Fishermen Defy Nazi umaie Edmun Gillian nveipea1k- gai.thoFaionls Auithors' lunchi- eo aPhladfelphia, to0f the pasucesfulcampaiga h y Germani ad Ca2,naisa dueep sea semn eaesThe Torouto Tlgai Pourpoe Ofthslitepbcie IMaeof totalwar: To e prve us ni-L5o rAlie's o!flOnc50,00-tn hi o halbnt, addock aud cod bhcorieýs intof"Goust- won!rf cdiyer.illgn said: off ic GandBns~sasd send for the aptan. lieyd tihm: "If weotiyou ,oufie, aai eb 'W n tat id't or, hec U-bc t' wouldsurfalce sdeny b o e v-to hot nd ivthe,1( c OW- 't fi1e o gfito they lteil-oCGrus wltà a ae Now the suIs surface snd fire rgto'.They evea go furtler. loag hult A thworinded Suul b rd àso -)t'at when ýa cret orges up an liccath sii conesin, rag- ging nef nclse to aiore uner thU poeto o! aval ipatrLs ,lias norlears GuesierbMass., 13e fisherme ernen wer ondered tnto thei Li 0a o h sracn preybh ourued. Te nAmm uuniîýtîini is Couptry's No. 1 W . . W Mr,-, Rauy Barnett, 41-year-old granmothrlias had to gie-p ure uC1 ralbit hnia She' oo bu' tet-fiing ifles sud ma- bie uns sxdays a -eek natfthe Aber~en -'proinggrouuld. la NowYork fbroadcasf a"' e'f- wOrrýLy - abou ý-t production esaete -,servicue1enover-seas, Mis. Bs neft was the firt wmaa reaf-firer at LAberdeen, is cthe enly gradnolir u he Uaifed Sta tes folloigta hudrbusa ade snd is the country's0N.i Shnetoid about ber job au a res cofencereceai. Sheo c rbiaessubmrachellnegun- blazingaaY util the barrel eýx- paa or lie echnismf ails-. bet seaosellsthe weca- as :jo e says ismoedf cLt hanmixig te uge- enýta o a cake. Thero aý,re 170t "Iwueîo do mny bt," Mm-a., R raettsalil,"oe-IL mat agG aqpplied fofr 'a job, a Aberdeen., nimuntiont th firuanges. We n akaquite a teiani. H pase liearnuaiiouand I sh1oot il NieOut 0f Ten 1)g:,ys"TI LPennies o!Pnb rasi-liu ad vceveraThe note uodî "rtion la War ords Ho lsroaginhpesugEr opa tI haýt apaetypihyS rm met st bn ermAn defensei,. A t àudwhred fthe "OrganL afion Todatorfs11invogaps with bman)ý -bul foificatns? Ws heirr ifs iope sudouo stss tacn tastoph, ad wereae is in inesstnt mua be hld1,at anyk cat? compliated fctorsivolvcd lad to theconcluion hness thirc' tf he ariPend ustres ndinner trasprtUne f0!)Y maged fortreathtwllbabof t- lted Nations. Tr1b30 d hlrfr-ln Belgum, nd tose t th foohîn Loup the Als ndAthe Crvtiu bitins ofonive-efesmveman envers. morovr bl areia ibinuiltsIer acuae nl ar eim tins av benermtd u Prine o nur along crs lu France.hj lauti co1 tFac weefrt- gut aumpncein ufso ai calbra Affe flc Alfcdinvaiono!long Afria flc dfeus zoe wUncx Workis ! te Omgauzafor eawadnaongfifomrb- Swlzelad. hee a, i adilt in, solîl fle l ,"igfid Lse to wfii ars aflic enmn3font 1er i-If ory.n- f l! l a if cître eagh imain wrk wa due obn Sdl udo suiasthomifneOuu 0f flpeu- A di a f ie Si uon T h sen d lino o!ý-'1 CL deene -îîî ar up lu f10 lnof Walodgflicfoine usti-imamans Fofificaimi are ing buibl thl i mîoufi.o h ada ly li eas t-nof bno mbafor midablesfroîguinf.Jol Mbtios Noii Ful or d , %prilia.sdWin lawoing onCa armea ano sm oit o i Dalmaf1iancna.Neile ia i Nazi decaseprograin 7ueete Sardinia, Crheo, sud le Doca-rî NOSE BAG New M2ga inaI Ifoi cavalry lire its snî'g ntierose sud suwafinaide Fac 0Ba auun sirt.ilg hie Sw-isstouin fakiug sharptomif0 10 Ena aluug t Alps, tri oglilAstia IIP f0 Ceî-îîaui nd itîVia Bres-Lîovs f0Menelor fakýiag VOIe BEER PROBLEM Oeofrf01c1 oat nînsiugspcc'- tari-sesclua pe tnriod laprsefe liy licindvidui wo wa sra)id i c'Ulmnpiîuo! ali-oufwar n ý ufoci mnnlsago but lionwfof eu ýs an[revolufuion ifo basîf0lsacri- fie is nra atk fboo-. excîdedarein sncb lshiort sup- plCy fLiadtheyaredistred by EXPERT SPOTTERS cm-a spof ina, u oro oea(Iý flic art f0 siale mnibiera £df flic Roya CandianAir Force. Ticey should do a grand job. Auyouo iho s, af1ter a fwo-seceî)nl gacteli flic colormaeral stle nsd ovea flic rbal prvice, o!evrysfifct aolir o Insuris 'wearýing-, il jatfurally, c)ul u for l Int sort of work. THER THREE H'IS Tîis Spr-iing sud Summe(r if wil flirce Rs la faoroo! fic fic ifs hoeiu, hifhiug antIbar- 4. commndîng officer canuot have lilifoe il hmat the frntulconue ei epce m oo- LOOKIr cNG AEA Trvelig Fbordflc utr sky-tn, jhidh a te couiaklo!- nfrug ofgle 's", an cxpri"nce Montgmery"Forwý,ard To. Tunis; Drive Thie Enemy into The )Sea" {By a S'aTlff orsodn of TheCritn ScienceMotr On the ove of the baffle ao message: shal Erin Romel ddresed is troop!s l icn onun rnok iug our psitonsnuil adthatif tlioy diid not ta ednn su force flicEihti rm t itli- drnw, ithon hýfl das ofis forces "The. îî oxtdy. flicsixth of oadý olýy ilî nlr-hc fdd li es mto bis troopa. Weser Dserf Air Forc,: ,.te- gethr cosfiftiugunefighfing machnearereadyteavue 'or fic haettiethat l mWIVte Air- Arm- Grew Fromï Single FigîterPioe A singfgite piofwaýs fli for a? f1inie dnigf1 arby part e! f10 ww -,feAdniuly disùsdo Froîn sucIIýli alubb eiig grew flic mihy10f a a wIjich-h a dau'iag suprise at-i fack f[lic niglif ! o v. U119, sfruc a paralzing blow aitflic Ifaliin 10f s iI layat iancharn lu Tsa-ato avilo-. fiie by!fCAdmiraîfy la n Ibook- Suz"bwich eale lc oko TimIs ýISet va îfiofarcra o! waflC Adirahlysaid. Thon, LIFE'S LIKE THAT start, flic Eigý,htfh Armfy wil d' stroy fic nnyawfaigu ý drive urlwad ot Samu Sousse andlfiaîyTuais, Wewill ufsto-p or lot 1p f111 Tuais lis ben spuied sud flie Sfruggle ornlicoupusliedluot o li sen. bogi wil nira fic lose offïi flic affleaf atfiýc yes uof fle wholeworîdwill lbconflc 'liht An-ý mnd mlloof peoplo will 1,sra)f flc wemës evcry day- hoping anxiously for good nvc Wc uaf otlot bleboaxus Lut us ceSte fiffiy gof good "If cadi one f us (doos hsd adpulls blis fi-1 egh11ho nofhig MnaStop flicEigyih i-\ nIy. u otigwili tp f justice oqf our ca-us, lot us gofo-- nrd f0 victoy. "Forward f0T ua,1is, Drive f Ic i lap a Wc9d tic 20-year-ofi:car re gle - si: snk-arfet frMnipliu Eaisf %,des Sic lino t fworaqadrp t for- Brsua flubassnoi-a figfe und- rofor ahadSifrawlle E iyn master of'fl Ragle, C ýmdr ,L KciIbey-eacàIwcf u aToe f defend flic enfirefillof dOvn ueocainlc etu uater Cn!dr, Kilic-Pa CL theni fliey -deafroyed i, l oeyai- ?raft nd snihoreotnvd o preserve fl 1001froua, ajo q casumîty" 'Tinflic cary tnys ou fmiewr nuouanval orces achieved oi en c» flic sot of thag thatfic .AF di fic Ba affe o! Bifataj added. By Fred Neher "NoDw l oi in for any more chr-oolates this week, don'tyo let me have any., THE WAR - WEEK -Cnmnayo uetEet Europre Is Hitlýer'sFote: i~ t IpenbeT li "Now he's confessed Up." By Gurney, (Australia) Bluy ndCurlecy of the Anz-acýs I fI'ELL. 14E. F PM o~ AU. ..J 304N4 UP .,,. ~ A FU1~L K~W.,. I ~4A'~ LOA~~ AS DUT ~ A UN~FO~M ~D UP, L~6I FRIOA~..~. I WAS SLOWN ou~$~ ~' SLUEY! I