HEORONWO WEEKLY TIMES CHARLES TYRRELL Prescription; Orono Tinshop' There is some Metal Roolfing available now for repair work R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oroino Phone Srl6 Lakes]uerc Homne and Schooi Club are holding their Aninual Dance in Newcastle Coininruity Hall on Thuisday eveiinig, Marcii llth. Hani- nLgan's Orchestra. Modern and 01d- Timre Dancinig. Admission 5Me. Specialist Phone 68, Orono !MTO CARS CRAýSH ON PARK HILL A car accident ocouirred on Tues- day morning, Mamch 2nd, near theý brow of the billie1 Iadig frýomh Community Park ta Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Donald RobI were caing into town and were near the top of the bill, wben a car, travelling south on Main street, driven by 'Myles. turned to go down the park hill, when bath cars collid- ed. Mrs. Rcbb suf ered sevemal slight ,cuts fiom glass near the top of her forehead, -when hem head crashed into the windshield, splinteming the shat- temleIss glass. She also s'uffered from shock. 'No ore else was injured. Thle left liiglit and fender were badl1y windshield on Mm,. Robbiýs car. Or, Monday e'vening, March 8th, the Orono Horticultumal Society are holding a card party in the Orange Hall, commýiencîing at 8.00 p.im. Aftem you are l¶nished ,playing either 500, euchre, crokinole or Chinese- Check- ers lunch xwill 'le served, aIl for the small admission fee of 25 cents. _ Local News The cUtting and paeý-ki.ng of ice in Orono lias been coinplete.d. Mr.ï C. W. Awde spent a f ew days last week in Toronto on business. Clarke To*vnohip Council1 met on Tues'dlay aftemnoon of this week. R.S.M. George MeKenna, of Peter- homo, spent the week-end with Mrs. McKenna and family. lMr. Thomas M.oNeil is s-pending a week with his daughter, Mrs. Gem- dan 'Martin, Newcastle. Scoutma-,ster J. J. Melil attLenbd a Father and Son baniquet ut Port. Perry on Fidyennglst. Mr. R. I. Brown lest a her!se on] the mail rouýte lýast week and dim that nmail drîving la not al proitýï. The mlonthly Ibusiness mieeting of hie local Red Crosýs wîll bcel in he 0Oranige Hall his afternoon u ýt 3 P.m1. Recent visitors with Mr. R. H Allen, )Ohuch Street, -were, Mrs. Carl Billings and Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto. Miss Eileenl Jones and girl friend, Ajax, spent the week-end wuiùh the formier's parents, 'Mm. and Mrs. Gid- dis Jo)nes. SiLnday evening, March 7th. a s*PlenIdid set of sldes on Af mica. Come and enj.oy the service at Par- St. United Church. Mm. Jack Cobbledick and fr.iend, Toronto, spenit the weekfrend l wiîth his parents, Mr. and Mns. Newton The Durham County Seed Faim, the firse one ever heid, will be held in the townA hall, Omono, on Saturday, March lBth. Mr. W7. J. Stainton spent Monday last in Gýoboumg visiting withl bis daughtem, Mm. and L"Mrs. Garnet Towns and family. We understand that Mm. J. D. Brown is buying tihie Hunter resi- dence iii the south end of the town, now occupîed iby Mr, York. The sehool ýplay will hle staged inl Park St. Suinday &hor o n Friday evening, March 5th, in coin- nection with the iPot Luck Supper. While in the Times office on Theris- diay of last week, Mr. Gididus Joncs, iinfommed us t-hat on the south side of ýhis bouse the tupils are up one and -a haîf inches. lMr. and Mrs. John Lowery's býaby which býas beeni in the Sick Gide' Hospital, Toronto, for sormetime, lbas improvedi in healli and -was brougbt home oni Saturday last. A RYCENT ProclaMation, issuied by His Exelflency the Governor Geï eral in Cotin- cil, provides thjat certain single mcn must register imnediately for the Miiitary C al-up under National Sciective Service Nlo- biization Reg-ulatiens. Single Mca who must now register are those who were bora in any year from 1902 te HUINPmusY MITCHEU.ý, 31inister of Labour r.R. E. Log-an has rented the storie recently occupied by Mmr. Ted W)oodyard on AMain Street. and will Inove lis tinsm-ithirig business to the new loc:ationi in a -weel or two, Mîusses Margaret Flintoif, and Gweni Tennant, Toronto Nra School, 'Miss ýLenioia Wood, Torýcnto, and Ruth Goode, P4ter'borýo Normal, visited over the -week-end at theii respective homnes. TUwn Chatter- W. E. Armustrong says that seeing Dan Chmnara r-an away with the shiields for profrciency in his school lerie is going to have R. E. Logan nmake a few spec-ial ones to ha.nd 'aroc.ýnd to some ot the other pupils. U1ard coul is again being deliverej'd in Orono after an absence of over a month, remioving the coai sotg in our village. This we'kioth t'he Orono GCoal & Lumîber Go. and Pe i-,y Lunn a eclireceived a caroad.Mor coal is 4-xpecýted later. IMr. Jamnes Eagle.son bas retur-ned houme adter spending the past weýek with his brother Walter in Toronto, and while there called onMr George Richards at the Toronto Hospital. Weston. Geoitge is able, ta eat three square meaýls a dIay,, is very chieer- fIui and bright. 1He is stilI in a cast. Several chimney fires have been r",,porteýd from the, burning of soft c--al, brt theuse wer11e not serions and s'a the lir>e departmient was not eali- ed Out. Peop)le b'uIinIg sofit coal are a'dvised to see that the drýafts are not opened wide on the stoves and that the pipes are cleanedou every week.ou RADIO REPAIRING New, modern test equipinent el abIes one to make fast, dependal r.pa1ir to any mnake of 1radio. Clu RKnox, 42 r 2, Orono.t PARK ST. UJNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Littlewood put0or Il a.m.-Worship. "'e Living Chureli at Home." -2.30 p.i.-&muda~y School. 7 ,.in.--Woslip. Illustrated Lecture "The Living Church in Africa" "etra littie witli iEonesty than: a large încorme with in- justice. Pr&erhs ile tf. - 1928 inclusive, and who did nDot previously undergo medical examination under the Mlitary Call-up. Mca actually in the Armed Services are exempt under tItis order, but men discharged fram the Services, net previousiy snedicaiiy examined under the Military CaIl-up, must Inow register. A. NIACNAM-ýARA, Director, National Selective Scec8 The l Miýssion Band and -Loyal Tem- perance Legion held their meeting on1 Monda,; afte,,noon 'with a goodýj at- tendan ce. Choruses 44vtre give, by rhe members. A quizz contest wa> 'éd by Miss _McDowell and a Tenu !oerance contest vas taken part i iby quite a Iunmber ol members, a which four 'rzs eegiven ,tO'thi jUniýors anid four ta the seniors by the W..T.U. MNrs. Il. Walsb; gave a talk On Fiancils Williard14. At the (1l"se of the meetinig fruit U~c ni cookies were served. WC, will be cerre(cting oui- malling1 list nlext -week. Somne labeýls- have te, be advanced. 15 yours one af them 7 PLAN TO ATTEND E DURHAM COUNTY'S ORONO TOWN HALL Saturday, March 13, 1943 ALL GRAIN EXHIBITS WILL BE SAMNPL.ES OFSEED FOR SALE Interesting Afternoon Programme Ail five bushel lots Reg-ister-ed S,-eedl and Potatoes to be sold by auction A Good place to make arrangements for your seed grain requirements WRITE THE SECRETARY FOR PRIZE LIST AND PROGRAMME J. Hl. Forder, President, Crop Improvement Assoc. E. A. Suimmers, Secretary, Crop Improvement Assoc. O. Cowan, President Durham Cenrtral Agricultural Society IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1. WALLPAPER New Spring Papers are now on display. Priced from per rol loc. to .. ...... 40C. Also a few remnants from 4 te 8 roll lots. DRESSES Spring Dresses are in 110W, one and two piece styles. Priced from $3.95 te ....... $15.00 Ilamburg Steak lb. 30e Whyte's Pure Lard 2 lb. 37c. Fresh Pork Shioulder lb. 30e. ROUND Steak lb. 40e SPRING COATS Ladies' Spring Coats in good smart styles, made from imported tweeds. PRINTS We had our Prints shipped early in order to have them. Priced 1yard Fresh Ham lb. 35c, Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35e. Crosse and Blackwell's M armnalade jar 35ce Old Hickory Soda Biscuits pkg. .22c. te 40c.i Cooking Onions 6 lb. 25ç. Robinhood Flour per cwxt. Vita-B Cereal pkcg. 10e. and 25c. Sirloin Steaki 43e 4- s k 44 s 4' -4 -4' 4' Q 4' 4 4 44 44 s 4 4 4444 44 1- 4' s k' 4; k 4 4 NATIONAL SELECTIVE SER VICE 0F SINGLE MEN .RED &WIIITE STO1RES SPEQIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUALITY IIIGIIER TIIAN PRICE Fresh Side Pork, in piece or sliced, IL.27c Pork Hocks, lb. i17c Fresh Ham, lb. 33c P9rk Chops Loin, trimmed, lb. 35C Fresh Pork Liver, lb. 15c SmaIl Link Sausage, lb. 24c Round Steak, lb. 35c Kraft Dinner, pkg. 19C AIl Bran, pkg. 23c Bulk CQeoa, 2 lbs. 25c Pearl Barley, 2 lbs. 15e Monareh Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs. 85c Alymer Vegetable Soup, 3 tins 29c Bi Carbon Soda, 4 lbs. 25c Loaf Cheese, 5 lbs. $1.65 Medium OId Canadian Cheese, ILb.39c BuIk Spaghetti, 2 bs. 13c J. J. CORNISH Dellvery every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. mornings "Single Men", referred te, now required to register include any man- bor a ii anoe of the yearo mention-ed, Ac& ha3 not previouslij bees, medically examined for the military call-ztp, awd described as follow,: -"-ýwho was on the 151h day of July, 1940, unmaeried or a widoweer evithouï child or children or has since the ,aid dfay beean divorced cir judicially separaied or become a wvidowver îihouit child or children." It is pointed out that any man unmarried at July 15th, 1940,O. eves if miarired oince that date, is .,till dlas8ed as a -einglema. Rfleistration is to e 'lmade on fermns availabie wiïth PostLmasters, -National Selective Service Offices, or Registrars of Mobilization Boards. Penalties are providled for failure Io register »DEPARTMENT 0F LABOUR 1 - 1