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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Mar 1943, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES The Orono Weekly Times 'Vstablished January, 1937. Pubilsshed every Thur-sday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Advertising Rates on'request Subseription, $1.25 Subseriptions t1o the United Statles, $2.00 Ail Job Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher THIE BOMBER PRESS IN GREAT BRITAIN (Continued fin page one) Food, and everyoue over there aeems conv'inced that lie bas dorue a mar- vellous job. In fact n'hat he bas doue is one of the big accomplîsh- ienta of the wam, for hie lias taken jthe worry of insufficient food an'ay frorn the people. They now kuon' that ai they have to dIo is to go to- storeý n'here they are regiastemed, band over tibeir coupons and the food wil ,b~e there. Even duing the worst of the blitz. Lord Woolton's department neyer failed to deliver tbe mýations. The eitors had a confemence -witbi te Minister of Food on Septemriber 4 16th, and -were greatly impressed with 'bis a1bility and sincerity. H1e extended bis thauks to Canadianis for- fheim assistance in feeding Bi - tain, and expressed bis appreciation for the restrictions wvuhich Canadians litad imposed u-pon themselves, la or- dem to hbelp Brîtain. Importa of food frorn Canada are -ap over 40 per cent. The Ministry r-f Food buys all that la imiported iuto ýBritain, sud oversees; the distri7 bution aud price. The -Ministry endeavours te main- tain a standar d of nuitrition, and te this end scientists are at work, all the time tryiug te provide a proper suppiýy of calories and vitarins througit substitutes. The nee-dsý of chilien and the sick, are especially provided for. Lord Woolton said, 'It is the children who n'ill have to dcean Up this mess, and tbey must gron' Up streng." Tihe rbeat way to niti morale, Lord Woolton believes, is to keep -thbe people n'el fed, and in thiis he is s uceedC ing iu a wonderful way. Canteens anid Restaurants Part of his :plan teo keep the people s well focd nas the establishment of rcanteens lantihn langer factories, the supplyîug of food to arnaller factor- ses, and the British Restaurants, sornetimes called 'Wooltoni's Res- taurants," te provide meals where santeens are net prac-tical. The ivuanhe-- of thesze restaurants nearlyý doubIed ln 1942 and the meais ser- yod arnount te a staggering figure. tater the Caniadian editors n'ere taken te some of these restaurants for- a mneal, and hand soup, meat and vegetabies, pudding and tea for a -bshiing and f ourpence. Most cf tilie G'ihelp la voluniteer. It is ne w'onder ithat tbere are non' neýarly '20f00 of r' these estatblishments. Une f actory canteen n'iceh n'e ~visited n'as :a miarvel of cleanlineas and efficieney, and ccclii serýve 1200 'meals lu twelve minutes. Changig the Public Diet Lord Woolton belie.ves tihat lie is Teri-i-anently ehanging the public ehet. The people are learning n'hat is good f or them te eat, and n'ill ooitinue to ea on ore -vegetaleIs and elieesû even afer pienty of aîl kinds üof foodistuffs will be available. Tbeyý are aIso learnin-g býow te prepanel food i hetter n'ays. The result of1 al! thîs la that tho health of the peo- ple is lbetter thýan it ever bas been before. As our conference drew te a cloDse, ene of the Canadian, editors nsked hlm n'a n'as goiug te happea after tiwar. Aflter a few m-omientýs of Y hotight, Lord Woelton replieid, "Weil I arn geing te have a niice, thiek, The Points Systen ;eSehlling food on peints -%vas design- ~ed prinmarily te control the distribu-] tie'n and suapply of foods widh are ,Det rationedI. Points for- certain foodý(s are raised ýor lewered as the available suppiy goes up or don'n. If 'onù lice is seflingl tco freeiy, tbý -rumiber of points necessary te pur- -Chase that foýod is increased, and the demnand faîls off. If some nen' food is avaibie, but is neot ýprovingl popular enough, th e riumber of peints is reduced. Ia this 'way the use cf a c2ertain brandý - f pressed ham n'as inicreased until lt but we'll get him tomorrow on some- thing else.", Between ùhe ationing and the points, the queues n'hich righit have eoea problen have beeýn ab- solutely eliminated. The only que- Lies which we saw all the tirne we n'ere in Eng-land were at tbeatres and bus stops. Threy tell a good story about the queues. At one timne if a shopper saw a queue she n'ould jOin uip, nith the idea that there must be some- thing good for sale. One day' a queue formed in front of a theatre and stretchied aroor-d the cornerý. A woman saw this long queue and joined u-11 at the Cend of it. After a few minutes she asked the man in front of hem, "WAhat'have hey got t odlay ?" "TFhe Tales of Floffm-ian," "Howv do you cook thern?" 'she en- quired. The-Quieen'si esener Lord -Woolton praised the wornen n'ho are knon'n as the "Queenr' s Mesegrs" an orgaunizatIon of wornen -voluniteers who ýgo inito blit zed areas and hielp- in thie ernergency canteens. 0cr beloved Queen is the head ef theoraiton Wherevei there la a raid whic!h causes damage, a mobile canteen n'ith some of the Que' Messezrs" is se-inimme- diately to feedc the people. These m-esseng-ers n'ith their food and chuee is proof that someonme is look'ing' af- ter, them. Shipping is the greatest concemu iiof Lord Woolton, and se e2very effot is mad(e to provide food that does rot have to be hrougt in Ibv ship5,, with the maiximumii- nutrition value. or to use the rnost concentrated food That Ia why powdvered egg-s are so vaintaible, for it iasaid that 80 tons Df dried egg-s are equal in food value to 2,100 tons of feedstuff foi T'he, imargarine is nron'so reinfor- ced with vitarinis thýat its nuitritive, v-alue, is equal to that of butter.. At ou(, ýhotel, we suspected by the qujan- tity s'erveud that it 1was margarýine iastead of butter, -and on .enir(Liy weý were righit. We poal often were served margrine -witlhoutkoin Hotel meals are lîmited to three courses and the priee ceiling is lirve shillings, but la sorte cases,ý ser- vice charges are allowed. At our, London, hotel, the ýprice of the dinneri was five shlillingÏs, but, the serviý7ce ,charge n'as seven shillings aiid six- pence, and a charitge for the orc(hestra n'as two shillîings and sixpenice, bringing t 'he cost of the mi-eal up to flfteen hilng. Hocwever, thýes servicechre are also under r-egu- lation. 'Whýile Britaini's dieýt bascane and maniy itemus of' food are diifficult ýor ipsil to dbtain, Br-itisb ipeoý- pie have suffieient wholesomne fend. thnnks to Lord Woolton. It is no wonder that everybody admuires the job he iýs doing. IN SPITE 0F CROCKODILE TEÂRS SHED BY EDITORS 0F, CITY NEWSPAPERS FOR OUR POOR FARIMERS It is beginning to dawn on sm of us Omono so called white col- lared'" class how much smarter, more efficient. labor saving and hetter finance ministers our farýmer's are than we are. In the past fifty or sixty years only tbýree ýbusinessmïnen in Orono, have saved enough mi-oney to retire and they had to wait until they were seventy to eighty iyears old to do so, whilýe in the same tirne there have been bundreds of metired tlarmeTs move into Orono hetween fifty and sixty years of aýgpewith ten t-o fifty thousands of dollars in gev- emaiment bonids. Somnelao savers are more effi- cient than otbérs. One day w1hen Fred Brimiaeombe and Fred, TrutlI -were in the barbershop, Fýred Bim- acomýnbe was asked if he was milking any 3(ows. 11e said he n'as just milk- inig ouie and that- what they didn' use themselýoves they fed to the caîf. CANAD IAN Fred TruIl said. "I have yen beat, we jusi lhave one con' and I take ont a1 pitcher anid imilk what we want and Jet the caîf do its own iiilking-." ,Recently Htarper Carscadden was. tellinig Perce. LuIinn nhat a soft turne h as runniing 'is ïhardware sýtore. Perce. -told im iithat ýhe would tmade everythîng even anid that Har:- per could: take charge of the hardl- ware storýe immediately anýd that hie oudgo out to Haniper-'s farn at o)nce. The deal fell through becéause Perce insisted on trading bank ac- counts. Then tbere's Jaek Big-elo'. 1He bas two farrns. In the spring lie gees to Toronto, buys sereral car- ioads of cattle, n'atcbes them cnat raFss all summner and wben fal .co>mes and it gets too cool to sit on the verandab he sellsalal the cattle and moves la beside the kitchen store until the next sprîng, cutting interest cojpIons off governmentî b)ondsIaIl wînter. The governent neyer nieeded blue sky laws and a security commi-iission to prntec't the Oono farmers. Sev- eral yeams ago an oil stock salesnman tried to seIl George Laing seme oul stock. Georg-e teld himi "If 1 want any oil stock I1 n'ill have it printedl myself." Western farmiers are gettinig ea bonus to gron' wbeat and a bonus ntto grow wheat, and aIl farmiers m-eceive a milk boýnus anid hope soon 1or a beef bonus.Famr are nio donbt ýsmarter than a s se called "White collared" cas'-com-parisn proeves. J. E. A. -0 HOW TO RECKON CANNING SUGAR 1. Decide hojw many sealers you wîluse for canned fri and hon' many-for jam anid jelly. 2. Write the number of quarts of canned fruit aind nuasher of quarts ,of jam and jelly on your application for canning sugar. 3. Multiply the nuinber of quarts of canuiedfruit ýby M2 1h. of sugar. 4. Multiply numnber of quarts of j'm and jelly by 11,'L bs. of sugar. Add thle answers tog-ether and you have the total numIber of pIounýda cf sugar yen n'ill need. Write this nuriber on your appli- cation feor céanning sugar. RED CROSS G~/IEamae4#*9 l9e?êtae4 Classified COMING EVENTS Corne cut to the St. Patrick's Evening in the town hall, Orono, on Wednesday evening-, larch l7th, un- der the auspices of the O)rono Wo- rnAen's Institute. Mr. C. R. Carveth will show his slides; local talent contest; dIraw on a qulît; lunch -and a social hour, ail for the admissioni fee oï 25 cents. Proceeds rwill go for wvar work. Everyone -nwelcome. a-8-c. FOR SALE Quantity of Hay. Apply to Geo. Butters, Or'ono. FOR SA LE ,Six WNhite Pekin Ducks, last year's birds. Apply Arthua Tho-pý-on, Phone 6 r 18, Orono. asp FARM FOR SALE Sixty acres, Lot 30, Concession 3, Clarke Township. Apýply to G. -W. Bowen, Orono. a-8-p. FOR SALE Four Milch 'Cows - One Jersey, two Durharns and one Hereford, due in about oee onh W. E. Armi- strong, Orono. FOR SALE One yo.ung horse, weight 17041 libs., 1 aged horse, no reasonable of- fel* refused. Wilshing imminediate sale, have no mo)re use for them, W.J. ffail, Orono, Ont. b-8-p. FARM FOR SALE The Estate of the latLe Wmi. F. Patterson, Lot 16, Concession 8, Clarke Towniship, 125 acres (more or less). Water on the premises. For partîculars apply to J.oseph J. M.el- bmr, O1,ono. c-10-c. GIRL GUIDE PRESENTATION Special open mneeting of Orono Girl Guides,, Presentation -of 2nd CLasas Badges will take plae" in ~Park Street Sunday Sehool Ro'om on Tuesday evening, IMarch 16th, coin- rnnigat 8.00 p.m. Mrs. llobbs, Girl Guide Commissioner, of Osh- a'wa, will maÀlce the presentatLion. There will also be a demonstration of Girl GuÀidewok pie making- con- test and enrolling of Tenderfeet. 'Corne out and see what the Girl G~uides are, learning. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be reeeived up to noon onMac 20th, 1943, for the late Jo'seph Rolinso,ýn property west side Main Street South, Orono. This is a nice home overlookingL. our beau- tiful paik, five room-s, recently shi-n- .gled, cernent cellar full size of *ouse, fine well with iron p.ump, -woodshed. Open for inspection, or consuit the undersigned. Term'is Cash. llig-hest or any tender not neces- sar ily accepted. Dater,- March 4th, 1943. J. E. RICHARDS Orono, Ont. Executour. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F JOSEPH ROBINSON, late of the Village of Orono, in the County of Durham. Newsman, deceased:. AIl persons having dcaimis against the Estate of' the said Joseph Robin- son, who died on or about the 12th day of July, 1942, are hereby noti- ied t0ý send to the undersignied Exe- cutor, or bis Solicitor, on or beforec the 3rd ay of April, 1943, their ramies and addresses and full par- ticulars of their dlaim-s and the nature of their securities (if any) held fix, thern, dufly verified hy statu- tory declaration. Irnmediately after the said 3rd day of April, 1943, the assets of the said deceasedl will bc distributed amiong- the parties eý,ntitled thereto, ha-vin- regard( only to the claimis of 'whieh thle Eicecutor or the undfer- sdigned Solicitor shah lthen have nlotice. Dated at Orono this 8thi day of Mac,1943. J. E. RICHARDS, Ovonto, ont., ~Executc>r. R. R. WADDELL, Oronio, Ont., Solicitor for the Executor. W.A. Pot Luck Supper A goodly number attended the "Pot Lu& " supper lield in the base- nment of Park St. (hurch cn, Friday Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYS'IGIAN and SURGEON Office ilours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.irn.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.rt, PHJONE 47r1 RN VETERINARY, Wilfred W. Sherwin B. V.Sc., VETEÊRINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile ani Liability orono . - . Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctic>neer and Valuator Conduct8 Auotion Sales ofai ie and ai reasonable rates.. Co.mnicate with hini at P.oet Perry, Ontario, or see hi$ Olerk, L. E Morton, at Orono, for date. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmanville. Day 480 Night, 734 &-id 573 Oronc, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furnture Store and Modern Funeral Service In Durham Our Serývice-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWESTýï- Our Price--THE LOWEST IMORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO E. E. PATTERSON Insuirance Agency FIRE. AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING >some of the Largest, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada 'Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared to quote you rates froin 40c. a hundred, according to classification of Building Phonpe, write, or better still, caîl. I will ho pleased to quote you rates un your property w-hich will sur-prise you. üý.& ý. ýo evening of last week. Rer. S. Litîtlewvood-, who offiiated as chairmanm. attributed the response to two things, narnely, the desire of folk for a social friendly get- togetlier, and the prospecýt of a tasty meazl. Both factors were realized iii larg-e ieasume, and a splendid pro- gramime was included to comiplete the e'vening. Vocal selections by Mr. Richard Morton, comm-iiunity siniging7 eonducted hy 2Mr. Morton, piano duiets 'by i-Mrs. Rosboroughi and Miss Edith TrulI, forned the first part of the progranme, The O. C. S. Commencement play, "'Elm-ier and the Love Eeg"g' was re- ceived -with the sanie warmi enthus- îasmi as that whieh marked its ori- ginal offering. Mr. Ernest Hamm' dirýected organ- iz'ed gamies after the programmnie. The proceeds for the evening exeeed- cd tbirty-two dollars.

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