshbyteria m eet ing wouid ibe held at W\,hitbiy on March 25th, and bbc Brancb meceting at sh-aýwa April 27th ite 2qth, tbe dele- gate appoDinted te attenid PIresbytery, MrIs. Wwod. . Litslewoed, assist- ant iteraqture Sec., explained, that lbt Travelliing 'ibrarýy -would lie p àssed- from gr-IOuIp Vo group to be' read and thenI passed on tce another auxiiiary at the end of twomots TheWrl' Day of Prayer will lie held March 12, clnd 'Mr is. Alhert Matthews, wife of Let-Gvro o Ontario, wihispa for fifteen .min- ubes on0a11 11. The Rýcor'ding Sec., Mrs. C. W00oI, read a letter from bbc Puesby. Supply Sec., in- forming us wvha t our AuLxiliary wouid Ineed te cotribute ote bbcbale. Thrýee led in s'ho)rt prayers for tbree of ourI missienaries who are inteýr- dlevelop ai liking for s;ome boy, then thiey could discuss the great thiings of life. AIl across Canada the Scou't organiization- is losing its leaders, over -5ff,000 ýhave al1ready gonle into so -e part of the armied forces, so miany of the older men are taikinýgi hirplaces until their reLturn. Yen are, fortunaite il, Orono te have Mr. Mloasyoýur Scout Master, a nd( l-oqe be can carry on Vo make a suc(- cessý of it. The whore w o r ïi is cUilghit up on1 one phrase, that of latber and son, -whioh ha s coirne right clýonth-roug-h the centuies. In ~the early days the father taugh t the ,son who wofuId then improve upon it, anci ýJ.e in turn taughit bis soni, and se0 on. This is thbewa prgea i macle. If fathier and son have missed father and sýon affection then they have miissed the greatest thinig in life, A -on generally sees, his father asç on a pedestal andcl t is the Wise father who does net fal off this pe- destai, andc if tbe father reahizes he is on a p)edestial thon lhe had hetter try te stay there and set a good examnple for bis son. The, son, when around 14 years thinks the o)ld man doesn't knowc)ý anyt1ingi-, thant he la slippinig, theni when he is ai-piuiii 20 he real- izes that thbe father is catcbing on very nicely and doing a good job. The son must realîze thait the father i,-z giviný up a great deal for the soýn, and it i's easy for the son to destroy the fatlhher's hlife in a weak momrent, either through crlsses or thougbtiess;ness. 'We have seen some fathers and sns going along spl)endiidly tbroug-h life until the son is near 20, then breaks awvay, thus (Continued on pag-e four) nced in Japan, and for the succesa; of the Bcd Cross that isicopibn such a wondierful work. The theme of the meeting was "ekn Econo- mic Se.curity for Ail." The sciptr reading was; talcen by Mrs. Staples, whiie Ms.Kelly's; group lhadcitheý pgrm Mrs. Delv-ern a selec- ien "Lo-ve is just and kdnd" and led in prayer. Mis. selr-soke on the chapter in the study book, econoie securîty, mentionedcl heNe-w Social Order -se much talked -of, wbich if caried eu ot, wil mean more secur- ity for everyone iin the future. Ms Davy read an interesting cippîing on the eeaie plan, telling, of it starting with a few friends ont ini the West and now it bas spread near- Canada In 1942-43 Will Spend $5,500,OOO,OOO On Her War Effort Postage on Lettera Up Onre Cent With No Change on Postcards Fiane inister i, lsley, of thie coinon Gvernfmenit, broughýt Clown the anxi-oucýsyaitdbudge-t of thie governmenit on i eda vn ingIast Tax pnyme-nts on proa incom e "0ee paced on a pay-as-you- earn basis, the m-oreý you earni the more you pay, the less you earn thie less; you pay. The niew 4acdget, is designeicd to ini- creaÏs( e rvenues by '$ 3 6,2 00, 0O0O. which esýtimiates -net total reveniues of $231OO Oas aan'texpen- ditures of $1,5»00,000OO.. Tax authr- orities claimi that the houisewife willi be nýowos off, that it was onie Bud- get-and a wartimie one at ht whicli did net hit the man on t-he Aside fromi the decision to leAve' the ineomne tax rate unchýange-de- cept for 'relatively riminor adjust- ments aiffectinig the Iow inc(ome group ani,, officers of th e armýed,, serice, M. lsle's1912-43 Budget aehýlieved ta tture miainly from acept- ance of the pay-as-you-earnl Collection Plan. Foilow-ing are the bý1iglits eof the 'budget : Fifty Per cent. onf inicome tax o 1942 iia'buiiby te lie forgiven. This "forgivcnesýs" wilh ie (effected] by lavîl!g tan. returns Le-r 19,42 filed June 30,inta of Sept. 3,0, with payment of one-third of ax renmin- inig after forgiveness, bbnc enmaininig tw"o-thiiircate be paid by Decý. 31. Fifty per cent. of tax on 1942 per- sonal inv-estmenIt income 11p1Jte 3, to be frie on saine basîs as above. F'ifty peýr cent, of tax on 194-2 per- soniainvsmetinocmein ecs of $3,000 wîill be dfre ni deathi. No miajor chang-es in income tax rate structure. Slight Lowvering cýf inicome taxu evies 3ini incom-es just ove.r exenIp- tien levels. Dominion GCovernmroent ann iiu'Itie and payxlients on mort-gages heIld by wife te 'be charg-eaible again-st re- fundaible tax Portion. Officers returned frIoniovrsa teo bave six mionbbls tax exemption. Offlicers serving eutsidie CanIadaI in Western Hemisphere te psy only haîf of normai inconie ax rates. Ail service pevsonnel, commtission- cd and non-commn-issioncd - exept those eeses-te le taxed if pay ahone xcea$1,600. Incomne ax chianges will incucease rlevenuie from Vthssouceby ,bot Cerporate incom-eta concessions i-provii(cd teencura e-tseloh frr ohl, m-etailife-rous and strateg-ic me ta. S No charge in su(ccession duty or l sales talx. Only minorer changes, in exýess pr fistx. Provines te lie comlpenjSated foi 1iqur-sa s bs es;f romni evel for year enlded fiast Junec 30, if tbey" in- crease liquor, prices by total of $4î per proof galion, Tax o,, domestîc spirits increased from $91 to $11 pe-,r proof ga.lloni; same$2 ncraseo n iported spirits. Taxý on Canadlian brandy incr-.case2d from $7 te $9 par galon. Tax on 9igas inceaesed hy $5 pLur !,000 onl1w-est priceleve! and more on hibrpice leveljs. Presentta of $8 per 1,000D ci.gar- ets imnrasedVo $10. Tax-,on aufourdtobaicco in- creasedi by one cent per ounce, and onra leaf by oneo-baif cent. Tax on c-igaret papers increased biy two cents per 100. Tax on nigbt club eritertainiiiient increaised from.20 te 25 per (-Cent. Postail ratesý incrieasedi by one cent on ail letters ex-ep)t on those ýto service personnel oereas; post- card rates .unchanged. Freswill be allowed Vo ca.,-iy forward losses for two years instead of only one. Tax changes expected Vo yiehd ad-. ditona I $136,20.. Deficit for 19-43-44, estimated a t $2,7418,000,000, to ie covered by bor- rowing. Total reenpes for 143-44 esti- ma e t $2,752,200,000; expendi- I1,lsly fore£easts; 19413-44 dificit a L preseont taxation irate -wou-ldbe $2, The necessary deductions at the source wlll omm11en1ce with April. WRITER FOR RADIO E'lsiePa Gowanl, whlose radio adapttion f "North Afber Seals'" wilb"hard onTurdy Ma.rc!h IL a 10 acm. ED ID1.0a.m. ADT, over O(BC's Easteronebwrk iO- ginally from bbc banks of Loch Le- moni, MsGovan settied at an ay aein Abra ad after taking lber derein Hlistor-y, pLoce-ded to win Carnegie comipetitio)ns in lywrt ing 4%Sine ïturningfte1ra d io, se luas heomie w i]l knoin for her ay hitrcland avnueplays aýs weias fr er xeletradtio adap- fittions. "ot AtrSea'is" wilhl be bbcu thir-d Can-aiani conitributionMrs Gowan lbaswribten for the ORS- C<B~C Se Ol0f The Air Sre "Tailes From iFaïr And Neýar." beheld at Ovoýno Marcb 13th. ýfi ,z 1498 No. 2 Ration Books Books Issued In Orono -Iy ýahI ever bc werld. l'4rs. Maria Smith was callcrd te T-be local distibuting centre for- the, piatformi. Mrs. Delve rc.ad an \Ne. 2 Ration booýks Closed last Sat - address, telliig eof bow loyal M-U. urday nîgbt, afber having iss;,,uc-d Smitbh was te ber ehiurcb, al1waysýý 1498 new boelc te those who had. No. epigin vvery way s-be could, botb 11 books. lb -was qut a harclsbip te the churcb and community, and for Phose wbo hived on thcesideroads Mrs Kely prcscnted ber witb a of bbc township te get their books Lie iMemberbi~p Cetiicte frm in time, but mosb people were very Mm. Keliy's group. Mrs. Smitb co-operative, and hiej~ed thec workers t'banked bbc group fer, their kýind- as mucb as osile ncss. a-nd it was ber bhihday. A woncmlerulstaff of MouArMY The mneeting closcd Whbsnging woikers assýisb dýMrs. 'Mllor in this and puayer. big underbakingn',Mrs, N. Porter nd Mr.R. C. Rosborough ac deputy distributing 'ohies a, foiwigaIsevey heerfuhiy manly heurs of their tmM J. B.CopeLittlewoe , RBlet Drummond ]and De-an, andmi ýý McDwlK. Smith, 'L. Bu-rg,- Tr-ull, K. 'Foýter andl A. Basnl wibhi the new boek, buýt if noýt maiy apply bbc Ple ýte boro' iineie ceýver- of No. 1 book,ý LYTM BRITISH TANK CREWS SAC BRIEF REST AFTER A DESERT PATROL il