Nei'vs Over Radio Or ByI ewTae Newspaptr NewS Commend- edý by St. Thomvas Timnes- Journal7 li î TMay enmberCfP wpperon al emeuiatt abut haube f omes. hn Dotake tonpape i a day,u thee ae aec1,00,00 fome mhya sc e act epewabv 1palU--wcl i aoud hei;-t wu for ifr, wfftl evr~nu V1iaïds eple t Suce laon1a cer tise pepe cannt!Iear ti ecan Se tbhave n -lo rc1in es Besids wa s itic ec the raio mayflot e bar t il Buat 1beacws4p rin aupermweca oraxtîotb ced au lays b Wbt otavcth ada s os one eet lta btuen.em a last A ldvcc p oly tIe is peopieWatWas asno mse- peat t acnratiy. n thtwa, A Story (n the nancia over GHitiery felings naf thcaverage Amrica Oations elioti egins hlm. o C, I'm wvorking harder than, ever these ýýdsys. Have naoltime ta bc trou-bledc by con-stipation, due ta lacle Qf theý right kind of "bulk" la my liet. Tha-nk gcc!-!csa tbere is a sen- sbeway ta colrrect that condition - ,inteilof akn catharticsý bchoniy give eprrceif Wby nt try eatingKELG' AL RNc-very morniug aid sec ife this deliciou cc ceal does't heip Oct your KXELLOGG'S ALL- BRAýN, , drinak plenty of water ý. .. and dsavrfor yusl Mow=oapiy ouramd "coule"diM BRAN 1IAAvaabie a oconvenient, ses Et-aIlgrýccrs', Mdeby elogsin Loon0,ýiCsanada, *SERIAL SI-ORY BY RENE 'RYEiPSON MARI SAD DECISION C PERXVI It asa beakfor Phil anla Lctyth f rs caibreak te' A"rea f Phl's whlo had gone ouot to California m-tontbs be- fore hd lite lrgingPh Mil ta corn hee , t(Oo. He lbad a job F,! fo r lminan «airpline fac- toryv, and Phil could go ta ok --s soon a1s he got there at wages that ee 'd pbulous to hiim and LetMty. "Srn)f fthe other boys from the siop aret-- , too," Phili "Tom?" Enid ased witb sud- den alcress. PhýiýlIl ooke d at be i-,queecuyi"No Tom n flis;ted i la ,jthe rxy a 1monith go Did't you ko? Sh" knewhy had l ben o twen e and Tom. ItwasLetty whba eaved her' firmfuterliarsset, ber -add eyes rtadsig 'q mant you and Pop to corne out and,( visit us julst as en sw get setled, She wa cyn_ t egalntUu tbern.lie T! * Letypî,;dstuc. 3 sd W AR-TIME hos depleted the fin Miupply -so lassreplaices if. The doui!Dous flavouir and fine qujality romnain the samre as e KV aysý deosorving yaurchoice and preference, ERDWN BRANO SYRUF t On. o( th. feasýuy prcdvcts of TIt CANADA STARCH COMPANY, Limiltud NB-2 ISSUE No. 12--43 of myscit. You aud Pop ace goiaig rigbt aloag witb Ltt, ACali- formla winter wudle fine fo Pop, stil trail tcom it,ýs recent iliness, and Maie couhl PcuIp fLty get settîed lu beuw hom1e. Tt wol emucb bettes 'thanhav- wacî'yagb ber ber utaibout Of0fIcourse, 1t tafk Za lot 1mar e tik sd esuton ut that was the va iu ws isîaiy settlcd. Phill an (Lety were seliîng their fritrard tiîeymoveil lu with the Sharous while that was goa i.Enid ýga-ve up lier bcd- roauiîctath înd -tise twius, andl silpt ou the daveuýpo)rt iu tise liv- ir ioaivs. Little Anni's crib was iii there, toc. Sometimes, waking laitbe igbti9-d Enid wouid get up taeethtthie baby ivascavered, ail !drap a furtivekidss in theow \ny soIft pin-k fac, ucIadrteruy what sev-ies oil-g ta do w'henr Buit se id'tbae uhtinseA ta br'ood ae t.Teeweýre pcre, lst inue oing Luc--i redAndetaste e'uu wbenPun wcabe thei aesvtis tri s i es'5S tng tvtts u et s ssrokieng in tyise ite (ibesovinubel ed pinCts ritla. IDusti outise visgsonsi, aieure pon om's pctuce tare hreught o,,en otisesj' g nul bnsasi ans' t se toi-idn ro(_uld ber'i ebeuuacpyloutis ami lsmit p s anil Pop iscnd aseae she col i sec ticeowrea evepraise chosýfer, ud Tacoiu ovnyngit etaeL hec os n som Aso f ec ayvad tboughts bail tie Imge power ot coaut bi u tie ieis asevausered ts ns sudNthere as To, igger sudtI unItoc, grining toler.ný "Tom-t' sheg speai that was ail aions oid manage for bRatilsa mo eSh uatioabed Teresoiasat any mageun bis andingvea foru tse soiervtuese arnsary, udha wauc il vber ta' gowsbhlm.Hc'1d ticl a a ci, oes ee, ui apan silidfunsd. "Buaay- and daýshed iupstairs ta get ready, Tone dance Iwcs i the oft ofthe IoH ad oa GuardAcorylA Iattemnpt lhad een m iade tbi0 ts the îdingy ha1ý1l' y Ilooping pcoored strips of crepe papear from tlic afoers ta the walls, and caver- inig fthe eLctrir ,,ýlight býulbs wt shn1cs. The softened ligbtat- tered E i luthe ,caral rgand dance frokAtAthad been anceoA lier acaionpbchases, nd tl a tunity te ancar.To oked « appreciatvely,. Tt -wswt evident pridle th1at 1Enid J wnt you ta eet buddy at camp, Jiud Armstrang, Daisy ;Armsng was in loe Withý Tom. Well, sbecede e brsef, s1ehe ad no rigbAt t eet nte And ytshe w\as glad wben theý eveing waýs avec, glad wenTom-, apparcitiy oblivios ta Daîfs eniibgntment srfused an invia- tion to rdeaiong wit'r bcheAr- stroag,adbic aifrhm self and Lid. It was nice to be cane ith him intheintimnate dr Mes ,o the cab, Nice to feel is baud close over onre of ber ndpres it warmliy. Bu)lt beae no oe beyond that gestuie, Tetalked about 1bis iý !t'amp Re askcd lier t t e ta hiin. U,, si'i was darnecd lonasome so fae froin home, He lkcp"t the rab witingbile liýelntath le door itls Enid. 1"I doa't sup)posfe l'Il sec you again, thi tpe sasdas She fumbil)ed w iitb e te oo la the araes. "i go backta "Ob-wha time? by'70" He had be crfl te p bisditnealcnig ei- iously so, as if mece ca-suel7frýiead-, lness ws uarorpt n o bis own protctin. But, mm!bi voice chaugcd, "Flow aoaw nc Ittse kis- just fo od-tmessake 7" si bve. aea iteguu agin e se'zed un teo prct u scnldthnke k as te lio." Xdvie i TABLETALKS SADiE RB CHAMBERS MacaoniBatingFor ]Beef ndpekarepcmiy protein foils, bl.aaoi spagbctti and -egg noilles arc superricis in carbohydrates sud amc usuAly regarilcd as tise "en- ins sud tisat ith tise Aido comartivlyseau quantitis of the ebaper meiat ruts, or klett- over umeats, del1iciaus asud uui 'Iag on Ile -iliM a 1 seaIs usay "J e pJr- sd ggnoodies are ideal pni biteala thaeganeicfwa-rshor-t- agend nervea. CMpara tise coat par ,poul of yonrfavoite eatwitib( tise ot of a pouniloot macaroi, spaghetti or cgg noilies. Then gluce avec the fahiowing recipes sdscbow far thls "euery sold" Mill sterswben useilwith 1frýe o left-oývrnmeatýs, or chie-kea udý tisose erenaiy %yegeUt abie S. Thxrifty Macaroni Trea popsar anisis: w1½ 1C goua3 ef-vr et Pepper suJqýýd saita Gîýindmet ndad seasnin. watccor aystoC'thatl Ceoiacag wbcnmacaoun os'added. Ir gr a l hîusis aborbd es alalyer ot isa1îf thea- reaS oft th mýaaroni foritPe op lay3er. Caver wib bttereil brcad cu i1b S. 'Balte ii laoeae ve 4i god'erigs"Cs la lmoat Pusigificant.' la ar or i eae si le. spaghtti i- iupcoiel He hie-k'no, m Inced" if cup elerSîeyscde boeilig sai'te a. Dan u suile urplus lieid.reep spag-l lquid, thef acken SC, îsbreddcdQI ueyaued MAnbcan oued musrooiefi mis and 1111rok ch s-ieken, Cook lojI il fiture nes ive te é.int whch' paued tbehr n-eaketabla mixturun e. Sesa al itasitan ppp " Bud sp inie wit' Soy auce maltes unearaSarigs o Ond11vea raor WefS-uavnd eat may ho substitt fr th cbilte tnhort on colt: 2 eaingrus olleeggnds catiyof wer sa itha h irae largemd t flu pas, sud f1 utaatit b noodies cxtcniu aove te ie. sin Toacb unest(a buttr, In Thsudpeper ta teste Bakluboat(-ov11(, (400 adegres til eggs ae setlie O Io t S iûl f o f l t r at t e T 11e", l be ont tpes foralr .ounastil sdwasyreatLiy ta lien ta yonr "pe nteeavs." RSsest or r Ise or (,hanîr, Bu75 Weeea telde-S. trsy 17tbe lestsgestinof 0c- e)au guiltorregret for honoras Hia rd azs is thoîr life, teyloo tael exet!stje Fu1-or'telven paricuarî NzieffceS, sOl at thesa ýonclusàins.Tise linseîus Wounded Pigeon Remains OnDii Tbefrttdeo ago n v "ise trveci l a1liia hj bel o the crew tiat isuI 'rci madr a'ides ecnaueudng tise bird toc sîcue i pt i Tise ip-eu~s eak 'as a.i l tari awa vvbn aplac et ata relief from headaches, nrt;,ic pann'rlil a Caivan stçj 100 t iable t o ".pain, nerlga aid pai nfu sym7 p- .....tom-ls of Co , th y mend. « AspirÎi nowprcev f less than anrent Aspiriia ancoth fastest relefsTfro, pain ever kow.. ow o; y98C for l100 tabietslf Hurry. G Oct Aspiri-in the pcija! economy btte-at your dugs' todiay. Hours of welcomie relcfief maýr thils cost but a1 few penies, sýo nyon WA RNIN G ! se sure if's ÀsPiriD Aspiri is made iia Carnada md isthse trademrar1k. of The Bayer C, mrpassy, Ltd, If every tablet is f-lot sanp D ayer" , ~ , in thc formý of aý crossA àt is -NOT Aspirin. And IBAYE R don't ]et allyolle tell E/ you it is. g I j j