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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1943, p. 8

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ORtONO WBEKLY TIMEei n't thinkit t possible a! dC be missing for q<ýer still be ini his cap KENDAL ~M.W.Gear-y, ja-x, 'at homei. Mr-s. m. Geary is sieing this week lu Toronto. Mr. John Gordon bas ovdonto [lie orsiifaýnm. bitieJoceBostocit is vi>sitimgi, Mlrs. ..Paedeu at We'sley ville. Mi . and (l2Mrs. Leon.ard -Oughtred and Donna ut M'r. D). Vannatto's. M.and Mi-s. R. Bostoek noved into Mr. J'oe Martiuell's bouse iu thse vi1ilage. P'te. Willis-, Wrigblt lhas been 'visit- ing his mojiher, MUrs. F. Wri'ght, over thle week-endý. A g-ood crOwd tutrned out to the L.O.L. dlance on .Friday night. Al report a good time. We %visb to exte'nd our sym)-patisy to tise Carscadden farnily and niso to thieLittle family. MUr. Cecil V'anniiatto and M1r. Geo. Palmner'have lhad tiseir 'medical 'exam - inations for tihe m. 31r. Norman Pattop, bas beeu si-cit Iand iMrs. Patton has been' drivîing the mnail for tise past fewv days. We, und'erstand tihere are to ha two mor)le dancas this miouth, one ou tise 21st ann!dte otiher on April SOthi. Mr. Aabe oy quis moved osito isa fourth une. Mr. and Mrs. Hrry I I __________________________________ Cuard Mou, 6asoliae Ratien 100* NO w that you have your 1943-1944 gasoline ration book, it is Up to you ta keep àt at ail times iu a safe place. If it is lost, burned, or stolen, you will be deprived of coupons which will not be replaced. la this regard, thse policy of thse Oil Controller is as follows: 0*If, through negligence, y au lose your gasolinie ration book befare October 1, 1943, you mnay be allowed na more, and perhaps less, than haif the coupons ta which you would be entitled if you were making an original application. * if, through negligence, yau lose your ration book on or after October 1, 1943, yau may b>e allowed no more, and perbaps less, than 25 per cent of the coupons ta which you would be entitled if yau were making an original application. The niew gasoline rationing system, effective on April 1, will be strictly enforced. Under its provisions, the motoriet, as weil as thse service station attendant, is held responsible if auy infrac- tions occur It is contrary tn the orders of thse Oul Conitroller- purchaise gasoline with 1942-1943 coupons.,X" purchase gasoline unless you have thse correct categery :ker affixed te your windshield. " detach coupons from your own 'bock. (The removal of the coupons he duty of the attendant.) have in your possession a gasoline ration coupen net attached to, ci forming a part of, a gasoline ration book, mur possession a gaseline ratien book other1 aecf of a vehicle you own, or in respect of ai th full consent of the real owner. a, obliterate, or mutilate ainy gasoline ration thon the book vehicle driven If you seli yaurmnotor vehicle, remlember that befare maýkin.g delivery you muet remove thse windshield stieker or stiekere. Remnember alsa that after thse sale je completed, you muet mail ta tIse.nearest Regionai 0it Cotrai Office lu your province thse gasol ine ration book or books issued for thse vehicle. DEPARTEIENT 0F MUNITIONS AND SUPPLT Honouraible C. D. HOWE, Miuer RUNS THIE GAUIN uaiist non-stop attý d( miuster, tise Britîsl N4al-ta Tise cordon eo UTLEIT AND WINS TIIROUGH 'tO MALTA sce bjy all tise U-boats, E-boats, dive boiubers, and hl Naý vy ceictedcacon oy of mer liant sisa witb 'f Fient Air Arm figitr pîlots smashedc up attacit he smnall p1 oportionl that 'hioke tHrough milet witlh gh it ail tie umer hant ships ýplooisled steadily on nd' toipd. obr ranged on tise deck of au ai- Cowanville Fuda ervices are 'aguin being held i Clarke Chwurh. Mr. and ]Mrs. E. FroGarden Hlli, vis<ted at 'Mr. T. Stephen.s on *Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Rutherford and soui visited, at Mr,ý R. llollingsworth 'Gongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craine (nee Viola H.ollings- worth) upon theý birtih of a baby Mfiss Kathleen Simipson, 0f Peter- borougoh Normial, Mrs. Alf. 'Perrin, Mr. and Mn11s. R. E. Hendry, of Lakte Shore, visited at Mr. T. J. Siinspsoni's on Slrnday. if we can clean up iu Africa dn a ,mnouth ý>r two, t1-en inrvadce the south of Europe, -we wil have a pretty egod ichance of finishin- the war next Fear, that is if Russia is able to .hanig on anid go fonward. -Berry and famnil'y have woved onto) the flfth Uine. M\r. and ?drs. Fred 'oruish ané- faiily were preýsented 'with two beaiutiful chairsý on March 21th, fin the Surd'ay Scbhool iroom bceore mov iug to their new home at -Moi- risfh, Onit. HERI'S WHATTO DO 1You can talce your fat drip- pings, scrap fat and houes to your mneat dealer. Ha will pay you thse established price for thse dripping and thie scrap fat. If you wish, you eau turu tHil money over to, your local Voluuta.ry Salvage Committee or Regisqered Local War Charity, or-. ZM You cau donate your fat drip- p in g, scrap fat and houas ta your local Voluntary Salvage Committea if they collect them in your conamunity, or- 3You can continue fo place oui your Fats and Boues for col- 43 lection by your Street Olean- ing Depairtmeut where such a system la in affect. Sr 434 DEPARTMENT 0F ?4ATiONAL WAR SERVICES NE WTON VILLE Pte. Edgar Milîson, W'ýoodstoek, is home On two weeks' furlougih. Rev. J. MeýILachlan atitended a min- isterial mieeting in Bowmauville on, iMonday. Congratulations to Mr. aud lMrs Jack Kimaball on the bpirth of their Aecond son. Mrs. A. Wannamaker, Wellington, visited Mfr. L, E. Millson's and other frieucis last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton and famlily visited M.aud Mrs. L. Wood of£ Orono on Sunday. Mfr. and iMrs. Arthur Redknap visited in Oshawa and brought bier mother, Mris. Whitaker, home. Mrs. J. IVcLachan, Ms J. W. Lancaster and Mys C. Burley at- tended the Pre%byterial in Whitby. Mrs. Walrne Elliott underwent an operatiou in Oshowa liospital lat week. We wish ber a speedly recov- ery. Mrsý. D. Deneuit. Misses Mary, Margaret and Eduia Denauît, and Mr. .Roy Berry spent Sanday w i thi Toronto friends. Mrs. Fosýter.3M1,. Lu111n141 ud f am - ily, *Mrs. i-libiard and Joyce, Tor- os1to, were Sunday guests of Mr. aud Mrs. W'm. Sta!leton. 'Misses Jean Wade and Zlmna Webster, of Linds'ay, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade a'nd Billy spent1 5iuuday with, Jack Wade. KI1R BY sawing wool0d is in fuill swing ilu thse neigborhood.'. Mrs. Wmr. 'Cochrane ha.d a qu;ît- mng for hier g1roup. .Miss Mildred AMfin vlsited ber parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Wm ln Mrs. Wmi. Wanuan returued borne after visitiug ber brother in For est1 T1i11. Mr. and Mrs. Jimi- Rutherford and son visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Holl ' ingswortb, ou Sunday. 'The 'dance and draw hoiug huld under the atuspices of the Kirihy ,community, will take place in Orono towu hlall on Fri'day eveingi,, April1 16, jui aite week away. Russ1 Creig',hton 'and l iis ar-tists, of Toronto \Will s'upp1'y the music for the even- iug's entertaiument. Later on1 in t.he e'venig 'a draw will be, held for, four prizes, and auyO1'oue who 'wins the ipig will 'le ielcky as the meat ra- tionin.g will ýbe upon as Ihy the lst of May. You eau either take thse pcrer or take the equivalent in pash. Anotiser prize is ýa ewt. of flour, hanildy for hakiug; a quit whieh always I n i'andy, and à bushied of apples. Buy your tickets for lthe droewýý and attend the c ne Trhe First Victory Canipaigu of thig year wiIl get und'enway on M1on- day Apii 26th. 'nie Covernnient is asking for 1OfOOOOO the bi'g- gest in the hisýtory of Canada Box ý.. ........ ... ..-.35c. Everyday Law Prices on Favorite Remedies »odd's Kidney Pis ......... 43C. 2 for . .............. ....... 85e. Piniex Cough Recmedly, bot- tle.............. 32c., Irouized Yeast.................. 98,c. Bile Beans .. .... . ........47C. Kruschie Saîtts, giant size, for ........... ...................- ,69C. A'bsorbine Jr., 4 oz .........9~C. Absorbine Jr., 12 oz . ........ $1.95 Chas'sNerve Food....60C. Mecea Ointment, 23c., 45ec, 79c P'inkham's Vegetable Com- potund ........... ........ ..... 99e. Pinkham's Compound Tab- let form ................_ ..... 99c. Coming1! Next Week ! CANADA'S GET TDRUG CSALE Th e Rexal One Cent Sale Buy any aone of thr host of standard itemas at the reguflar price and get another one just like it for only ONE CENT Remiember the dates-Wednesday, Thursday, Fni- day and Saturday, April 14, 15, 16 and 17 WATCH FOR YOIJR SAýLE BILLS IN TMIL TIS WEEK-END III $Rvic ~ PO7OÇ Prescriptions a Speialty Charles Tyrrell Quality Work Agn o JemnFowers Quick Service A etfrJcnaiF A Vn2ýie F010 ALBUM FREE Phonle 68, Orono a Moderate Price, Stedman's Ready Mixed Paint will answýer your needs. Smiall tin. ., . 15 c. Quart tins f or ......... ........ ........ 69c. Just Arrived - New Patterns and Desigrns in Stamped and Tinted Gdods, inilclin-g Scarfs, Buffet Sets, Lunch Cloths, Centres, Vanity sets, Aprons, etc., etc. Shelled Walnuts. Week-end Special, "' ozs. 13c. Calumet Baking Powder, 12 oz, tins......... 19c. Lipton's Chicken Noodie Soups, 2 pkgs ....... 25e. Aylmer Irish Stew, limited quantity, ti-n...... 14c. Luxor Matches, good quality, full size boxes, 3 boxes f or.......... ........ ......... 28C. Black Pepper, full strength, 5 ozs....... .....l10C. Silver Gloss Laundry Starch, 1 lb. pkg ....... lc. Crabapple Jelly, limited quantity, 12-oz. jar ..17c. Aylmer Vegetable Soup, 2 tins for......... 19c. Aylmer Pure Grape Juice, sweetened, large 32 ounce bottie for.......... ...... .... ..3C5c. Neilson's Peppermint Chocolate Wafers, 4 ozs. 10c. Neilson's Jersey Milk Bars, fresh from the ovens, each .................. ....... 6c. URONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YOUR POPU3LAR SHOPPING CENTRE 1 13 1 ilico 111 'i Motor Equipmýent KINDNESS Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funieral Directors and Furniture Dealers COURTESY Equipped te alae eare of thé~ modest funieral at the mosit reasonable chiarge as wvell as thse largest and mo'st axa ctiug Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Colleet STILL W'ORKING ON COBOURG MURDER CASE SERVICE Bownsanville, Ont. double miurder. Commlis-sionarrner said In- spucu1or . T n . -r sxme ns i-n Prnciéal Police Comimissoner w^\. airost every week-enid sisice tise H. Strigar said on Tuesday of lat nnsrd'er at Giar and otiser On- ,week tihat thea police are still work- tario 'points, siftiug a vast amnount ing ou tise murdesr case and that of date wiich have beanu ucovered, boule 0 tise bast men or tise force a nd he i.stiAU unravelig a mnass reassignýed to it. Flying 0ffcerlaf facts and reports. Walter Telfer, senior partuer iu thse "Obvio"sl, we eannot teul wat hiw firmi for- whieh Cunninigham w. Ias fo m oj ur investigtitions 'are taklin-g,» said to have beau makipg divore id Commissioner ,rngr N r investitgations in tise ueighborhood caun we tel what we have ucovar- of 'Cobourg, bas retuirnad from bhis ed. Suspiicion is not enougis. Tisare duties from Englaud sdis co-oer 'ms't h dbc ited ncebefore ac- a'tin'g eitpthe Iiýe hi au endeavour 1tion caun h taken. That time bas to hel in i h e i iiintanriliii,-; nf the 1 rot ,,-et ti-riveci. FARM NEEDS Formialdehyde. i1)._ ........-25ec 2 lbs. for . .,. . .4'**** * * 5c. Ceresan, the dry dust treat- ment for seed grains, 1- lb). tin ..................- $1.10 5-lb. tin _ . .................. $S4.40 Semesan Bel, thse dit) disin- fectant for seed potatoes, 2 oz. pack (treats '6 to 8 bushels)....... ....35C. 1 lb). tin ....................$2.15 Moth Preparations Moth Halls, Moth Flakes 1~ 15e Dee-Tee MIOTH KILLER sure death to maths, stain- less to fabries, eaui be used in vac uum eleaners, 1-lb. tin......~.> - .......39C. Mioth Proof Garment Bags, at 25c., !Oc, and $1.00 each Larvex, large size..8 3c. Appiyi ORONO TIMI Orono - ES OFFICE

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