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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1943, p. 6

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Spans Ocean Twice InSingle Day a Aw weeks ago wben lie lw his Clipper css tlie SuhAini twicee mu24 hours, Pan-mercanoficýis said it vasthetirt lme a cmeca plae hd mdethe ound t13-in Hart nd bon c ew flew ths Be- irng fyigboat frim Natal, ]3razll, loa W ia n poritadrern edl ta aa a2 busad5 Th- akwsmd osbeb Early iiianr ielne i 1C1ippeT at LGadaFed e York, atr aig iw fl t- hours. PALS dng-size St. Benard puts a tective paw arorrnd 24-ounce huahua at Las Angeles dog w. M;;lta 'Times NeVe(', P N d An Edition Ourlng Bmig Despite lt !s" ,2r 1 alee oit lis builing an ire h-ete ge ewsape ne oLy ce offS Faiaw-ng ue aidthe pîe Dasab lieh e ttiug ont - tire I er miCem aler s bif mdni ims uidig oIrc-lie twa bomus indcl 40 eet mcm. lren uatye mchiesfahbte inter- or v nng -als vi trenFcio ta detîAO ' Tosirambsprn vpctFara w le attgie ittI a Tame o t3 wh egs m Querihes dcorpînluts ot h âo~ makperto ulei i. cs ait cx- ~ an ors' no abot ti fiiepa Dur ng e irealeat blîzria Pvr tie s m,' f Trm ticinaterg of RADIO REPORTER Ne lmp fr lI! Everyanie toltoner ti 1r ~tire stofryof 0-,Alaýddlin aýnt.ihtireCBýC hï magie qualty af beiug aC-ile ta Ticliraof gra mwis., For mildy f t- mut youaig dapy w-r urne 1ncessýity iras uc-. PierreCado aictia nmoem Aladdi w-ioee cm- ilie salIof le "New cloires for-ou . Wiat frtm lady bas net tcmetir or otirr r ila saudi"I w-lai1I(muid inve a uew- OF EPCpe. drSn"? ownay;t lins become w-iti instr fIsrinaletamake ovcnolti ,w -,ha re claties . - -11achub y'sildw-o is at Suit uand r efirie;"n itl, aasthsr figlît for i, sp'-"g o ti ormadame --to Tlus Ummi ii Umakea play sulit fr oryo u li o pics ýthei da' ast vay ovemails , . -ta French patri nikeablue rrn g3-rw- up adanu soldlk lioiesdisused sur-t . . -.a 0sa work withi on, Juat as tirere are tricS l b atud ecyc arH tmdeqs snlutieremraking -ot f rently 1belý, cld coirsinte uew- tiree re Tuc1sd,,ay as way an meus f naking tiu Jt 7 'cloe- I tanforatonsa iraithe uew- auxcuture tubat h lt n niae-oer. lu ta2" li art of ui ainlwccnev- Fr is tionmenure, aariu reuit patieLari ar ten cievd..,peiusy cl nsr unhuiiofides iebengla. .BC01u trodced a cervine te Caadia gmaînrsi beig boudcetnr Cotupraie alndnmiu enîirsiiuî trene-e itfr-uxn sas neaoLin Wedesa',Apii 4tr, rujîiided, iras hein h liyioi tbererftc i 9.5 e fa ix c i Tire nieof Re--Bat, elong irsl e a sscatdw t tw liinge: treledesiipof za w-cil kîow ianUce orcircetr;ia and tire bilntexecutian of concert nmirerson tie grad ianom. Quýiter afewfn)s wiltrrfr wUI-comie Rex Biesvisa ta tir CFRBIrricr"1opirone Mona ad Fridniy eveninIgsfr-arn nOnaiut au tire keyboard of .tlr concert grand. RexlBaute CiHladd lu- tercet nmd errtainta iris cr'iptins ndcanntrgrdg Atu soyof ithe w-cýris bcing rotaMme, of Piriliip 1, a tatfr REX FROST f tbe aes is Ibeu gai- - Canaàdia Cmmnd oret, Who steps uo bi an pceators fr tce on a miety August 1142 -- the morning Pierre is put ashore cises te get in toucb, ce luntheundeound iosad a young Ca- r wb riskas 1f e.( taý tbem right uner tie iou the enemy is car- nýg presented e x ery rd Tbursdy evenins *To i bosýe Who enjoy \vitb al b'tofroac "Crusaders lu Bri- of etcosderable ap- claicall fcasi te custfameutsrinsuof hay even 015po "aturig Wana La- 1r a deligbtfu M cn SU f«, a 'z, ac oand lestc tire ethe, wavee Wttcnul Bth.nt "old tn ms te lf, She0ý it w-lu offer uaepecii series of prograwmmesilutic Enster spînit Wýar rsrcinit l eplind w-t otinerer witi tic preecun- taýtîi on ouastupr Sundny, of tic- sulîrise serics iîch b bciren a tenature of h station for n enl-t on Enster mer'Iuiug, aimn dug ut C a-ni OUR PR1ADIO LO TOROTO SATI1 VS Ai FR 80, B 70 RcL 50k, CY00 'Il EWOK CIgX Mniai70 CKCO tt.ra 790k CRC Tîinfrs1470k CKSO udburr 78k PiCBattr 30 CRLW Wids -1180k C5CNX ingiîan 020 CI-EX ctrrbro 42k tS STATiON WLBRBuftio 140k Tire Office of FseisC-r natar lar Lt . laIteýs, gtighl "eomctmiiuig lne-w t1ant canirbe sateni," b-raite ont a bulletin in p oa,1se t "sty siark steaks.' nirSopfini aiar-k, said tire re- lese s gaing ta add 2,000,000 pounde thie United States' food ~~iîtati~ V~AVE can Eutlund Sun GSC Engiand 9.58rn osn Englaîrd 11.7inr GSE Engiund 11.86m GSG Englaîîd 17.7irn GSI' Enclaiid 12.lirn liAI. srrain 0 lOin SEAN Ilrissia Sttîri ENE lluî'ia 12.0< 'n PEFS ErsEl OllOin W (AllA 5zhienectadi WCAB Pirihi. 15.27m WCPX N. VerE il (lin lvii h E' itou 15 Rie supply bis , cr lusteti et erg Fo- rae not caring ferelai steak, tacco-ortinaters ofc sgetda bit af tic dcc,,iinh kpceor- ligitly emaketiciform" "Apaie pinkiahr-arage iiiolr tic( kýii)p'ered airai-k baadlce lievorn fot ulietint e cam amakýletidalron" i rlease rba- sadized, "IYt le proving irigbly popular." POP-Right at Homne -------------------- PETERANODJHN Y GETISEMANE') î Matthew 2:64;Jon1:01 GOLDENT X.-Wthand' pi-ny, that ye -î etr not ut Mearry Vrse:I wil pa n.tca TE.7E LLE'sONC 1iNiTs SETTIG April 6, AD. 350. irl~e.Getearane agarden on the western -,lope of teMount ofOveopsteersem unta a pl-ace cnllýedGthmae and sihut bsdsilsl,i priay. And lie took w1itlm Peter andi the two,( sonls of Zbdeandi agony mue eedrdalonie, lir Fore 11e bde tic disciýý:ples ta aýit thee;bu't lie eire t have hei t a, therefore[le went11 but 'a lti ow'. o used ta be, la Irepeurec Tir1 Cennindto Wti "TIre illi IeuîoteM unta deatir hid eIera watch with ne" Crs ol bave tîrese 'nc enantage hmr sir fýlittle,,onlft- vw-a lu thepe rcf iinto gî-cn1de, circuists'rccs o rai "And Jewetfo)rdalite and. felI nbsfc, n ryd saying, My Fatheri, if it bc pos- sîble, Ici ihis cup ps wyfromn me: nevertbclcss. inot uas ýi wIll but as Tlhon witn"lu is ix )prose ta die for tire mxvon1ld's àlu Jesus neyer ,wa\ered. Tire, eirrinkçing d oes net raitire point of ucoI iioi'y)ekn tînt tire cup nîiiglit pass., Ev7en lu tire net of uttcnving tirh( s ht le limitcd by t'ii 'hbc, pas- sible.,' wich can only enupas ible, iluci vic te ret pur- p ose ffor wiie l came. Tire -raer "s treutter esinatinlt tire Fatirer's wi lwichsu- mission le1 ounti penc, as w do). Tire tirree dijsciplesý were neair tire scene of i ug l ut ticy were faet asce ,-it tire Scripture niglît lie- fulfilled, ' have trodden tirewnp-e ln and of tire people ther r s nu xii me.' Watübh and Pray "Watch and putliat y ne not îita temiiptationj: tbe( spirit lu- dced la wiliin, b 1ut thefleh l aýtrcugt1iencd bY paeio muci more Isfauý4'flty dsils He madentereti injýtatnîato and had feit the fil sraîîHe desires tirerefore tîrat t1Irey ma-ý,y ire protced as li1 ias ee b praIyer. aaiy, an payd, ayng M Fatirer, iftecaropasav, cxccpt Idikil 1y'a11b doue. n r an oi n fourdtenslcIgifrtri ciples culbavekptarae iircy had ien 1cnrud ad se.Opotntetabpcre- lu tmsof getsiiulds treýsa are eSon oerci,',ae o faitirful lu tiheurwuw r necdcd, tire.hour w11so on wireu notiring we eau dýo w-U b of any heîp. Thre Final Words "Tien canîir l letatire dis- ciplea, aud saitb untaùtni, sicep on now, and take your reat: bre- hold, tire hour liisaud and tireý STAR ON ICE HORIZONTAL Answer tes M expert îbe ELD UiL l3Tpeocp ANTS 14 Smail o A I firearmc=,-O crystaUsine A 18 Pleaýï,sure, boat'.W V 19 Foo)t 27overi ng th 20 Compass pointil tn t3tr 23. Huitau n m- taat,- 24 Ta fal j in 8Prtte draps. 43Topoet tire 27 Pning had. maîcial. 45.Prodtueed. 2P Shei icl 7 epire, 30 Bimai 51 Eier (symbol). compouud, 3 Nt elsed. 52 Liquid mariar 32 bin (lw), VERTICAL 35 Clin-ee lquïd. Souf of ma i is betrayved iita thie banuds of snes Arise, let u iegoing. behold, hie is at banld that býetray-etir me." Thiecar and confideni(c e ur Lor-dae in contrast to the conuýIllsion and wcakness of he tree potis TIrke Cup c>f Btena "Sfimca Peter itherefore bhaving a sword drc t , and struck tbe bigb priest's servant, and eu,:t off his rigfit car. Nqwj the -servt's-, namne was Malebus:. Jesýus tee fore saith unto Perput up, the swVord into tesrab h u wbicb thle Fat-hler ht gvnme, shah I-1 not drinit?" The cup ta vbib or ord bere refers is a symbolie expressionr, bI whieb is meant ail tbe suffer-ing, the bitterneas, the loneliniess e f tire entire p',assion cp:sode, cul- minating lnu Chrîst's deatiruo the cross, Chrýist tis ngbhad diseovercd luIb Ie agony çof Pis prayer, t ,hat thI's path ofsufr ing eould 1neye---r ire afvoîded iïf He waa iSta rema'D inlutbe will of God, terle ire cot. The Aetcf Jesus "ýSo the band ntl--( he ciefca- tain, aud t(1 ire 0o ffcers of Mthe Jews, TJholee are four, soulspariel aur Lordad tbreeof HUS ow'n three. Aroundthese orseuls the edenptia of an ill be rogtont b,, the sacrificýe, of Chrst Go'sSon. There have beengrea baties n cartîr be- twe h oce,ýs of rigý-hteousucss andth rmeso wckdnations, býaLut t ee as neyer en a con- flict witb sucb enoï'-mous conse- Prevlous JPuzzle s 3 Put ikia pest. a n iortax r slave. 12 Cuuniug, 13 Nocturual flyiug irrammul. 15 Syîrhol for saimariusa 16 Chnese (Abbr.), 22 Sev7_,ee 21 Tear. 21 W9ring 28 Exit 31 Fair East, 33 Sic is çance o týire worlcl'S f ovelost 84 1NOqur t6 Not thse snime 37 pighcsi point. 31 Deserit fruit. 39 Through. 43 Knd eC rer. 44 Wriggling. 46 Aju7tting7 rock 48 Snuky flair. By J. MILWWTT quenes for the Wulfto-e and the lietand ltie hope adthe 11f e of mca as w thie conl-fiet thlis iii.t, le pased i tho def'eat ofpra cîaii~and pwrs Heea ing don atni te ofr ing up of aciic uihl sufficient te sav( e cvery mian f rom-j his sins forever. THE BOOK SHELF7, Ey ary Symons A buelu thie country l tire secret abtinof cvery i- dwlc.Fiend.ship tells lhow anc snc faiiymade the rn a By a prces ftrialad or they wante.d, and et outt fn it. Tbey found Frienidsbip nrb easýt of TaontojA,. Thie story of its purchie fom to m 1,e ladlies laonof the jf best :stçor4es lui a book fuili of'good astoKces Tl-(,,amjusiniganid, at Ile ai t iim, tagc d Litrce oft0 chintion of he ural telepee catc theolddog- fox ae o and~o mpotanthe tho e n Friendship.. . By Flarry> Sy- mon& i . The MacMillan Cern- pany of Canada . .. Price $3.00.

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