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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1943, p. 4

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THE ORtONO WEKKLY TIMES The Orono Weekly Times Established January, 1937. >nlshed every Thursday mnorning at the Times Office drono, Ontario Rates on request Subseription, $1.25 Subscriptions to the United States, $2.00 b Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher [ THE BOMBER PRESS IN BRITAIN (Continued fromn page one) We were told that one filling s will drive the cýar about a hiXn- miles and costis about sýix dol- ny uf the ,igni,, in London were ,;f g'reat interest Vo us. On one res- taurant, there was a sign "kýidney- bacon-Toad", which naused us Vo wonder if the people of Louiidon w ereen eating tonds. However, it was exp)laiined t'hat "Toad" is the naime for 'a sort of sausage roll. Another nestauran-t had a asigu, "This restaurant -will stay open dur- ing raids as log as the walls are standing." Another siga oCn a badlly swrecked building read "You m-ay think thiis is lyad, ýbut you sliould see our Berlin ach On tihe whole. we found thie peopfie of Lonpdon Vo lie cheerful and optim- :stic, s50 busy at the ta'sk of winning the war that they have little time 'for anythinig else. Ever yone is anx- ious Vo help strangers (and the cîty îs full of thein), so we found it sur- pri.singly easy Vo make our way aroUnd. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. T. J. Carisca dden- and faiiiy wish Vo thank ail thieir neighbiIouis and frien& s for their sympathy vsad kindness duriiing tir ii ýad I'bereaýve- ment. CARD 0F THANKS Mir. W. J. W-atson isbeso thank the members of Or-ono Orange Lcd(geý and the Cndi Legion frthejir fkindness in sendIing hlmi a box of frluit duýrig his recent ilînes. f t, i and when you buy a Victory Bond, to help Bill, and other boys on active service, you do something that will benefit you too. You save money. It's really a mistake to say that you "buy" a Victory Bond. You are not buyîng anything. You are saving money, and putting your savings wliere they will be absolutely safe, and whiere they earn money for you. (Each $ 100.00 Victory Bond earns $3.00 a year-3%, interest.) You are Iikely pro- ducing more, and earning more. You can save more. Youare flot buying some things; you can't get them. You are buying less of many things-they're rationed. You can't help saving more. See to, it that your savings are kept intact-earmarked for things you will need when the war ends. You will have to replace things that are worn out. You will want a lot of things. Money saved and invested in Victory Bonds will provide cash to pay for them. W HAT IS A VICTORY BOND? A VICTORY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay in cash the full face value of the Bond at the time stîpulated, with half-yearly interest at the rate of 3%", per annum until maturity. A Victory Bond is the safest investmient in Canada. The entire' resources ofthe Dominion stand behind it. Canada bas been issuing bonds for 75 years, and has neyer failed to pay every dollar of principal and interest. A Victory Bond is an asset more readily converted into cash than aay other security. lNatîonal War FinanXce Lommittee gr 5- FOR RENT Stone IHouse on Fiftih Line, VU, mniles east of Orono. Apply Vo R. R. Wacbdell, Orýono, Ont. f BýODY THOUGHT TO BE THAT 0F COBOURG BOY The discLover-y of thec body of a lt tie boy on the beh near Rochester- bas led Vo the belIief iin Cobourg thtat it is of four-iyear-old Jimmie Pertfect, mssing from bis Cobnuig home since Jan 7. Chief W. J. Carey was notifled and bas left by car ferry forý Rochester. The boy's.piotber was mformed ty Oief Carey. Jimmile resîded withbhis mother ini a cottage liear the beach, flot far from the hai4bo.r. His father, Sergt. Arthur- Perfect, is overiseas. 'Ple boy -left ibisfhomie Vtoplay and dis- The euld weatiher of the pasit week ,bas ret'arded the flow of sap. Farm Stock Ilaving receired instructions tlromi 31R. GEORGE LAING I wiIl seoN by public auction sat bis- premnises Lot 30, Con. 4, Clarkie Township Onle and a quarlter miiiles snu,,th of Orono, and onue quarter m-ile west THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1943 Due Vo insulllcient h elp Mr-. Laing is contpelled Vo selI bis entire bard of Milk ýCow-s, Cattie, etc.: 12 frade Cows, 8 with Caîf at foot; 4 due early. 1 Registered Shorthorn Bull (Blossorns Bondsmaa> No. 239480, 3 years old. 16 Two-year- olds. 25 Year-olds. 12 Ewves with Classified MT ANTED ~Few Hives of Bees. Alvin &Clemi- ens, Bowmanvifle; R. R. No. 6; phone 2438. tt. FOR SALE Quantity of _Ji ed ay. Jam)es Ransberry, Phone 2r1,Oron-o. FOR SALE Supreme Cook Stove, in good con- dition. Neil Rainey, Pho1-ne 17 r 8. FOR SALE Se2ed Oats, a quantity of Gond( Quaity Cartier Oats, also CGood) Mixed Hay. J. H. Davey; Pihone' 54r5, Orono. c-13-p. FOR SALE One Young Hlorse, weight 1700 lbs., 1 aged Hlorse-, no reasonable off er refused. Wisiug, immendiate sale, hv no more use for them. W'. J. PHa1I, Orono. c - 1-C. FOR SALE Cook StoDve (Ladies' Aid), in good condition. Burn either coal oruod Cani be seen it Lun's Hard4ware. Bargain foi- cash sale. Apyto T. W. SmrilOoo f FOR SALE One Helavy Hlorse, 3-year-old, well broken, singe or double. $55.00. Ap- ply to Gage Neilsoni, any evenning af- ter six P.m-1., at Lot '33, Coness;ion 6, Clarke Township. C-13-p. WOOD FOR SALE Pine SlIabs and Soft Wood. To ensure eaiy delivery order n'csw while we are lot ton busy -wiVh oi- lumnber business. Phone orders to J. J. Mellor, Phone 100, Oro)no. HORTICULTURAL1MEETING AND CARD PARTYT The Orono H-1orticL tuLrai S.oiety will Iold their regunlar monthly meetingi Orono Orange Hall on Monday ereniing, April 12Vh, at 8.00 p.m. After the biîýiness session1 cards and refroshmnents wllbc en- joyed. Corne andj bring your friends. W. 1. 3MEETING The annual meeting off Orono( Wome-n's Institute îwill be held in the Couicil (hamnber On Friday, April 16, at 2.30 p.m. M"vrs. Hodgert, of Port Hlope, wil be the ,g-uest speaker. Ocanmllittee on Social Welfare in chage Rmember Vo Ibring articl,-es frshower for wonien in active ser- viceovres DANCE POSTPONED Th'ý Danroc whlch was t aebeen, held- iu ecsl CmuiyHall un ere usis of Newcastle BIll ClUb, lias been, postiponed oxing Vo a lire in the dlance hall. The fire destroyed i!the stage of the main hall thus *making it imposýsible Vo 'hold the dance. Wnter' and debris cover- ej the flooe; the firemen sooný had 1he blaze under control. DIANCE The tianadian Legion are sponsor- inlg a Dane to 'beci1eld in the Bow- mianville Armouries on the erening of Fridlay, April 23ri. -Modern and Old Timne Danýcing. The Columýýiýbians; 7-piece Orchestra, ýof Oshawa, will furniish the in-usic. Admission, 50 cents iper person. The proceeds from-i the dance Vo Ibe .used for the Service Men's ýClub. Come and have a good tune. AHe-tiion Sale Orono - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coniductaq Auction Saleýs of ail e>iztes an d at reasonable rates. Co)n]imunicate with hulm at P0e.i Perry, Ontario, or see bris Olerk, X. E Morton, at Orono, for date. FF. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 ïNight, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral service in Durhami Ouir Servicr-THiE BEST Our Goods-THIE NEWEST Our Price3-TH'lE LOWEST MORIS& SON BW ANVILLE -ORONO E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE *AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABJLITY Phoane 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING sorne of the Largest, Strongest and Mlost Reliable Insurance Firms iin Canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared to quote you rates front 40c. a hundred, according to classification of Building Phone, write, or better still, cal. 1 will be pleased Vo quote you rates on your property w-hich will surprise you. o Lamnb. 3 Brood Sowýýs withi Pig. 20 Store Pigs. 1 Walking Pl]ow. 1 I 3-Tooth Cultivator. Set of Truck-s. A bout 200 bushiels of Wheat. A)bout 400 bushels of Oats. The above stock wjil bhe sold abso- lebwithout reserve. This w%ýill afflorýd yoii the opp)or.tunlity ofseurn so'me good b-reedy catUle ait your OrWn pvices TERMS CAISI W. J. ll-JANCOCK, -Auictionieer Wheni youi want printing and want it in a hurry,. andI at a low cost, ibrýiig ,yoüur or-der in'to the Tines offiV. ýht'isfaction guaraînteed. Word from Cairo se-yathat Cana- dian, tools (played àa major :part ini the whipping of the Afrika YCorip, You can buy Victory Bonds for cash in a lump sum, or you can arrange to pay for themn in convenient instalments over a period of six months. Your Victory Bond salesman will be glad to tell you ful particulars. Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON Offie Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 pin.; 6.30 to 8.00 PHON'ýE 47r, ORONVO VETERiNAîZYi Wifred W. Shierwiu VETERINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orono' Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty,* Automo. bile and Liability

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