O0 dd Freight Flown Inte Shipshaw Site BRy the AitinEditOr of The Ch1nistian S Ci en Cef Air tagtn-îcuigerary- thn fren bain sesenger teo Cidte aryigarticles wih iag saveni tons-playet n nmajor sole iii t1C bulIling 0e, Ltha hulge power dam On t s Siipsliaw River la- es-tenuQueico Hithat oday les ï-eïlpn)g Canada tte ýmeeý t Is war- his le ait itehaeue e! )Ft1ise largest ingle air ?freigbtitag ,cont- trctî L Cnatislong hiatory la pýouands-was carniet ont by Canau- d'Hi- clcAlir L,ïins lath 1e ,course (>t the construction of tise This mlghty dam jjjon Lthe Slip. ,siaw, a tributary etf the Saguanaliy, wilide-ele!'0100,000 lespwr bines, wývise aise djaim ltht it wl gencm'late more powa%ýr tissa Boilten Damon01!tise Coiemado River. Tise iiphwdam! w'llsuppiylthic alecý- tnMion nry for n bugealuhMiumï- retinery-Cianadassecond largeat -eat Arvidei,jntofetLtie Slipý- sha-w andi Snguenny Ribrs, anUS.Transperted Soense! fthe ý'jeta iiet crncalltfor l ir jýhlctopy wr tlowala t thaShipisn ite. anifour irehul.heblîsç, *Lu partculs, arauarh~dquite eans- liy, iniig leatetdiijut e s ln cain atibales et,'hny pq'ehati l arenti teuste kap hessifrous A mtobat 0 et og at pounts; tsteatracea aerpillar pressrs, ieselengla, anlec- triepat, ýati n Loinpt Cstau an nd butase OthPr items nue(ti- et on ecaob w49erae e.i lai cccmrdîg1te dadant signeti te tise tcî anail bouneitiltes M"ts e ma chl-se t cous-w pan can accmmdtti n the. levlons lborrsflyug tisaeu friands' ii e Mnrn trsa -unrtgaunlas is accou ofîlda mati by he a n e y skdi- Lant contos-s wes-e cisaQeuao- buatrts e usoa a- atir on dverson rutaswaj- ca>'irn ats e ppe linrue iiic- TUIE WAR -WEEK -Cmnntr nCurrenet Events Romme-1's Retrea-ýting Armies Travel Northward O v e r Historie Roads Fielti arshalErwin ommel te- traai ortbh!ast-,weel< tbrougb- Tunisiaeaus te NewzYrk Times. Ret-weea Gabes aad izierte theý g'narlefd tn1ks a'nid dome-shapeti felliaga ojfË16,000J000 ol iveLtr eesI doninýatCe e1ad, re hib i forces nmoreti. Froim tha e utb te ha BCritlsh Eighth Arrny;witf itsU d'eadlytrain etf3,000 gus, prasset closer. In the bjuIs tothea west Amferican and Frenvh troops vork- ed thair way tbrough bis ine fills to threatan bis tlank. His nortara strongheld was uner at- tacli by the Britisli Firat Armuy, OverbueatiAercn aieainl bibasalong whioih his dcear- utytanks andti trcks pudei swept eut te bast bis base At:Cag- anandi Messina across theMei tarranean iin Sardhila anti cly The oabjPýev ,et'he Allietiï armies was ýcrystal dent. Tbay proposed te destrey bis army and divhm acro.as the sea, back Inte ýAdoHtler's Fertess Eur- ope. To do that mwoud be te win -oe ef thegeta ga l he global strategy of the Unita'd Na.- tiens. L vt wold Permit aunching dirIves, into Sou)1theru uoe threu1gb 1France, or hta Cu, or ise Ba9îkans, wihot fear tbat a Ger- man frce miight mne the Africnbamssoefte attacking armiaÏs. -Anud It wouhd ,open ,the, MV.eàditer,ýraeante Alieti shipping, which nw ust trarel the long, 14$0O0-mîe route a-ouud Affua Vte rancfh îthe Midl1dle East aîiud idu, The arhl'7ask The m narshalj's job wa s testo tbe Alt'ils sor)e tes ims. Lt was aa galliug, thanikiese tas, ta difrn rom the glorieus des- tiny ithat see erserrati fo, hlm aine îontbs -a-go when bis Afrika Korpsthrutotetbe gateîs etf gptandtitbe laurels o Aexn drthe Geatwara ,almoastwt- la bis grasp.lHe werked lard a bisudrtigeautteer statga t lisomaui,,luor- dat e carry i et.Li t 11 tret toenti tTuni a-cne eat et the no oste noter iasai o sulwi i a l itte1 nestun 400 Mesdthrugh tid,'111%swest L. a Motgmry, tureat bh cent Tes daeusnes and focti hlm t frem ail artse heEpre is AtUret sthkMareti Lina Dep- Ponear rana tat Sameret tise ferwad inoe w_eat r of lr al Thh etlae santdessacadn tb-Onal wa helay. ý1 Srenarde FrC f oife rik Meas i L ra pant, ,3r omhed t caveire, cetluao roops lien'la i snt tbreugis atbe sadscr ýis I ant anti bero et tha traiWeit 4ar merut i nzrsiissn ete lan.-Ta bton te laea tsb, the i back te ion lzn sun, threAing a -iev me pacreet, eate, rai b soemn reps , ,ilgino h adi dmrw att ceuseoetMarsal Rm snel' atregth ad tliis contribujtet te thu Bruicli ictory. Over Historie Roads Untielr iJis combinat(i atcilha Ger-mans 'brolea ati au.Fs us hat mmentIýýt becýama ne cesiaery for the ïzomaalteretreat. Tha were bistore Theyhati known tis treaiJoù 1Lenibals eahatthe sot butFling ef St. Augustine',s anaeand th- lieefbents 0f Ro'ger' tha Norans rmereti hersa. 'They ledi Hrough aCeutrst 1 ow ati tîn, cridor varyliag in widitb frem tweaty-f ive te fif ty miles htwe dite 1011sisnlath wýesait(nd he sea ilu the east- Aleaig it wera ise towas et Cabas, Stax, Sousse, ht hlad beau thse strenglis et Catage, colonial ceitars et tha Roman andtiirkisis Empirs. aaoetthe soSnx, ael tremblet uMer the tiraoet mdemrr wnrshps wInItbeFrciFet brouglit FrenuLi colonialode andi naeenls century ciriliio At sis.al Rommel Nwould tad nt tise Alieti commanrs NMILi of Gabe!)s bis rearguard -s)owýeCt signaý et ediug oce, teamorei far- tsr bckwlere aga L it apeareti raafy For iattle. Massy observera tboughltCte marsisai weuld wmr ail thawy as slowy as posibl, thae ui iet rgo hr i weuIdti ty ite bolti. The Allies ývwid giva hlmane respite thara. Lstweek ihe posi- nubas te aifar'oridhe Am- ta.Their tlanks were guardeti by te MdîtrraeanSea, just as fhaks ar prteced by tise Sentis China Sea MAnt rtseBey et Mtatua. A.1 Wnrougis, boknina actoDse usucet tis-'e Nazi otir strogili,but the hilîs ftai-l te TuiisChief Citie-.s ware Tuniia's twochie! ites sea h a cisaîîuel runnIjng isui tMeCty, centalus a naval basa secondoniy t »Teulanemng Frncsw MedItaranean bases. Tuis ear th--e sie e anieÈ CrngsTsa's caitUal. Un- die tI nttemptIng te storus the City. retrentt11hs sida 0f Erope on MaaslRemel. Ai there wre nep siu at week Otisbcle lbtnd- e t te her fifoSregtrces, estimateti at 200,000 mcli a nti 1- 300 airplanes are at bscumni Frein Italy lie was presunmbly teceiving rifocusus esimateti at trous 500Ite 1,9000 ma a ay anti trous 75 te 125 tankýs ôa so)tli. Tliay cresseti the 'Sicil'ian Strait-,, favos îe huuting grouni LeM' AlItId Massanshmîtt SM3, Msixaugnet planes believei capable et carry lug 250 sldicrs, anti See fer- diffiuit te torpeo.nLutis a bck- greýunti was the eihati iai Fletno iprapa undan tise cous- amas g fre its AdrjIiie baeste tasilRuminai, litscaminan.c- den, pianeti a stR if Meatha btoe rehînuishig the Axis Tunisin cawa pssilylong sigebaore tpeaulauntlwy enutmplatet idhi nonthaudeousne positions. That siea mgIýt ha cstýlu ivstiey warncd. But iLou botis the lit antiGrmnsidas thee wýý erea '0nes e alet tha-t tiseaniwas 1utivslypress ing the laber e etbidnc riiaions a-long (,uýtisei cho1 ies )ue otauErp.l lu -i lins euto1! rans t bia mît bacome attl oe ats e~ cu of u itiinvsin.L efide, eeiwigtig celir a havabeauplaniglni minas isien cease.cTvieyPlanenot ha dugsýc hlm as el as xisu anksant gus t deay ur ttpkig l- unsuse lispoeI mrE usefui on a)te stnicte t fottanwtisa li ie . Ouni f-ont nc 0a linte uo isaefetiv, imply bhecause r rre Is teemuisgrud e avr tous tmnes ïtecniectalie18, 0h0 square m c«iet0anit_ýeryilut lu Afnica the o Int1icmmdlis balp cd Re1 iusase-.eIeccpe bispus-se rietran ren gyi adgiu langtba but rary hitt c, wiiuthel Fchiomnethe aielfeorond i av lo taisin pesa waUcs a potent min fiati bics hear tusansfad p-entyde àrein ow aon emml ma d i Teiniu hslýiy, 1tegs e l-a pttite oha ma-aufcur ing via-tr- dnstpas su cosderable quais-1 ytih fem seriaLns dsippeti acres line rait ledtoSicil. Oathoig, inle plîan.c etsebnhsI RE'LRFEL-LERS'--Poppa's a Wis3e Guy. 0F I E DUMB CLUCK A Whitc Leglioruplltnae Vitm 'va ws entes-ad i;ran egg- ILayiug ceuteat il, Pascale, Naýw Jese, Jby(lier NoC1traniswnr Sie lit g a day for '140 days anti rau up a State record. Frous latesi reporcts cia lad et- tes-ad ne cemîssent abou t time and n hait for production oves-tisai mateie n a fort-liourwek LITTLE SERVICES .By ecarryiug lier sopn oe tha, Britisfi iuaeifelis iselpedi te cave 10P,0000 gallons et gasolie a yen, aswel"l as n good (1-1 et mupoer.La act, this wrwill be won by île accumula- tîi ofe "fitila servicýes" which are contrIbuteti by il the people whso meeup 1ticntin -CialsusNews HARD TO) ANSWER Wh iehtin win-hol ivil Mie canuuna afuruace or operate sw-iws a va nve1 ditticuhty in aservîcin.g nircrnft or rnâig compuicttiMachwey L21IFE'S LIKE THAT Honor To "NJ'umrber 10;" LM 'shav ees nonsensefrom the hrds of ivùe, Wàe laud, we lýove lo ui the nonisense - ne.ý ln 1940. phen we bore the brunt Wve couid have done, beyOýs, with u Second Front A Cotinnt entdown "),cataract, Bu wRs,,îja id -net thinil- it right to act. Not ready? No. And who shaU eaU her wrong? Far bettr not to strik tiM you are strong,-. B>etter perhaxps, but this was flot our fae,. TCo make- new treaties with- the mnan you hate. Alas, these "sly mnevrshdte end> ,Whear litier leapf upon his lretfrienti. (And if he had lot, 1 wonder, by the way, If Rsi wouidbe in the war to-day?) Bt whorinshed out te id the giant ithen, A. giant rich ln corn, and ou, and ni Long, long prepared, anld haviag, sýo they sy Th1-e mst eýnlightenied ruler of the djay, This tiny Islanid, antÀiuated, tireti, Effete, capitalit and uninspired; This ti sland, w ounded iithewar Through takig tyrants on Mwo"arn before This tiniy IsIe o)f imuddles zan-d niistakes, H!aving à front con ever-y waveý thatbras We àmight have ,said. "Our sý,hip.ping's on the sbatrtc, You shah hîave ail the tank tht yen, can eth. But this ;S net the way We fih tiswae; Weýî- give the taksadtakc, them ite tLhe door. Hon1or the Krein, u.boys, býut, now ,and Lthen, Admitsone sias ý,of grace ats No. 10. -Ad""e"etl unh MORE ERSATZ Deg hait is being useti for kai~. ting la Germany. Makissg ~fleas-. hlaed" garments h -Peterborough Exarîsiner By Fe ee "I feel guîlîy layin' here whea 1 think coL my el' man ont tugs f rom hanse teIo ne ryin' ta iehi bm.ushes for a livin' 1" By GEN E BYRNES w,ýhcn they beeome war wo7rýkrra? -Brtockvllle Recýorder and Tse COMPLICAýTEDOUL K woul hapen e awar went on se lon tht tereweremoepin- 0crýs on ýcdi ide than there were p Ape oguard them anti do he fighting. ESSENTIALS You re ot flyinIto a totai war natil you frget al aou prcsand %worry oniy o ver %wheý ther there is enough tuenet and a place te seep-.alive. -odnFree Presa SPRING FEVER word hichcoves sncbthînga aaýý plain laziness, idifee c te t war,. and aý profouind diaste f oý -Renfrew Mercury 'THE TIMJE COMES Dr zor n%-war, theicm t a i e s notitstndng er a uwomam as Ï0te ave 'another ht V;0 TO REDUCE reducng sstemis deSLribeý in -Git Repte Stili No Fosuf Sent ToBElgiuni, The Briish Govermcent his a formeti Hubert Piuetprmier t jtte ited States ansi Gi en request teWodtSe freigbterlar-ý ita tOfcryacro tpwe