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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1943, p. 8

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ORONO WEI EAT -BRITAIN I'iiedfoni palge ,four) ie 11:1d a dstiguser- be last wr and wvas decor- the last, bhe re-orgaýn- yr outstandingwsIi s gailrfsin.l 92h nte euhecourt olfKn' ,hof epesn w ir fqua-rtevs pronl nld is uwSenior ý., and J'0dý> Advio- tus ,poýsitiý o he s atotybotLIr for- .e 'Canadin Ar ref'errcd to as "Fort 3Monitaigue." Net oniy Dunville and Winnmipeg, t'ut ail Caaas'houid be proud of situated lo ý toCnaalo'ý,se, was aLL place Liat the editoýrs frLequently v-isited(. On the utid ter is lit- Jet s.tstta it is a miitary,- iiiildng.Theentanc - s protected by heavy- brick buttresse-s, and in Inieail is h ustie adbuistie. Ju -isieteentne to the rig-ht 1,a the Public Relationis Office, in baref jovil Major Wm. Abels. Ma-jor Abels was P- Canadian adver- tisng xeutiewhio wenit to Eng- !ind some y--e Lar's ago to pplrvi ze a we1 ll knwn badof soup, previc,-1s - qy unklown ,in niad Hwwel hL ucc e is a story in itseif. Thie staff is made uip of a gr-and bnhofmni, inludinig Capt. Gibb, Lieut. Wm. Auistin-, and Lieut. A. M. Stirton. Lieut. Aust5in traveiled with uls, ard ioe fe us in a most fficent ay kurin-g most of the CURTAIN CALL when the CR0 omiso eithe itngof a Canadian opera, ie people iost concernied wýith its premliere were Sir Ernest 1Dr. Healey Wilan, w'ho wvrote theý music to Johni Coulter's d Abert Whitehadff, \who coýwdiieted thie choruýs. Ilere is a re- Eqiipment Private Ambulance Nor-thcutt and Smith Funeral Direeters and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS SERVICE Eunipped te take care of the modest fuiierai at the most reasoniable charge as welI as the Iargest anid most exacting Telephone: Office 668 Residenice 523 and 726 Telephone Collect Bowmanville, Ont. The World's News Seen Through 'HE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Dail> Newspaper Truthfult-Constructne--Unbîsed-Free froix Sensationai. ;m - Editoriats Are Timeiv and Instructive, and lüs Daiiy satures. Together with the Weely Magazine Section, Make ie M3nitor an Ideaî Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Pubiishing Society One. Norway St-reet, Boston, Miassachusetts Pr'ce $12.00 Yearly, or $1,00 a Mon-h Saturdav Issuje nctiuding Mgzn eto,$ 2.60 a Year. Inrrdncorv01iev. 6 Issues ?5 cents iNaie --- - - - - - - - Adýcdress -------------------------------------- sýix weeks we e oversýeas. W frepuentiy referred to hlmi as ouri "kýeeer and grecw to haive Ia very 1 hligh regard for Ihini. LimSt1, have I b'natyn",oruiel to llk after twelve èdito'rs vwith tweiLve iern t empeamentsfor six eks u "'Bi" nyerlet aniything ruffie hîs serne o.od lnature. Caiga--ry, was our potg)phramd 'boýth as a phlotogriaph"er andtrvl ling copa ihe wais "topsý." On our, first visit t'o CSIHQwe were takeni deep) into the basemrent where our ýphotographi)i-s -were takeii individualy for our *vrious passes. P-roha'b)ly the nmost isgifcnlook- ing pass we had was thle ont, iss'ued b)y the British Mînistry of InForm--a- tion. This b)oe our photographi and a ubrof sgaue.Thiat pass, we soon founld out, wouild work wocn- ders, andi take us nny place. On on- ccsnI was visiting somie rela- ives in a restricted area, and un- 'nw vl tried to return on a day wvhen on1y those hlignpirt ý11crdcouidtrvl That littie pass no't on'ly àaiiowc!1ed eon the tai, ut got mie onbor ahd of anyone TheRCAFhs its oýwr Pu'biic Headquarters in tanoe pat f London, ï,d1here lae 1Sq'adr-on leaders R. M nlns ad og'1er Jr- Win, 'and(lP. 'O. Clare, the liast a bin'g a travelling cnpno of ours for about three wee-ks. signs of the air rids, but on ait ieast one da1y durhrig the biitz, Gen- oraI _l MotaguLe's (desk wast ovee; thereIby !bombs hih anedin the neihibrhod.On onle aide 'f"'Fort Monagu" nw sand atemipora"ry one sterey builiEng rete on the- siýte of alag buildfing which was demnio1ish "ed . Aohe bombi auidd just across the street. Toda,,y thie bom'b scars in tche vicýiity are sporem or less remor11Ved even if repairs a,,ud replacements are not completed. In Britain tdaevery fit iman hob- tweon 18 and 41 has already been dirafted into thie Forces, 'unless irre- pla,,cea-ble in an essential job. Th e ag-e li as now be raised to 51. ENTERPRISE Mis. Wm. '-Halley and Oroni visitef hier sister, Mrs. Bradley, Whý'Iitby, on Friday. iVî. and Mrs. CîfodMoGill called on Mîr. and Mis. Cordon M4offatt on S unda y. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ord 'Curtis and ramiiy, of Pontypool, spont Sunday ,with Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Taylor. 'Mi. anid (Mis. Lloyd Taylor aaid Mr. 'Oreni Maliey attend-ed the hockey mnatch at Oshawý a on Saturday even-. -Mi. and lMrs. Than~y Scott and family, of coilunriis, spent Sunday with his sister, Nirs. Lloyd Rans- berry. > Mis. Leonard Alldlrend and -Mur- ray, of Bwave is s'pendiiig a f ew days vith 'ber parents, 'Mi, and IMrs. Johin moffatt. IMr. and Mis. Earl Gil'bank and famiiy an'd Miss Mary Hinton at- ten-dd the Lake 'Shrore dance in New- castle iast Thtirsday. Mis. Thomas Lewis and daughters visitf ber parents, -Mi. and Mis-. James Jlansb)eri-y on Sunday, Marie staying for a f ew d.ays holidaps. SINK AýXIS GONVOY LOAD UP FOR S0ME NEW 'OFFENSIVES itish cruiser mhich took panti the sumcessful night action agaiust ýýv, ,942-ammiiýun'itionig shYpen iretuin te harborsr aftor the battie. nyý suply sipsansd two escorting deýstroyers,, without ioss te itself wbhich s!e sunccessfully co)nvoyred tlire vast AlliedEpetini force te upotto bo,-th the 8tfi anid the lst Ariny la this theatre of war. past two weelks at hinie. Mr. and 'Mis. Vance Allen and 'MVadeloi, and Mr. Geor ge -Mererv spent Sun<ýday at -Mr. Wm. M-,ýercer>' s. A quilting- was held at thie home of .Mrs. Wmi. Merecron Tuesýday a f- ternoon', the ladies cquilting three smail quilts for the,( I.O.D.E. Keudlal is doing its bit toward thre Red( Cross Drive. The can va s sers 3or t1he 6th Line are, Mus. N. Keni- nredy, Misý. H. B.rrys. C. V. Coo01per; an for the12-villag-e, M.F. Stoker, Mis. R. B !)ock n11Ml Wm. ercr.For' the 1north etin Mis. R. Ellilott anld MsJ. Patton. Anoewho has ,beon missed kîiiyýý beave, their donaitions with any df the aboqve. W. I Metn Ilhe WomIlen's ILstitute m'et in thie IibraIry on Librar y I0th. iUs. Reg. Eiotte rsdet as ir char-ge. Tîhere was a gioof atten - once n'A. The meeting- opejied pnth th sngmgofthie ode, folowýed byihe Lord'týs IPrayer. Tire reli cail wais -Wht o duoili case of aniair raid. It was ovfthiat a sLLbscrip)tioin of $2.00 be seait to tihe British Chul- dren's War 'Service Funf an d $00 'bo the IBitýisli War Victimaý' Fund, the latter 'being th, esitof a euchre, dance and draw oni autogrýaih quilt. The subjeet for, the aftor- nOOn as "ursing" and -Mis. H. Mercer g-ave an interesting- and in structive talk on tihe care of the mothier>.ite quilis ,were on di.s- play. wIi'ch bave been quilted for the 1.0. D. E. A very enjoyable af- tern-oon was eicuded by tie sin- ing of the National Auýitheni. KIRBY ùMiss -Mildred Allen spent the week-endl with ber parents. (Mrs. Waiker anad lier daughter visited her-mother, Mrs. Thomfson,! this wee'k. Mi. and Mis N. Biadshaw,ý spent thre week-eýnd -withi Mr. and Mrs. Thompi-ýson. Mril, nnd (i.Basrwspent the week-end wvith his sister, Mrs. Isiae Chapmian. 'We regrett(i ~leara that,7is. lugh McXeivey is stili confiried to her bed thiroughl illness,. Mus. Lowery, Mrs. Makn aud Mis. Wm. Waimsan had quitings last week fo-r their respe.ctive groups. We are sonry teý report that oui neighbor, Mliss Allie Mari, is quite sick but we hope ah-e wilî soon ke better again. Mr. and Mis. John Brown have retuunied to their home in Osh- awina after spending two wveeks withi their- daughýter-, (Ms. Fred Grahami-. The passing of Mis. W\. T. Little and Mis. 1. T. 'Chapman lias hrought a sadness of heait to the commîunit, wvhose sympathy gocs out to ttiri hereaqved famnilies. I. Geýorg-e Elliott, of Saskatoon, Sask., whiocae:eas't to attenid the f'uneral of hjis brother, the late Mi. John1' C. Eliott of BowmI laniville, visited Ibis sister au boter n-aw Mr. Fred Bimacom'be, last weekl. On1 Frday 7, Ari 6lth, this cm muitY \vili hoif a dance and dîaw in OrIono. Four prizes aIre(,inIg -drawhn foi- at this dlanice: lst prize wili be a pig, and if yu idm't wvant Ute pig,. thonl the winner -wlll ho gi-ven the p-Lice of tire pig lui cash; second prize is a qulît; 3rd prize a cwt. of foeur and tihe fourth prize a biush)el of apples. The tickets are *now being soif at 25e a piec!e. Tis -ciancte and clraw is' for a woîthyv casto help along- with the Red Cýross la thelu work of mercy. It ia hocped by the comimittee in charge that hunr fieda of dollars -wili be real- ized at this event. Keep the date iia mjid(, Fr-iday, April l6th at Orono. Bils -wýli ho out at a later date. J w lia j th J Over 100 New and Attractive Designs. Let uq show themn to you R,ýOMeLOTS We have several roomn lots rariging in size from 6 igeto, 14 single rolis in Size at greatly redluced priecs. Ask to See themn. Agent for Jackman Flowers. Prescription Specialist Charles Tyrreil Phonte 68 ORONO, Ont. Ladies' White Taff eta,, Slips, posy patternied, Brassiere Top, Twin Seamns, sizes 32 to 42, each ..... ........ .......... ........ $1.09~ Ladies' Lace Edgedl Linen Handkerchiefs, each 10e. Zipper Bill Folds, genuine leather, each ...... 72c. Ladies' Full-fashioned Rayon Rose, sizes 9 to 10 1-2, pair ......... ........ .......... 75c. Ladies' Fine Mercerized Cotton Rose, sizes 9 to 10, per pair ....... ......... .......... 39c. Dytent for tinting or dyeing fabries, stocked in ail shades, pkg. ....... ........ ........ Me. Snow Queen Comforter Batts, size 72 inches by 90 inches, each .......... .........39c. Dominion Pure China Batts, size 72 inches by 90 inches, each........ ........ ........ 59c. Napthalene Moth Balis, large bag...... ..... 15c. String Dish Cloths, colored borders, each ... . 20c. Jig Saw Puzzles for long stormiy evenings, each....... .. ..... ..... .... 20c. and 39c. Metalarsal Arch Support, cushioned insoles, pr 20c. Kettle Knobs to replace those burnt out knobs on tea kettle lids and sauce pan covers, 3 on, a card, for ....... ........ ............. 5c. Pot Meinckrs, repairs smiall holes in kettles, pots and pans, 6 mendets on a card, for .......... 109e. Diam-ond "S" Flashlight Batteries, regular size, each ........ ............... .. Hammier aneMade of hardwvood, each . 15c. Aero Floor- Wax, large 1-1b. tins....... ..... 25c. Strainier Pails, madle of heavy tin, each .....$1.39 Bluie Lined Envelopesl, 25 in pkýg.......5c. Paper Window Shades (no roller), 3 feet wide, 6 feet long, can be tacked to any standard rouler, colors, cream, green and -white, each ..,..... 15c. Petroleum Jelly, large 1-2 lb. jar.... . ....... 15e . Whisks, colored llandles, each....... ...-... 29c. Fresh wholesome candies arriving every weekc. ORONO 5c, TO $1.00 STOIRE YOUR POPULIAR SHOPPING CENTRE 6,7ü00,00 women are alroady InLatire iuge raid on Cologne on Boys and girls are heiping in Bni- oî inl industry aud the nunibor - Mny 30, 1942, the bomb ors employed, tain. Seven out of every ton ho- 'onuting rapidiy. 'Hundieds of 'Ilad1 ar mor, ailybouýe xvhwiich nuubered over 1,000, were ail tween the ages el1o nd1Tr ewor-king part timie in Brîtaiin. B1ritîir arade. d'oing war work. COURTESY

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