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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Apr 1943, p. 6

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[S REPS! Orly 3 of Unitedi Nationis B;ettlirn Alil of Axis Thi swYstolaineddhforthose jersans ualet emmerwi la' rîghtinlg womlais war, lu- luoiig 21 powers grouped naderý Îhe bn or f 7iet' nited aton jeally lam e anynnefor beinïg )jaffle-d' , aI ý,even gvrmn f irom timje taimeta recfrlithei xnemory. ni' lard ta beleat mfîratbut a hec'k of"thereords showsta emb Mtme United Natin, fAe Britia l Empir, Ch iad eco 1fhe whloeaxstbeemuy Itay, JaanPiland, ngay Rtm1ania, BulgaiudSiam. T1lrougle heresýt of îthe lahr norne ofw' 01i',11 eau ha e éxplainïed byla ofeatmedpoai satiuls n eau S.dcae a n i xsp that Finland, w1lidh neyer failed Io psy Jti ieeaon jler wr How Russia Stands Rusas ayi indtauns relan Aad flic Soviet Union aïl"'so la t peace wll, ýith ulari, widhprid- cjastera front. it wold h e dfi etuit fOL or fýiBlgariaInPaimet 'wid its ila a biliding fceby ceg tilbMeaio f Ditsmunry thy tic ussians la 1878,to de- big colonial pawers, have dcclared %van oaly on flic tîreea mjor ai pan, wiilItrcatea 11c over -implortani,ýo nt rlate cniitud Only oae ',FjInnihciieaume le ~ M m wwoonhs tyu t e awa 't sarefine or arrin wadlke eelarains taoi, ree Tugsiaiatoo, la at pence wifh taly anud Poland Ther la tilia lPouahbrep)re- tetaure n Ramle, as Msoii wuth fec Vai eauai Wu ebOw, q5leit coan edcarg war ou te IMlons of iPoisCatholies suf- ferîag nnds' e-mGran persecution. The Pales, iowcver, declaned swa. en Japap as woel as ieing enemies- Othn cuatiesait arwith îleiý tbre hCg axis gatios areletp- Panma nd alvdo. 11lauadition, MEalt ad Nicaraga also 10k oný RuMmania, Hugary and Bulgni, su osaRca clashcd as well viti lingay sd Rma3a.1(un calSaudi Arabia. .C-1 fe, ihc as no dpoai entaie tcgrip af le a 'xisfgl- In orfeedom, EuropeSuf fers LivetockLos;ses euctrisesa a resuit o! laci r 3,00,00hanses, 12000000pig li,000,000sie ep, Ma1ny ,ýraio cefanls wo gen habt f lisjeningin drin t twerl Cut oT'lock and 11;ï nigh eau network, to a gro tetnt lvdiscoinedanecen usei cting cormaylissueen ti g on qite n etens ive ries _ dr ot c ly, hle tie> Coluni- sented numberof prormmes of y'iplonel mLusid, ( Why Ic unboucs ofthe en oenderesenta listnerswliolatL hve ieenc Ian" musi n thair, n% e n i thelate Jeenin, bt ot f i elt f e day, That may hou been party fesn J yI mrgain weevc heinutICy typeof Oa castiag seedpoep.i of the ramorinJeis or a reiït- 0O5'RB 8Y6 kC(lt,740k-: CRCL 80k, Rf 100k WABC <C1 dm.),580k RTE B iREX FROST IcI, Tuesda vevenliinga13s o1 ouare alsýo bemig ordially rel"- eeived, "RAC.A.F.Tour Avor Talt" Sud jiis fl iclae a! abrand new pregramme whicî will ý-O mou de MWirfor tc fout Wtim, udy evening 8.30 ta sia'cock aer CFRB, Tarane, Fr!coie On on itý will beli aregulair Sunldayesc nling fau.It taLesic foraLi o! aglorified amateu shw, wt cl eIM knaxvnhan Seoeiaass - theR..AF.or a m )fie o is- aIle (ý,prizes wiharc aýwardeud ta tIlise r sa gsueo! w servie, evrytug is donated sevcs.Tpriesare donlatedl er.iginiaf e tram Ile .AF Mn niiug Pl in Tonontio, but île airs etail kinds xvPi le bronght %%roeAir Farce laL renow, lacated.TIc lads in bIne are gan ebe given a chance tan sho tht lefwen srthsof trainin as fîliten ýpilafs, bacc- badesanidairgunne a hey en sIl fi ime t stge an,] enter- ti itnaio saw The Alidi-iiFa i ard over C.B.C.'sNtonlnetxverk',TIers- day evening at 8.30, bas liccome euecf l rural Canada's nîiost papu- lian piegnramile's, TlIc AdriPa- mily aspart of !)fe idrfalfiiy o!radio listçer-ls clerte ts fitth anniversarytis vek.T Adihlave imade radio Ihistaryý sic'e RuyValîce frsi tdid an Afilcdi ahi ou llis ,variety shlow. 1,11M yau niecaîl fIe faxil.y gra- d ated as a umue substitýute- for .iack )Bcnny, Not anuc o! tIc or igna atos owever i,-- now lu tlic caste. Thc original Heny l now pîaying a dual noile .. 7,a Saldier wcaninlg fie uiou i Un.7cle Sam'ls forces, audnaa s a lead lu thre slow "T'his is flice Array" an .sd the olei oigina actos hvebraucled Out fan suod M-ide sHROPtT WÂVU rOSA R Sgldi i'70m GSG EPng 1a.~15.7 7M WRLtF5Brazil 95.15M Service Over ,20,00 prsoýns includ- in~' nw Ihes f the rmedserviceas shipt of the ses Transport Ser- vice, or sisotherw\is con)ltrolled TFsis nmberà isamot Aou ried in ordinaypasnger lip 'non- 1.ui)Copea counrie fbfre thc war. SUNDA Y SCHOOL April25 THE RISEN LORD (EASTER SUNDAY.--Joiin 20: 1-17 GOLDEN TEXT-Ht is rieen. Mark 16C6, Memor erse:Thn rt nigli, OJoeovali. PsaM 119:151. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Place We o not know exat- tionoforodtokpaebu we dounw hthec sbuin the roc tomb of ç)ý'Jos(elofAii- J e r u a l e , w i c h u n d o l t e d ; meas nrthof he ityand Ineal The Tom 1s Emnpty. -"Nü,> on the firs day of the week cmet Mry Magdalene- early, sviit ws et drut the tomb 1andseet th"iestn taken axvay from the torah. Sli runneth therefore, and cometh to Sirnon Peter id o theu othetr dis- ciple womJesus IJoved, andsat uinto thera, t leyhve -taken nway theý Lord 0out of the -to)ra, ad lcnow neot wiere they have lai, llimý" MryMagdaliene atral t in hat the J Ss lotstisfîed away biis body. Mary'*, Report Cotafirmed "Peter hreoewent forth,5 sudth oterdisipe, udth-ey wçent tovar fe tomb.") And theyý, ran bouith togthe and the othce isý-ciple Ioutran Pçlee r and 1ýcam first t1"tp etollb and zstoopitlg, and lookig in, he eeth thelie clothl yinji,; ye i-tctred hle nitýÈ in. Simonl Peter hrfoeas eethlçIj, floin i anlde- lfted mt(ýi» the ton1b; aend le lie- holdeth thýe liencltîslin" Theben anslocy jusýt as he had bee wl(nd about thlelis Rud the ody, nly the body was aui lo3ner l tena. BoËhtheïl~r preenc i 0lte-ir undisturbed' conditon spoke iwolmes. je=u wasrisen romthe dead,ý "And the napmin that pas tpon lis head, not lyingttlien clotîs, but rolled up in a place by itseif." If both the headcloth and the band.a haud been -folded up, neither would indicate theo miracle of the resurrection. Then Peter sud john woldconclude enly that friendly hnua ia had unclotled the dead body for some stra-nge reason and had taken it 'awiay. Mary'., Sorrew "But Mat-,ry as tadngwi out at the toa wein:s, as she wept, she stooped and loked iute the tob," Onthat Easter: nl-orning ?ý eter and Jonwen toc tig omeus and onla twoa hnee by the grave. Mary simly ýreplied 'lI annotgo.'S'he usIîngeýr and Ni tih1No one donlis thealoe J 'Paete nd John for Jesus,ý but teei not a dfis- ciple who c ýan mthtelove of Mary.ý Mary a"d the Agl "Ind she heioldeli , oane in white sittiig, Onu at0,,chened, and one zat the fe'et, vlrethe body of Jesus lad lan. And tley sayunto hl ieron, why weep- est thon? She saitli utc thera, Becaue tliy hae taken away they have laid him." That 01W of tie anges as At the lead andi the other at tde Cet where the body of Jesus iad laon is ta lie regarded aS expressive OF the fact that thew body was wolly under tde gaurdiansp o oevn. Mary Knew 'Not JeSUS "Wvhen she ladtISS aïid, she turned herseif liack, and behold etlhU Jsusstnding, and knew not thtit vs eus Noxv it i bethat urLor xas retl withhlm n th Emmus oad didt net know hlin (Luke 24:16) but we m1ust not pac t l ucleb - poasisupon the faiue of the dis- cilsa im1es ta ecgnzetheir, Lod ait ottrue, evn i tc das efor, e Hsreuretonwe Ile fake o tefisciples onte have recognized that it was the, Loýrd, but touli t xva ls Spiit. Mry May have failed ta recpoize Li ecause lCr eyes were filed witliears. SheIs simîplY awaýre of avnIan beindi lie1an is too mucliprocie Mary Recognizes Jes;ua "ýJesuS >saith unto h ec, oma estthu" TeqetoWy thon?'- "She, spo i ira to be the grersaitli unto lraSir-, if thon hlast 1 bora )ýhi1ýlra hence, ttel me t xveethou hs adhile, and 1 wil ake ihiim away. JesuSs saith un1to lier, Mýary. She turnied her- sel, .and saith uLnto him inl-,ie- thee ould lie more of th-e oLd tenderneti(-s of Jesuis in the pro- L U. S, GOVERNMENT CONCILIATOR r S. concilia- 17 Bideý, 29 GowmdèTi. 24 couafain 26 Fé ueCte 35 eight int (abbr) SION',) A EAýD S s y rý E D D Pýl ýP 01P EN PÉNIE PÉ, _j47I Boue Valley 51 Cloi xeau ,5FSon 19 rai~ 63Proceed, VERTI 2~nto. 3 Guîded 4 Ginl's i clame, 5 lut enfle 6 Mister .7 ~,ççava $ Forena <abbr,> 9 No~ auj l0Deiecte Il Exist. 15 Mysel!. 16 He la c unan ai - B ET E0rvey 22l R k1 4Od H I 2Res Lil T 6 H 8Negatreo~I E L 39inmbl> (aLýr* 5 t2 f (abt.) de. 56NCgri oni 54 Bofo ~e 5 56 Eecri ifi ed the Tefar-N eeue62 Symbol forç,- OUR RADIO LOG CRACMonteal 1 0k ,CC Wtlo1490kh nXC i Otowi 1 1k , ýrB imgnis 170 CKLW Win', 1800 1., TATPCOS WEB Bffloà 1340k WEAMVK ch er110 JTw neniaRIO 75O0k KDxArutteburg5'2102k W31 lDetrOît 76Uk people, wen tIa urlation iJs cn c-L'eie of ini its moa-ttedror, iz. tha:t 'liÎaletli is own shý!eep by name.' WMarenout ta imagne that it is only the sound o h voice that jis noxxrconze i Mar , iýy , By the ni-ame, liy that ue in widh the nmeisuteed wlole flood ofrecleto i, bru li p. Alnedepsad mot olerniimpressions th'at la benproduced upon li1 er jy le formier necv rewt eu i notmrely whlat wvas 1moaFt bhmanI bu viat wa most divin lu Hu, Christ' Chosen Agent "Jsssaitl uto i, Tulm not; for 3 i am net tacn unlto the Father: biut go unto n brtrnand a ay- untol'eLi ascendunto My ather and pOurý Fatherand My God and yeu God" MryMagdadlne was no't one Of the aposties, neither did 'le. far. as wp no and as n asli teutorao h eýarly hurclý xvo)Uld sÏeem ta Inj imp)y13bCo e gIrea1,t preaU tcler(o'hrn" ,i of ' h gospel, but she was used by iht Lor 0tobring thefirstmeae o-f lis res urrection tro the is-. mny a godfly eawhi great mu-ltitudes wtipwru preachIing, lias be nheb teciglier ow diiden o teach'ing aSudySoo lst li the diinely closen agent tirough lom Clirtst lia-s imlan- ed in the keart o(,o; e o , wl, will becomie a mgt rahr týhe Word a kn abiingcnito t!-.(Lrory of' t'ne rsenLod -1

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