THE, OROINO WEEKLY TIMES CHARLES TYRRELL Prescription Orono Tinshopi This Week -MOVING to store formerly occupied by Ted Woodyard R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR. Centtre St. Orono Phone 30r16 Ail reiewals have been changed on-~-o list up to ear-ly Thiursda,-y iiiorning-. See that your label was rohanged. Specialist Phone 68, Orono Red Cross Mleeting The r-egular mi-ontbly meetinig of the Orono R -ed Cr'o ss Branch iwas Leld on Thurslay afternoon of last week with the Vice-Pr-esidenrt, lVirs. W. E. Armistrong la charge. There wsa good attendýance of quilters and sewers in spite Of the stormly weather. There is still sonte sewinig to be done on the last quota,. and a new quota w 111 soon be asked for. The finance commiittee bave been working bard org-aniziag ouri-terri- tory for the National Dr1ive titis miontb and canvassers vvill be calhînig on everyoae sometime drîgthe mlonth Of 'JVarch, Indirect messages from Win. Muir, Fred Wbittaker and Wilfred Bîgehotv -were - received, thanking the Red Cross for Cfiristm-as boxes. Ia spite of Damie Rumour or enemy propa- ganda, we have heard front twenty- four out of th e thirty-txvo boxes sent. All the boys are so pleased to receive these parcels frombhorne. RED& WHJTE STORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUALITY HIGIIER TIIAN PRICE Washing Soda, 2 pkgs. 1 7c Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs. île Serub Brushes, each 20c Whitîng, 2 Ibs. 13c Sunbright Javel Water, 2 btles. 17c Brooms, each 59c and 95e Wonderf ul Soap, 5 bars 18C P and G Soap, 4 cakes 22c Thrift Soap Flakes, large pkg. 35c Fresh Side Pork, lb. 27c Shoulder Pork, lb. 29c Pork Chops, Loin, trimmed, lb. 35c Fresh Ham, lb. 33c Dry Beans, hanci picked, 4 lbs. 25c Robin Hood Flour, 98 lb. bag $2.9.5 Quaker Puffed Wheat, 3 pkgs. 25c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 33e Canned Pumpkin, ehoiee quality, 2 tins 25c Canned Tomatoes, 2 tins 25c J. J. CORNISH Delivery every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. mornings Local News Sergt. Pilot Ronald11(1 Patterson, of Brampton, is sp)eni ngii a few days iii town.' M r . . H a ttd i e P a t r o , t a w , i visitinig with Mvlj. anid Mi S. R. R Miss MroreSîsson, of Whitlby is visitin g b ler g randm the Airs Mary Sisson. Miss Jeanine Forrester, of Tor- onto Normal, spenit the week-end at ber home( here. Mr. and( Mrs. Wesley Lageerý spent the wee ndwth IMr. and Mr". Wal- ter Wicks, Toronto. Miss Adele _Mortoni, Toronto. -peit the week-endl with bier p aren ts Mr. andMrsý A. E. Mojrtoii. Mr. and Ms E. Patters-on and son Jim, of Newcastle, v'istedj recenitly wvith Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson. A inumber fromi Orono wenit to Oshawa on Wedniesdlay nigbt to give a blood tr-ansfusioni to the Red Cross CliIIic. Prof. Tbomiipson, Ms.Tbompson and I famuiily, of Torýonto, spenit the we k e d at thleir M ilîvale ho meu in Mr. Harold Aln of a military bard in Kingston, was, in Orono on Tuesda(iy, visiting bis brother and Private Sidtne-y York, of Kingston, spent a few days this -week with bis wiffe, also 'bis parenits, Mr. and Mrs;. York. iMilton Morrris, w'ho is iiow iri tbe R.C.A.F., spent the week,1-enid wirb Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris. Milton says bis next move la toa Britis'h Columbia. Last wveek our towa dlock went on the rampage, strikîng at any time. This bias been remedied by Mr. Hariry Mercer, our new dlock repair- er. !Mrs. H. T. Turley, of near Ot- tawa, spent a few days last xeek witb bier mother, LMrs. Jas. Dickson, and lef t on Sundlay for Belleville lii er busband Nwbere tbe-y wihl Tbe World Day of Prayer will be observed in Oronio on Fridiay, March 12th at 3 o'cloek in the United brc.A special invitation is g'iven to aillite \womea of Orono and Mrs. Dave Noble who la spending the winter witb ber, daugbter, Mrs. MclElrocy, in Peterboro, is not ln the best of bealth and( is confined toe ber bed, ýbut the hast report says she is gradually recovering. Thýere L hmoney in eggs if you lui w j st 1how to m ake hbens ý lay. Herb. 'Murray told us that one day last wecek he gatbered twenty-seven eggs from tbirty liens, and bas bad a goodi percentage al wînhter. Wbo can better that ? Mr. George Butters r--eceived a let- ter frombhis sister at Holimieschapel. Eng-land, informing himn that ber uncle she had lived witb'i had passed awaty ix January, ilso their father on the samne day. These brothers nges woul be 90 anid 91 years. We are informied that somne people are woridering if tbey are gOillg to be canvassed ln the Repd Cross Drive as to date nio one bas called on tbemr. Owing to, had roads the canrrassers bave been haimpered by 'bad roads, IhutI'efore the montb la out everyoneu ira this district wihl l e called upon. This vicinity was struck *by the worst snow storm of the wiater on Saturday Iast. The stormi did not last as long as other stormîs, but -while it last7ed it wvas severe. Witb ai ligbt snow% falling and the higb wind it -was impossible -at times to see a few feet ahead out in the open country, The Purina Food iCo. g-ave a dem- onstration in tbe Orang-e Hall ore eveninig last week, sbowing the re-, Sults acbieved by usîng Purina feeds. Slides were sbown on a ,scree-n sbowing stock 'before tbey were feed Purina f ood, then other pictures of the same stock taken montha later after using thîs food, Joseph Robert Ruddell, of Les- kard, pa'5ssed away a-t tbat Place on Sunday, a. 7, at the ad'vanced ageý of 82 yrears. He was bora n in Canada, of Germ-an dec-ent, aad lived iii the Township of Clarke for 33 years, and at one time was a fre and market gardener.. He is sur- vived by bis wif e and t-wo sons, one at borne and the other in Oshawa. Ci-ook-ed Creek Home and School Clu~b will hold their annual dance in Newcastle Conmrnnity Hall on Fri- day, Mareh l9th. ýCharlie Hanni.. gan's Moun'taineers; sonpgs by Jim- mie DocJbson. Modei-nand square [dancing. Admission, 50 cents. jRkeshoýre Homie anASchool club are ho0lding1 their A ninual Dance inà jNe W castle C ommunil i ty lHall on Thui-4aY evenirig, M rb11th. Han- nig,fl's Orchehstra. Mdmand Uld- T-ilnW Dancing, Admiission 50c. Lass week-'end we received a let- ,ter fom an ex-pupil of the sehooi report 'Of 1900 whieh- we published 'a coyuple of weeks ago. She informns uis that several namnes were m-iissinig from the lît, viz. Mrs John D). Brown (nee Nellie Tainblyn), who she cail accourt for as bein.g vr witb tonsilitis, but the ex-puipil wouldlike to iknow wby Fred Sisson and Hofward McComb (Nibs> weite absent and if tbey could give a goodi reason. A fair-sized congregation attendecb Park, St. United Church on Sundlay evening last to view the sîldes or, Africa. These wrere very interesting, sboYwing the advancement made in the living conditions in some part- of that buge country, and also that of sonie parts where living condi- tions are far behind. These pic tures are weIl worth seeing, and are very interesting'to the people of Canada. in1 seeîng how the natives of somne of thiese countries live. DEATHIS COHAPM-,tAN - In Orono, on Wed- niesdlay, March lOth, 1943, Louesa E. Thornton, widow of tlie late Isaac *T. Chapmnan, aged 77 years. Private funeral will be heldi fromi ber late residence, 'Main Street, Oro)no, on Friday, -March l2th. Service ait 3.00 o'clock. Interment Orono , Cemectery. Please oimit fIow.ers, RADIO REPAIRING New, miodern test equipment en- ables one te make fast, dependable repaire to any make of radio. Chas. R. Knox,, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. PARK ST. UJNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Littlewood PastoT SUNDAY,, MARCH 114 -"Christs Comimission Uni- versai." 2.30 p.rn-.-&tunday School. 7.00 p.m. - Repentance. "When hlf e bas the qualîty of love it is the worthiest thing- in the world." A R M STRO0'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 COATS Imported and C ana- di an AI] Wool Tweed Coats, nice- ly tailored. Priced $25 .00 to ...*. $45.00 WALLPAPER Before buying your Wallpapers, see ours. Priced. . 10c. to 40c. I{amburg Steak 30c. Large Juicy Oranges dozen 39c. Rolled Pot Roast 30e. ROUND Steak 40e. DRESSES New Spring Dresses in 2-piece and 1- piece. Priced at $3.95 to ...... $15.0 SHOES New Spring Shoes, in Pumps, Straps and Oxford, .brown Black, Tans. Priced $2.65 to ...... $3-95 Fancy Cakes 25c. Rob inho00d Oats Giant pkg. 25C. Fresh Hamn ILb 35c. Sirloin Steak 43e. Fresh Side Pork 30c. Sausage 2 lb. 35e. Large Lemons 3 for lOc. Interlake Tissue 3lfre ~eI~ f 's NERE 13HOIX TO DISPOSE Or TATS AND 130NES The Meai Dealers oi C--ada -ý a patnolie are co-ooexating wý',h *,e Gcvernmeiil in this aU-imp.ýt.nt ýar ork by i-is coE..ýti.n faýilîUe.. N- you e8--ý diýp-e 01 your Fat. und 1BOn.s in ýny 0ýe oi ihe IcElo,,ijng ways: eA É, Umm__ _e 1. lq 2 ME FROCErDs over to y-r 1-al Volýýtyy Sdý.gý C.,uniitt.o a.dýi.. to a !.cýi W- C'h,.-ity. TOU C;tili COi.TIYVUI-1- pl.c, oat your §ats ý,,,i B.-S f.r by Y.ur Sireet CIýaamq Dp.,i-ý., w1àýre s-h a sy.t.- ùq i. ..ý3t..c.. 1 YOUR F4EAT DEALERS -îli p.y ýou the establi7hed price per p-nd for ýour ht drippi.g and ,orýp fai. Y.. c.. keop fIùs -o..y for y..rsýIf oý YGIU CAM DONATE y.- Fat- -l 13-- to your local Voluntary Salvage Cominittee in any place wh.r. they c.1loct the-, or - Eezy SPý.ý1.1 of drippijl -ery pi... ýf fat ý.d ev.,y b--, o.kýd, un- c,,.k.d, or dýy. aave ý l"s ý Clay-'o-day j'l' yo-ý -all ..d ..i-potaýt, 11-t -1-- 0-- 0 ... e of fat driuping pe, person p,, w-k ýih giv- -1 36,000,0(J of Pa" oach year for 12edla",14«à - !ý &«Fpad u4f eeý,a41 MIS CAMPAIGN IS FOR THE DURATION OF THE WAR RTIMMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERI