Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1943, p. 2

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Modern Etiquette By RobertaLe caos for gifts of crytal? auger i alttr M. ouid ithoba tst fr mnto eaiatulxed o ýr dinnr" jacet te a formai diner? -%VWbat i t'ne correct atr nng affait? day, shou,'ld IIe give lm a gif, Jf lie la nvrgivonlirne 6. Wliat is thle corect ayt est coleryl Answers L. The fifieeUhanvrs anger1evû eerbaily,, but cin a lettor it stansîus1a ermanen -wîo z7ites sud leterrt it mauy, "lany tises. Yes. Unless lie lias forsm voin res i slolboe first te b eC)gin iM finges and ite nto utbssl, Rhyme Ges'Plastic' Plastie lpiyngcards unow,aMd pSti c liair bruhes; tle new býaby ne!xi doù-rsîeeps in a plaustic sudhMotiser Goose i"S due? fer je. vision. Tliere was a plastoi iai, Ti a nobby -plas5tic e He found a plaýstic nýicikel" B-eside lsicsie 'She wore- a plastýic blous, And tley botî lived hIapp-y fil a ittie plastic ilus. Platcs rîai edatefri 1868, -wlein a prtintoÉr md u ladbal eout o'f gum campIflior, geod as ivorp in everyrepc butW on. ucoliin it n- oerbail it epoe.-New YenA Tiss fois Hlmas IEuropte The inter-Alhed Cemnte sadrecently tisai, on Èîle ass o persns ld beu mudereiluo- supied Europe. "The fiure aemsty er- isan se tise extento e letoi11 of humais L'rad suffaning is onlY- tee said. "Deatî itîe bards e Ge',staqpo agents aenover eval ad andaccurateIformain ià difult tYe obtin." The cosmnittee Said 2,50O0,000 persus ad on xecuited orld d Pohis cnceain caMps, and 7144,000 ad beon exe- end is Yugoslavia. Otîer totas include: France, W4 and lustensborg, 129. The fguesdoinet incluePc Y zîo"ISulosinaadOt e i weewia ut i'n seprisul for sab- 1t Cgoo re-ýs i s týi ce ThLe Calm -nCorura,,ýge A n nalofmer ladgon dowu an mprtat essgetocoicue wîtmoi ely te l apane ta.Ho was teho) pckedup n tise quyb ooba u taken e île arshîp île naaofieai île bse cain -aiislut-put-put or a mtr whoaOn teered andmaîînedOS steaFd 01tnin1a butz, ieWr in chrgv rpeid-e leo-ie r. Tis il te î oit l wnrhi, aiadfor him 1ind Iuh ls bckrigît tîrough tîli wort efihe bsîes %wte loiok île duty lu Strida mtenrworryusg about bomihs eor RETkURN 0i'F THE RUSSIAIN Onl beskinns em ii tegreet hijlm1as a soldici ftie d ýy eunst is hm ntw reaoî rm h azs hD rmai i c uureu is frons the Mrlio i mIe',s "O-e Day of-,, Wr,"v docu pnnayfln o snledy nth any fronts of Rus i sfle y10Svets1irpoorpes Thereporter pouted v apair of black cces Iead.t get île dliap toLusay anwwod? Mc(emoyed by an three me's workfor one ma3n s Money, and sîOw I Emploer: icannla gie y* dtabut Ufye'lltoli me th, nanies of the ihen wa re l'iliss j g., lAd be reoed a stis stopped a ceuutr yoel ad - quir ýed thîm ih w t'aOef tine vla e)I ýl!- TLe kelpboutîngarl direc Joe îleoar, t I "HlamWb geerl leuoledget e ecl ler ske4 i as emer thme caacoM, ei in l Lîttýie, Boy: "1 nuet MI.Joe 1%bout o ythi gan li cald paa awikn7 nccoeri did nsdltie pt a t t Joiesto" matteBoy: eItcunle lm an od cetpdeadtîe oobl atA Rlm.ï "Hey Mom~' xclaine th uIl îytugig t i mUBOUTiers liaD iAu'î th titis, dIa~ ail feund n Cong'e, lad rpidutiknl "Te irhivry!" lalldng ta for a 'W!Moe hour a% the gate?" aaed cMr. Simpson. "That -was M,n. Smih;,h hýadli't tiMe ecre n"n. plid hio wif By Anne Achley ly? dry ucl. hsi tretn S hlas been expood0te cair and sunlight. Q. IHow canJgioashnn appoaranc e Acak cig ,A. If buterisuninrdeta the cîgfor, the ýacat, ithe calte and then put it Sin te ovon for a fewmiue ihtedo o)pen. The frwstinlgwilI hvek amoiishnyappenue. la heome very rusty? and le'ave fOora day. Thon elis brc ldsahidhever Youmapc te haye niand, ciY i , Q;SOPE D leasfo, ciee Hi ee,o,erStop~5 e eiski u! lu ose!eig cess hua coliqLd 145 . Hwerpio, rasls stiles SeheiriWie- dTnyetepg es îeg.e iloîsîaeirae se.s eu rgiî today forD.D.D. PIIfSCRtPTTON Lymoids' Quick cto *«LYMOIS are easing to thie tsranid relieve the hacking cough." Se riesa Tretoresident. ýTfat üuusolicitedý testimonial is supported by theuisauds of therý sufferers from throat ia imentswhe have found quick relief with LY GDS Use LYMOIDS for thro at ir:ritaiosas- nese suId ceughiug. Its blend o seohin medicinaloilsehuld L'riugeucrle.L- Ifyecr cos , eetles, NEVOU woea IundcFede of thousausi e 11kbl elped. Fôllow lael Ie- tiens. lMaeila canadua, Q. What eau I use as a sub- stitute wlen wax As nt availabl fo afio-r it s ehousd)o daucoisg? A. lPow der" rx ay h amseuad willprove a coud sUh- se M td. A. if pssbl,csrve h de liel thesseves.Netonly de île ettce iltafter îedea îglias bien onit for ny ent eft he ut pel bve se snany7 difnu deas la jregard te salad Important Peanut Tluuee huedcommercilped ucîs arae l"'a! rs enus BABI CHICKS HYBXIIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR aiso popular purebred . Complete iist, ail agès. Faiisicw Farms, St, Marys, Ontarjo. GAYWOODS Q O A L i T Y CHIX. Queiity at reasonabie prices, Erco catalogue. immediato deliv- cry. Pîoduced hem our ovn blood-tested s t o c k. Gayw ced Faim, 2,Iount HamilI on. EGSS ANU PO1LTR~ ARE NOT among the ratiooed goode. They are needed iii unlirnited supplies -here and overseas. Make your fleeke resti front linei's, eveîy hen a war worker. Dont wait tili thc la~t minute to order wh'it ~s OU want of chicîts, cock- rda, capone. Give a second choice to helo n ith quici~er de- livcrî. Iiray Hatchery, 130 John St. N, Hainliton, Ont. CRITIU ~L M E A T SIIOItTAG1î cootinue . Malte moor~ with Tsi ddlc ('hick Phe meat sit- uation je dcfîritoly serious. etany ectail butchers have closed up e sois for want oh meet to sou. 1h'-' "'îti'-'-'lt 'rîtical. Poultï3 ond eggs hase corne into their o o n. L'oth bring prices that si iii leave you ssortfra hile profits if 3 OU get the rieht kind of chicies end pullete IVe haxe the capacity foi hatciîing 01er 100,000 ehicies per wcek, but tbe tiem~~nd is realiy tremendous. Seîîd for Tweddle catalogue, aiso turkeys ùnd older pubIs. Speciai oi'îces on day nId, isso tend three Week nid stnrted cookereli. Tweddle liick Hatchcries Limitcd, Fer- gsi', Ontario, CHICKS WORLD RECORD PRODUCTION STRAINS - Chicies - large Leg- borne, Rocks, Reds, Austraborpe, Sussex, L -ghorn Rocks Susse-t Reds from Bnnded and tested breeders. Livability anteed. MARTIN CHICK FA~i1.MS~ GALI. BOOKS & NOVELTIES MEN! SEND lOc FOR WORLD'S funniest Joke noveity and cat. alogue of sundries, books and novelties, Western Distributors, Box 24 FWL, Regina, Sasie. COWS FOR SALE JERSEY BREEDERS B El N G OVERCHOWDED WE have a few purebred registered f ully accredited coWs for sale, high testers and excellent pro- ducers, Look them over and take your own ohoice. Bokarfarm, RH. 1, Whitby, Ont. FOOT IIALM SAUMEjî~Â{~ FOUT EALM destroys offensive odor Instantiy, .05e bottie. Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. FI~RS. IJIDES, WOOL S~P US TOUR 1-IIDES, FUR2O, Wooi, Horsehair. Top prîces, prompt returns. Peariman & Goidberg, 155 Iront Sti eet, East, Toronlo. Covernment Lîcensed Wooi Urading Station No. 22. Army bmberaare uing para- re edro0p ill ioncadIe p e This chute las t stnd île in- powen iaresauld,aieul îe gasfibrs are amosi as cfin an eîh s sHeL, ley cn stad Muny othr iues otfibeglass) whlae inet secre!tOn île sea cesfibre glass gz Oods are iused ln camouflage te Stand oxiremeý ise iture. TIe Naivy is uin lje fibre te cea on sie t isulig hourds uýsed iii warshipsý' inos This lus tneed eoughi aluinuin te ake 200 tourc-metordedbmbons, as tcglass reacesnunslating mnateruai that lad te ho sbeatlied wiih aluminu. Tise signal corps tisesfiL tee- plone cablJe . msade witl woeee glas,eplcnea idhgin are usig ail sort os a Leoce- ened wqi glass closl, sometises pure woeeu gass, sosetimes mix- ad or impreguaied ntom then mn- te ials Planes use île glass codfoi insulatýion aginsi cold. Tie glass unukes wamrmer Arîny barracks. FUEL WOOD W>ANTED got. Also iwod Stt f01 prtiulrsand lws rcs ing orieaîg regto 1us forinoratonW aeda t Illml teA V I--; T F 'i 11 Sei o 36fARE AN 11 EA LONGIVE ni ceae , wii tmbre, at ere l Ihncd, equripped ,2bodt mttaa, Ontario.S HAIRDRESS1.SHO LE iî NEAIRRE T( 11 CFE1o ehd nomto 0TOUS NI S HAVE -sEEN1 HELN.1- eImaen erbi wy.e hy1ot r.U Toor.nto. mabnery ibetC Soe Machiery Cmpan', 23St. iban Tcspri expebitite tout w0%k liep sd ints ntishr bhuknesin ofiestrctual onton Sls bM 75te 0 pe cen Tccangeson fr gg ale aine bukha te the gra bîa fro à c M ucwe u fler ae letgrin, wh -'jîie vrynie sm paescft ýI aetinîa celrias anbeodli utuîsdnat'aoc shws aned beeket or beu wheat at fir[st.Tsewrk t cange on languae on eery- antainges nd etdyii ec wleat !i] ahe bckat if a e troubled îthitin piles or crcta w iles .docolde- ly, r ieetsd u h nseo 971Pmoey FERSONAL ELîJAR COMING BEFORE Christ. Wooderfui book sent fres Megiddo Mission, Rochester, Ne-w York. I'HOTOCiRAPH 't DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 'lue Heai, Ram, or HidI HAVE YOUR SNAPS Dellvered hy Mail Aoy b or il exposure film perfectiy developea and prlnted for onl~ 23e, Supreine quallty snd fasl seevîce guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Statbori J. lorootu 10 PHOTO STAMIS 0F SWEET~ heart, Mother, anyone, ouiy $120. 100 for $2.00. Send 10e (crediied) for our literature and samples. Prairie flistributors, Dept. W PC, Wimmer, Sasie., Canada, REPRINTS MADE PROM NE{. atives le eàch. Eniargementa sîze 1 x 7 11e~ 5 x 10, .20e. Prompi mail service. Polo Finislsers, 424 Jarvis St,. Toronto. PATENTS & '1'RADE KAR1a~ EGERTON H. CASH, REGISTEREJI United States, Canadian, Erîtisls Patent Atborney. Bookiet graus, E~tablîsbed over forty yeîsra. 80 Baisam Avenue, Toronto. RAIIIIiTS FOR SOc I WILL SEND COMPLEIN information: breeding, hoosîeg, clipping, ma 'keting; Angora rab- bits. A, R. IClase 'n, Box 4, Ros- enheld, han. TRY [Tl EEISFEEIO RbeuKMat PansorNo2ii shouid tîy fionPReMdy TL%' Du toe 31Ega Ottaw. Potpaid $1,0 SARsUtITTECAN Iil usde athme A het n !,fth ;rc 0 ga.inorato RHEUMATIC PAINS

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